
Political Choice Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"Tonight's results leave the American people with a clear choice: are we going to keep moving forward, or will we allow Donald Trump to drag us backwards into the chaos, division, and darkness that defined his time in office?"
"The choice isn't between Democrats and Republicans; it's between democracy and autocracy."
"America faces a choice between democracy and tyranny."
"If people want a clean break Brexit, there's a heck of a lot of them."
"I think a lot of people voted for Trump because they were under the impression that he was going to scale back foreign intervention."
"If 90 million voters don't care and they think what Democrats are doing so horrible that they'll take Donald Trump, then that's the way they're voting."
"It's not just less of two evils; it's actually worth voting for this person."
"It's Socialism or Extinction, which side are you on?"
"I think choices are good, I think we need choices with lots of talented candidates."
"Choices are good, I think we need choices with lots of talented candidates."
"Our country is in Decline. This decline is not inevitable. It's a choice."
"I reject the binary choice... if they fail either one, I'm not going to vote for them."
"That's why November 3rd is our moment. That's why November 3rd is vastly more important than the 25th amendment because we get to decide whether we want him or not."
"I voted for someone who respects my rights to bear arms and my civil liberties."
"The choice we face right now: hope over fear and unity over division."
"This election is a choice between a Trump recovery and a Biden depression."
"The choice has never been clearer. Where David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler stand for a strong national defense, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock want to cut our national defense to fund their big government program."
"This election is a choice between a Biden depression or a Trump super boom."
"It's a choice between democracy and autocracy."
"Now's our time to continue to choose and secure the sacred cause of American democracy."
"America faces a choice between democracy and tyranny, and the president laid it out at Valley Forge and in the State of the Union."
"I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered at consequential moments in history? Do you want to be the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?"
"Final five voting equals healthy competition, more choice, more voice, better results."
"One presidential advisor said if you give Republicans a chance to vote for a sociopath or a socialist, they will vote for the sociopath every time."
"I choose January 5th. I choose to push us closer towards our grand American Covenant."
"Any vote for Joe Biden was actually a vote against Donald Trump."
"You have to decide. Do you want to follow Trump or do you want to follow Biden? It's a pretty clear choice."
"The Labour Party has always been the only choice to affect the social and economic change that our communities need to see."
"What does it say that they're all in for Trump? What does it say that he won't condemn the flag of hate, division, and losers? For us, it says, 'This is a time for choosing: America or Trump.'"
"I voted for the candidate I wanted to see become president."
"First time ever in my life as a lifelong conservative I've ever voted for a Democrat for president."
"American decline is not inevitable. It is a choice, and what I hope to bring is the revitalization of America."
"This election is about choosing good versus evil."
"If you're voting for this because you're really upset about what's happening... vote for me, not for them."
"It's a choice between the progress we've made and the vision put forward by the Republicans."
"If you want your town to be run by crooks...I think I know the party for you: the National Party."
"This election is a choice between turning back to the path of American decline... or whether we will be ruled by the American people."
"I will vote for the candidate which slows down the erosion of my freedoms the most. So if you're going to slow it down the most, he'll have my vote, whoever that is."
"You choose the people that's going to make America better."
"At a certain point, they're either going to have to join the side of the freedom fighters or they're going to get completely walloped and ran over."
"It's like a crossroads, we choose fascism or we choose democracy."
"Austerity and inequality are choices, not necessities."
"It's a choice between being on Jamie Raskin's side or Trump's side during that impeachment trial. I wear it as a badge of honor."
"In the referendum how did you vote for a republic? So you'd have been voting against yourself."
"Let me close by saying this: the vote we're going to have here is a clear choice of whether we are going to feed the beast of ignorance or we are going to tell the truth to the American people."
"They voters would rather go with a flawed outsider than a flawed insider."
"It's the choice between socialism and freedom."
"You either keep Gavin Newsom as your governor or you'll get Donald Trump."
"People are saying to themselves, why are these our only alternatives? Biden has to give people a reason to vet for him, not just voting against Trump."
"If the rocking chair supports a black agenda, I'll vote for it."
"Choose a leader that understands what's going on."
"The rest of us... pick the best candidate who handles it the best."
"We finally have somebody to stand up to the bullies. I truly believe that he is the only choice."
"This is no longer a choice between right and left, it's a choice between right and wrong. Do we vote for or against democracy, for or against our own freedoms?"
"The heart is taking precedence over the head when choosing who should represent you."
"This 2024 is at the top of the ticket a choice about are we going to continue to have a democracy is your voice is your vote going to continue to matter or are we going to have an autocracy right the it's that's it."
"It's time to choose: democracy or autocracy."
"You will decide whether your children will grow up in a socialist country or whether they will grow up in a free country."
"I will vote for an old man who is fit like fiddle, I will not vote for a young man who is suffering from any kind of ailment that will forward."
"This election will decide whether we restore the rule of a corrupt political class or whether we declare that in America, we are still governed, we are the people, we govern, we govern with the boss, we're the people."
"One party plans to get rid of social security and raise taxes on the poor, and one party wants corporations to pay their fair share."
"It's a pretty clear choice, so let's make it happen."
"It's not so much the lesser of two evils as it is the lesser of two mediocres."
"Who's going to keep your kids safe: the former prosecutor with plans or the candidate with thoughts and prayers?"
"The choice is clear. If you cherish faith, freedom, law, and order, and life, in 24 days we've got to re-elect President Donald Trump for four more years."
"We should vote for people who won't allow government authoritarianism."
"We have a choice. We can do something else. We can instead empower people directly." - Derek Hamilton
"The question has to be answered: Do you believe in American democracy or not? Which side are you on?"
"I would vote for a black party that's why in the power nomics book... delivers the most to black people in america."
"When you're picking a candidate, the three most important things are proposed policies, record, and strategy."
"We choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division."
"Democracy is on the line and you have a choice."
"You have to make it a choice, not a referendum."
"None of this is inevitable, it's a political choice: your need or their greed."
"Vote for representatives who will lead us in the right direction, not offer candy for dinner."
"If Chinese people had a chance to actually vote, they would probably not be choosing what the CCP tells them to choose."
"This election is a choice between the American dream and a socialist nightmare."
"This is election is a choice between a Trump recovery or a Biden depression."
"I am willing to have a Donald Trump presidency with all of the things I don't like about him because I know it's better for all of us."
"I guess you might want to pick the conservatives as the group to tyrannize."
"They're electing Republican Governors because they want their state to look like South Dakota."
"It's time for Bulgaria to choose his own path."
"They were willing to take an economic hit, even lose their jobs if it meant getting out of the EU."
"I can look past the ego issue and some of the other things because I think out of all the people that are available to us he's got our interest in mind the most."
"Vote for the person who will protect your family and your children."
"It's time for us to vote green or independent unless you still got a labor MP who offers an actual alternative."
"So it turns out you can elect uncorrupted, clean progressives who actually fight for you."
"There's a choice on the ballot between freedom and fear."
"You are making a choice between democracy and authoritarianism."
"This election is a straight choice between George who will fight for Palestine and the people of Rochdale, and Keir Starmer who will fight for Israel."
"America must choose to move forward or to move backwards."
"Do what you want: vote for the candidate backed by violent left-wing rioters or vote for the candidate backed by the selfless heroes of law enforcement."
"You're gonna have to vote right or you're gonna get left again."
"It's the choice between supporting democracy or letting it die."
"I voted for Jill Stein because I wouldn't be complicit in the slaughter of innocent people anymore."
"There's never been an election that's clearer than this."
"Will we stand with him, or are we going to hand our country over to the devil himself?"
"It's going to be a choice between democracy and autocracy."
"There are more than two lethal choices in this election, and it's a race to the bottom between the lesser evil and the greater evil."
"We must make our choice between economy and liberty."
"When given the choice between a bad politician and a boorish celebrity, people are gonna go for 'maybe this guy will be a little better.'"
"The question that must be raised: which side are you on?"
"The British people voted for Brexit because they wanted to be free."
"Can you be a Christian and vote for this party? We're saying can you be Christ-like while doing it, right?"
"Your vote is not about rewarding or punishing Joe Biden or Donald Trump or really any politician; it's about choosing between two different outcomes that will each have tangible, real-life consequences for you and millions of other people."
"I will vote for him over Donald Trump again are you catching my drift man?"
"The choice between a Trump boom and a Biden depression."
"Do you want communism or do you want freedom?"
"I want you to be able to vote for the candidate of your choice."
"Americans want a choice and we're going to give them that choice."
"We choose hope over fear. We choose union over division. We choose science over fiction and, yeah, we choose truth over lies."
"Vote the way of your interest, don't let the media push you into voting for something over a lie."
"We voted for Nithia for our city council person but Donald J Trump for president."
"The country faces just about one of the biggest choices in terms of political direction that we've seen for a very, very long time."
"Vote to stay in a reformed European Union."
"We have a choice: are we for big business and big government, or are we for the people of East Palestine?"
"I believe in love, that's it and I believe for the best person for the job whatever that person is and love is going to be a big thing to get my vote."
"Voting for the lesser of two evils is still really bad and has these moral implications that we have to seriously consider."
"The Communist system must be based on the will of the people, and if the people do not wish this system, let them establish the way of life they think best."
"The choices are there: socialism or barbarism."
"Democracy is what I'm going to vote for."
"Don't tell me I'm not black if I choose not to vote for you."
"Vote Labour and you build castles in the air; vote Conservative and you can live in them."
"Vote for the person based on the person and their beliefs and what they're going to do."
"The choice now at the next election is so clear: between 14 years of decline and a decade of national renewal."
"People in Scotland should vote SNP to secure the right to choose our own future."
"I vote for the person, not the party."
"I chose to go with the Samagi Jana Balawegaya because, firstly, of the leader Sajith Premadasa. I think he's a young up and coming leader."