
Role Quotes

There are 1380 quotes

"Dirty Jobs simply required me to assume the role not of a host or an expert, but as an avatar, as an apprentice."
"My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill."
"The people listening to this, yourself included, are the ones who are gonna have the biggest role to play in the rebuilding that's gonna have to come."
"Regardless of how people interpret that role in that movie, no one's gonna be able to take that away from you."
"Being a mother is the most selfless role you'll ever play in your life."
"We each of us have our parts to play in the grand stage the universe has laid before us."
"The job of the sportsman is to keep people entertained."
"You can't ensure that the meaning you experience is self-determined, but you can play your role to the best of your ability."
"Media doesn't just tell us what to do; in some ways, media is a reflection of who we are."
"Artists have an important role to help us heal after these years that have been devastating for many."
"I'm currently not working. I'm a full-time grandson."
"Politicians are basically administrators, not kings."
"Excuse me, princess, I am a vanguard, not a soldier!"
"You have one of the most important roles in the world."
"It's just gonna be there like that amazing bass player in the band."
"Most people think of me as the D&D guy, and that is entirely reasonable. I often think of myself as a D&D guy."
"She both has a hilarious attitude and is well positioned within the gang."
"Sacred drug plants have played a vitally important role in human history."
"Comedy, when it performs this task, is actually playing an important role in society, I think."
"Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I've made you proud." - Michelle Obama
"Sometimes you need to accept your position as a second man."
"Every team, if you're going to be a great team, needs an enforcer. You have to have that."
"I actually had to tap into what it feels like to be a father to daughters."
"Julian's role as a journalist telling inconvenient truths is nothing new."
"I think you guys are always bringing something of yourselves to the roles."
"So now the reports are that Cavill is officially parting ways from the role of Superman."
"I like the fact that she was in the movie, she did stuff, she was important without being like the be-all-end-all."
"The sheer size of the mech and the huge hands it has suggested to me that it would be a tank melee character."
"The role of a mother should not be diminished."
"Brandon Clark... somebody who can set screens for you be a cleanup man around the rim I think he's gonna be a quality ma player for a long time."
"Every early-to-mid mission feels like you're nothing but an errand boy in this guild."
"I gotta be human, I am the core of the Phantom Thieves after all."
"Ben's role in this house is slowly changing."
"For once he isn't allowed to, and Gina plays along, because in probably one of the more subtly heartbreaking moments, she doesn't want to be part of his story."
"As a Green Lantern there's a massive amount of responsibility but there's also a lot of gratitude if you play the role the way that you're supposed to."
"This monster's main purpose is to megaton, his main purpose is there just to provide some sort of support."
"Function should determine my role, not my title."
"Every stock in the portfolio plays a role... diversification is key."
"This is bold, your role in the experiment is very simple: one, find the items needed to progress through the complex, and press the completion button in the end chamber."
"Just know your role in life for the most part."
"Every single one of us as an individual has an important role to play in that change."
"Sakura should be on the front lines healing as many people as she can."
"Purpose-driven explanations clarify AI's role in decision-making."
"Each car has its own job and its own duty that no other car could really replicate."
"Caesar is a big deal in New Vegas as the leader of Caesar's Legion."
"The prophecy suggests an Outlander will come to the shores of vardenfell they will be unaffected by the blight they will be blessed by Azura and will Dawn the enchanted ring moon and star once worn by inderil nerevar that can be worn by none other."
"Strikers just end up becoming workhorse donkeys."
"The only role I see for government is the preservation of physical property rights."
"My favorite role to take on is problem solving, figuring out the smartest way to get through it."
"The great protector that appears later on in the film."
"He's good for garrison, he's good for it, oh so many things."
"Saryn, her only use is map clear and killing, and she does it very well."
"Gibson was the producer, the director, and the screenwriter of the movie."
"This effectively lets them act as a barrier healer for the duration."
"Sushant has chosen each one of us for a certain reason, and I'll play my part for as long as I can."
"You're really not the hero in this particular game."
"You are allowing the dominant to more fully enjoy this thing that they have which is you."
"The tank commander was the most vulnerable member of the crew."
"A shinobi's role is to kill, but even a shinobi must not forget mercy."
"I found out that I play an important role in the lives of many people."
"I was just a star in my role because I had to go straight to it."
"We're in a play, but now we know what play we're in."
"Nelly is so freaking adorable... instrumental matchmaker cherub dog."
"Britney's pissed. Britney's not an attorney. Britney's a party," emphasizing her stance.
"Put me in, it's not like President. I don't gotta be born here to be Captain America."
"He's like an NPC that gives us all the missions."
"I hope it translates on camera. I'll do here a troublemaker." - Jeremy John
"Anyone who wants to control Monokuma to spread despair must first be willing to feel despair themselves."
"The point of a clown is to make people smile."
"Jungle went from an optional diversion to arguably the most important role in the game."
"Somehow God has chosen me to be the temperature or the gauge."
"Ronald McDonald isn't doing any of those things. He's a spokesperson, he's a figurehead."
"Is he the ladder or is he just a media scapegoat?"
"I always want to carry myself like a gentleman, even though you gotta realize, when we in the press console, when we doing what we doing, that's my job."
"It's still cool that the common blades get to actually be a part of something though."
"This is Lingard's place in the team, he's lethal as an impact player."
"The fool plays the role of testing the legitimacy of the system, because the system has got to endure the fool."
"You got a good complimenting role player in Gordon Hayward who has shown consistently that when he's healthy he plays good basketball."
"You are truly going to be a guiding light for people... your journey is life-changing for you, but you will make a difference to others."
"I love being a flower girl. I like to make everyone happy."
"Attacking this stigma that being the bad guy who ends the game doesn't actually make you the bad guy."
"It's not about you being a woman, it's about your role in the relationship."
"One of the roles I most identify with is as an advocate."
"Man of the moment here, perched behind the dice boxes."
"She needs to be healed, and what she's not pointing out is that Will Smith is the healer."
"Being a practice squad guy is, you know, it's not a bad job. You know, someone's got to do it."
"Kakashi manifested an ability with his Mangekyo Sharingan that he felt was his role in life."
"Why isn't Frozone's wife a playable character? She plays an integral role in one of the best scenes in the first movie."
"You're incredibly valuable to me, you're important to me, your role in my life is extremely important."
"If you can master your role, whether it be setting good screens, doing the dirty work, diving on the floor, getting rebounds, playing good defense, there is more opportunity for you to make a roster."
"Laserbeak honestly might be the most competent Decepticon out there, a great assassin and enforcer."
"This person is a mother to society."
"Once you realize the role that you have to play in this world, it's easier to play."
"Every straw hat must have an actual role on the crew."
"I am not in the business of making a nation of thinkers; I'm in the business of making a nation of workers."
"I think it's our job as fathers and husbands and just men in general to be the ones that try to be better prepared."
"They want to understand more, they're hungry to understand not just the overall role and task that they do but where that fits into the big picture."
"But hey, nothing to get sad about, right? I now have the greatest role ever: I get to be a superhero."
"I'm not your personal guard, but I stand on the side of justice."
"What is our role in reminding each other of each other’s divinity?"
"I choose to work, that's my role in life."
"You're an important part of patient zero."
"First of all, you have to look the part, talk the part, and play the part."
"It's always fun to play a killer."
"She's kind of the conscience of The Originals which I really like for her character."
"On paper it's quite simple, but it feels like everything very much has its role to play in this sandwich."
"My job isn't to sway your opinion at all."
"Jarro would work with the Justice League as its most awesome member and its latest Robin."
"We're essential; it's what we are, right? Real estate investors."
"The role of a person in the world is going to be to solve problems."
"Your role is just to help boost their views and get paid for it."
"They are keepers of the peace, not soldiers."
"I had to beat the clown, then I gotta be the encyclopedia."
"I see him as an architect, a curator, more than a rapper per se."
"It's this role, it hits you deep, makes you care, it creates a lasting and intimate connection."
"He really came in as kind of bad boy Jess Mariano, a role that was actually written for him by Amy and just kind of stole the show."
"Being a husband and father is really good."
"Great player, see the role; great player, see the role; great player, see the role."
"I'm a rookie. It's these guys' team. They brought me here to play a role, whatever role that is I'm going to start that role."
"That's the role that God gave us as creators and artists, to speak truth to power."
"The role of ethics in engineering."
"Purpose is about the role you play in your community."
"They also get to do the fun stuff, they get to be like the evil Baron and going into his balsamic vinegar, he's just like 'yeah, kill them all.'"
"...difficult to think of anyone but them in the role."
"She's a healer and also spiritual leader of the group."
"'Brawl in Cell Block 99' is my jam... Vince Vaughn is playing... just an amazing casting choice for this role."
"My favorite part of this is the year two-ness of it, right? Like Batman is lost in his role as Batman."
"Linda's role in the family is the Peacekeeper and the mediator."
"It's easy to see the role of Mom in engendering this new life."
"I didn't seek the hard hat, the hard hat was thrust upon me."
"Bows and arrows may not always be the flashiest tools in the Arsenal, but they've played pivotal roles in the hands of Middle Earth's finest marksmen."
"The death of the center position really is not in the cards. The benefit of having a rim protector or someone who's just too big for anyone to stop on offense, that value will never go away."
"Scoring point guards don't work until they do, and now it's a primary expectation of the position."
"You're supposed to shoot the ball, you're supposed to score the ball more so than any other position in the NBA."
"Stark, the unassuming, somewhat aloof, and sort of comedic relief Warrior of the group."
"It does have to be the right role fit."
"Slughorn played an important role in a Wizarding War fighting valiantly in the final battle alongside his students and peers."
"McCarthy was nothing more than a game manager"
"Don't underestimate the young people; they're going to play a major role in this."
"As a bass player, it's sort of like being the ambassador between the guitar player and the drummer. It's all about supporting the team."
"...if it had been any other actor playing the same role the same thing would have happened to them."
"He embraced his new role as the bad guy."
"You will be the general that they were looking for in the family."
"The circle of life is vast and interconnected, Dad. Every creature has a role to play."
"Elizabeth Swann might be the main character of these films."
"What is fantastic about his role in the longest day was it is actually fighting in Normandy on D-Day himself."
"I'm the front man, that's what I do."
"Being a judge is akin to being a paragon of justice and as I've made clear he does what he believes agents of Justice need to do for far better than them."
"China's original role in the promotion was that of a stoic presence."
"Parents are the most important part of this equation."
"To understand one's role and execute that to the extent of your capabilities, that is where I believe the story of Jujutsu Kaisen is heading."
"Edward is best used in the show as a supporting character to the others."
"The same actor who portrayed Johnny Cage landed a role in Kamen Rider Dragon Knight."
"Zane here is less of a character and more of a plot device."
"I'm not the enemy, I'm just the Agent of Change."
"Kingship might be too minor a role for him."
"Sora reassured her, emphasizing that their adventurer role was to help people in need."
"There's something about your career which I was mentioning, and I was also mentioning that you will be fulfilling a very important role in your life in these next couple of years, and I feel that this is in the way of your career."
"I think that when Charles was Prince of Wales, he created a role for himself and he fulfilled it extremely well."
"Somebody has to play the villain, somebody has to care enough to be the bad guy."
"To be a wife, you must soil your hand and create a king out of that man. But if you can be stupid enough to make that man a king, he will be a fool for you."
"Every woman is a priest too. If there is no man in your life, you must still perform that role of priesthood."
"Paul Heyman was the head burger of Eastern Championship Wrestling."
"It's a role that doesn't just look good on paper it Paints the picture of an aristocrat deeply rooted in the 21st Century engaged conscientious and proactive."
"...Shen figures out that he can't act both like Lord Of Ashes and a coffee shop worker at the same time."
"Just fun to see arnold in a little bit more of a comedic role."
"I'm sorry for doubting you, Eva. You played the role of President perfectly."
"The Scrum Master helps teams learn and apply Scrum practices, removes impediments, and ensures the team delivers business value."
"I tried being the glue to this goddamn family."
"I can't wait to be a stay-at-home dad."
"But when there is no fighting what's a knight to do?"
"But the sheer Persistence of occupations means that they can have a different role."
"Stefan Curry knows what his role is, that's to put the ball in the basket."
"My goal as an aspiring trophy husband in the future is to provide everything: stability and excitement, keeping them on their toes at the right moments in the right amounts, being playful, all of it."
"So Philip, uh, what's uh, what's your role in all this motor club stuff?"
"In 'Interview with the Vampire,' Dunst plays Claudia, a child vampire who is a surrogate daughter to Cruise and Pitt's characters."
"Barbara Gordon takes on a new role as the All-Seeing information broker called Oracle."
"Peasants play a very revolutionary role in our revolutions."
"You might have one line or you might have no lines and just sit in the back."
"I think, though, Linda Karlen had a large role in planting the seeds in his head to make this happen."
"The announcer's role in telling the story is crucial."
"...stepping out of your comfort zone is playing a role in how you're getting to the point of when you're meeting this person."
"The job wasn't to throw the ball 40 times a game."
"You play an indispensable role in this world."
"He is the butler Bruce who serves the first prince."
"The question is what role can cryptocurrency play in a world full of turmoil and instability?"
"Someone can't take their place if they're out or consistently going in and out of the situation."
"Unfortunately everybody kind of picks out one person on their team to be a designated villain I happen to be it."
"After everything that I've spoken about, what do you think about the role that Ura had played during the final Arc of Bleach?"
"Cody emerged as a central figure in AEW, assuming the role of an authority figure and one of the key performers in the ring."
"You are the main character and you are ready to play the role."
"I knew that that was gonna be a key role in getting back to my regular life"
"I'm not like a best man and I'm doing a toast. I'm ordaining the wedding."
"They're not popes, they're priests, they're Orthodox men, they are fighting men in the battle."
"Tom Hanks is part of the castaway."
"Once you learn your role, then it's on you to you be responsible for yourself, to be responsible for your role in the cosmos and live it up to the best you possibly can."
"He's evolving into the elder statesman role. He's transitioning into retirement."
"William Shatner, despite his worst effort, is actually at the very least pretty passable in the role."
"Our role is not to understand but to appreciate."
"He's the saxophone player in that."