
Marginalized Groups Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"When anyone can say anything online and potentially reach millions, and when that speech increasingly coincides with violent threats and attacks against marginalized groups, we must question the boundaries of free speech."
"These various social hierarchies force marginalized people into being on guard at all times, which creates a minority stress common among marginalized people."
"Visibility for a marginalized group is vital, and an opportunity for others to empathize with and try to understand said group."
"The worst is over, but does that include low-income workers? The most marginalized among us."
"Marginalized people benefit the most from free speech."
"There's been a tactic of censors for centuries: they start with someone who is so utterly hated and marginalized that everyone is blinded by their hatred for the first censorship target that they cheer."
"The Internet's and the disinhibited nature of the individuation and anonymity may give a voice to those with for example high social anxiety just as much as it does to members of marginalized or stigmatized groups."
"He gave voice to people who had never had a voice before."
"Why not use this platform to elevate people that have been marginalized historically?"
"There's never a good or acceptable way to use a slur to attack a marginalized group."
"That's not an accident and that is again part and parcel of the government's you know complete disregard for the realities of how this pandemic is going to have knock-on effects especially for marginalized people like working-class women."
"It is the most vulnerable and the most marginalized who delivered this democratic majority and so it's up to us now for congress to act to meet the moment and to deliver on the most basic rights to that coalition of voters."
"Woke people should want this, okay? We need more African-American businesses. Not to mention, we should support marginalized groups, and right now, autistic African-Americans are under attack."
"Imagine if social media responded even a fraction of this way for the literal thousands of missing people from marginalized groups."
"But maybe we can make YouTube a safer place for not only all creators but more importantly to me marginalized communities."
"The tactics used against marginalized groups are often very, very similar... there will always be more misinformation, there will always be something else to debunk about yourself."
"In a world of victimization and people who make themselves victims, there's one group that is truly marginalized and no one cares about: children."
"Multiculturalism means providing space and protecting the most marginalized."
"Christianity changed the game for marginalized groups."
"For the first time, we hosted the women most impacted, black women, rural women, native women."
"Solidarity is rebuilding alliances outside the marginalized official structure."
"The left only care about marginalized groups like certain minorities, not all transsexuals, the gays, and women."
"Children, the young people, the minors are the marginalized group. Let's protect them first."
"The largest marginalized group in the world can be found here in the United States. They are the unborn."
"What he is interested in is representing people for whom no one else is representing them."
"Offense actively perpetuates censorship of marginalized groups."
"Anything less than full debt cancellation is a loss especially for the most marginalized."
"His ultimate point is that you have to let marginalized people in the room where it happens."
"Women from displaced groups facing violence by a bigger system."
"I find that unfortunate because then it just tries to pit two marginalized groups against each other who should be natural allies."
"We're seeing a real wave of censorship that's targeting really the lives and experiences of marginalized persons and opportunities for them to stand on the public stage."
"Speaking up and speaking out will generally always work to the benefit at large of people in these more marginalized groups."
"Black and other marginalized users deserve much better online."
"Feeling like you have to Mash one marginalized uh demographic down so you can get up to the top that's not how it works we supposed to be all living together in peace."
"The right-wing consistently uses the oppression of marginalized groups against each other in order to further the oppression of other groups."
"It's my honor as an educator to protect students who have been marginalized."
"I feel very much called towards making sure I can create those spaces in particular for people, more marginalized people, queer folks, bi folks, within the astrology community."
"Marginalized Americans... centered the Declaration of Independence and the idea that they must be treated equally before the laws."
"The lack of respect that is given to Centuries by leftists typically hinges on the reluctance to extend empathy, understanding, compassion, support—whatever you want to call it—to marginalized groups."
"It's important for marginalized groups to have time that they can just get together and talk about their stuff and not have white people around to sort of deal with just the pressures of dealing with what it is to be a marginalized group."
"Journalism is about maintaining the status quo. So when you ever put someone who's a part of a marginalized population in a power position, the status quo is going to be threatened."
"You judge the character of a society... by how it treats the poor, the incarcerated, the condemned."
"I just feel like a lot less marginalized women would die like the women who ended up in the West Mesa bone collector's pit if prostitution was legal."
"When I see marginalized groups of people, my heart instantly goes out to them."
"There are three groups of people in our society that have been shafted, that have been rejected and neglected: that's the overweight, the senior citizen, and the disabled."