
Life Alignment Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Your purpose on earth is to figure out how to align your life so that you feel more energized and excited by it."
"The fastest way to start to shift that is to shift the energy inside you and to start to align your life towards things that energize you."
"It's amazing how swiftly life aligns when we really believe something in our hearts."
"Living your life congruently aligned with your top values and with your top strengths and talents... comes together in such a beautiful way."
"When you actually align your life, and you're congruent with all your values, life becomes beautiful, a joy."
"Stop lining your life up with bills and start lining your life up with purpose."
"Be with someone that you feel is aligned with your life and compatible with you, whatever the number is between you."
"The world is trying to help you. You are meant to live in alignment. Synchronicity is not only possible; it's something you're wired to do, and you can start today."
"At the end of the day, for a man, it's to honor God first, and when you do that, everything else falls into place."
"Sexual integrity is guiding your sexual life according to your moral compass and in accordance with your life's goals, purpose, and realization of your true worth."
"If you can be yourself and create content, so you're not acting, I think you're winning."
"Order is the place you are when what you're doing matches what's happening."
"Happiness is about living in a way that's aligned with your highest values."
"Either change the way you're living to match your vision or lower your vision to manage expectation with the way you're living."
"The ultimate solution is to realign your life so that your passion becomes your motivator."
"When it's meant for you, it will never pass you by."
"When I live and act from a place of spiritual alignment, I can entrust that everything is working out for me, even if I don't know when or how it will happen."
"God never called you to do it... anything outside of the will of God will make you unhappy."
"The assignment is about what you do the alignment is about who you are."
"The lessons and the blessings that are coming towards you and that you've probably been learning have something to do with your sixth house."
"Love is also coming into your life and I feel like it has something to do with your life purpose as well."
"Just because you feel good, things fall into place."
"Father, I declare divine alignment with Your perfect will in every area of their lives!"
"It's powerful when you can actually align your life with what your actual highest purpose is."
"My daily choices align me with my life's purpose."
"Realign yourself to what you want in your life."
"It's almost like divine timing and they're going to come in around that time frame when a lot of things are just falling together and aligning here for you."
"We need to be people that are led by the spirit... It's a curse to be out of sync."
"Rest is part of the hard work and sometimes things are not aligned, and you don't have to stress."
"When you take your energy and resistance away and you put it on an area of your life that is working, you may find that you allow more alignment to flow through."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"When you've done enough work, the universe starts working for you."
"When you are in alignment with your sole purpose, the universe will work in your favor."
"You're gonna just be more in tune with your life and your purpose."
"You're being given an opportunity to do something that aligns yourself with the vision that you had or have of your destiny."
"It's divinely guided, synchronicities happening, positive shifts, embrace the new."
"If you are called according to his purpose... he will cause all things to work for you."
"Alignment is the only way to have constant purpose because as long as you are alive, you will manifest alignment. And that is purpose."
"Do the harder, more interesting thing, which is to compose a life where what you do every single day aligns as closely as possible with what you believe."
"Set the intention and detach, and know that it's coming to you because it's in alignment with your life's purpose."
"The relationship that is going to be healthiest for you is going to be the relationship that is suitable to your purpose."
"Trust in yourself first and then the right things will fall into place."
"Leo's are gonna be the stars, you are gonna be the stars, you're gonna be fully where you're supposed to be."
"Destiny will bring you together... both on the right track... an opportunity to see where you're at."
"What you can do is figure out how best to align your life and your career with making the world a better place."
"Align yourself with your purpose and the power in your soul."
"If it's not working out, it's not your place."
"I really hope that everyone will be resonating with someone something like this one day... things are just aligning so beautifully."
"You're wasting away everything else that can fall into alignment with you because you're stuck on one specific person."
"It helps when you and your neighbor are aiming towards the same things in life."
"Move forward so you can receive everything in your life that wants to come together for you."
"Everything in your life right now is aligning."
"So also in our own case, we picture the work of the philosopher to be something like this: he should bring his own will into harmony with what happens."
"When your inner feelings and outer actions are balanced with each other, then and only then will your life become one of Perfect Harmony."
"There are absolutely people on this planet that are a vibrational match. There are opportunities that are a vibrational match. Careers, homes, cars, you name it, that have your name on it, divine feminine."
"Do a simple way to start figuring that out is to ask yourself right now, what are your values? What are the things that really encompass, you know, what's important to you?"
"Am I living by that value in every aspect of my life? In my personal life, in my professional life, in my social life? Again, if you're not, that's okay, but you're bringing a bit of awareness now and intention to what's going on."
"When you align your life with the eternity that is in you, only God can reveal it."
"Everything is going to align in the way that you want it, in the way that's aligning with your happiness."
"I need to keep proclaiming this as my new life because this new life is going to align itself with my wants, my needs, my desires."
"Love who you are and all everything else will fall into place."
"Forgive and process the unfortunate circumstances of your birth, reconcile with the fact that you're still here, and you can align your life differently."
"I want to align the momentary parts of my life with the things that I want to have done in the future."
"Your mouth, your mind, and your money... if you submit them under the will of God, your life will be in a place of alignment and advancement."
"Aligning your life with your values... you'll feel so much more fulfilled."
"If you create the life aligned with values, then you're in flow state all the time."
"When you're living in alignment, success just flows to you."
"Everything's kind of falling into place."
"I'm trying my best to live according to my treasure."
"Align to your best life, to your most divine timeline, to help you ascend on your soul's journey through this reality we call life."
"Focus on what is bringing you happiness, peace, joy, productivity, and what is in alignment with your destiny."
"This is you living a life that is in conformity with your spirit and soul."
"You merge your lives by aligning your dreams."
"This is about a rebirth, aligning your life with where you're supposed to be going."
"Things that are going to work in your life."
"Everything is working out perfectly for you."
"Your happiness is a result of you being at one with Spirit's plan for your life."