
Unique Experiences Quotes

There are 467 quotes

"The game is a hardcore cult classic with some of the most unique and memorable moments the genre has to offer."
"I conquered my fear by eating these Hot Topic bugs."
"Look at this. The vibe of this, bro, you don't get this anywhere. Like, this is an experience that you just can't get, bro. It was so well done."
"Passengers on the ship were buck naked and I had to perform with my clothes on. I did not participate in this craziness."
"Video games are at their best when they embrace their identity as video games and deliver experiences only they can."
"The biggest thing that has changed my perspective on life in working in South Los Angeles is that I see things that most people will never see in their life."
"Who can say that they drove their GTR through the Sahara Desert? I think I'm pretty much one of the first people to do this."
"Let me tell you something, this is why I love being on this show. It's the only time you will ever hear somebody say, 'I have to talk to them about how their bugs are eating my rocks.'"
"You get up close and personal with these animals, and you'll have an experience like no one else in the world."
"Having a new lease on life...You only get this once in a lifetime."
"Have you ever seen anything like that in your entire life?"
"We're here because it's the path leading to what I consider to be one of the most fascinating restaurants I've ever been to."
"I gotta be humble because this does not happen to everybody."
"It's just you know, it's one of the best feelings in the world, and there's just nothing else like it."
"If you've ever shotgunned coffee powder from an MRE packet and you could hear colors, go ahead, hit that subscribe button."
"This one goes hard... This is just, it's beautiful. This is a piece of art."
"It has been a unique experience. I will tell you, I don't think I would do this again."
"These experiences are really unique, so I'm trying not to set expectations for the crew because I really want them to have their own interpretation of what it's like." - Michael Lopez-Alegria
"Life you have something very important to do and that thing is listening to an internet comedian ophthalmologist talk."
"Most children grow up praying to God, Willow's talking to Tupac."
"This is a hundred percent the craziest story I'll ever put up on my youtube channel."
"Playable Elites need to make a comeback, offering unique gameplay experiences."
"That experience is surreal. It is not like any other experience that a human being can have." - Amir Caspi
"Time to get bougie if you want to take your Resort stay to the next level consider getting in a room with a view that'll give you a private Magic Kingdom fireworks show from the comfort of your hotel room every single night of your stay."
"You really can't beat getting that experience... knowing that's literally once in a lifetime."
"In fact, that's often a great, emotive moment that only video games can produce."
"I will never forget exotic butters for as long as I live."
"There are many more important unique stories that everyone need to hear from them."
"It's a rare treat to be shown something you've never seen before."
"It's like an unreal feeling that you just have to experience once in your life. It's amazing."
"It's not gonna bring back the same feelings of your first time playing WoW right or it might in a nostalgic sense but you could never really bring that back because that was such a unique moment."
"Did you see the emu story? No? He's had one of the most interesting lives I've ever heard of."
"You cannot beat the view of the sun rising over the Earth or setting over the Earth forever. You cannot beat that view."
"At the end of the day I personally consider Catherine to be a lightning in a bottle type of experience."
"Half-Life is a monumental tribute to the value of games as an entertainment medium unto themselves capable of relating wholly different experiences than books or filmed media."
"Don't do what I did, that is cool, I'm the exception just for that moment."
"It is your story... your unique experience within this."
"Flying in that plane was just absolutely nuts."
"This here is not something you can find in the freezer aisle. You have to come here to have this type of experience."
"You become part of the exclusive club, and that would be the flying roof Club."
"This experience is really something special."
"I actually cried tears fell for my eyes as we played the strangest Jeopardy board of all time."
"They provide unique gameplay scenarios that are exclusive to their encounters."
"Spies vs mercs: the legacy lives on as one of the only places where an infamously hilariously single-player style experience transfers over to multiplayer."
"The sensation of being an undetected assassin in a full open-world city is a pretty cool and still to this day, pretty unique gameplay experience."
"An unforgettable capper to a Hamburg visit is its harbor tour, the best of its kind in Europe."
"We need to have a slumber party in the volcano before summer's over. That'd be so cool."
"The sense of satisfaction that they provide is unlike anything else."
"Not only is it a one-of-a-kind experience, but it is also expertly told, pulling you into its strange world with a deft hand."
"I have this trove of ridiculous weird stories."
"It's a one of a kind experience that will immerse you if you take the time to appreciate it."
"There's nothing quite like this that I've seen because it's doing like all the things that I love."
"It's like doing yoga at like 70 feet while on a motorcycle." - Commentator
"In my 25 years, I have never seen anything like this."
"You haven't lived until you've taken down at least one of these idiots at a wine tasting party with a hardback copy of defeating the Panzer Stuka Menace by David Lister."
"It's the second time I've been covered in chocolate this week."
"Boundaries are a unique experience based on the relationship."
"Never in my 29 years of life did I ever see cutting the front end off of a Porsche. But this is one of the coolest damn things I've ever done in my whole life."
"The experienced suction cup. The one heart. This is the most satisfying thing we've seen today."
"At certain spots you can even touch both continents simultaneously."
"This is a really unique and lavish take on a hotel and a rental experience."
"The floating cabanas are the most luxurious option you're gonna find. Cheers to a floating event!"
"That's [expletive] crazy. Is this just not the best timeline we've ever had? This is crazy."
"That's why people love it so much because they're not used to this feeling and they get to actually live something."
"For 2.5 million and for my birthday, I wanted to do something different, something a bit more intense."
"A safe, thrilling experience unlike any other in the world."
"I've never seen a sunset quite like that before in my life."
"Literally surfing around New York City is such a vibe."
"Riding around on a dinosaur... ten times cooler than a horse or a Harley Davidson."
"That's pretty sick and no one can tell me different."
"Every Ayahuasca experience is surprising in its own way."
"Flying high and listening to music on a plane surrounded by all these people, no one's talking, it's magical."
"The old ways give you an experience you can't get elsewhere."
"I had a PhD in economics but I was also a B-2 pilot."
"Simply put, the whole thing comes together as a flat-out bonkers attraction that you can't miss out on."
"How cool is this to actually experience this?"
"It's so interesting because this is straight up a level of human feeling and connection that not many people throughout the history of humanity have ever gotten to experience."
"Squishy GameCube - they had squishy GameCubes there as well."
"Watching Kanye record live, what a wild era!"
"It's overlooking flaws in order to have a unique experience."
"The experience of driving the Ecto-1 was crazy great."
"This is it—you get one shot at this particular timeline of the universe, like this is it."
"Experience somebody can't buy, borrow, or pretend to have."
"That's very rarely do you get to have an experience like that in life."
"It was so amazing, it was like a once-in-a-lifetime experience."
"He's a special guy. I think he had a very special experience."
"The lack of a traditional dungeon system? That's just how the game was designed."
"No two players have the exact same experience because of this open-world mentality."
"It's a feeling that you just cannot replicate in any other medium."
"It was kind of unlike anything else we've done in Paris so far."
"Oh my God, it's really cool, I haven't seen anything like that before."
"How fun is this though John just this atmosphere, we'll talk about it, is it's, it's there's nothing like it."
"Definitely come check out the place and if you're ever in Florida you want to go on a nice vacation it's an awesome place definitely unique."
"The acceleration was in excess of that of a shooting star. I have never seen such a phenomenon before."
"Out here on the tower, everything is extraordinary."
"It's easy to get caught up in modernity, but it should be underscored how unique and special of a moment we've been here before."
"It's a once in a lifetime thing, it's very rare and it doesn't happen for a lot of people."
"Yeah, that was so dope you could see your friends as stormtroopers, it was surreal."
"This is absolutely amazing. I mean it's probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen in my career."
"Left 4 Dead has continued to be a unique experience in a myriad of games that tried to live up to its legacy and none have quite reached it."
"Feeling the energy and being a part of the excitement is something that you can't duplicate anywhere else."
"Oh, what a cool town! I've never seen a town like this in Pokemon before."
"Cherries are a different experience. Put it on your bucket list."
"Get inside this vintage, it's the experience only time can bestow."
"Encountering an albino raccoon is a once in a lifetime experience."
"To those who've never experienced a sunrise from a helicopter, I must recommend it. It is beautiful."
"This is one of the most unique, interesting things I've ever tried."
"Big Noon kickoff, the wake and bake factor in Boulder is going to be incredible."
"That's probably one of the coolest things I've ever done."
"It succeeds as a game that offers one-of-a-kind mass race experiences."
"Optimistic nihilism allows us to experience the universe in our own unique ways, finding peace with the life we have."
"Each of these ender dragons comes with its own unique boss fight that you've never experienced before."
"Seeing a little person would be bizarre enough."
"Can you believe this? I think that's pretty cool. Like, I've never seen seven states on top of a mountain before."
"You have access to someone with a life experience that is magical."
"You have to be there. It's one of those 'you had to be there' moments."
"This week was such a unique experience for a multitude of reasons and I can walk away from it saying that I'm really happy with the way that things turned out."
"I want everyone to have like a completely unique experience."
"This makes me turn into a squid or not, and also I walk with this."
"The zombie plague is easily one of the coolest events that they've ever done just like the accidental Zul'Gurub blood plague before it."
"It was just amazing seeing a virtual world react to a plague react something completely catastrophic was this sustainable no but was it unique and interesting and worth doing I think absolutely."
"At the end of the day, it really is all about you getting to a place where you love yourself first."
"Let's go a little fucking crazy, just one of these unicorn horns gonna be out."
"Every little milestone, whenever she hits them, is celebrated because it only happens once."
"This is the most insane unboxing I have ever recorded."
"It's going to be something nobody has ever seen before."
"There are virtually no words that can describe the experience of being in the water with an animal like this."
"I'm just trying to create an experience for you, like impossible movies with Tom Cruise."
"Sand and cars isn't necessarily the best, but hey, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."
"The forest is a very unique experience and a good one."
"The seventh game of the 1971 World Series... unlike anything else in sports."
"It feels so weird and so good to be able to drive through the pool in Daisy Cruiser."
"This kind of stuff it takes you by surprise, it's intriguing, pulls you in."
"There's something supremely satisfying about loading a vehicle in the back of a spaceship."
"It's not very often that I can promise you that you will see something tonight you have never seen before."
"I think this whole season's gonna be filled with things to do where you say that only in Ireland would this happen."
"I view it as an allergy to alcohol; my brain doesn't work the same way."
"This mysterious boat ride was to be one of the signature attractions of the World Showcase."
"It feels ridiculous to be driving a Ferrari and have a Ferrari as the support car."
"Coming to China and visiting it, it's a Once in a Lifetime experience."
"I've never had a chicken parmesan like that."
"It is unprecedented. It really is unreal. I've never seen anything like it. I don't think we'll see anything like it."
"Honestly, personally for me, I'd love to hug a red panda, me too."
"That was super interesting and really weird."
"The weather is nothing like you've ever seen before."
"There's nothing quite like Animal Crossing where doing nothing still feels like something."
"So, I guess the only last one I kind of show you on the way back, please, we call a quick stop, it's basically what people think of as helicopters' landings are supposed to look like, which is not your traditional approach at all."
"It was a bizarre time to live in, like a photo or a memory with a different kind of energy."
"Watching Independence Day in 1996 was unlike anything else experienced in a movie theater."
"Who needs luxury restaurants if in Brazil you can dine at the height of a 50-story building overlooking a waterfall?"
"It's been hands down the most unique and interesting car ownership experience I've ever had."
"What am I going to get out of it? So if I'm a fan of this game and I want to hang out with you while you're playing for 17 minutes, what is that thing that's gonna happen that makes this a unique experience for me?"
"Everything in the various different courses I have is such unique foundational information that led me to be the person that I am today."
"It was just so fantastic like something you never saw before in your life."
"You will feel hope the more you invest into delayed gratification activities."
"Yeah, so that's a huge win for you, huge um, if Ryan wins, we do a MRI slash colon cleanse... so we see what's in there and we suck it out of you."
"What if you drove into that car park knowing you're coming to visit the cave and before you get to that cave you've got three floors an entire west wing of retro."
"You have to see them in a way where it's like not only do I want to see this pairing, I can't get this pairing any other way."
"This is definitely the coolest vehicle that I've ever driven."
"The 13th of April is going to be this particular date, gonna be very kind of different in particular when it comes to you feeling like 'oh la la' this balance back when you can say 'oh my god I have a controllable situation.'"
"The spawns were way better in Cold War compared to both Vanguard and Modern Warfare."
"This is such a unique experience for us, but the fact that we get to take you guys along with us on the journey means that much more."
"You just know like you just knock because my downloads are different from other people my downloads comes to me completely different."
"Look at this gigantic Cathedral tank, it's the coolest goddamn thing I've ever seen in my entire life."
"This was probably one of the most insane and most unique road trips I've ever taken in my entire life."
"We're excited to go on tour we're excited to finally Kiss An NYPD police officer on duty and then if they're a cop they have to kiss you legally."
"This is the craziest dining experience in all of Bangladesh."
"This is like what it's like to be a celebrity, you gotta go on yachts and you get attacked by evil monster.exe creatures."
"This sort of adventure you can only experience in Africa."
"That's actually pretty crazy, that's pretty cool find."
"Guests can swim to the heart's desire in the open ocean or sunbathe atop the building. Stargazing is a particular pleasure."
"There's nothing else like it in the world, and if you haven't read it, you really should."
"The most interesting people have had a really diverse path."
"Not the most accessible bunker in the world, but worth it because look at this."
"Never want to take that for granted, never want to lose that feeling of surrealness and appreciation."
"I made a swamp just the only time you've ever made arcane is over then."
"If you lock in your mind that you can do that... it gives you a feeling inside that no other sport is going to give you."
"Those of you lucky enough to have witnessed this have seen something you might not see again."
"Being attacked by a giant squid is somewhere on the list of bad ones, maybe not life-threatening since you're in a submarine, but still absolutely terrifying."
"That's the back room. That's the back rooms. Very cool shit."
"This is the greatest show on earth... only 0.1 percent of the planet is paying attention."
"Would I recommend going on a flight dressed as Rapunzel? Yes. 10 out of 10. Super convenient. Highly recommend it."
"Oh, that looks awesome right there! This is some Viking shiz!"
"Casually standing in the middle of New Orleans with a snake on your head."
"I wouldn't give this moment up for anything, bro. It honestly is an insane thing."
"You might miss the wonder of watching a stingray giving birth or a haboob swallowing your city and the opportunity to watch a narwhal being buddies with a beluga might slip through your hands. But don't worry, we got you. It's your lucky day."
"As you go through the inter-dimensional space that the Cosmo Hopper always travels through, all of you lose time for a moment except for you."
"Egad island is now looking to be one of the most unique and exciting experiences... reading One Piece weekly."
"This is to me one of the more you this is pretty unique stuff."
"The Black Sun is one of the most breathtaking natural phenomena you can ever hope to experience in your life."
"I don't think anything can ever truly replace having freaking Spock read out your tech quotes."
"Rare opportunity right now to see villagers up close."
"Coming across Twin Flame information, almost everybody, okay."
"Look, I love a good rivalry, but this rivalry you have never seen anything quite like it."
"An experience to share and remember for a lifetime, there's nothing like it on the planet."
"If there was anything that his music brought him, it was unique opportunities. Kanye was given the privilege to go on tour with U2 and the Rolling Stones, exposed to a brand new world of large-scale performance that few rappers had ever seen."
"I just feel like I've run a marathon, or come off a fairground ride or something, and I've been asleep at the same time. But it's amazing."
"It's not every day you get to see where your Grail watch was designed and produced."
"It's these little details that just make you feel special."
"Instead I was given two extraordinary marvelous and unique sons who would teach me that dreams however outrageous and possible a far-fetched can and do come true."