
Societal Attitudes Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Burnout is way overhyped in society right now, and it's causing people to miss out on Big Picture goals that they have for themselves."
"At the end of the day, you're invalidating a man's suicidal thoughts on account that he didn't go through with it."
"Our society hates poor people... our society hates elderly poor disabled people."
"Many people do not want to fix a certain problem; they do not want to have a solution."
"We've developed proper attitudes to the sacredness of life and the sanctity of life."
"Society is uniquely shitty to teenage girls and their interests."
"It's this dismissive attitude of otherwise decent people that just makes it impossible to have an honest discussion."
"I can't stand that [expletive] it's like people invalidating your suffering just because other people are suffering."
"We need to treat it like a medical thing and not like a [expletive] aesthetic."
"We are living in an era of tremendous entitlement, incivility, anger, frustration, and rage."
"Let's not be doomsday merchants even on our worst days."
"She's beautiful and she's awesome and I think she has like a really great life so anyone who hates on a baby is just like weirdly jealous."
"There's been a long history of using mental illness as a catch-all phrase to mean anyone who does anything that we as a society don't like."
"We're addicted to being offended by each other... we woke up this morning here in the greatest country in the world and it still is."
"The reality is that 65 is the new 55 and 55 is the new 45."
"When things are bad, people don't look beyond the bad times."
"Women's concerns need to be taken more seriously instead of simply dismissed."
"Black Culture is trash today, it promotes this contention, this 'I don't give a [ __ ]' attitude."
"People no longer have gratitude for their country, for their family, for their God. It seems like we're in more of an entitlement society than a grateful society."
"It's not a secret that men are scared of powerful women and women that have a sense of agency. Men are scared, and that's how they decide that they don't like you."
"Let's get off this 'hugging and singing Kumbaya' stuff."
"I've never imagined the world could be so robo-phobic."
"That is the mentality that we're dealing with right now, and that is a sick mentality whether you like Kevin Samuels agree with him or not."
"The current chaos-ridden state of humanity is very punk rock. It is very punk rock right now to be kind and compassionate to one another."
"There's not a lot of concern out there, just a lot of complacency."
"That's why I'm having fun, everybody else mad."
"Obesity is a complex issue and cannot simply be resolved by eating less and exercising more."
"The problem isn't the system is rigged against Millennials; the problem is that boomers raised Millennials to be whiny losers who don't go and build things."
"It's amazing the level of anger, the level of disdain for anyone suggesting that perhaps a child of immigrants is successful in the United States is just insane."
"Italians and Europeans in general are much more open-minded than Americans are."
"Black respondents were nearly twice as likely to strongly oppose the death penalty than were whites."
"There's a balance, but people like negativity."
"Rape culture is when societal attitudes that normalize rape become accepted."
"People care about women and minorities, you know. People don't want to oppress women and minorities."
"Spread love cuz it's too much hate in this world."
"Diets are proven to not work, and shaming somebody is not the answer."
"Reshaping the attitude towards people is key."
"The future of the world is going to be pissed off."
"They want instant gratification, they think they're entitled."
"Stop celebrating celebrities, they f***ing suck."
"Success and competence are things to be aspired to, not to be envied or punished."
"It's sad we live in a world where if you spread positivity and love you're met with twice the hate and looked at as weak and uncool."
"Death is neglected as part of life and it's unfortunate for society."
"I think it's extremely important that mental health issues aren't just brushed under the carpet."
"Society is not kind to trans people, and the more out there we are, the crueler they are to us."
"The Zoomers are like 'okay Boomer' and they hate the older generation now."
"We should remove the victim mindset from society."
"This idea that people should not be alive because you don't think they're valuable."
"We have to change the way we think and act towards women."
"The don't give an f attitude about it just like how insane it's gotten, I kind of appreciate that."
"I think it's really... there are some people who... think it's evil... and they're often very angry."
"Depression affects everybody from young to old and we don't deal with it at all. We don't talk about it, we don't get it. It's like there's something wrong with you if you're sad, you're happy, do you want to be happier?"
"Taxes, investing, money - nobody wants to talk about that."
"As is often the case with sexism, contemporary attitudes towards sex aren't great for men either."
"What exactly is wrong with being adopted? Well, um, lack of parents."
"Assuming others are evil is a degraded view of humanity."
"The punitive impulse towards kids of color and urban schools stems from precisely the same kinds of attitudes."
"It doesn't just make people that do jokes about gay people doesn't mean they hate gay people."
"People hate vegans... all of those things are true."
"People with disabilities don't deserve pity."
"The more money someone makes, the more okay it is to not like them."
"Trauma that is not only reinforced by negative social attitudes, but also ironically by the various systems and institutions, the structures designed to protect us."
"I don't think the country's getting more racist, but if everyone had the same frame of mind as you..."
"Why sneer at it? Why seek to bring it down? Why mock it?"
"Living a rather people blamed women but then again we have to understand."
"During the 1970s, mental illnesses were often judged as a character flaw, not as a physical malady or a treatable body chemical imbalance."
"But when it comes to obese people, you feel like they need, you can talk to them anyhow, you can police them anyhow, and it's like, come on, do you like, yeah, this is probably a deep combo though, isn't it?"
"They don't give a [__] about your anxiety. Get over your anxiety."
"Women have it worse, like people hate women, I don't know, if you know they do, they really don't like us."
"Educating people on a contraceptive method that's 95% effective is better than pretending that it just doesn't exist or doesn't work at all."
"I wish people weren't so enamored by negativity."
"So they can say how much they hate autism without having to admit that they hate their child."
"Honestly periods should be such a light topic to talk about."
"I do think people have become more sympathetic to criminals and less sympathetic to the police."
"There's a rampant hypocrisy there because only 20 years ago, many of these people were pouring fire and brimstone on the blue-collar workers for resisting automation."
"Why is that a problem? I don't get it. And yet to this day we see that anything related to Christ is, yeah, it's a sign of contradiction."
"Nobody ever cared about violence in the media that's right."
"Hetero love doesn't exist yet in animation, wait till 2015."
"Let me just push back about this ageism."
"We need to get back to the point where we are no longer a risk averse society and then we recognize that there are some things in life worth taking a chance for."
"...the world we live in right now elicits that response from me if I look at something and it's a guy's life who's, and I'm like [__] him, I don't even care."
"Nowadays, unfortunately, homosexuality is becoming accepted, so when a man comes forward and says he was assaulted, he's not looked at as a victim."
"Life's a [__], they get happy when your ass get rich blowing money cause our bag ain't [__]." - Unapologetic commentary on societal attitudes towards success and wealth.
"The prevailing attitude is if people see a black woman with a white man, the attitude is more of 'Sister, do what you have to do.'"
"we need to bust out of this nimbius rejection as cultures"
"I want her to have a better life, and I want to know that if she ever makes a mistake, society would be forgiving."
"Society's attitude to women is at the heart of it and this has allowed political groups to use it as a tool of intimidation."
"As more people my age die off and are replaced in the population by younger people who are more informed and less biased... then attitudes in the population are going to shift."