
Community Benefits Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"As the above shows, public parks, shopping malls, and sports facilities are helpful in many ways to the establishment of a town."
"There's a huge value not just to raising the ceiling; there's a huge value to raising the floor."
"The religions that last are the ones that use ritual, moral, and theological codes to benefit the individual practitioners as well as their communities."
"Excellent... this new approach to Unique buildings especially with that local area of effect and the city-wide benefits... positively moving your city forward."
"Cosplay really benefits from being a community."
"Taking full individual responsibility naturally benefits your community."
"But whether or not the city comes to fruition as it was originally proposed really doesn’t matter. If they’re able to prove out some of these technologies at a large scale, it could benefit the global community."
"Tributes coming here guys, the talk of crypto making sure all of its users are rewarded and they're actually owning the technology they're owning the defy itself."
"The more people get educated about it, the better they appreciate the technology, they get invested into it, and it is just a win-win for everybody."
"If the candidate can't bring nothing tangible to my community what's the point?"
"An extensive bike network throughout the entire community."
"The power of a large community has been game-changing for many in terms of time-saving, access to guides, and money savings."
"It's better for everyone overall, aside from the reduced emissions."
"The result will be increased connections between people."
"The benefits of the balls weren't all fantasies, there's also an aspect that was very real, and that's the family."
"Better off supporting them in the long run, not only because it's mom and pop, because it's better for you."
"We're solving air pollution problems water pollution problems returning the scars of the land to usable land and kind of rejuvenating the communities."
"Parks do only limited good unless coupled with a strong educational system."
"I don't like gatekeeping because why keep a fun thing to yourself when you can share it with other people who will get joy from it?"
"Fostering kittens doesn't just benefit the kittens, it also benefits us."
"What is she gonna do for black people? What legislation is she gonna pass for Black people? What benefits he's going to have for black people on the south side and the west side of Chicago?"
"That is fantastic! For every one of those people crossing over this bridge, that is one less car coming through."
"It feels like a real hangout with people. I think a lot of people benefit from that."
"More people riding bikes around the area means better conditions for motorists too because there's less congestion."
"Let's monolithically support one platform and watch the benefits of that."
"We don't necessarily understand that if we just allow this group of people to be in our everyday lives... how much we could benefit."
"Credit where it's due, some of these traditional structures bring real value to society."
"You're safer when you're part of a good community than when you're isolated."
"Post-launch maps are now included for everybody that owns the game."
"If we have call of duty battlefield and halo these developing teams all these studios are going to feel challenged not threatened maybe a little bit but challenged and at the end of the day the people that end up winning is us the gamers."
"Unity is more like how united your people are behind your ideals. Unity allows you to get a load of cool perks."
"What's the point? What do the communities get from this?"
"You get what you give, rising ties raise all boats."
"Why aren't there more incentive things for vaccines? People should be getting free stuff for getting vaccinated."
"Cities remind us how much we benefit from and actually desire to share physical space with other people."
"When working people stand up for their rights, it is good for society."
"Having a supportive group of people is always good."
"Anytime you're doing a deflationary event, it's always going to be good for the coin and for the community."
"Our town holds about 2,000 or so residents and has some very neat perks to it that I have enjoyed up into my adulthood."
"There's zero risk. The only thing you have to gain is health, mindset, and some really, really cool friends in the community."
"Even in the capital city, it's equally about rewilding urban communities and showing the benefits of having nature on your doorstep."
"There's a real sense of community where we live."
"There's genuine friendships to be made there and that is oftentimes what can keep you going."
"Just by giving that referral to do so, you could be earning more rewards."
"This community has been massively beneficial for myself."
"We're going to build 1.5 million new energy efficient homes and public housing units that will benefit our communities three times over."
"I think if we all have sub mode turned on... then it's even better for all of us, right?"
"We're fighting for great jobs, great education, safe homes, and a limitless future."
"At the heart of our economic agenda is the conviction that for America to truly prosper all of our communities must share in the gains we're making."
"The two benefits that they get from being with us is a sense of purpose and a sense of belonging."
"Who knew such good things were so close to home?"
"I believe that there are covenantal benefits to being in a Christian Community even if an individual is not born again."
"We can all benefit by showing and sharing a little loyalty, honesty, generosity, laughter, and kindness."
"Sustainable management of the resources, including trophy hunting, has been good not only to the community but also for the wildlife."
"They clean the air, they cool the air, they bring back the birds, bring back the pollinators."
"You're more likely to actually make progress when you're in a community rather than in isolation."