
Freelancing Quotes

There are 396 quotes

"I freelanced in this crazy business for 20 years before Dirty Jobs became a thing."
"The world of work is changing so much so that people are going to become more free. There's going to be more freelancers out there."
"Being on the YouTube platform and creating some sort of real passive income for yourself will make you enjoy freelancing a lot more."
"Some people, including myself, like the idea of freelancing and running your own business. You can set your own hours, be your own boss, but it does take a lot of discipline to work for yourself."
"Online freelancing: providing any kind of digital service to businesses."
"Every man by the content of his character, it doesn't matter what flag he flies."
"Earning $50 an hour" - Fast writing could equal substantial earnings.
"Freelancing as a writer, you can make more than $20 per hour depending on how good you are at writing."
"The good thing about freelancing is... you get a lot of time for your friends and family."
"Patience is very important... Sometimes people start and let's say six months you don't get any project."
"Freelancing is one of the fastest businesses that you can start and one of the cheapest."
"It took 24 days until I received my first order, I had 17 non-spam inquiries, seven inquiries that I declined because they either wanted an ongoing video editor or just wasn't the right fit for me, and four total orders."
"The biggest shift we're seeing next year is people fully embracing the freelancer lifestyle."
"I can tell you this: they make a lot of money and pay their freelancers peanuts."
"Don't wait around for another freelancer to get that first discussion. Jump on that invite quick."
"Give the client a reason why hiring you while working with you is the best decision for them."
"Freelancing offered me my first gateway to the beginning of financial freedom and maybe it can do the same for you."
"I think Twitter ghost writing is one of the best opportunities out there."
"Freelancing really gives you a lot of flexibility in many areas such as where you work."
"You have to be very disciplined in order to be a freelancer."
"Being able to pick and choose which projects you take on and you want to work on."
"Freelancing was actually really great for me, it led me to have a great successful life being an entrepreneur."
"You need to find people that will pay you for the work you make if you want to be a freelancer."
"It's a very fulfilling lifestyle... and I hope in some small way that I can help you on your own personal journey towards freelancing."
"Freelancing is definitely one of the highest paying online businesses."
"First business that you can start with zero dollars absolutely no money is freelancing."
"One of the best resources I can refer you to for starting a freelance business is at study web development dot com slash freelancing."
"One of the best, if not the best... starting a freelance business."
"Consider voiceover work; websites like Fiverr or Upwork would be a good place to start."
"Freelancing is 100% about solving a problem. To get hired and paid, it's about helping people and getting them to pay you for that help."
"If that means taking one or two clients a year and then have the rest of the income come from other sources but I don't need to be as involved that would be the goal."
"It's definitely worth potentially hiring Freelancers on Fiverr."
"So as a result I kept going freelance... it was during this time when I was making these decisions that fanatic came to me with the offer."
"It's just a great way to make money by doing simple freelance services."
"Translation category has less competition, perfect for skilled freelancers."
"Finding the right freelancer doesn't have to be a struggle."
"Every skill you learn is a skill you can offer clients and make money from."
"You could be a freelance guest writer and make $50+ per article."
"I-writer: a terrific way to actually go out there and get paid to just do something that pretty much everyone knows how to do."
"There's all these really really cool ways to create these modern lighting techniques that are very just good to look at kind of put you in the cutting edge of design and probably get you some jobs if you're freelancing."
"Most freelancers I know are making well into six figures."
"So, we are now introducing the freelancer career. It is a new style of career and we are launching with three freelancers."
"A career as a freelancer might be the right path for you."
"After freelancing for two years, I decided to get back into the corporate space."
"Copywriting is such a recession-proof, high value skill."
"Freelance work on these sites can actually become a very, very big source of your income."
"Get paid quickly and do it for unlimited amounts of time!"
"I've had appalling experiences with hr and i think that's something that when you're a freelancer you're so free to walk away from that kind of behavior in the workplace."
"When it comes to being paid fairly, you get to negotiate project to project thing to thing and that can offer a huge amount of financial freedom."
"The only difference between a great freelancer and a struggling freelancer is who has better clients."
"I think just having the balls to be an artist and a creative freelancer, and taking the leap into doing that, whether or not you're making enough to survive from that alone, it really doesn't matter."
"The lifestyle of a freelancer offers more freedom and variety in the type of work you do."
"I think there is a great opportunity... just a struggling freelancer working in the city trying to solve crimes."
"This is a portrait of freelancers in the 1960s who were willing to get into studios and do whatever needed to be done for that project."
"Freelance may be the type of venture that you may want to seek out."
"Always insist on upfront payment for a project, no exceptions."
"This is not selling your life one hour at a time, this is selling your craft one project at a time."
"You can work full-time, in-house for companies, or you can be a freelancer."
"Freelancing originated from sword wielders."
"I was able to have a more comfortable freelance lifestyle."
"I was amazed at how quickly I found my first paying gig."
"Teach yourself how to edit and really kickstart your freelance journey."
"If you're a freelance web designer looking to raise your rates and make more money, oh do I have a treat for you."
"So with freelancing your rate is always going to be way higher than your hourly rate in a typical nine to five job."
"Learn how to communicate as a freelancer so that the client feels secure and confident."
"Learn how to say no to a client. This is a big one."
"Freelancing is just about solving problems and solving problems is exactly how you make money."
"Freelancing: there's no magic shortcut to making $100,000. It's about repetition and persistence."
"Whether you're interested in editing short form content or managing social media as a side hustle, having a professional website to showcase who you are is essential when pitching to potential clients."
"You can literally freelance it, you can move around with it, like do a couple of things, you know, just be as creative as you can."
"In conclusion, you want to be a freelancer."
"Haphazardly using freelancing platforms is the easiest way to get overwhelmed and not see any results."
"Other freelancers were not my competition, my enemy. They were my support system."
"...and then you can definitely raise your rates as you get more experienced."
"...the great benefit of this is that you could manage multiple clients at once and do it from the comfort of your own home."
"Start charging for your time and then for a project like 500 for a high-level setup, 1,000 for a sales page."
"Your goal here is to just have one person hire you for a paid gig and then potentially refer you to more people. So, that is the goal - to connect with and find those people."
"A lot of artists and freelancers out there are sole proprietors. It's honestly the easiest way to go because like there's no extra paperwork."
"...many of them are also young and still working, whether they're freelance artists, digital Nomads or simple Backpackers."
"...one thing you can consider escaping from the corporate grind... is to be a freelancer or a solo consultant..."
"The freelancer niche. If you are a freelancer with a specialty in a certain skill set, make a Channel about that skill set..."
"Freelancing is the future of the animation industry."
"Categories of work, trusted Freelancers, and testimonials are crucial."
"Freelancing used to be something you would work your way up to when you approach Parenthood but nowadays it's kind of the default."
"Freelancers have to be very strategic about taking days off."
"The easiest way to get started is not with a job, but with a freelance gig. It's a great way to get some experience that you can later leverage to find a full-time job."
"As a freelancer, I still need to pay taxes."
"Getting a client isn't as easy as you found. You can be the best graphic designer, best logo designer on the planet and still not get any clients because they don't know who you are."
"You take the time, you learn the process, you get the reviews, you approach clients, you optimize your own personal profile, you approach them, you present your pricing plan, they accept your job, and that's it, you start working with them."
"If you're an expert in one of those things, the chances are there are many people who own websites around that topic that would love to hire you."
"B2B is such a gold mine because most of these businesses that are looking for this type of work, they've got a ton of money."
"Do you want to know the easiest way to make a six-figure income online this year? It's freelancing."
"I am really, really passionate in freelancing."
"I was a freelancer... I had nothing going for me."
"These techniques can be really useful especially if you're kickstarting a new project for a client and especially if you're freelancing where each and every minute that you can save it is going to translate in more profitability and efficiency in your business."
"Ultimately, my goal is to help you make more money freelancing."
"Being a freelancer, you have the liberty to work on anything. Sometimes it's your client's requirements, sometimes you want to do something."
"Start Contracting and freelancing on the side as like a side hustle to kind of feel it out."
"It's actually safer being a freelancer or an entrepreneur it's actually genuinely safer because your controls in your hands."
"Start with learning something that you want to offer... Once you learn devops and you can Implement things you can do some stuff then you can promote yourself on different freelancing platforms."
"Your reputation is super important as a freelancer or business owner."
"Freelancing is hard. It's really, really, really hard."
"Freelance work... you can make money with the talent and skill that you already have."
"It's a scary, scary thing being a freelancer, but you can't do it if you are interested and you want to and you have that drive."
"I would love to hear more about your journeys in freelancing."
"Take your freelancing game to the next level with CH JPD."
"Freelancing can help me quit my 9-to-5 job, make six figures, travel the world, and create a life of freedom?"
"All you need is one to officially call yourself a freelancer."
"Once you sign that contract you are booked and you are officially a freelance content creator."
"Consider freelancing, side gigs, or part-time work to bring in extra money."
"Clickworker was one of the very first websites that I ever used and joined that actually gave me the confidence that I could actually make good money online."
"Now freelancing is a great option if you're looking to set your own hours, work from anywhere you want to or pick up projects that interest you the most."
"Whether you want to become a full-time freelancer or simply freelance as a side hustle to start, I'll show you that freelancing is an extremely sustainable and lucrative business."
"In the world of freelancing, you are the boss, the employee, the customer service rep, the marketer. You are the entire business."
"Freelancing can be tough, but it's also incredibly rewarding."
"Freelancing might be the perfect job for you."
"Choose a niche. You don't have to be the best writer in the world, but if you seem better, you'll get more clients."
"Branding is really important in the world of freelancing. People are willing to pay more for a brand that they believe is better."
"By niching down and creating a professional brand as a freelancer, you're gonna convert a lot more potential clients."
"But I always say it's like any freelance job, if you're not working, you're not making money."
"Freelancers want your work so they want to work for you."
"Fiverr is essentially a freelancing platform where you can buy and sell services in almost any category."
"It's easier to tell you what freelancers aren't."
"I think what I learned was the big difference between being a freelancer and being on staff."
"Now she's a freelancer, writing not gossip for magazines but doing what she loves as she always dreamed."
"Upward proposals will either make or break you as a freelancer and they're typically the number one reason why freelancers struggle to get jobs on Upwork."
"...most of them have long term consistent work and on this channel I don't keep any secrets I share everything with you that's worked for me as a freelancer."
"The number one Upwork proposal tip is to crush the introduction."
"Now that you have a strong portfolio, we need to find the best jobs on Upwork."
"If Jasper AI had existed when I first started freelancing then I would have won my first job so much faster."
"The entire reason why a client creates a job on Upwork is to find a freelancer who can help them solve a problem or scale their business."
"Upwork can help be your diving board into having a long-term freelance career."
"If you want to have a sustainable career as a freelancer I think you have to enjoy the things outside of work and put just as much value on those as the work itself."
"...if you're not getting told no or ghosted by potential clients every once in a while due to your price then you're probably not charging enough."
"When it comes to my business I definitely know my strengths and for the areas in which I need some assistance or require a freelancer in a specific field, Fiverr has got me covered."
"Freelancing can set you free. It's the most incredible career."
"Freelancing changed my life. I would argue freelancing saved my life, and that's why I want to help other people do it."
"I actually just hosted a free master class all about pitching and selling your services."
"We're quickly entering an era where freelancers, animators, voice actors, where all these people who specialize in a gig economy type of skill set are now collaborating more and more often."
"Being freelance was like a blessing in disguise. We were always able to do other things."
"Just still working on my story, still trying to follow my dreams, take my own advice and pursue a life as a freelancer."
"You get to set the price on how much you want to actually charge, and you get to do this at your own time around your schedule which offers flexibility."
"You get to be able to do this on your own free time, and the reason why I say it's lucrative at the same time and high paying is because you get to provide this service."
"I fully understand the need um to maybe, you know, especially for me I'm an independent contractor so there were months where I didn't get paid for one or two months and it's a very unstable living."
"Being present on freelancing platforms is very important."
"Make a good portfolio to find clients."
"Freelancing is really the fastest way to increase your income."
"Definitely check out Upwork, download it on your phone, it is an awesome side hustle app to get started with."
"...40% of them are now what we call freelancers and they're 1099 employees where they are not working a typical salary..."
"Mastering the art of cold pitching is the best way to get freelance writing clients."
"I guarantee that there are way more clients in your niche than you could ever dream of."
"In freelancing, you have a voice to your client. You can suggest what's better."
"Freelancers are the ones out here making the most amount of money."
"I had my retirement come in early installments. I worked when I wanted, I freelanced. It was really the Travis McGee model."
"I'm doing freelance computer programming work."
"Start your transition slowly with something like Fiverr where you can sell your skills and earn enough to cover your expenses for a few hours of work."
"I've always enjoyed the experience of playing with as many people, you know as I can that I enjoy playing with the variety of being a freelance musician."
"Thirteen is the lucky number in this case because you make your own luck when it comes to freelancing, right? Let's hop on the first one and the most key one."
"These days I earn money in a variety of different ways. I write books, I'm a professor, I speak, I consult."
"But what I've come to learn is it's not just me. These days 35% of the American workforce, that's 55 million people, work as freelancers or contractors."
"I started freelancing as a programmer for hire."
"I wanted to pursue my dream and that was the only way and um but ever since then i've been freelancing"
"You know what, I would find a way to freelance and do some stuff because I'm single."
"I'm willing and hoping to learn new things, I'm not stuck, my mind open, I'm a freelancer, number one freelancer of the world."
"We're just lone wolves trying to survive, going from gig to gig."
"Everyone loves the freelance vibe here, that's for sure."
"I was going to become a freelancer and travel the world."
"As a freelance video editor, you can earn well over one hundred thousand dollars per year."
"Being a freelancer means I can work at my own pace, there are plenty of good things about it."
"Being local is the biggest advantage you will ever have when it comes to freelancing."
"Freelancing means you're working as an independent person or company rather than being employed by someone else."
"Freelancing diversifies your income across different employers and it comes with increased earning potential as well."
"I'm literally proof that anyone can be a high-earning successful freelancer with consistent hard work, resilience, patience, and focused effort."
"Your skill set is the number one prerequisite for becoming a successful freelancer."
"Being able to write great proposals is absolutely key to your success on Upwork."
"I'll show you how to stand out and get clients to notice your proposal, even if you're new to Upwork."
"My proposals are designed to start a conversation and then hopefully get a response from the client."
"The best way to do that is with a powerful, succinct proposal."
"Showing an example of relevant work is so powerful for several reasons."
"The freelancer who shows the most genuine interest is the one who's most likely to get hired."
"I did end up making money with freelance that summer, working as a ghostwriter for romance novels."
"Freelance gigs can be an excellent way to make money during a recession as more people and businesses may be looking to cut costs."
"It's just a much more professional way for anyone; you'll use this portfolio to either pitch to a client, to maybe get an internship, to land a job offer in a very big company, and to use it for freelancing."
"Freelancing is the best way to make money online."
"Those clients keep coming back for more work, and that way you have a steady stream of income."
"So if they like you, they'll probably continue wanting you to create thumbnails for them."
"As a freelancer, you're able to earn much more money per customer and you don't need a huge audience before you can start selling."
"The importance of repeat business for freelancers or small businesses."
"Cold emailing ended up being my most successful way to land freelance writing clients as a total beginner."
"The main goal of freelancing work is for the client to be really happy with the work."
"Having this YouTube channel is really helping my freelancing business."
"Freelancing means having a job that is location independent, so you can work from anywhere you get internet."
"I hope this video was helpful, I hope maybe it gave you guys some motivation to start trying to freelance."
"I made 60,000 in the month of March just freelancing."
"If you get good at selling these skills and market yourself and boost your gigs, you can definitely take these skills and turn them into $2,000 or more per month on Fiverr."
"Making money as a freelancer has never been easy."
"Scheduling personal time... that's why we're working so hard as freelancers, to have that freedom."
"Fiverr is great for completing small tasks if you are a talented designer, artist, writer, or musician."
"Strategy calls are probably the best way for us as freelancers to get potential clients on the phone."
"Freelancing is probably the easiest way to get started making money online."