
Occupation Quotes

There are 645 quotes

"The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation."
"Israel has placed its occupation and expansion above any other consideration."
"The liberation of the occupied is also the liberation of the occupier."
"Anyone who said occupation corrupts was absolutely right."
"Occupation definitely corrupts because you have to treat the people that you're occupying as subhumans."
"Palestinian fighters say they need arms to defend themselves against the Israeli occupation and military incursions into the camp during which Palestinian civilians, including children, have been killed."
"The most important piece of context that gets obscured in our media reporting is these cities, these refugee camps, are under illegal occupation."
"My name's Wyatt Earp, present profession: saloon keeper."
"I don't like pain but I accept that it's part of the job."
"A true revolution of values will soon cause us to question the fairness and justice of many of our past and present policies."
"Everything Russia does in Ukraine's occupied territories is a crime."
"Israel can't be a democracy and apartheid and occupation at the same time."
"The need is in those towns, in those cities, in those areas that have been under russian occupation."
"President Putin can say that he doesn't want to occupy Ukraine, but he is occupying Ukraine."
"In a war, there's two sides... the Russians are the occupiers, they're the invaders."
"You don't have to occupy the country in order to fix the larger problem."
"In this way thousands of citizens of occupied Western Europe fell prey to Heydrich’s machinations."
"You don't need this much makeup, this is just it's my job you know. I review makeup, I play makeup, I test things out so I have a lot of it."
"The whole year will be under this occupation."
"Being a flight attendant does not seem like the most fun job in the world right now."
"I don't think the Russians are interested in the people of Ukraine, they just want to occupy the territory."
"Thanks to the occupation, poverty in Afghanistan has risen to 72% in 2020."
"I'm actually not at the log yard all that often. I'm usually in the woods logging."
"Janitors are extremely important for the continuation of our species."
"If you work as security at a Samsung store would you be a guardian of the galaxy?"
"Incredible to be a smoke jumper, one of the riskiest jobs of all time."
"Ice fall doctors: risking their lives to make sure adrenaline junkie tourists are safe and sound."
"Alaskan crab fishing: one of the riskiest occupations on the planet."
"Cliff divers: risking it all for the thrill of the crowd."
"Skyscraper window washers: evidently one of the world's toughest and most dangerous occupations."
"Wind turbine technicians: facing down potentially the most deadly scenarios imaginable without batting an eyelid."
"Utility line workers: one of the most dangerous occupations of the 20th and 21st centuries."
"Liberated the city from Russian occupation and a day after."
"Mary was still driving a school bus to support her family."
"The grim truth surfaces: Alesa, the city seph captured, has become a battleground."
"When I was little we lived in the apartment right above my grandfather's shop. He was a tailor who, according to Dad, used to do quite well back in the day before fines forced him to shut down."
"Sovereignty and homogeneity are vital to Dunmeri culture; imperial occupation was a constant source of vexation to the natives who do not abide Outlanders."
"There's nothing wrong with being average there's nothing wrong with being a bus driver there's nothing wrong with being a blue-collared worker."
"Our job as a firewatch lookout was to... well, look out for fires."
"Japan was occupied by Allied forces led by General Douglas MacArthur."
"Native American occupation of Alcatraz Island."
"Russian leader Vladimir Putin suggested that the Russian army would completely occupy the territory of Ukraine in less than a month without any damage."
"I think we're extraordinarily fortunate to live these rarefied existences where we are literally paid to play video games."
"Extraterrestrials may currently occupy areas of the moon."
"Moskvin began writing for and helping out with the obituaries in the newspaper... it was part of his job now."
"Being a Rancher is a hard but rewarding job."
"The Vichy state began to rot from the inside under German occupation."
"There's nothing more dangerous than a man that loves his job."
"The root cause of the deformation of Israeli society is the occupation."
"Patient Samson, occupation blacksmith, malady: gout."
"The swastika was raised on the Eiffel Tower."
"I'm a nurse and need new shoes for long shifts."
"There will never be Israeli safety, there'll never be security for Jewish brothers and sisters as long as they are occupying, dominating, subjugating, marginalizing, and degrading Palestinian."
"Don't piss off a tow truck driver; she will legally take your vehicles."
"I have been once occupied, I grew up under occupation, and I don't want to be back there anymore."
"This is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."
"The British would remain until their debts had been repaid and this in practice meant that Egypt was now in the British Empire."
"I have purpose and something else that I'm doing and a job and things to think about and be happy about."
"Keep being a hard worker with the occupation, keep being a hard worker."
"Jobs are hereditary, so there are many cases where the child becomes a farmer if the parent is a farmer."
"I am accustomed to living alone, and there will be quite enough to occupy my evenings looking over papers and books."
"The real punishment that I get is the fact that the occupation not only didn't come to its end but its end just getting farther and farther."
"I work there as a tour guide on the trams, the big four-car trams that take you into the movie studio and tell you how movie magic is made."
"The report is based on 2300 lived experiences of the occupation."
"What had begun as a temporary occupation turned into my profession."
"Being a rapper is the most dangerous job on earth."
"I might be a bus boy, but you just got served."
"the destruction of states the idea that the war was not just about occupation like previous Wars had been but that this war was about destroying States"
"I'm a YouTuber, I post videos, bro, on YouTube."
"The pig man had been a miner like so many others who used to live and work in our town."
"A governess is a tutor for the family's children."
"One of the benefits of being a truck driver, my wife was hoping I would gain weight. It didn't happen."
"What is your job exactly? I am an artist."
"Priya is currently a food writer at the New York Times."
"I've always tried to keep busy and keep my mind occupied. That's why I started in business, the Lonely Hearts Club."
"The conditions for Palestinians living under an apartheid structure for 75 years of brutal occupation are so bad."
"We're not out here for a week playing ranchers. We are ranchers."
"It's always a weird question when you get asked, 'Well, what do you do for a living?' Because you end up telling them everything, and it's just like, I don't know where to start."
"Logging: one of the most dangerous jobs in the world."
"Before alarm clocks, there were knocker uppers."
"I'm on vacation every single day 'cause I love my occupation."
"This occupation violates the principles of international law and international legitimacy."
"Help us get rid of the occupation and we would be able to rely on ourselves."
"He was Ernest D Silva's chauffeur, his chauffeur."
"I'm Leon from Huddersfield and 43 and I sell catering equipment."
"I saw somebody cleaning in a museum like dusting and I was like, oh that's kind of a cool interesting job."
"My name's Takumi Chuata. I work for ports manufacturer with about 50 employees."
"Unwavering courage based on knowledge of self and one's occupation."
"After Belgium was occupied, a lot of these vehicles were useful, and the Germans captured a lot of them intact."
"Their soul is occupied by you, even when they're working. You're always on their mind."
"But the sheer Persistence of occupations means that they can have a different role."
"Oh, I'm currently in Dallas, Texas, doing a Drag Queen Christmas tour."
"I drive a truck Ben and um I had a I had an office job I had a white color job for many years"
"God dang Jesse Velez he's 28 years old his screen name is Jose he's engaged and he's a general manager at a major sandwich shop chain."
"I eat for a living, make videos for a living. So, a pretty good job."
"He's a political commentator, a YouTuber, and a comedian, and he combines all of these into extremely hard-hitting investigations into corruption in the government."
"It is better to engage in one's own occupation even though one may perform it imperfectly than to accept another's occupation and perform it perfectly."
"People are engaged in occupations which simply make money and which they do not really enjoy."
"People think sniper, me personally I don't know sniper but prior to meeting you I thought that would be a cool job having a gun."
"What I do for work, it is [ __ ] dangerous."
"Clam digger is like a non-skilled job. I know he's he said that [ __ ] just quot on Danielson."
"Joanna may have been the daughter of one of the gangster casino owners and reportedly was also a dancer at the club formerly housed in Bobby Mackey's."
"I'm actually a pastor. I marry people."
"What do you do for a living? I like to steal things."
"Zuko reluctantly secured jobs as servers at a local Tea House."
"I think if you're a porn star I think if you're a Porsche you're a porn star I don't think most people that do porn like doing porn."
"They call us angels from the sky, which we were. I mean, you're on the German occupation for four years, right? It's horrible when you see paratroopers come out of the sky on Sunday morning. Who are they? They were angels."
"You wouldn't want your man being a doorman because you know how doormen are. Who bouncers are."
"I actually just stopped and did the whole collection, and I'm now faced with how much perfume I truly have. It was my job, okay?"
"Name an occupation in which you meet a lot of drunk people. Bartender."
"Name an occupation where you meet a lot of drunk people. Police officer."
"Making videos about motorcycles is my job now."
"I'm Ben, I'm 28, I'm a stage hypnotist from London."
"Meet Rob, he runs an online shopping portal."
"Saturation diving is one of the most extreme jobs on Earth."
"It's a lonely game, even though we're all friends and we have friends. You need something to occupy your brain space."
"My name is Kate Tarant and I work for the Lower Blackwood Landcare Group."
"Being a delivery person can actually be extremely dangerous."
"Iowa plus I worked at a like a Vietnamese like Photoshop."
"12% of Big Brother applicants are hairdressers."
"When I found out how much occupational therapist get paid here I packed my bags I said there's no way."
"I'm a party planner. I'm a pencil case organizer. I shout on panel shows."
"The castle was occupied for more than 500 years."
"He's got city hands, Mr. Hooper. You've been counting money all your life."
"health and safety officer for the medin cartel"
"I'm just a YouTuber living in Korea and I work in Korea too."
"He lived in New Jersey, Jacob worked his dream job in sports broadcasting."
"My name is Mamoru Kagaya. I'm 30, working as a bank employee."
"That's great! What does she do for a living?"
"Living the dream, a middle class hero. It's just a day in my life, life of a heavy duty mechanic."
"You need something to do with this even if it's still education, if you can teach somebody how to read in there or they need to give you something to do, you've got to have something."
"Botchan is our main protagonist, he's a young man from Tokyo who is a teacher."
"He didn't really have the face of a farmer."
"Getting paid just for rapping is second."
"He's a clockmaker. It's not something you're gonna put into a movie. No."
"I'm Shauna, and I am an occupational therapist, and I believe that I make eighty thousand a year."
"A writer is someone who writes. This can be a person that writes books, maybe they write articles, maybe they write for a newspaper or a magazine, someone who writes."
"It's ironic that they work at an airport and never get on an airplane."
"He's a math tutorer who also side hustles as a weird detective vigilante."
"The victim may have held a job that required heavy lifting."
"My grandfather on my Irish side of the family was a lighthouse keeper."
"Being paid to smash things may sound like fun, until you have to put it all back together."
"I want to build the reality that they will occupy."
"What does he do at the hospital? Something like part-time."
"All I have to do is dig for dinosaurs all day. It's like being Stanley Yelnats, dude. You just dig all day."
"Damar goes from a proud Cardassian nationalist to the leader of a rebellion against the Dominion occupation of Cardassia."
"One of the functions of thought is to be occupied all the time with something."
"I merely move in and occupy the unused space of the human brain."
"If we're honest, guitar repair people tend to expire before they retire."
"Mining is easily one of the most dangerous jobs out there"
"It's taking up every ounce of real estate I have right there."
"There were mixed feelings toward the Roman conquerors and tax collectors—not the most popular job then or now."
"One guy described himself as a housing provider."
"He could be the telephone man, the plumber, the gas inspector; he could even be a clergyman."
"I'm a truck driver. Been out on the road a lot, long-hauling."
"I'm a firefighter, I don't want to kill people."
"I can't believe that I'm doing this for a living."
"Making balloon animals? That's a bad job for a guy with a stinger."
"I feel lucky to be alive and I have the best job in the world, hands down."
"Everyone that works here is a former navy sealer actually I'll tell you what it's like about ten to one people send interesting stuff here that I enjoy to some weirdo shows up who I don't really want here."
"It's the most dangerous job in Britain."
"So for those of you that don't know Luke is actually a commercial crab boat captain."
"An average truck driver makes close to eight thousand dollars every month."
"Daniel is a drug courier, and he's here to collect 3,000 ecstasy tablets for his boss."
"America saw the importance of its occupation to ensure both the Reconstruction of the country and the creation of an ally."
"Pilots are human just like everybody else."
"He's an oil Miner in Dubai so, you know, he just like has infinite money."
"Being a cowboy is hard and expensive."
"Every good occupation needs resistance."
"The Germans are in a situation where they are still occupying French and Belgian and Russian territory their present situation isn't hopeless but their future situation is."
"He builds everything, he's a spacecraft engineer for Boeing."
"The Roman conquest of Britain led to nearly 400 years of occupation and inclusion in one of History's great Empires."
"The woman who had once graced the silver screen was now reduced to being a stripper."
"Are you an electrician?" "Of course I am! I got my license, but I'm just doing elevators now."
"I'm gonna go for Henry DeTamble, who works in the library, so presumably is a librarian."
"What was the main occupation of Jules leotard who popularized the one-piece body garment?"
"He is the poker room manager at the Mirage."
"Mike is president of Savvy Aviation Incorporated, he's an author for numerous Aviation Publications."
"I get to fish for a living, that's so awesome."
"My day-to-day job currently is I'm the CEO of a 2000 person advertising agency called Vayner Media."
"Number one, what is your real name and what do you really do? My name is Don Grimace and I'm on the Washington World magazine."
"This is your main bread and butter, yes, sir, for 27, 30 years. 30 years, uh-huh."
"I actually worked at NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio."
"I used to date a girl with one leg who worked at a brewery. She was in charge of the Hops."
"Taking care of other people's houses for 20 years, what the devil would ever get me? A hundred dollars a month, a lot of plaques in the wall, pat on the back and a bullet in the shoulder."
"You learn who you are quite quickly in this sort of job as a fisherman, you are the last of the hunters."
"Every single day because I love my occupation."
"Being a royal washerwoman was tough, messy, and also surprisingly dangerous."
"This attack on Iraq and its subsequent occupation is a crime yes but it's worse than a crime it's a blunder."
"The vast majority of Iraqis are against the American and British occupation of their country."
"Jesus was a carpenter, ain't nobody too good for that."
"David gallis is a correspondent on the climate desk at the New York Times."
"So, how long even on stand-up? What do you do for work?"
"It helps keep me occupied even in moments where I'm not actually drawing anything."
"Seaspray's likely role in dealing with liquids underscores the diversity of Cybertronian occupations."
"Delivering pizza can be pretty dangerous work."
"The war machine is a machine or a set of functions that breaks down unity. It's subtractive. It takes down the oneness of a certain ordered space by occupying it."
"It's not what you do but how you do it you know not nobody grows up and says I want to do metal buildings when I grow up nobody"
"Jerome likes it, he's a truck driver, suits him well."
"I used to love my job. I was a watchman at a wind farm."