
Political Systems Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"I'm pessimistic on this, but I do think you can have political systems that work better or worse inside conditions of polarization."
"The thing about communist countries, they tend to... break off into smaller ones. They have a life cycle."
"There is a widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but also that it is now impossible even to imagine a coherent alternative to it."
"In America, you can change the party, but it's very difficult to change the policy. In contrast, in China, you cannot change the party, but it's much easier to change the policy."
"Liberal democracy...is the best system that any other regime that humanity could come up with so far."
"At the end of the day, it's a system that defies the will of the people, and that trumps any other argument."
"This documentary will investigate and explain this ever-changing system and the impact it has both on a national and international level."
"Liberal representative democracy, if you were in the right place at the right time, it's the best political system that we have ever had."
"Democracy is the worst system, except for all the others."
"Why nations fail... explains the difference between an extractive and an inclusive economy."
"Social democracy, with a regulated capitalism welfare state, is the best society."
"These Nordic countries... they're not socialist countries, what they do have is a very generous welfare state."
"But knowing that it's not I I I would like to look at countries that I don't want to be like and say what do they do and if they do that then maybe we don't do that."
"There are mechanisms that exist to hold elected officials accountable."
"It's a clear-cut example of the difference between a communist state and a capitalist state."
"That's not democracy, it's the opposite, it's totalitarianism."
"The church was never ordained to take over the political system."
"If you understood the political system and you understood the financial system you've equipped yourself with the tools to be unstoppable."
"Our system I think enables more freedom more prosperity than the Russian or Chinese system does."
"If you consider the extreme poor who are living in a country with poor political institutions... they will not be given adequate representation."
"We don't live in a democracy, we live in an oligarchy."
"We have to face that because in our social and political systems that's what's programmed into us."
"Getting what you want isn't democracy, is it? Getting what the majority wants is."
"I would advocate for more of a direct democracy, not a representative democracy."
"Well, we have a party system in Britain and that's how most of these things are measured."
"Thanks to you, we now have a three-party system."
"Dictatorship here doesn't necessarily mean one person making all the decisions... it's a system that excludes those whose economic interests oppose the majority."
"The Iroquois created a system similar to modern democracies and Republics without any influence from Western civilizations."
"I think that's a very different question from whether or not you can set up an electoral process that advantages one party over another."
"In these types of democracies, two parties naturally rise to power and completely dominate the political arena."
"The two party system is working perfectly because we're all at each other's throats."
"Autocrats can take long-term decisions, those of us who live under democracy have generally shorter term thinking."
"It's freedom, it's capitalism, it's democracies that do that, not socialist governments."
"There is no doubt that China and the West promote very different systems of governance and society."
"What is democracy? As a political system, the word democracy originated in ancient Greece and means ruled by the people."
"The elections in America are broken, they are fundamentally broken."
"Why are we a two-party system? We shouldn't be."
"China tries to impose a political system or a vision of the world, whereas United States still does."
"Both are two of the most democratic countries in the world."
"It's a battle between the utility of democracies in the 21st century and autocracies."
"China proved that the right way to run a country is communistic at the top and socialistic at the bottom."
"Educators must recognize school systems as racialized and political."
"First past the post is the absolute enemy of democracy."
"The only democracy in the world today is Switzerland."
"Communism has led to massive starvation because of the inability to distribute supplies."
"Praise God for the founding fathers for coming up with the electoral college system."
"I wonder if it's possible in a democratic country to construct a political system that protects the rights of minorities."
"Checks and balances only function, uh, how do I say this, the existence of any checks and balances at all is something that we should be thankful for."
"We live in a democracy not a banana republic."
"India has the great advantage of a democracy which ultimately I think is the most sustainable political system."
"Communism is probably the most evil governmental system ever. It's worse than any other systematic destruction of honesty, objectivity, truth, the deification of government, and the destruction of humanity."
"Local government in Canada: varying systems across provinces."
"It Ain't Easy to figure out what is going on in a very different culture and in a very different political system."
"Democracy debate is more like do you honestly think that liberal democracy is the absolute best that Humanity can ever come up with."
"It should be the end of constitutional monarchy, and go back to just 'monarchy'. Divine right of kings."
"Minecraft actually skipped all the way up the ladder to party system democracy."
"One Country Two Systems, and that was the dividing line between maintaining western values."
"You can't sustain a democracy in an oligarchy."
"It’s difficult to overstate the significance of the compact—it’s the basis for the entire modern economic and political system of the Marshalls."
"This is a war between two systems: authoritarianism and democracy."
"This wouldn't be happening in many countries around the world because it can't happen if you don't have a democracy."
"Once the people know the truth, there's no political system that can shut us up."
"The two-party system itself is becoming an impediment for the flowering of American democracy."
"I'm just kidding, I'm gonna need you to end this one by setting up a sequel."
"We cannot survive with centralized one-party rule."
"The problem in America is that we don't have enough political parties; we only have two."
"Water management is so entwined with Dutch history and culture that it forms the basis of their political system."
"Winner-take-all voting always results in a two-party dominant system."
"We're watching a system that is so far divorced from the people's will being expressed in the vote."
"Swiss political system: 'perhaps one of the best.'"
"If it ever came down to supporting an individual... I will always pick the system. If I had to throw Trump under the bus love him as I do... I would throw him under the bus so fast if the election system indicates that."
"We are not a democracy. We are a constitutional republic."
"Democracy is great. I think it's the least worst system that has been tried." - "Democracy does have some flaws sometime."
"Democracies only function where there is a free flow of information."
"Democracy: where people participation is fundamental in every respect of governance."
"China may be more effective than two-party democracy in the United States."
"The only democracy in the world where someone can lose the popular vote and yet become president."
"That's not democracy folks, that's the opposite. That's monarchy at work."
"Every check on government power, from the Electoral College to the Bill of Rights, is a restraint on the majority."
"Key to this kind of city life is the rise of political bosses and machine politics."
"Democracy is messy sometimes, but it is our system."
"Multi-party democracy allows voting for something, not just against someone."
"If you want peace, you got to have the right system of government."
"Realistically, we're not actually in a two-party system; we just have fallen into one."
"At the end of the day, we're speaking about a difference in a country which is controlled or serves the interests of private capital in industry as opposed to one which actually puts the people at the center of its development."
"Democracies have a much better chance getting good than autocracies of whatever flavor."
"We will have a president eventually, but we don't have any system for this. We'll figure it out. It's not going to be the end of the republic."
"There's a lot of merit in ending that system."
"There's nothing intrinsic in monarchy which means that it's despotic... much more likely to be guaranteed by a constitutional monarchy."
"The only mechanism we have to do that is democracy."
"I think that like it's so privileged, it's so disconnected for someone here in America or some of these countries where we have the privilege of elections."
"Our system where the government listens to the people before they take to the streets is the better one."
"Politics needs rules, institutions, constitutions that prevent them from being able to control the government."
"Fascism is an authoritarian far-right system of government in which hyperism is the central component."
"While communism collapsed everywhere else, China continues to rule."
"Our democracy in Germany is different from the democracy in America."
"If we lose our right to vote, we lose our constitutional republic."
"They want a referendum on which system is better."
"The West has produced things that work; we've produced the only political system that gives personal liberty to everybody in the society."
"The United States is not a true democracy."
"If you're ever designing a political system and a big part of your political system is like, 'Oh if things go bad, we'll just have like violent bloody revolution,' that's really not a place you want to be because revolution is so dangerous."
"Democracy is not a thing that has a future."
"I think there are much better organizing mechanisms for governments. I think monarchy is probably an improvement. I think democracy is just not real. It always devolves very quickly into a."
"Democracy in ancient Greece not ancient Greek democracy"
"Senator Zono is a great example of this. He's a complicated character and to really understand his motivations we kind of have to not only understand him but the political system that he belongs to."
"You could have your world be governed by an emperor, a dictator, an aristocracy, an oligarchy, a democracy, a republic...the list goes on."
"The two systems that Putin has created inside Russia and the system that Xi Jinping is creating inside China have a lot of similarities."
"we need more checks and balances than ever we we need the Senate to have robust powers like filibusters we need the Electoral College we need something to stop just the Rampage of majority rule because it will lead to the breakup of the Union"
"A significant minority within the unionist loyalist community does feel as if the systems of the state are now weighed against us."
"I can tell a democracy from a totalitarian regime."
"To elect a conservative, it takes around 38,000 votes. To elect a liberal Democrat, it took about 350,000 votes."
"In the direct democracy of Athens, Assembly voters voted on each item debated, rather than platforms bundling several issues."
"It's called the checks and balances, baby."
"Regime, on the other hand, refers to governments or periods of rule."
"We should build good political systems that make people happy and encourage growth and economic stability."
"Federalism in German and federalism in English mean the same thing, a mode of government that combines a central government with regional governments in one political system."
"Democracy requires a functional two-party system."
"Oligarchy, democracy, and the continuing fight for the soul of America."
"They've done an amazing thing in combining communism with capitalism."
"There is a type of democracy, there is a certain type."
"The most important country in terms of GDP is the United States... China, second largest economy in the world, has deprioritized democracy and has state capitalism at its economic approach."
"You need an identity system that is very different from the one in the Communist System. You need one where people can identify themselves in freedom."
"I never felt comfortable with the communist system, but I did feel that a socialist system was better than capitalism."
"For a long time, we've had political systems that have been reasonably good at respecting and protecting individual rights but haven't done a terribly good job of actually being responsive."
"These political systems are increasingly militarized across the horn; defense spending is growing."
"The whole concept of democracy is alien to basically 80% of world history."
"Human rights should be a universal notion apart from whatever kind of system you live under."
"Both direct and representative democracy are designed to implement the will of the people based on the concept of majority rule."
"Democracy is an antithesis of dictatorship, authoritarianism, tyranny, or despotism."
"In communist countries, people literally sometimes starve to death, whereas in capitalist countries, that doesn't happen at all."
"Our democratic system is constrained within a republican framework that keeps power in check."