
Disarmament Quotes

There are 250 quotes

"Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; they shall learn war no more."
"This whole thing could go away right now if Hamas lays down its arms."
"We all therefore have a responsibility to ensure that we eliminate such weapons from the present civilization we are seeking to build."
"Freedom From Fear... means a worldwide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such a thorough fashion that no Nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighbor anywhere in the world."
"We must work collectively to ensure the elimination of all such weapons."
"Anytime a government disarms their population, catastrophe follows."
"An unarmed population is much easier to exploit and torture after the guns go."
"It's a wonderful world. They will discuss the stuff about the horrible weapons that can kill us all. That has to be somehow prevented."
"Sooner or later these weapons are going to be used if you don't get rid of them."
"I think this is simply a message to us humans to deactivate all of our nuclear weapons and basically go another direction, and also to learn how to live with each other in peace."
"It is dangerous in the extreme for one country to have hundreds of nuclear weapons."
"Our policy ought to be zero nuclear weapons for anybody."
"The nations of the world have long recognized that certain weapons are so dangerous, and can inflict so much suffering, that all of us have a vital interest in preventing their further development, spread, and use."
"There must be complete Ukrainian disarmament, no Ukrainian military to speak of, and the ideology of the 1930s and 1940s must be expirated completely from Ukraine."
"The disarmament agenda in the United States of America will never never cease never and they will look to exploit every tragedy to the maximum extent possible to twist it and act like it's your fault."
"We want an ultimate comprehensive verifiable ban on all space-based weapons."
"We will pursue a world without nuclear weapons."
"I don't want to give people ammo. I want to disarm them instead."
"Sweden confirmed its commitment to nuclear disarmament."
"We want to be friends; just help us get rid of those [nukes]."
"Transformation starts with being willing to admit to painful truths."
"The ultimate flex, the end of the arms race."
"I call upon the scientific community... to give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete."
"I would adopt the no first use of nuclear weapons policy because we should not be the first country to use nuclear weapons."
"This is the moment when we must renew the goal of a world without nuclear weapons."
"Don't let's not forget that the United Nations has this website calling for the disarmament of the world."
"From some 70,000 nuclear weapons worldwide, we are now down to less than 14,000."
"We cannot unilaterally disarm and think we're going to build an economy of the future."
"The only hope for true peace is the disarmament of the Dragons, but because of the dragon's animalistic nature, the Targaryens have this persisting belief that they are meant to control them as weapons."
"Humanity must get rid of all nuclear bombs and the militaries that create war on the planet."
"To think that the big wigs of the world cannot agree to avoid mutually assured destruction sounds like madness on steroids."
"Regardless of the nuances of the ideologies, the greatest atrocities in the history of the world have been perpetuated by governments against disarmed populations."
"For every time despots take control, their first aim is to disarm their intended victims."
"The deal isn't rotten Iran has dismantled a huge portion of its nuclear program."
"Let's come together now, harmony. Put all your weapons down, love one another."
"It's got to be a redrawing of the lines everybody wants peace and nobody wants nuclear weapons."
"You don't go through any portal loaded with your weaponry, you just don't."
"I just got disarmed something here, like a weapons cash."
"Disarm the baby cannon please and thank you."
"Typically disarming the population by decree results in active conflict."
"Eliminating all weapons of mass destruction is vital for global peace."
"We could just get rid of all the nukes okay, and then we'd have to fight our Wars with just tanks, but that would be better than having a nuclear war."
"This card is about taking a break, about relaxation, it's a card about being disarmed at least for a moment."
"There are ways to end the threat of nuclear weapons. It's all in our hands."
"Props to South Africa for being the only country in the world to develop nuclear weapons and later dismantle all of them."
"The only way to disarm it is for the other bomb to go off. That's [ __ ]!"
"So I say to you tonight, let's give our children a future. Let us take away their guns and give them books. Let us overcome their despair and replace it with hope."
"They want to lay down the weapons, they want to stop fighting."
"The hope of every scientist that nuclear energy will lead to the establishment of a World Organization for the effective control of all weapons of mass destruction."
"He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks."
"He looks like a nice individual right here. He is so ready. Take all his guns away, he'll be like, I got my poop gun right here. I'm really hungry."
"I like to psychologically disarm people."
"The nations shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks, and there will be no more war."
"This is the point where we say to the rest of the world, 'Look, you really want to be in a world with a nuclear free-for-all. That's why we have to put Putin and his, you know, nuclear missiles back in the strategic bottle here.'"
"Please, please, if we were to surrender our weapons, oughtn't they do the same?"
"There is a commonality of interest between the Soviets and the US to avoid the use of these weapons... It's stimulating discussion on exactly the issue we ought to be discussing."
"The only solution, however utopian it may sound on first mention, is elimination: getting rid of all nuclear weapons."
"...a non-weapon non-nuclear weapons world is still a nuclear world..."
"We must end the race to create new nuclear weapons by signing a truly comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty this year."
"By ending nuclear testing, we can help to prevent the development of new and more dangerous weapons."
"...the concept of total pacifism, that disarmament would lead to world peace, always felt like a dream shared by numerous characters."
"If you completely disarm your Navy, that's an invitation for round two to start up."
"We must elect those who see the horror in having a world filled with weapons and live ammunition, they have to pursue at all costs with true courage the end of all weapons that are designed to kill."
"The weapons of this world will be turned into plowshares and pruning hooks."
"The size of the world's nuclear arsenal has been reduced by about 85 percent since the height of the Cold War."
"Superman decides to get rid of all the nuclear weapons on Earth, throw it into the sun."
"These weapons are only good in killing people. They should not be an instrument of power. They should not be an instrument of status because they are not and they are generally not useful in any way."
"We do need to think about how to build our system, our world without those weapons if you want to have kind of a security and peace then you need to move in that direction."
"...completely isolate Israel I don't believe the governments are going to gift it to us I believe that it will become a point where people don't tolerate weapons companies operating on their doorstep..."
"World peace and security cannot be built on an accumulation of nuclear arsenals."
"It was also the 20th century that witnessed a world movement with broad participation of governments, organizations and individuals demanding the elimination of nuclear weapons."
"Panama has completely gotten rid of their standing armies. That's right, despite being located in a very unstable part of the world, Panama joined its neighboring Costa Rica in being army free."
"We're disarming the Soviet Union faster than you are."
"They shall beat their swords into plowshares."
"Please, I beg you, lay down your arms."
"Gorbachev offered Reagan the complete destruction and abolition of nuclear weapons."
"He dropped his weapon, now you see why I said you need to empty the force."
"Maybe he could put that on a t-shirt: 'To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.'"
"I think it would be nice to build a small village where I know everybody there like the Oppenheimer Village, build a closed City with fewer weapons of mass destruction."
"If even if the U.S. and China and everyone else could just agree that you can only build these weapons if they cost at least 10 million bucks, that would be a huge win for the superpowers, and frankly for everybody."
"I will abolish the bow, the sword, and war from the land."
"Effective immediately I'm going to rid our planet of all nuclear weapons."
"Everybody wants to see a nuclear-free world, surely. It's there in our Manifesto because our conference voted for it, I have to accept that."
"Render their weapon obsolete and then give it back to them."
"Kazakhstan abandoned all of its nuclear weapons, also it had the fourth biggest nuclear arsenal in the world. I wish all countries behave the same way."
"No more weapons, and stop pulling spears out of thin air."
"When somebody's attacking you and you bless them, you just disarm them."
"Surely the acquisition of such idle stockpiles, which can only destroy never create, is not the only, much less the most efficient means of assuring peace."
"He didn't need to stay armed to be safe."
"Jesus disarmed them, he's taken away their power."
"I believe nuclear weapons will disarm and the human race will finally enjoy peace on earth."
"Both the US and Russia have reduced their nuclear stockpile by 50,000 Warheads since the height of the Cold War."
"The only thing that would stop the atomic bomb is peace."
"He'd be terrified by the number of weapons we've built but I think he'd be also impressed at the international systems we've built to regulate these weapons."
"There is only one way to disarm with any semblance of practicability."
"I want to get rid of all of the guns. Checkmate."
"If we've never used them again, I'll consider it as a success and that my life meant something because we saved lives."
"The weapons of war are played with by love and the associates of love because there's no need for them anymore."
"The world can no longer live under the threat of atomic Holocaust."
"This is only a beginning, the beginning of the end of these grotesque arsenals."
"Throw up your hands; I want your guns. I have come to disarm you."
"Humor is a very powerful way to disarm people, to make them stop and listen to you, to connect with you."
"Nuclear weapons will lead to the extinction of mankind."
"Power will shift from those with guns to those without; guns will be for the first time subordinated to our people."
"What do we need nuclear weapons for? Who wants to kill 10 million people with one bomb?"
"Preventing an arms race in outer space is more important than ever and is the responsibility of us all."
"Preserving the peacefulness of outer space will not be achieved by prohibiting certain categories of weapons but rather by prohibiting all types of weapons including weapons of mass destruction."
"Nuclear weapons are a source of insecurity and must be eliminated. The shared objective must be the total elimination of such weapons without further delay."
"Maintaining International Peace and security without recourse to nuclear deterrence is an ethical imperative but also an achievable goal."
"The placement of nuclear weapons or any other weapons of mass destruction must never be allowed in outer space."
"The shared obligation not to place in orbit around the Earth any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction."
"The United Arab Emirates deeply regrets that the Security Council was unable to adopt its first-ever resolution on weapons of mass destruction in outer space."
"It would have affirmed the obligations of all states parties to the Outer Space Treaty not to place any objects carrying nuclear weapons or any other kinds of weapons of mass destruction in orbit around Earth."
"We will take away their guns and give them books, we will take away their despair and give them hope."
"He makes wars cease to the end of the Earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariot in the fire."
"The only way to guarantee our people that they will be safe from the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of nuclear weapons is for them not to exist."
"Nuclear weapons do not make us safer."
"He pours contempt on princes and disarms the mighty."
"The first thing would be a moratorium on nuclear testing and explosions, and the second thing would be a reduction of nuclear armaments."
"I work in nuclear waste management and disarming nuclear weapons are my two areas of expertise."
"And they shall beat their swords into plowshares, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore."
"All IRA units have been ordered to dump arms."
"I hope for the best outcome possible from all this, which would be to just put your weapons down and go home."
"It was Draco who disarmed Dumbledore that night in the Astronomy Tower."
"Nuclear disarmament has become a key part of Kazakh foreign policy, and we will be continuously struggling for a world free of nuclear arsenals."
"We don't want a new Cold War. We don't want a new arms race."
"Realization comes not from the swords we carry, but the shields we put down."
"For the first time, an agreement has been reached on bringing the forces of nuclear destruction under international control."
"The only safety for our country, the only defense for our country, the only defense for this country and the other countries is worldwide disarmament, starting with nuclear disarmament."
"He can't defeat you until he disarms you."
"Once you pull that all in and you take away the fear... then all of a sudden you don't need the gun."
"He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; he breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; he burneth the chariot in the fire."
"I am opposed to nuclear weapons and would like to see reducing numbers."
"There's some level of beauty where it's like, it's disarming."
"In a world of atomic weapons, wars will cease, and that is not a small thing."
"Nations will not raise swords at each other, and they will no longer learn war."
"Disarmament is good unless it's backed by public confidence in the long peace."
"Nuclear weapons aren't just another weapon... their use is considered uncivilized."
"What's truly amazing is that by the end of the next year, it became illegal to own a handgun in the UK."
"There is no limit to what North Korea can achieve when it gives up its nuclear weapons and embraces commerce and engagement with the rest of the world."
"The Washington Naval Treaty was so vital because by limiting both sides to equal displacements... it meant that neither side would possess the level of firepower and numerical advantage necessary to kind of think about kicking off a war."
"We need to insist that our politicians stop firing off their weapons of all kinds, be they monetary or physical."
"Put the weapons down and be open-minded."
"The end of the arms race, the beginning of disarmament, and the dramatic conclusion of the Cold War."
"We're looking for world peace; we're looking for a situation where we've got nuclear weapons, seven billion people – we can't handle this stuff anymore."
"It did seem that there was a link between the firmness of action against Saddam and the decision of Gaddafi to give up his WMD program."
"The idea of getting them to give up ICBMs and H-bombs is very possible and worth doing."
"Reject the idea that you will prepare yourselves with weapons."
"Obama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons."
"The opportunity to begin eliminating the nuclear threat is within reach."
"The disarmament of nuclear weapons has been an ongoing project since the end of the Cold War."
"The SNM did something that was unique in modern Africa; they were an armed liberation movement that won power but instead voted to lay down its guns, demobilize and hand power to a civilian leadership."
"For mankind to survive, weapons of mass destruction must cease to exist."
"The fastest way in the world to disarm your enemies is to forgive them."
"We are fully committed to complete disarmament, including the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons."
"They're a band who takes arms against a sea of troubles and they've campaigned for things like nuclear disarmament, environmental issues, and less military spending."
"Now is the time to lay down arms and come to a sensible peaceful resolution."
"We got nuclear limitations and nuclear force reductions. The 50,000 nuclear weapons we had in the Cold War have now dwindled to about 5,000."
"How can we bring peace to the wider region? How can we disarm Iran's proxies so that people can live in peace?"
"Impart a message of peace, be nice to somebody, make somebody laugh, put your guns away."
"In the vast majority of incidents recorded, the bomb has been the loser."
"Thanks to these operations, a dangerous and volatile regime has been stopped from acquiring the most dangerous of all weapons of mass destruction."
"The north agrees to send over half of its nuclear weapons to the south in exchange for their great leader as a first step toward a unified Korea."
"Stop fighting, stop the war, lay down your weapons."
"Whether that’s eliminating nuclear weapons, whether that’s making sure that the stockpile is safeguarded, reducing them—anything that makes it safer."
"They buried the weapons of war for peace."
"We're gonna get rid of all weapons... they really are weapons of war, and we want real peace, lasting peace, true peace, inner peace."
"The United States and Soviet Union agree to the START I Treaty."
"For the first time in the atomic era, an actual class of nuclear weapons was being not just limited, but eliminated."
"Put the ski masks down, put the guns down, let's embrace each other now, let's show that love."
"Nuclear warheads must never be used; they are terrible weapons. Everything dies: people, animals, trees, the earth."
"Seriously trying to change the world was a bit later, and it was through the lens of the campaign for nuclear disarmament."
"We continue to call for a future of peaceful and open societies, free from wars, nuclear weapons, and the threat of terrorism."
"It rests with you to further the cause of peace at home until by the very force of public opinion, disarmament, and by that I mean total disarmament, is brought to this war-weary world."
"No country should have reservations about prohibiting putting a nuclear weapon into orbit."
"Maybe if I could impress seriously enough just how terrible I think these weapons are, make my nation's leaders see that nothing good could ever come of their deployment, that overforce might be kept in check."
"To give us the means of rendering these nuclear weapons impotent and obsolete."
"Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they learn war anymore."
"The only guarantee of our safety is the total elimination of nuclear weapons."
"And the people in the streets below were dancing round and round, and guns and swords and uniforms were scattered on the ground."
"Each country would be better off if they could cooperate and sign an agreement to disarm."
"Many nations will scramble to buy a device that makes the atomic bomb a thing of the past."
"Superman decided that he was going to end all of the world's nuclear weapons."
"The man of war made his greatest and most historic decision; it was one for peace, one for laying down arms."
"If Hamas laid down their arms today, the conflict would stop."
"There is no conceivable government in an independent Scotland that is going to support the retention of nuclear weapons in Scotland."
"I did punch him enough to get him to not get access to the gun anymore."
"We want to disarm it so that it's not continually firing the pain response."
"He disarms you completely with his humor."
"Reagan's abhorrence of nuclear weapons is genuine."
"Leave your swords at the gate; you have our respect."
"Having disarmed powers and authorities, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in the cross."
"They will beat their swords into plowshares and make war no more."
"Bombs are not to be taken lightly nor can we be careless; they must be disarmed, not detonated."
"How do we get people to put aside their petty differences because at the end of the day, all I care about is that you are pro disarmament or pro peace."
"Once humanity realizes that entire armies can be destroyed in a moment, it will surely enter a golden age of peace."
"The mere idea of a nuclear conflict is simply unconceivable. Nothing can justify the use of nuclear weapons."
"In proper hands, a weapon that could put an end to warfare."
"We wish you a world free of nuclear weapons."
"Nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more."