
Media Portrayal Quotes

There are 263 quotes

"Are they going to really show what she's going through and how she picks up the pieces? That's what people need to see."
"Why don't they just have the women doing like powerful [__] the whole movie?"
"They're acting like you're using it right now, and that you were aiming it at special needs people."
"These are not actors and actresses... these are somebody's little boy, little girl."
"The media are running this as though this is a Bull Connor, Jim Crow story."
"With queer characters, their depth is determined by how the perils of their sexuality affect all of those things, and that sometimes leaves little regard for their full humanity."
"It's like, people in media, you know, TV shows, movies, songwriting, music videos, all of that jazz, they use like the hinting of queerness in their shows and their characters."
"Some things aren't equal Joe Biden mispronouncing a word is not the same as Donald Trump going out there bragging about being a dictator rambling on about Q andon conspiracy theories forgetting who his wife is saying weird making weird noises."
"The portrayal of Martin as this ingratiated, apologetic, Asian immigrant is the kind of racism that conservatives don't even realize is racism."
"because they tend to reinforce the widespread, regressive notion that women in vulnerable, passive or subordinate positions are somehow desirable because of their powerlessness."
"I am not here to be looked at as a victim but I also know that I am not the villain that people and the media have portrayed me to be."
"I don't think I'm this giant controversial character that people are portraying us to be."
"Red-headed female characters have also taken on positive symbolic associations embodying qualities like bravery, passion, and independence."
"This movie needed to deal with that because so many times... when you call them, no matter what you're talking about, they're already looking at you."
"Elon Musk is a disaffected liberal... the media treats him like he's a far-right maniac."
"Horace Grant was not portrayed in the fashion that he said he liked."
"Elisa Lam was a very real human being who was in an extremely unfortunate situation so turning into a ghost story really just feels wrong."
"Logan Roy seduces and fascinates both audiences and other characters because he's a larger-than-life human being."
"It's as if this whole sequence of events was designed for a Netflix movie... the key character is Sam bankman freed whose initials are SBF."
"What you see is what you get. We're pretty low-key people, equally boring in real life. It feels really disingenuous to act differently from who we are on camera."
"When Hollywood makes 'Lord of War 2', the arms dealers are going to be the good guys as they vacuum up munitions from hot spots around the world to direct it to Ukraine."
"The media like to portray people as into something they're not and as a result they get hurt."
"But fame can be as fleeting as an image on a television screen."
"It's not like on a television crime procedural where you know you get the answers you get the criminal charges in the trial but at the end of the hour it takes time but it is happening."
"The truth is that Ray J never had this tape, so that computer scene was a bunch of crap."
"They had to make Michael Peterson completely unlikable, to make the jury hate him."
"The people gutting her as a murderer are so eager to pick up a pitchfork and burn women alive without understanding a goddamn thing about actually being a woman."
"The Spin Doctors are already representing him as the caring compassionate Prince that he was thought of before Diana came on the scene."
"We gotta get off this thing where we're desperate and we sit up here and let these folks portray us any kind of damn way."
"This is the worst, most insufferable amped up modern female empowerment girl boss cringe I have ever seen."
"Homura and Madoka's relationship is probably going to affect the way that the rest of sapphic romances are portrayed."
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"A lot of the times when I see typical school bullying in TV shows or movies I'm kind of like, 'That would never happen.'"
"Journalists today are all acting like Joe Biden is quite literally a saint sent by the good lord above to save us."
"It's not about bans, it's about our hero who did nothing wrong."
"No one watches that movie and thinks archaeologists all carry a [ __ ] gun and a whip and kill people but they should."
"Coronavirus - it's blown up in proportion, it's freaky and scary, but it's not the end of the world."
"Honestly, in Brittany Griner's position, she's not the one conducting these deals or asking for stuff. She's just a victim of the situation."
"The show effectively renders itself pro-cop."
"Drowning doesn't usually look like drowning on TV."
"The idea that democracy was ever in serious threat because of drunks and idiots breaking into the Capitol building is nonsense."
"Hunter Biden is not a victim. He is anything but a victim."
"Getting over fears: Mexico is not what the media portrays."
"It wouldn't matter what North Korea did. The sister could have come down and taken a dump on the president's table in South Korea, and they were portrayed as some sort of great diplomatic coup."
"It was very measured, respectful, and contained a lot of true, genuine patriotism."
"Comparing black people, particularly tall athletically built black men like Gilliam to monkeys, apes, or primates is one of the oldest stereotypes in history."
"But the reality is Trump's response is very boring exactly everything about Trump has been so much more boring than they've tried to claim."
"It's like something out of a movie... crazy times out there for Luke Rockhold."
"It's classic Fox, heartwarming, the worst people you know are all fighting."
"It's probably pretty safe to say this is like the best on-screen portrayal of Nightwing slash Robin slash Grayson probably that's out there."
"I think these things sort of serve that image of him to his people when he goes on TV and doubles down on his insanity."
"It's amazing too because the media here in this country can make Antifa look like the friend and the guys on the right look like the enemies."
"If a car crashes the car crashes that's why you know the media sometimes really likes to get a hold of car crashes but if you look at the statistics Tesla's are safer than any other car."
"He's dying the death of a thousand paper cuts where he's bleeding out on live television."
"I'm devastated that he made me sound crazy and twisted so many things out of context in his most recent video to the point of literally painting me into the loud crazy over stereotype that people try to use on young women especially Latina women."
"A personality like Disney will never be free from exaggerations, slander and rumors – or, the opposite risk, is to portray him exclusively in a saintly light."
"From my personal experience in Investment Banking I don't think investment banks are the evil entities they're portrayed to be in the news."
"Lifetime, if you're doing the Aaliyah movie right, this is what we need to see: how she met R. Kelly, were they really in love?"
"Nostalgia obviously plays a big role in vaporwave and it is albums like Yes We're Open that bring back memories that we kind of forgotten or don't usually try to think about or go out of our way to remember when we're strolling down memory lane."
"He was not just dubbed the boy wonder by the media but he indeed was."
"Every single article about her runs through a list of highly complimentary descriptors like witty, refined, sophisticated, intelligent, beautiful."
"Whatever the truth about Kathleen Peterson's death, the staircase succeeded in turning a family tragedy into a public inquiry."
"Disturbingly effective: The portrayal of violence in 'Skinamarink'."
"Characters that feel so connected with an autistic viewer's own experiences that they want to claim them as their own feel significant."
"Most of the violence was done by the police in these protests and the destroying of property was really overblown in the media."
"The story of slavery is much larger, much deeper, much wider-ranging than the version they tell in schools, in the media, in Hollywood."
"Channel you're looking for black men to be the villain will be the villain."
"Republicans must remember that what they are witnessing here is lynching."
"Transitioning is glorified in the media as something that's gonna fix all your problems when if you're not trans it'll make them worse."
"Without this dark and deadly Wednesday who openly rebelled against Society the character would still be a sweet little girl who played with headless dolls."
"There is this idea of the cool villain with a British accent." - Rafaela
"It really doesn't make Trump look as bad as the press wants it to look."
"All black women want is proper representation."
"In Claire Dunphy, we get a rare genuine portrayal of modern motherhood."
"People do want the bad guy like in films and stuff."
"The Punisher a brutal vigilante introduced in 1974 spider-man comic who also starred in 2017 Netflix series has become an emblem for some cops and soldiers."
"Endings are not always endings, sometimes they're beginnings."
"I thought it'd be some narcissistic display of how 'nice' Ellen is, but it's a fairly competent slice of life show about growing up in a large city."
"Some of the best Darth Vader scenes in any media."
"We are helping America devalue our need in this world by constantly misrepresenting ourselves on TV and radio for money."
"It's just been demonized to an unbelievable point."
"Regular people who are in the dark are given this fun house mirror version of what this show really is."
"Avatar goes above and beyond to show an unexpected side of armed conflict."
"We never see healthy relationships where the love interest isn't the main point of a woman's life, like Ron Stoppable's dynamic."
"It's not a hatchet job on the witnesses at all, it's a very honest and open portrayal."
"Fast. In conclusion, brown face not that bad."
"There's a reason why people have to work so hard to make Antifa this death squad menace that it's been made to be in the media."
"The presentation of warfare is inherently thrilling."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is lauded because he fled first... defended himself... and then immediately tried to get the police."
"It was bad press for them, a hit with young teens, this video coming out showing a more adult side of the boys was certainly not good press for them."
"It's not Hollywood, ladies and gentlemen, this isn't an actor pretending to suffer or die, it's a human being whose life is being torn asunder."
"The Panthers were organizing around these issues, while the press was vilifying them, and demonizing them, and telling lies about them."
"Yeah, obviously like girl power and she's strong and you know she don't need no help from no man, uh, and that's all great but we also the whole series is about what women kind of go through all the time."
"When confronted with images of his doppelganger in news and media reports living out his life and assuming his identity, SCP-1447-2 was unable to explain the anomaly and asserted that he was the true original version of himself."
"Dragging out Ochi's death feels more like torture to me."
"Even Black Noir was not necessarily a good person, but he was the one you were most sympathetic towards because the show always did things to demonstrate his sensitivity."
"She's gonna be wearing a leather jacket. Oh, she's a biker. She's a biker mice from mars."
"The world of money laundering normally conjures up imageries of shows like Ozark or Breaking Bad."
"This is a cartoon. Why a cartoon? It makes them look like they aren't rapists."
"The fact that boy the fact that they made a simple serial killer this terrifying no this terrifying is ridiculous."
"This is so horrific for casting also an example to people who are survivors."
"Gone are the days I hope of local newscasts at the end of their newscast doing a UFO story and they play X-Files music under it, you know, really childish stuff."
"The media demonized working-class communities."
"Hunter Biden, the new 'Wolf of Wall Street' in 'My Son Hunter,' exclusively on Breitbart."
"If there's one thing to take away from this video, it's that he doesn't want to be known as a [__]."
"Violence against female characters should never be presented as sexy."
"Kobe was made to be the villain, and now that the block is here, he's going to be the one to take down this evil empire."
"I hope to see more war protests, unfortunately, if you're anti-war, you're painted as a Russian propagandist."
"Sydney Powell sounds like a real girl boss though."
"Only one thing has been treated worse than video game movie adaptations, and that’s the portrayal of video games in movies."
"Sure, ignorance might have been understandable about 30 years ago, but even today, TV and Film still have no clue how to represent this monumentally successful entertainment industry."
"Just because the posterior is actually one of the most prominent things in the shot doesn't therefore convert it into a sexual object. Spider-Man is not being portrayed here as a sex object."
"We didn't want to make a movie that was condemning the internet or internet culture."
"One of the things the media will try to create is that I'm some sort of lawbreaking maverick who just does what he wants."
"It humanizes Ahsoka in a way that you hadn't really seen before."
"How are you going to have Nia Jax and Carmella representing your women's divisions as respected champions, when you got shit like Nia Jax and Carmella on WWE television?"
"That's one of the few things the show got right 100%: it portrays just how horrible of an event suicide is."
"The bluntness of the show’s portrayal of sex, drugs, homophobia, being in the closet, dealing with disease, and friendship."
"People are sick of all the doom and gloom because it happens more than you might think. This is gonna really suck."
"In an age of media that seems to fetishize the lifestyle of 16 to 25 year olds, it's easy to look at anything older as the cutoff where life stops being interesting."
"Please don't think that actual ninjas looked like this."
"Hunter Biden's a victim now, he's the victim, that's what the progressive leftist press is trying to sell."
"Reagan is what we pro-wrestling Marx would call living the gimmick."
"We shouldn't overly demonize and we shouldn't overly glamorize."
"These are not neo-Nazis, you know when the Western media talks about the extremists, they refer to them sometimes as neo-Nazis, but as I have heard you say, they're old-school Nazis."
"Florida man is either the best of the best or the worst of the worst of redneckery."
"I see no evidence of rough treatment from the officer to Miss Hargrave. I see none."
"It actually humanized the Soviet Union far more than anything I've recently seen in like World War II media."
"It's sort of like coming out of a coma, you know? When you watch movies and somebody wakes up out of a coma, but more immediately up and lucid. Well, that doesn't happen in real life."
"Dr. Da was seen as quite the sympathetic figure in the media."
"Not only did Harper's Bazaar claim Lynch is playing double-oh-seven but they also claim that her role in the film is to confront stereotypes around race and gender that have persisted for far too long."
"He's literally just being Fred Rogers, being interviewed by a journalist."
"An interesting exploration of PTSD in a comic book show."
"I'm not here to be looked at as a victim, but I also know that I am not the villain that people in the media have portrayed me to be."
"How could any human being eat that much chocolate in a week, that is like that is in like these are television shows about people who consume this type of food that it's like you need help."
"I thought my ass was just gonna be a cameo in it then no no it's it's not even like that but I think you know I have a certain personality I have like a spice to me right."
"Howard Stern's private parts... it's kind of sad though because like one of the big things in that movie is about him and his relationship with his wife."
"Police in regards to this altercation with all the talks of police brutality against black men, it's just like bro, it's absurd."
"The Democrats and their partners in crime in the Deep State are so desperate to get Trump jailed, it shows how concerned they are the U.S has become a Banana Republic of corruption and propaganda."
"If all you ever see in the media are portrayals of people with mental illness being violent, then we need to have a conversation."
"Sherlock Holmes, the most filmed fictional character ever."
"It's really just this internalized fear of the right that forces them to portray things as they aren't... Just stop claiming that the country's on fire..."
"Reliving the Chernobyl nuclear disaster events in a vivid dramatized version."
"OCD is so much more than the good and safe compulsions shown in the media."
"Anarchism is not a chaotic nightmare as it's often portrayed in popular media."
"One of the odds he had to face was the auricular from mainstream media who decided to unfairly try and paint him as a Nazi white supremacist and anti-semite."
"Do you think that OG is becoming a victim of bad editing on Basketball Wives?"
"The fiction of the Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle feud boils down to a divide between those who play the game and those who want to change it."
"They're really going out of their way to not only depict him physically but to rewrite his dialogue to make him softer, more likable as a character."
"There's something refreshing to me about how seriously it handles the abuse."
"Alex should just point to these Discovery videos and CBS News and paint him as a lone nut deep State operative."
"If you've listened to the media, Emmett Till was a sweet young man who did nothing wrong."
"Number one on our list is one of the most popular world leaders, not only because of his portrayal in popular media, he's also been in charge of Russia for quite a long time now."
"Michael was smarter than a lot of us are led to believe. They try to make it seem like Michael was just some cat sitting around bleaching himself. No, Michael was a writer."
"They made him small, they minimized him, and put all these labels on him so that he wasn't a real person anymore."
"The devil is so much the devil that he went on TV and said these black people hung themselves."
"James 'Whitey' Bulger is arguably the most famous Alcatraz inmate for today’s generation because of portrayals of him in recent Hollywood movies."
"With Trump, they're always highly suspicious."
"I think their overall handling it pretty well as far as how they're having the characters talk about it."
"I ran one of the biggest frauds of all time, but the headline is like chick changes her voice for absolutely no reason."
"I appreciate when media like this doesn't make being a superhero like this Ultra serious burden."
"There's a lot of Migrant crime...how many per walks do you have to see on camera for you to see yes people are committing crimes?"
"It's incredible how the media paints a picture of Trey being this villain... when in reality, Young has defied all odds."
"Not what we've been fed by mainstream media, not what we've been fed at schools."
"It's just you don't always see it portrayed that way in the media."
"It's so dramatized, like anything you watch on any of those shows."
"Welcome to a negro night here at Washington, or as Fox News will report, two thugs disrupt elegant dinner in DC."
"Her narrative was made clear even from the moment that Harry issued the initial press statement. It was important for her to shine a light on the way that she'd been treated in the media."
"It never showed him asking God for forgiveness and never showed him going into a church after killing multiple people or having them ordered to be killed."
"Celebrity Rehab, you just saw people be like 'oh here's your favorite guy and he's super broken, yeah he's [ __ ] crazy broken.'"
"Most Wanted Sharks isn't terrible, but it definitely seems intent on personifying these animals as social media stars."
"The Tea Party was very upbeat, patriotic Americans, not what the media portrayed."
"While liberals May snigger and sneer at Bay's shot of terrorists shooting a fluttering American flag to Ribbons as U.S forces sit idly by in an American ambassador suffocates on diesel smoke conservatives are far more likely to be enraged."
"Despite resisting interrogation for months, after his apology to the Soviets, the American media frequently portrayed Powers as a coward and even as a symptom of the decay of America's 'moral character'."
"New York Post has been going crazy bananas mode over this first they wrote articles calling her like a [ __ ] dumbass Karen then now they're writing an insane amount of Articles being like look at these violent black thugs."
"Made to pay millions of dollars in restitution for this but it is still referred sometimes to as a bomb hoax."
"The way the media spun this Narrative of Jordan Woods was just like breaking up a household that was perfect and everything was so smooth."
"Michael Jackson was nothing like the media portrays."
"Please don't watch Tiger King and think it's all about roadside zoos being good. Know that nobody thought that. She done did, you saw that?"
"Despite depictions in popular media like the movie Zero Dark 30 that show these stealth helicopters as black, images of the tail section left behind clearly show that the helicopters were instead gray or at least their tails were."
"The reason why it's programming, bro, this is real, this is real though. It's programming because if you look at just look at our history as a people, look at the TV shows, there's no shows like in the history of our people that portrayed women as making the mistakes."
"For a show that claims to be aware of the lack of representative non-binary characters in the media, 'And Just Like That' does a pretty decent job of turning Jay into a cringe-worthy caricature."
"Let's peek behind the Tabloid headlines and the outrageous scenes in the crown and get to know the real Princess Margaret."
"When I told my friends and family I was coming here, many of them told me to be really careful. But I arrived here, and it's very different from what the media says. It's clean, it's safe, and it's welcoming, especially for tourists."
"The Tesla effect and then you've got a deliberate effort in the media to trash EVS every opportunity and it's... it's hilarious and tragic at the same time."
"It always sucks that when it comes to cutting, media loves being like, 'yeah, people who commit suicide, they're just going through stuff and that's tragic and should be treated with respect, not like those freaks who slit their wrists though'."
"Charles and Camila were most probably unfairly deemed the villains in a story that captivated the nation."
"And Queen handles it so good, and she's like, 'Well, this and this,' and then in the interview chair, they both basically take it back because Queen can see that Beverly doesn't know how to be genuine in front of the cameras."
"These kids are idolized glamorized and turned into heroes by the media when [__] like this happens and their hobbies are the things that get [__] pointed out and get singled out as the problem."
"She was beautiful, but not like those girls in the magazines."
"There are so many women like us in real life, but on social media platforms and on TV, we're just regressed to how we look like, don't talk, just as long as you're sexy, that's fine."
"The Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a nuanced and hilarious takedown of the way we so quickly jump to calling women crazy."
"It's sad that because someone's skin is a different color that their child will get less exposure... this does not come from investigators, it's something within media and politicians."
"There is this thing in British media that trans people are the butt of a joke like dressing up as a woman is seen as this like funny thing."
"Life magazine had Woodrow Wilson freeing the slaves in 1914. I mean it's so hokey but what you really need to see though there's a documentary film about this it's a great satirical film."
"I'm just saying, listen, I'm not saying it's from a high horse. I'm saying this from somewhere where when I was a kid and saw Britney shaving her head, I was like, 'She lost it, just like the rest of them.' You know?"
"of all the first kisses I've seen in my days on TV movies whatever pretty good one"
"Nobody knows what has actually happened due to the all too familiar pipeline of a woman, especially a black woman, flying too high in the media."
"The mixture of conflict with spiritual themes is a key tenet of how Samurai are portrayed in media, and Star Wars takes from these sources quite liberally."
"Your average couple is going to be like, 'Let me bring a third in and put it on national TV.'"