
Cautionary Tale Quotes

There are 900 quotes

"Some people think this story begins and ends with Sam Bankman-Fried, but that's wrong. It is doomed to repeat itself."
"When you're always looking for attention and trying to rage bait people, you become kind of like the boy who cried wolf."
"Fly too close to the Sun and you get burned."
"Dune was not a celebration of heroism but a cautionary tale, a warning toward Messianic figures."
"The story of Icarus tells the tale of hubris and blind confidence and the dangers of, in a strange way, maybe believing in one's capabilities too much to the point where it defies logic."
"I got scammed! I grabbed it with both hands and everything, and I got scammed."
"It's a stunning example of how easy it is to abuse police powers."
"Rushing through these scenes... she choked and died in her house. So the point of the story is, don't rush."
"When it comes to investing, the four most dangerous words in investments are 'this time it's different.'"
"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be as much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans."
"Science, industry, and art are all essential to building any society, but mixed the wrong way, they can destroy one just as easily."
"In the pursuit of a graphical leap, Sobo delved too deep and too greedily."
"If we do, remember this story, and if you ever notice signs like this, don't hesitate, leave before it's too late."
"There's so many people that could be there right now and if they hear Gemma's story then maybe they will identify the red flags in their own life."
"Brave New World is really about how a liberal democracy can essentially drug itself into tyranny."
"I've seen so many friends fall down the slippery slope of the debt rabbit hole...and the next thing you know, they're so far in debt that they can't afford to do any of the things they were doing."
"The road to hell is paved with well intentions."
"The youth are treated, teen angst and bullying, with this backdrop serving as a cautionary tale."
"1984 is a cautionary tale about what a totalitarian government can become, alerting us to how a nation can degenerate unless its people are willing and able to keep a close eye on it."
"Venezuela was once one of the wealthiest countries on the continent until the people were persuaded to vote for socialism."
"For now, all we have is a cautionary tale and a ton of questions that only Jack Ma can answer."
"Robots and artificial intelligence are seriously bad, so make sure that you watch this movie and be [ __ ] scared."
"When you give someone the keys to Pandora's Box, don't be surprised if they open that box."
"This is a cautionary tale to be nice to your flight attendants because you never know when they might have had enough, and you definitely don’t want them to quit mid-flight."
"The herd always gets slaughtered and remember the people that gamble here think most of the people here always lose they get slaughtered they're the ones that built these palaces these palaces were built by losers not winners."
"Let this be a lesson to you: demonic magic is a quick path but its powers are seductive and deadly."
"There's a path that seems right to man but that path is ultimately going to lead to death."
"It only takes once for things to go south real quick."
"My role is a cautionary tale of what happens when one accepts things on authority rather than investigating for themselves."
"Austin McBroom is the perfect example of someone who let greed destroy their life."
"Do not allow yourself to become Ahab. Do not chase Moby Dick. Do not become consumed by your phantoms and regrets."
"I just hope I don't want to be that, there's so many movies where humanity takes it too far but that's hollywood that's all."
"James Dean's death was used as an example for young people at the time to drive safely."
"Her aggressive attempts to cheat on her husband of 15 years will make you want to get a prenup, and I can't wait."
"The danger of money in a family is entitlement. If you entitle somebody and you de-risk their future, you have actually cursed them."
"The Hype House saga: a cautionary tale of ambition, deceit, and the cost of silence."
"I hope that the Court's findings will serve as a warning to all media organizations."
"But my god, I don't recommend doing this in the way and time frame that I did."
"There's a percentage chance that if you stop that guy, he's going to take your firearm and kill you."
"We said this was like opening Pandora's box. It kind of is because when you're saying that, I couldn't help but think, we have seen a team in recent history dominating a Grand Tour on seven occasions because US Postal did exactly that."
"The Nazis did not just come out of the gate killing people; it was a slow boil that started with such rhetoric and ended with genocide."
"Greece: from prosperity to stagnation, a cautionary tale."
"The Joker is a warning, a warning of how a modern Western Society will collapse."
"That's exactly what it is, picking up pennies in front of a steamroller."
"While the pursuit of knowledge is always an admirable one, when it comes to SCP-5001, maybe the Foundation should have left well enough alone."
"The tragedy of Heaven's Gate cult is a haunting reminder of how dangerous extremist ideologies can be."
"Together they made a functioning person that the rest of the universe had to watch out for."
"One bad story spoils everything in the barrel."
"It taught us a lot of important life lessons: maybe not everything you find on the internet has a silver lining and you should tread lightly."
"Success always comes with strings that will destroy your soul."
"He realizes that being a social media influencer is dangerous, and that there's more to life than just money."
"Remember those people exist, and the terrifying truth is that given the right circumstances, we could become like them."
"God is sending us warnings for us to take heed to them. Don't be like the people of Noah's days."
"The horror of human ambition, the horror of human hubris when it's used to subjugate others."
"This threat is an ancient threat that our ancestors confronted... they tried to warn us."
"Maybe after all of this stuff collapses we can learn our lesson and not fall into these same traps of thinking that we have to construct a giant world government that enslaves everybody."
"We can't be the frog in the pot. That's what happens in fascistic countries, that's the history of it. They're the frog in the pot until finally the fascist overthrows them."
"He wanted to present the dreamers that don't necessarily make it in life whether it be by destroying themselves with wrong choices or having their lives cut short before achieving their dreams."
"Be careful raising a baby tiger, because one day it will grow up and eat you."
"Beware the Fortnite carjacker: how a gaming friendship turned into a real-life robbery."
"Truly one of the greatest minds of our time but with his gift of the ways of the market also came a warning within this hallowed text was also a few words for Timothy's enemies and detractors."
"Always that same LSD story. You've all seen it: 'Young man on acid thought he could fly, jumped out of a building.' What a tragedy. What a dick!"
"Be careful what you wish for; it's the brand that becomes subordinate to a runaway success."
"A war without clear goals is a recipe for disaster, as seen in Russia's invasion of Ukraine."
"Moral of the story: think with the head on your shoulders, not the one in your pants."
"It was golden handcuffs as they call it, they give you this money and then it destroys you."
"Once you give the government a little bit, they're going to take a mile."
"It's a fascinating situation, it's a cautionary tale."
"Han also mentions an old buddy from Corellia named needles who taught him a street racing trick that actually led to needles dying in a crash."
"This is a good example of what happens when you make yourself financially dependent on intersexual dynamics."
"Sometimes history needs a push, but that push was a hundred million dead people."
"I was very drunk, should not have been driving a car."
"Roko's basilisk is a cautionary tale about the potential risks of advanced artificial intelligence."
"Zuckerberg's story is not over, but his biography as it stands today is a warning, a strange morality tale of hubris, theft, and misplaced good intentions for our internet age."
"Don't try to grab people's babies because you might end up getting punched in the nose and end up in court."
"Your scientists were so busy trying to think or determine whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think whether they should."
"In this game, you never want your wife joining a murder plot against you."
"Don't go blindly wandering around strange places, you might just run into Leatherface."
"Never screw with an accountant who actually knows what they're doing."
"The right woman will Propel you to Greatness and the wrong one will lead to ruin."
"It's like shooting the paper boy in your front yard at night because you think it might be breaking into your house."
"They were so obsessed with whether or not they could, they didn't think about whether or not they should."
"Unfortunately, one very important realization came all too late to this woman: you don't mess with alligators."
"Look what can happen if your child goes to the dark side."
"The Wyoming incident: A haunting reminder of the internet's dark side."
"They made some genetic changes to this bacteria, they tinkered with some of the genes. It was like science fiction, only real."
"The moral of the ugly God story will always be that you need to be careful what you wish for as you might just get it before you can actually handle it."
"The story of Austin Jones is a story of manipulation."
"That [expletive] real. They say a lot of [expletive] don't went broke, they like end up getting some real M's and [expletive] not paying a [expletive] tax."
"We must understand our past lest we risk again the damnation that befell those who came before."
"This is a perfect example of why you don't gamble, unless you want to become like me."
"This Amanda's story has shown us that not everything that glitters is gold."
"It was clear from the start that this soldier is bad news."
"The story I'm about to tell you about the Sith capitalist is not a condemnation of capitalism, it is really just a warning of what happens when a system like this has no checks and balances to protect us from malicious actors."
"When you're up, you're up high. Don't be greedy."
"It's a sad story and hopefully that doesn't happen to any of us or the people we care about."
"First they came for this group then they came for that group then inevitably they are coming for you."
"Honestly seems like a hypothetical cautionary tale a truly tragic event of a character that goes too far."
"You've just ruined your life and your wife's life and your children's lives over this."
"We let something loose in this world, something that could very well be our undoing."
"Success was great, and then things kind of got a little fishy."
"The only way it really has worth for us beyond gossip, which isn't any worth anyway, is if we take a look at ourselves and we see this as a cautionary tale."
"This whole story is sad, it's a cautionary tale."
"Alcoholism isn't the answer. It's just not funny."
"Whenever I feel full of myself, I watch '30 for 30: Broke' to just remind myself what could happen."
"She should have never been with him in the first place, she should have never gotten pregnant by him, she should have never even cross paths with somebody who was so beneath her."
"Orwell feared that what we hate will ruin us."
"Huxley feared that what we love will ruin us."
"One of the worst things in life is to help the wrong person."
"He essentially is your classical Icarus story of a man who flew too close to the sun and got burnt."
"If you have severe acne, I'm begging you, don't try 50 different over-the-counter creams."
"The road to hell being paved with good intentions."
"The stories about mega stars losing all their money are downright sad but they're also cautionary tales and they're not as rare as you might think."
"Wow, maybe next time don't trust a floating ball with a God complex. Just a thought. Let's get out of here before we become s'mores. Let's go!"
"People think it's hyperbolic when you say it, but let's look at history. Hitler attempted the exact same thing in 1933."
"Don't attack Ratchet's home, even if it's a different Ratchet. It's not gonna end well for you, Emperor Nefarious."
"It's a slippery slope, one thing leads to another."
"You make thousands of decisions a day but only takes one decision to fuck everything off."
"She's the type of woman that will get you locked up for sure."
"I guess the moral of this story is to always do research."
"For anyone who thinks prison isn't that bad, this story right here will make you think otherwise."
"Every Samson, beware: pornography aims to cut off your eyes, your vision of God."
"This thing is headed to a very bad ending for the people who are stuck in these bad shorts."
"The core lesson in the story: the boogeyman is real, and he wears the faces of men."
"This is the ultimate tourist trap, guys. This is the ultimate tourist trap."
"The Great Depression should be a warning that loose regulations and poor government oversight can lead to disaster."
"No one was dumb enough to ever bother the dinosaurs... until now."
"I shudder to think what might have happened to me if I had woken up that day thinking and acting much more instinctively."
"A cautionary tale for parents out there a 13-year-old girl found herself in the middle of a cruel cyber hoax and her parents say it led to their daughter's suicide."
"An Internet hoax and its terrible consequences, the parents of a teenage girl who took her own life in a St. Louis suburb are now going public with her story as a cautionary tale for other parents."
"Don't be stupid, don't let no [ __ ] sit there [ __ ] with you bro and hype you, know what I'm saying?"
"First of all, this was dumb and nobody should have done it."
"Priscilla is now using her experience as a warning for others, saying that those who are looking to alter their appearances should rethink their decisions."
"You are not broken, you are perfect the way you are."
"I realized like oh well this is a genie that once it's out of the bottle you're never getting it back in."
"If this can happen to us, it can happen to you."
"Okay, if you buy a new home and then you go into the attic then you look in a trunk and there's a creepy doll in there covered in bible verses just burn it."
"This is the deep blue sea bro respect it that's all i'm gonna say."
"Let this serve as a cautionary tale for future game developers."
"It was very sudden but a woman and her three children came out of a cafe on the other side of the road and ran across to our side."
"Zesty Jesus is a cautionary tale of how sharing opinions on the internet can end poorly, even if you mean well."
"Render times are important because if you spend too long rendering, you'll end up like me living in a box on the side of the highway."
"How tragically things can end if you make one simple mistake."
"I feel like the movies demonstrate enough reasons why Jurassic Park should not be a thing."
"The legend of the Bird Woman served as a cautionary tale in the jungles of Vietnam."
"If you can’t see the line that leads back out of the cave, then you are in trouble."
"If you ignore red flags it's very, very possible to end up in a situation like I was in."
"I've seen people's lives ruined by stuff like this."
"But, what about those that take this fascination too far?"
"Don't get involved in a really elaborate revenge plot because you will regret it."
"If you put a frog in a boiling pot of water, it'll jump right out. If you put a frog in a cold pot of water and slowly heat it up, it'll boil itself to death."
"Losing thousands of dollars before or during your Disney World vacation for things that you could have fixed is bound to leave a sour taste in your mouth."
"A cautionary tale for companies that don't ever move with the times."
"Hope this can serve as a cautionary tale for game publishers and higher-ups in particular of what not to do for a successful video game launch."
"It's a cautionary tale about how we all engage online and weaponize."
"A cautionary tale... trapped in an invisible cage."
"The moral that can be learned from this film is never to be greedy."
"This place is a skin farm and it's exactly why Vivian should have ditched her friend and walked out the door."
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
"Humans must stay indoors with doors and windows locked, or the devil will come to brutally slaughter people."
"Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. It's like the genie Trope."
"If you've never played before we're in 1930s Germany before Germany went full fascist but they're on their way. It's a dangerous slippery slope."
"Just saying, moral of the story: don't get addicted to things, it's bad."
"We can't lose sight of history; what has happened before will happen again."
"If you make 70,000 a year and you got fifty thousand dollars worth of cars sitting in the driveway, you're gonna be broke your whole life."
"Signing to a rapper is actually one of the worst things you can do. And on the flip side, signing other rappers can be just as horrible as well."
"You could be rich at some point and then everything goes downhill."
"This chilling encounter serves as a cautionary tale and a reminder that even a casual outing can turn into something far more serious."
"Don't get into any exploding cars, that's my don't get into exploding cars is the moral of the story."
"Founding fathers themselves wrote about how if there weren't limitations on them they would turn into wolves."
"It behooves you to stand guard, take heed you who stand, you who think you stand lest you fall."
"By degree, one compromise begets another begets another until pretty soon you've heard the old anecdote about the boiling frog."
"Any young person who listens to this today, the last thing I want them to do is think that this is a road to go on because it can, you know, at parts, seem quite glamorous."
"Many will believe in him because he will claim to have come from heaven but woe to them."
"History must be examined thoroughly to never again be repeated."
"Gangsters are either in the penitentiary or six feet under."
"Believe the frog, when it tells you that the crocodile is dead."
"This is incredibly ridiculous, and I highly suggest you to not attempt this yourself because it’s an extreme waste of time!"
"Will and Jada are without a doubt the greatest negative marriage example you could ever hope to find if you want a happy and healthy marriage all you really have to do is uh is just do nothing that Will and Jada do and everything they don't do."
"The deep web is a place that will scar you and leave you terrified."
"This ending turns this clever coming-of-age comedy into one of the most brilliant and even haunting cautionary tales of young rebellion."
"A lot of people online have a rise and a fall."
"Please learn from this story and do not make the same mistakes I made because my first trip was one of the worst trips I ever had."
"So this story is gonna be a bit painful for me to share but I want to share this story with the hope that I can educate and possibly prevent anyone from ever touching a Ouija board."
"Sometimes you can go down a rabbit hole from which you cannot return."
"It's a reminder to always be careful but even then sometimes there's just nothing you could ever do to protect yourself from the evil in this world."
"A seemingly normal and pleasant situation could turn so horrible so fast."
"Things get to terrible places one tiny step at a time."
"His story is essentially a cautionary tale showcasing when the pursuit of internet fame can go too far."
"Cyber Stalker: a chilling cautionary tale about sharing personal information online."
"I legitimately had a canteen they said had water in it. I never took it out of the plastic bag."
"The rise and fall of Vice media... a fable about greed."
"The road to hell is paid with good intentions."
"Rule three: always be careful in bathrooms. Dying on the toilet is a terrible way to go, so avoid it at all costs."
"See Sugar Ray, it can happen to anybody. Don't care how good you are."
"It was bad... some lady did it and she's like, 'Excuse me, everybody do not do this. I just fell for it. I'm out 250 dollars.'"
"Frankenstein can create whatever monster he wants to in his basement. You're free to do that. But when the monster gets out, you gotta hold Frankenstein accountable."
"A king has no friends. A king has only followers. Info be careful what you wish for. It is lonely at the top."
"My neighbor 9 is on a thing 2.2 so you can say crowdfunding socks or doesn't work but rather a cautionary tale that simply states learn from our mistakes coz damn we made a lot of them."