
Religious Quotes

There are 753 quotes

"Behold the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world."
"If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
"We are of the family of God, with such a tremendous potential for excellence."
"Jesus said, 'Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.'"
"May the Lord bless each of you as you walk your way with hope, with faith, with that charity which is 'the pure love of Christ'."
"When it all comes right down to it, what we're really called to do is love God, love ourselves, and love other people."
"We need to come up higher and be excellent people who represent the God that we say that we serve and love in a way that he deserves."
"Great is our Lord and of great power; His understanding is infinite."
"After this sermon, I want you to be blown away at one of the most wonderful, and quite frankly, scariest attributes of God: His omniscience."
"God does not need to leave Heaven to know what's going on in the earth realm. His eyes are everywhere, and His wisdom is all-encompassing."
"When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee."
"Arise, shine, for thy light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee."
"In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths."
"O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endures forever."
"Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good; for His mercy endureth forever."
"His kindness is what leads people to repentance."
"Do not be afraid, Zachariah, for your prayer has been heard, and your wife Elizabeth will bear you a son, and you shall name him John."
"Now may the Lord bless you and keep you, make his face shine on you, be gracious unto you, lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace."
"Father God, you are holy. You are righteous, and we give you all the glory, honor, and praise."
"He will fill the earth up with justice and peace as it was filled with oppression and wrong."
"There is no calamity on the face of this earth from the time of Adam till Qiyamah greater than the calamity of the Dajjal."
"We can talk ourselves into a better mood using the Word of God."
"Praise God, it's working! Thank you, Jesus, it's working!"
"It's a war between demonic powers and the kingdom of heaven."
"Our Lord Jesus Christ is your the light of the world and the salt of the earth, so go out there and be salty."
"Strive to be amongst those that Allah mentions favorably because that's the only thing that will matter when you pass away."
"God has a plan for everybody; He wants everybody to be."
"He brought them back to their land so they're not scattered among our people."
"Don't miss out on getting both Peggy's powerful and timely book Psalm 91."
"I love you guys, I appreciate you guys, I will see you guys on Friday night. God bless."
"He who began a good work in you is faithful to complete it."
"The experience that we're talking about... I would rather call it really a deep mystical religious experience."
"Jesus Christ is the answer to the problems we've been trying to solve."
"Thank you, Lord, that by your grace, I'm saved. Thank you, Lord, by your grace, I'm righteous. Oh my goodness, you become so grateful."
"It's gonna be a sad day when we get to heaven and realize we had all these gifts we could have used on earth to advance the kingdom of God and we never ended up using them."
"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord."
"God is beginning to pour out his greater glory which will result in a tsunami wave of miracles like you and the entire planet have never seen before."
"Jesus felt the same way when he was here on earth."
"The next pope will be successful to the degree that he manifests in his own life the joy of the gospel."
"Jesus strategically came to all nations to make us one in him."
"I had an encounter with God many years ago." - Personal spiritual experiences.
"The gift of tongues should still be used by the believer."
"It's all hands on deck, this is God's last effort to save the world."
"This is God's last effort to save the world."
"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in my house."
"Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship."
"God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes."
"There shall be no more death, sorrow, or crying."
"He who the son sets free is free indeed by the power of the Holy Ghost."
"The covenant established with David ensures a kingdom that will endure forever."
"The only power Satan respects is the name and the power of Jesus Christ."
"We were created in the image of God, male and female."
"Whoever confesses Jesus as their lord and savior... will be saved."
"I thank you Lord for making a way and giving us this opportunity."
"God will shower you with his wonderful blessings: Health, joy, and contentment."
"The source of our rights is in fact the Creator."
"Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." - Mark 1:34
"There is victory in that name, there is power in that name, there is hope and holiness in that name." - Mark 8:33
"Truly I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who's eating with me."
"God bless you, God love you, and we'll see you soon."
"May the Lord bless you and keep you and you have a wonderful day."
"Fear not, I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God." - Isaiah
"One crucial element of this Gathering is preparing a people who are able, ready, and worthy to receive the Lord when he comes again."
"Predestined ated am that he purposed for men and women everywhere to be holy and I'm so glad he didn't leave us out oh yes amen."
"Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."
"Angkor Wat is a temple that is still used every day."
"The sign of true guidance is immediate implementation of learned principles."
"Thou shall remember the Lord thy God, for it is He that giveth the power to get wealth."
"The Lord make his face shine upon you, be gracious to you."
"Living a life of relative obscurity... suddenly, Jesus Christ would change Life as we know it."
"God's word is alive and well, and it will work for you."
"This land is our land, and God has called us in this moment to stand. And stand we shall." - Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II
"May the Lord bless you and keep you and you have yourself wonderful day."
"Jesus Christ existed, clearly. He came from a Jewish background, was born."
"All prophets came with the same message of believing in one God and worshipping one God."
"God wills it and we'll take Jerusalem, take back the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and start building our own stuff."
"Jesus is not just like them, he's superior to them."
"Let communion also be a way of reminding yourself what He's done in your life."
"Father, we thank you for what you've done on the cross."
"Rivers of living water, tongues of fire rest upon each of them."
"There's going to be a coming of the Lord whether you believe it or not."
"We're witnessing the prophecies of the Bible. The signs are coming true, and we are coming to a point where people need to start counting the cost."
"A miraculous phenomenon occurred over Judea."
"Obtain for me of his Bounty the grace which I ardently desire from the depths of my heart." - Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua
"The 144,000 are those who are alive when Jesus Christ returns to the earth."
"The Sabbath is a sign and seal of creation and redemption."
"The Sabbath commandment shows that you're a worshiper of Jesus Christ as creator and Redeemer."
"You think no impossible, beloved? Daniel chapter 3, there was Shadrach, say it with me, Meshach and Abednego..."
"The family: God's ultimate solution to humanity's social ills."
"The family is not a product of the state; it was created by God."
"Compromise is impossible. If you really are serious about standing on what the Bible says, then you've got to stand on what all of the Bible says."
"Wisdom is a person, a disembodied personality."
"Jesus was tempted in all points like as we are yet without sin."
"He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
"Contrary to what you'll often read, in fact, a very small something was eaten shortly before the meal- communion bread, eaten by Buzz Aldrin shortly after landing on the surface."
"We who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air."
"Nothing in this world will satisfy like the presence of Jesus."
"Every curse must be broken down in Jesus' name. Satan, you're a liar, you're a thief and we command you out in Jesus' name."
"I took introduction to Judaism and it just changed my life."
"Christianity is not just a set of values that means being really loving and caring toward other people."
"He's the only one who paid all the price for your sin."
"The scriptures are divinely inspired, revealing coded information about pre-adamic events."
"The antichrist system will use this against God's people."
"You ain't baptized in the name of Jesus Christ, you ain't never been saved. That's right, never. That's right."
"God, to Mar Elli, but bloody ell he asked a lot of him."
"Jesus died for my sins, I can't copy that cat."
"I'm a Jesus freak, I'm a Jesus freak, 8 days a week."
"The Lord bless you, child of God, the Lord keep you in the center of his grace."
"We use all the set apart names, most high sovereign."
"Look up and lift up your heads for your Redemption is drawing nigh."
"One of the aspects of his preface was on Cardinal Sarah's recollection of the Fatima apparitions."
"Every head about every eye closed. Jesus loves you."
"I am ready for the last days, not because of anything I've done, because of what Jesus did."
"Our mission is simple: to inspire people to live for Jesus."
"The Lord is blessing you right now, sing together, worship God!"
"Tradition which is coming straight from not just from the new testament but from eternity."
"The fear of the Lord causes you to want to please Him."
"Jesus is the 'yes' to all the promises that God made to Israel."
"If God is with us then no one can stand against us and it's not that we're qualified to do this is that we're called to do this."
"In at least one sector, the British and the Germans come together for one of the most memorable religious services..."
"The biblical character herself is better described as fierce, formidable, and pagan."
"You your family and friends can now participate in America's very first christian-based treasure hunt."
"Whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery."
"Whosoever hypocrite that's right the word of god said whosoever shall put away his wife."
"I think if you live your life guided by a certain religion, I think that's a nice thing to do."
"He that doeth these things shall never be moved."
"All glory does go to God our Father in Heaven Yahweh."
"Words of acceptance: 'Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.'"
"Resisting Satan who like a roaring line but resisting him in the faith." - "Resisting Satan who like a roaring lion but resisting him in the faith."
"You don't clean up your life first; you just come to Him as you are."
"The Bible is not a book of fairy tales, tall tales, myths, legends, or even fables. The Bible is the Word of God."
"The meaning of life is to fear God and keep His commandments."
"Intimacy with Jesus redirects your focus from you to God."
"What a terrible word, what a dreadful separation, 'Depart from me,' from the very Jesus whom you have proclaimed."
"To expose the deception of the prince of the power of the air and to herald the return of the king, Jesus."
"God is not only great; Christ has shown us that he is immeasurably great."
"Don't have sex because the Bible says don't."
"Christ honors and bestows honor... upon his mom."
"I receive total healing and freedom in the mighty name of Jesus."
"I declare all my loved ones and possessions covered by the blood of Jesus."
"For the Earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."
"When God encounters you, He gives you a new life."
"Encounter God's spirit. There is an iron transformation. There is a total transformation."
"It's good news that Jesus died on the cross for our sin because he loves you right."
"I rebuke coronavirus in India and I thank you for a mighty move of God."
"God so values you that he literally gave himself for you."
"Thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Good work Project Veritas. God save James O'Keefe."
"Everybody was afraid until the resurrection though I mean everybody."
"I tell you the truth before Abraham was born I am."
"Christ is risen! Now is Christ risen from the dead, glory to God!" - First Corinthians 15:20
"We're witnessing Biblical prophecy actually unfolding right before our very eyes."
"Go forth from this place victorious and joyous, that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father."
"The life raft of holiness is just floating back with the prophets and the apostles right upon it."
"Praise the Lord who, when darkness of sin is abounding, who, when the Godless triumph all virtue confounding, shadeth His."
"The Sermon on the Mount represents the moral principles of the kingdom of God."
"The Bible has over 40 different writers that wrote over 1600 years, and they lived on three continents."
"My legacy is truly to walk in the footsteps of Christ."
"All change is an encouragement to shift from self-reliance spirituality to God-reliance spirituality."
"Preserve me, O God, for in you I put my trust."
"And I bear that testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen."
"It's not like it was left out of the Bible, everything in the Bible is there that should be."
"In conclusion, God trolled hard."
"It depicts one of the most emotionally charged moments in the New Testament, the aftermath of the crucifixion."
"I am the voice of one calling in the wilderness, make straight the way for the Lord."
"Look, the Lamb of God who comes to take away the sins of the world."
"A Messiah in that context refers to the anointed one of Israel."
"The iron Halos are one of those things that just adds like a religious element that makes them feel a little bit more special than a lot of the science fiction super soldiers we see all over the internet."
"This is the day that He has made, and we are going to rejoice and be glad in this day."
"The blood of Jesus cleanses our sins but on the cross, God takes my sin and nails it together with His Son Jesus Christ."
"It gives a person an inclination or lightly sentiments religious sentiments; it inclines one towards God."
"For God so loved the world that he sacrificed his only begotten Son, that anyone believing in him should not perish but have everlasting life."
"May all glory be unto you, Jesus, for conquering death, hell, and the grave."
"There's no greater battle, there's no greater weapon I should say, to fight Shan except for the advices that the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam he gave you."
"We celebrating life, we celebrating the resurrection of Christ right here at this table."
"I couldn't help but wonder, are there really plenty of Jesus fish in the sea?"
"Let's get back to church immediately."
"Mary was made out of Virgin Earth, the new Paradise."
"The Ark of the Covenant is the most revered religious relic in all of history."
"God bless everybody, this is Prophet Lovey, welcome to such an amazing day in the presence of God."
"I believe that the Lord Jesus is gonna bless us in a tremendous way, especially with the things that we're going to receive in his presence."
"You are born again, cleansed, purified by the blood of Jesus. God is calling you."
"He's our savior, healer, Lord, rabbi, teacher, friend, messiah, redeemer."
"He's the way, the truth, and the life, the king of all kings and the lord of all lords."
"Through the blood of Jesus, we have been cleansed, redeemed, justified, sanctified."
"You come as thousands bow their head all over the place and pray and the choir sings softly."
"Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire."
"May Almighty God bless you and yours."
"He is not here: for He Is Risen as he said."
"All power is given unto me in heaven and in Earth."
"Love God and love your neighbor like yourself."
"I know that a man will come nearer to Christ than any other book than from The Book of Mormon"
"I witness those to you all of you in the name of Jesus Christ amen amen"
"If the Adventists don't know who Babylon is, then it's time we started preaching to the outside world what it is and perhaps the inside world can perk up and listen."
"Father Pio, do not steal the bodies from us, and we will not bother you."
"The image of Jesus in the clouds left people inspired and blessed."
"The floating image of Jesus Christ soon became an internet sensation."
"The eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and his ears toward their cry."
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you."
"Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world."