
Refereeing Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"You're playing 12 men: the best team in the world and you're playing 12 men."
"If you're watching a football game or something like basketball, there's referees...would the games be better or worse without a referee? They'd be worse."
"The referee shouldn't be a prop. The referee should be consistent."
"The most terrifying thing is realizing that actually I'm no longer refereeing a contest between two sides."
"That should have been a DQ referee allowing a little bit of leniency."
"You're gonna have to come to me and you're gonna flop, and then I'm gonna step away and the referee's going to say, 'Hey, you got to take down, you can't be timid.'"
"We're not playing well and we don't exactly deserve to be leading but we should have had two penalties in my opinion."
"The assistant referee got it right, so I'm checking it."
"Never a penalty, never in a million years. If I was here today, I'd be diving like a fish in the second half because that's a joke, absolute joke. The second one today, the second one of the tournament, ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous."
"I'm sick and tired of people p, started to notice against the that's a foul a foul ref."
"Mike Dean is corrupt. Mike Dean's in charge of the AR. That's shocking, that is actually shocking. Unbelievable, Mike Dean, man, unbelievable."
"Thank god for that, get off the pitch. Mike Dean, though, you call yourself a ref? Mike Dean's in charge of the AR, that's shocking, that is actually shocking."
"Referees should be assessed on their mental behavior as well. It's irrational to ruin a game over ego."
"They're so well protected, these referees. They have to be accountable for these decisions that they're making. You know, they've changed the outcome of the game."
"The referee this evening Jana Adam cover from the Czech Republic."
"Never a penalty, gets the ball brilliant tackle, never a penalty, perfect tackle."
"What if the referee misses a red card? They can always go back and do that after the game."
"This thing of maybe trying to find more angles, look at different ways almost to try and prove your point why it wasn't a penalty, it's a huge mistake."
"This is high-end refereeing in the best-paid league in the world."
"If that's a penalty, fine, but we've got to start giving 10 penalties a game."
"I've seen it in different countries, referees favoring one specific team."
"Controversial calls hurt far more than others."
"It's crazy, the Patriots got screwed by the referees."
"No problem to Peter checking the goal whatsoever."
"Chelsea made some mistakes, but both goals came from disgusting decisions from the officials."
"Football fans let themselves down when it comes to calling out bad refereeing."
"The NFL does not want to have is that the refs blew it again."
"The less you talk about the referees, the tough gig. It's a really tough game."
"The only thing that's going to kill the NFL are zebras."
"Can you imagine? They hadn't bothered to fix it, in which case Leeds would have been given the last-minute penalty, Gabrielle Luiz sent for an early shower, and Arsenal would have dropped two points."
"I thought it was a bad stoppage, Bruce Herb Dean, you know, you're gonna get one her one bad Herb Dean moment on every card."
"The Chiefs are saying, 'Are we going to get this same call in overtime if it happens on the next Drive?'"
"Without question foul given by Smith."
"Diego Maradona's infamous hand of God goal: 'It was a clear case of handball, but the referee didn't see it and the goal stood.'"
"Is Martial now branded a cheat after Mike Dean's red card was reviewed?"
"You asking for the ball and I go to give it to this ref, yes, oh, they got that bad."
"We've had bad refereeing in the Premier League, but we've had some shocking officiating. It's not exclusive to the Premier League."
"The fail Mary might be the single worst call in the history of football."
"When coaches start wanting to fight the refs, it's clear that Houston we have a problem."
"Too many referees would have the bottle to do that in the opening seconds of a World Cup match, but this guy did to produce a red card in the first minute of a World Cup match."
"I'm like the last guy that ever blames the refs on anything but there like six just wretched calls that all went to Clippers way in like in the last 90 seconds of that game it was just how he get fine do you think nurse or UB?"
"Maybe VAR can be used in a different way to give back the control of the game to the referees."
"As a referee, you want to do a 'brilliant' job because it was a bit of brilliance, and you'd been there."
"Referees call the game. You need to make sure that the game is fair,"
"That's my number one, the ref was incredible."
"If the call was correct in my heart, it can't be incorrect on the field."
"We have Replay and other aspects that help us address those issues."
"I'm the first woman in organized basketball licensed to referee men's games."
"Being a ref is actually very difficult."
"I'm just gonna call it down the middle."
"I understand how difficult it can be for a referee to make a clean call either way."
"That's a great decision from the referee."
"That was probably the best refereeing decision of the game."
"It's unbelievable because if you remember, Mike Carey was one of the first ref replay booth people."
"I love this referee. Steve Willis is a show. He is cocky. He is in command. He is fun."
"Throughout all of this, Wayne Barnes has remained the most consistent, reliable whistle in rugby."
"Sometimes the referee makes a bad decision."
"We're here to talk about refereeing, rules, things that are really probably gonna bother you, and we're gonna straighten it all out for you once and for all."
"It's all about what the referee calls, and the ref called it like she saw it."
"In praise of the referee, he had a really good game."
"The referee is the facilitator of the football match; without the referee, there isn't a game."
"You need to love the game to overcome more than anyone because your job as we've said so many times, the better you are as a ref, the less noticed you are."
"Why is anybody want to be a referee? It's just total abuse."