
Technology Criticism Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"I actually despise AI. I think it should burn."
"I want to go back to a time where we talk to each other and I have to go to your house to see you."
"The biggest problem in Silicon Valley and in the entire technological revolution that we are seeing is that the technology and the engineering is incredible, and the philosophy is sometimes very childish."
"I'm against PowerPoint, which I regard as kind of a tool of Satan."
"It's almost like stealing people's data and giving it to a hyper-intelligent AI as part of an unregulated tech monopoly was a bad thing."
"The internet's kind of like Tolkien's the one ring, right? It's just this magnifier... it can magnify for the hobbits it magnifies their sort of, uh, diminutive sneakiness and they can become invisible, but for Sauron it magnifies his cruelty and his might."
"Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world."
"The notion that we should just engage with a digital future where ownership doesn't exist is plain and simply absurd."
"Your phones are emitting blue light, so you need to shut the [expletive] up. We're all dying one day, okay, get over it."
"I always hate to say Quantum Computing is overhyped because it genuinely is groundbreaking technology with revolutionary uses, but at the same time it’s a topic cluttered with bad and superficial explanations."
"TikTok is a data collection service thinly veiled as a social network."
"They're openly talking about having people eat bugs, living in pods, promoting the metaverse... It's all out there in their own documents."
"It really does become an entirely different species... this is the problem."
"Freedom Phone could actually be very, very good, very, very important and why the establishment is probably coming after you so hard."
"The overabundance of information is not necessarily a blessing. It's also a curse."
"Google Marxism just repeats Karl Marx's error with the new technology."
"We make mistakes. What I don't like the idea of is because Howard Webb's come out and apologized, all of a sudden that should signal the end of VAR."
"The metaverse sounds like a horrific dystopian hellscape of late-stage capitalism, and I hope it fails."
"Centralization is what's killing the internet and is turning it into TV."
"These are literally the kinds of events that just slow down the adoption of autopilot because people are idiots."
"Fundamentally, we have to break ourselves out of this habit of Technol fundamentalism trying to come up with a technological solution to make up for the damage done by the previous technology."
"A couple hundred thousand years ago our ancestors are out here fighting wooly mammoths and saber-toothed tigers... and now we have people crying over pixels."
"Especially as like smartphones have like the news app and instagram and stuff like that and twitter and obviously newspapers are trash."
"Basic navigation and relying on your landscape is far better than anything else out there because GPS is we tend to not really know where we're at until we get there."
"Again, just based on what we saw with that crappy other side metaverse."
"The very idea of AGI is dubiously coherent. Deal with the problems that are here right now—they're bad enough."
"I've been a real critic of NFTs, okay? I've talked a lot about why I don't believe in investing in digital JPEGs."
"Dreamcast guy was right, we owe him an apology and Austin Evans was wrong."
"It's just so thoroughly frustrating and insulting when people who know very little about what we do watch an up-and-coming technology and have the audacity to call us all criminals."
"The blockchain technology is actually really cool. It's just what humans are using it for is really dumb."
"Elon Musk thinks that the largest, most advanced particle accelerator is demonic and evil technology."
"We're missing the basics in reviewing and comparing these gadgets."
"No expandable memory on phones that cost over a thousand bucks? They need to have expandable memory or at least one terabyte of storage."
"DRM exploit is not designed to stop piracy, it's designed to slow it down." - TotalBiscuit
"They know for sure that sin exists because of our vanity; they know for sure that advanced technology that they refer to as machina is what angered the gods and brought destruction upon them."
"Clippy was universally hated and deemed way too distracting."
"This isn't comforting; this is an Orwellian system teaching children how to live without human contact."
"Intel's 11th gen is looking like one of the worst CPU launches that we've seen for some time."
"Resumes are a terrible way to find top talent, this AI face scanning isn't any better."
"The only working application of blockchain technology is bitcoin."
"2fa is a scam. 2fa is not made to benefit you. 2fa is made to benefit Big Tech."
"The iPhone 15 isn't revolutionary or legendary, it's just really nothing."
"Oh, but you haven't even heard the best feature about this controller: it will have a wallet button. If that is emblematic of the entire metaverse, NFT, blockchain landscape, there's a button dedicated to transactions."
"The screen is the distraction you're trying to prevent people from being distracted by."
"I'm deleting TikTok off my phone for sure, it's tracking your algorithm too crazy."
"Artists crying about people consuming AI products don't matter if the product is good and people want it."
"Nobody wants to hear it, but it's damn true. Nerf air fryers, they're OP."
"Technology's a tool, it's the business models that always seem to screw things up."
"Please at least leave us alone in our living rooms. Let me have my toaster and my TV and my steel belted radios and I won't say anything."
"Nvidia wins for the worst trend of pointless product segmentation."
"No Quad HD display, no expandable memory, no Wireless charge, and no headphone jack. That's just whack."
"Maybe the way to fix shitty modern technology is by becoming more patient and understanding users."
"The iPhone 10r is for people who don't know anything about screens."
"Ripping off the Twitter database, demonetizing it, removing ads, and then selling our data to others isn't a winning solution."
"Everything they announced seems super plausible and this feels just kind of out there. This is the easiest way to say it long."
"I can't see renewable energy, in other words, no, the earth is about to win us, the plan instead to plug in the socket, we'd be spending the fans instead, that nuclear love reactors."
"Let's fight against this system, this operating system."
"Apple needs to clean up iOS 7 and if no other quote-unquote reviewer would say that or be so bold because they want to stay in Apple's good graces, well and I'm gonna be as so bold as to say it's buggy and they need to clean it up."
"Artificial intelligence has effectively weaponized us against each other."
"This might be the thing that actually makes me stop using Firefox finally after all the crap they've done." - Nathan
"Samsung, time to catch up! 25 watt fast charging in 2021 on a 1200 phone is trash."
"Nothing will ever beat playing a game using actual bloody buttons."
"The next target was trees. Tree models from photogrammetry look ridiculous."
"People make a mistake when they generalize from the great success of technology... to say well this is how nature itself is."
"The people that are threatened most by incumbent technologies are the ones that are going to be the biggest critics."
"Google is probably the worst offender with regard to censorship."
"Why do we need NFTs if all we're doing is playing through a storyline?"
"Zoom may or may not have known that the Facebook log in SDK software development kit, so the software library that allows that to work, apparently says it sends a bunch of private information back to Facebook."
"The merging of human with machine dehumanizes and calcifies the etheric body, hindering spiritual evolution."
"This is about keeping the foundation's other projects, which include so much of this techno-fascist world they're trying to implement."
"Ecosystem and this whole faux digital reality is taking precedence over people's real reality..."
"Social media isn't real. The technology isn't real. The mainstream media isn't real."
"Introducing palm scanning devices is a slap in the face to fans and artists." - Article on Amazon's palm scanning concert tech
"By adding even more bulk to an already outdated and bulky looking headset, obviously Facebooking Facebook, their core focus is going to be on the social aspect of VR."
"If your game doesn't have ray tracing, just stop."
"A flagship Smartwatch that doesn't have a 3 plus day battery life is unacceptable looking at you Apple."
"Chat GPT specifically is a little bit worse than people make it out to be."
"Programmers hate this chat bot literally you can use that as a title for the video right now."
"I just want my refrigerator to be a refrigerator, I want my bathroom mirror to be a bathroom mirror, I don't need for it to be a smart and internet connected device."
"Throw away the microwaves, they're very, very deadly and dangerous."
"The algorithm is not biased against blacks. Reality is biased against blacks."
"We're not worshiping the image of the beast, which is some kind of fake human body possibly as well which is what we're doing right now."
"Apple is not only failing to lead in terms of design trends, they're becoming a follower."
"To clarify, I do not hate the iPhone and smartphone cameras being good... but there is no one you can sit there and tell me that the iPhone is a better camera in most use cases for a professional situation."
"15-watt charging? That ain't enough. That's whack."
"HomePod is not very good and I laughed when I went back and watched my original review because almost all of my criticisms in that video which is now years old are still valid."
"The problem isn't blockchain, the problem isn't crypto or virtual reality, the problem is the centralized management and control of all those systems."
"These electric cars... rolling cancer-causing vehicles." - Alex Jones
"If the same thing had happened with Intel, people would be shrieking about it, and now that it's happening with AMD, it's like, 'Oh, that's pretty cool.'"
"As I said at the beginning, it makes you stupid and boring if you use the cell phone all the time."
"If he really cared about people's safety he would actually focus on the real things that need to be improved with full self-driving which there are many."
"I get stuck on it, dude. They're sucking us in. The Matrix, dude, it's crazy."
"Cybernetic totalism is the subjugation of human society to forces believing in emerging evolution."
"RGB is silly and pointless, especially with added security risks."
"These unregulated tech giants have become too big to care and too powerful to even put people over profits." - Melina Weiskap, NTD News
"Don't blame the technology, blame what people did with it."
"It's very low-fi, it's very cheap, it's very anti-technology, and I think that's one of the beautiful things about it."
"I want my power limits to be reached with regular integer code, not with some AVX-512 power virus that takes away top frequency." - Linus Torvalds
"So when people go out and say that's not mechanical it just feels like keyboard racism really which sounds bizarre but honestly that's more or less exactly what it is."
"YouTube is suppressing people's content, YouTube is suppressing people's monetization for things without telling them, and it's all in the code."
"Apple and planned obsolescence: the truth behind iPhone slowdowns."
"I think most of these services we use are worse than you think, and I want people to do something about it."
"The algorithms don't like it when we take a break."
"The combination of Microsoft's gaming business with Activision's business will be pro-competitive."
"Worldcoin with its Oculus Iris scanner is really idiotic."
"I want to be somebody that really addresses the real problems with some of these cryptocurrencies not to solve them from a tech side of things but to understand them."
"Perhaps you’re just tired of trading your privacy for the privilege of using the latest mac or microsoft product, and would prefer a system that doesn’t send off data to a parent company about your every move."
"Please bring back real helmets, please stop using nanotech."
"It's just crazy how bad Skype was."
"We like to manipulate things with our hands, much more natural than being hunched over with this superficial kind of recent invention of a keyboard."
"The world should not use crappy crypto."