
Scandal Quotes

There are 1019 quotes

"This is worse than Theranos, this is worse than Madoff."
"We're witnesses to the greatest medical scandal in living memory."
"Gossip Girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of Manhattan's elite."
"A high-profile plastic surgeon's wife, a socialite drag racing with her alleged lover and mowing down two little boys in the process."
"Blair went from a simple plagiarism allegation to allegations of emotional abuse, doxing, manipulation, spreading horrific lies about her friends, making her friends homeless, accusations of buying subscribers, hypocrisy, and the biggest allegation of all: being the new Creep Show Art."
"Hollywood got exposed. Angelina Jolie, mother freaking Kevin Hart, Leonardo DiCaprio, all of these people were involved."
"This is now one of aviation's greatest scandals and the subject of two criminal investigations."
"This president's ability to shock and to generate scandal is really limitless."
"The royal family murdered and plundered. Do you really think abusing some children matters to them?"
"The whistleblower report was basically the inception of the entire Ukraine scandal."
"The air grows thick with tension as Turley's expert analysis unravels the layers of deceit, revealing a web of scandal that threatens to engulf the nation."
"Whether you were shocked, outraged, or actually captivated by the scheme itself, we all can agree that everybody was talking about the Tinder Swindler."
"This scandal is probably the tip of an iceberg."
"Pope Francis, on Monday, said silence and prayer were the answer to those seeking scandal and division amid a barrage of attacks from ultra-conservative Catholics."
"What you're seeing in the January 6 cases, Whitmer cases, Russiagate, and Spygate, is humiliating and embarrassing."
"The burning Sun scandal shocked the masses... the scandal involves spy cams, bribery, and drug distribution."
"Brace yourself as we uncover the truth behind the US government's recent findings on Epstein Island, a place notorious for its dark secrets and scandalous activities."
"A shocking revelation that would set off a chain of events to expose the true extent of Epstein's depravity."
"The story of Trevor Milton is not just a story of deception and lies; his life story has served as an example of how the filthy rich can get away with plenty of sketchy activities."
"It's a different scenario where it's all on video. It's very brazen, very daring."
"Those are horrendous allegations those people made, unfortunate circumstances, you know, talking about drugging people."
"Nothing was done by the FBI even though Larry Nassar was abusing all these young girls he told."
"He should be stripped of his titles and the queen should really step up and take control of the situation."
"The fact that it's become salacious I think is because of the specific people involved in this case."
"The press reported that Mrs. Simpson had sailed to France, and for the first time in Britain, their king's relationship with a married woman was out in the open."
"Two things can be true at once: monstrous cover-up by the Catholic Church and child abuse in public schools."
"With all the scandals surrounding Diddy, people are now wondering if Jay might be the next one to face scrutiny after they are done with Diddy"
"Jennifer McCabe was photographed outside of Trooper Proctor's house for a 'special meeting' that was never disclosed to the police."
"The Watergate scandal had a profound impact on American politics and institutions."
"It's like the biggest Financial scam in human history one of if not the most the biggest."
"Over 60 percent had been asked to provide sexual services to high-profile individuals, usually either businessmen or politicians."
"The truth is coming out not only about this judge, which you guys are going to be shocked about, just the absolute hypocrisy taking place."
"DeSantis's handling of the pandemic... was in truth awful, including literally being caught selling vaccines to Rich donors instead of giving them to the elderly."
"If your dick gets accidentally leaked on the internet and it's... it does good for you, yeah then who really loses?"
"If cheating is so common, why are we shocked when a celebrity falls short?"
"With what's coming out, there's almost no way the palace can ignore these accusations and remain silent, say many pundits."
"A major gambling scandal would rock the entire sports world."
"Madam speaker I rise today to urge House Republicans to investigate one of the modern American scandals."
"The Watergate scandal: one of the largest scandals and leaks in history."
"Call your loved ones, let them know you love them."
"In our number one spot today, we have the Watergate scandal."
"The prohibition poisoning: government agencies poisoning industrial alcohol with lethal chemicals."
"Starting off this list in our number 10 spot, we have the Teapot Dome scandal."
"Maybe the fact that 30 civilian casualties is not a major scandal is the major scandal."
"Charles and Camilla enjoyed secret rendezvous all over Britain."
"I didn't know my own company and an agency who was hired to keep this from happening were in on this to actually make it worse, not better."
"Enron wasn't a small company that made some mistakes along the way, but a company that was basically made to scam people since its inception."
"I've heard personal stories we've seen things online people have been talking about Diddy for years Cassie got $30 million in 24 hours based off of the evidence she has against this man."
"This is the biggest scandal really I can think of of our lifetime."
"If you have a person that's up there, that's f***ing your wife in your wedding party, come on."
"Epstein is so important here, but also Bohemian Grove mock child sacrifices male prostitutes shipped in."
"That's my issue with it, he's not apologetic because of the harm he's done, he's apologetic because it all came to light."
"Sam Bankman Freed as we now know was operating something like a 30 to 40 billion dollar crypto Empire out of the Bahamas."
"Dave Grush will be remembered as a great American, a patriot who played a huge role in bringing to light an absolute criminal scandal. This is a genie that cannot be put back in the bottle."
"This is going to get very very ugly very quickly for Hunter for Joe for everybody else involved."
"I always use the Kardashians as an example to this - every single time they're coming out with a new season they have some type of scandal or some type of drama going on."
"The tumultuous relationships and shocking revelations surrounding Anthony Armstrong Jones reveal a complex tapestry of infidelity and Scandal."
"The worst corruption scandal in American history."
"Harvey's slept with so many actresses he doesn't have the clap he has the applause."
"Who in their right mind would do something like this? You're literally at a candlelight vigil, talking to the woman you're cheating on your wife with."
"The decision to not resign after being confirmed to have sent graphic texts and pictures to multiple women, often unsolicited, as well as brazenly lying about it for several days straight, was yet another bold move."
"I hope that the legacy of the expenses scandal is that there's more transparency in public life."
"Some Louisiana residents might consider it a victory not to have a new political scandal every single year..."
"The biggest political scandal in US history? Well, look and listen. The treasonous acts committed have spiritual implications."
"You should write about it... do something on CNN about it because it's the biggest single scandal of our time."
"This entire meat industry has today become a scandal on the planet."
"The baby was bad enough, but now that's his baby. How did we let this happen?" she questions.
"Epstein, the gift that just keeps on killing." - "He just knew a lot of depressed people."
"Michael Avenatti's revelation about Michael Cohen has finally brought the Stormy Daniels story together with the Russian influence in Trump world story."
"This was no foreign policy. This was a political op."
"You're about to get exposed for these reality stars."
"Rudy surrendering new files to Jack Smith that Donald Trump never wanted to see the light of day."
"The cover-up is these documents were not inadvertently ended up in his home by accident, this is a cover-up of what's really happening."
"This is the biggest scam we've ever covered."
"It's a scandal unparalleled in the Western World."
"I take responsibility for falling for a setup, and that's all I'm going to say on that."
"And now it's like yeah of course he slept with those women like now it's not like there's no question about it there's they can't even deny it they've accepted it they admit to it and it's fascinating how his base just doesn't seem to care."
"Activision Blizzard has found themselves in another kind of cash crab choke out the community Scandal where they are actively shutting down modded Call of Duty projects."
"The FTX story has really turned into a political corruption story. Today's indictment of Sam Bankman-Freed lays out a massive straw donor scheme."
"The Pope has been doing a bunch of wicked stuff. Have you ever seen any of the documentaries about the Catholic Church and all the abuse that goes on with young children? Yeah, it's real bad. When you allow perversion in, that's what happens."
"The scandal was greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate."
"The Petrobras scandal is today the largest case of government corruption in world history."
"Pluto always reveals the dirtiest secrets... abuses of power... revealing of something dirty."
"The coverup is way worse than the underlying crime."
"The Fallout from this shocking revelation was immediate and far-reaching."
"You gotta appreciate a little moment to laugh in the midst of this crazy scandal."
"The drama where some of the most successful stuffed the fish with lead weights."
"Barry's name and reputation has been tarnished in Colorado and all around the country."
"Munch was delighted with the scandal, as his notoriety ensured he became an overnight sensation."
"The lie finally caught up with Crown and 19 of its staff."
"We are ruining people's lives Moses's work is getting things that he's a [ __ ] rapist it's a [ __ ] crazy no is it there was shows that doesn't mean it's just like I can't."
"Does anybody really believe that Joe Biden in the White House knew nothing about this great embarrassment to our country?"
"Plenty of uber wealthy people were involved in this scam, paying tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to get their children admitted into prestigious universities."
"We accidentally stumbled into the corruption that is going to be and is the largest scandal in American history."
"The false pandemic is one of the greatest medical scandals of the century."
"After a dramatic web of corruption and scandal, it's remarkable to think that Ike was once thought of as one of the richest businessmen in the world."
"The fappening otherwise known as that time over 600 private photographs of female celebrities like Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, and Mary Elizabeth Winstead were leaked onto the internet for the whole world to see."
"Jeffrey star confirmed the predator situation."
"If priests were leading good, celibate lives, we wouldn't be having a scandal right now."
"When you're talking about what was the number 700 hidden allegations, it's absurd, it's disgusting, and it is not of God, period."
"And thus ends the short and scandalous life of one who may have been the youngest and worst pope to ever be elected."
"Well, it seems those scandals are starting to catch up with her as she was recently called out and canceled by the vast majority."
"Once they get caught, to be a hero they will."
"This should be among the biggest scandals in the world right now."
"But in Ronan Farrow’s telling, it’s not a shame, it’s a scandal."
"The real scandal is not what's illegal, but what's legal."
"When you find out Jeffrey Jones was convicted of possession of child pornography."
"We got a wheelbarrow of national party corruption dirt shoveled right in our mouths."
"The attempt to turn what is a corruption Scandal into"
"A story of glamour, greed, and a global scam worth $15 billion."
"Covered up the nursing home death toll figures."
"This is 10 times more nitrogen dioxide than the VW scandal here in the U.S."
"She feels she's Untouchable because she's gone through so many scandals and here she is still making millions of dollars on the internet every single day."
"Months later Skilling resigned for "personal reasons" and Enron imploded in the biggest bankruptcy in corporate history at the time."
"It's like she's making love to the President in front of forty million Americans."
"It's sad that the scandal went on for so long as these people were relying on their car's safety systems."
"The scandals of the annus horribilis had started a process of change."
"Dominic Robb... accused by eight different individuals of bullying."
"Neil Parish... found looking at pornographic photographs of tractors in the House of Commons."
"The fallout continues over at the White House over Rob Porter, and you can see that the media are all over this."
"The allure of AKB48: where every scandal is a spectacle."
"A huge Scandal exposed Mass corruption across the meat Supply industry when Undeclared horse meat was found in a load of European food products."
"The adult response to that is to take it instru St to try and learn from people's input not to form an entire sociopolitical movement around not wanting to hear how you could improve yourself."
"Elizabeth and Dudley's affair was blown apart by news of Amy's death."
"Juicy Smollett: Dancing with Michelle Obama one year before he faked a hate crime against himself."
"The Watergate scandal of the 1970s remains one of the most infamous political scandals in American history."
"Political leaders don't go down because of scandals. There is one condition that enables these politicians to stay in power or be removed from power and that is the economy, stupid."
"He's not caught on camera performing a good deed, but instead dumping the body of a woman he allegedly murdered."
"The accusations had been thrown around. A simple accusation: apparently, alpha Chad Flower had [ __ ] Jen, the co-GM's wife."
"There was a whole scandal that ended up with the top CEOs having to resign from the board of directors."
"The revelation about the comments about the skin coupled with the rest of the interview would throw all of that into a ball of chaos."
"Charles's Royal mistress, Camilla Parker Bowles, became one of the most notorious women in Britain."
"A surprising admission, the first time any Royal had ever publicly confessed to infidelity."
"This is the end of the old Hollywood scandalous Tale of Mr Bumpy Johnson."
"The fact that one hasn't been appointed and it's now year two of the Biden presidency is a scandal in and of itself."
"The cover-up is helping the perps in this Russia Obama gate scandal."
"He's been famous since the 1950s, an American icon, rich beyond measure, a legitimate world-class stand-up comic, and then on top of that, a psychotic pervert."
"When someone's that [ __ ] up, it's probably not just... they might find like 30 dead cats in his backyard."
"He was asking other women to do some very sordid things to him."
"It is distressing that a man who held such a position could behave like this."
"This may be one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history." - Commentator
"Fisherman faced felony charges over a cheating scandal at an Ohio tournament."
"The great awakening was recognizing the... mccarrick infiltration... the sex abuse crisis."
"Everything wrong with the government spying on a candidate of the opposition party that's a Watergate a spy gate."
"Absolutely, it's the coverup that's way worse in the eyes of the law."
"They've been caught, and the truth will be revealed step by step." - Lin Wood
"It's another case of an influencer being a [__]."
"Obama made the claim that quote 'my Administration is free of scandal.' Well let's put that statement to the test shall we?"
"The difference here is what Trump did to try and cover up what he did in the first place I said so often the case it's not the underlying crime it's the interference it's the cover-up that gets folks in trouble."
"The Olivia we meet in season one of Scandal is known as a wearer of 'the white hat.'"
"Thing about Trump here is you are watching somebody at the end of a long con that has been more successful than any other."
"Is anyone disputing that Hunter Biden had processed? No. Is anyone disputing that there were sexual interactions with people who were underage? 100 percent, no one's disputing any of that."
"The captain's lover: naturally she gave another confusing interview after leaving court. 'I want to say that today is the second time I die because the first time I die in the night of the crush with my psychological brain and what.'"
"'Okay, wait, so she expected to get some sort of first class rescue while everyone else was still stuck on the ship? Wait, how did we get here? Oh right, sex with the captain.'"
"The biggest producers in Hollywood allegedly harassing all these women... they let him go and they let the story go with him."
"But hey, they just can't seem to stop screwing up and have recently found themselves in the news yet again, for yet another scandal."
"They should have called it Cosmic Watergate."
"Wow, huge, massive developments in the biggest abuse of power corruption scandal in American history."
"This is the greatest political scam hoaxes in the history of our country."
"It's like when a televangelist gets caught having an affair, it just doesn't work anymore."
"Why do you think so many of these predators ended up in the priesthood?"
"Look what they did to Bill Cosby this is the number one black television star."
"What an attack in an outrage on our body politic, a vindication for the president but a condemnation of the way our government was run by the deep state."
"We're perennially and systematically misled... by the BBC among others."
"One of the greatest medical scandals of the last century..."
"With all the allegations laid out against him, people are starting to get convinced that Steve Harvey might not be who they thought he was."
"This investigation shocked and angered many... an outrageous abuse of law-enforcement resources and authority."
"Basically a story about two Hooters waitresses strippers… involving prostitution, guns, and justice."
"Scandals and controversy is kind of considered a bad thing which you know they are but it's also kind of like a fast pass to relevancy."
"I know if that happens to me um I would probably cry and throw up but if you think about it a lot of the most successful and most famous YouTubers are the ones who have the most scandals and beef pork chicken all of it."
"Scandals rarely ever actually end someone's career."
"Pennsylvania woman created deep fakes deep fake pictures and videos to force rivals off daughter's cheerleading squad what kind of deep fakes this is the thing people were talking about."
"Michael Cohen knows where all the bodies were buried."
"Prince Harry releases a bombshell book...the book though ghostwritten by Jr minger was as candid as they come generating acres of headlines with its more sensational stories revelations and claims."
"It ultimately has come out that Alec Murdoch had this 20-year drug addiction."
"It does look like the actual leak at Manchester United is actually being... it's coming out into the open."
"The mere existence of a police investigation into Downing Street should pour shame on the Prime Minister."
"This will be bigger than the Shane Dawson scandal."
"It's a disgrace to our country. It's a hoax. And it should never, ever be allowed to happen again."
"What was once dismissed as a third-rate burglary became the focus of Senate hearings televised live nationwide."
"This is the worst corruption scandal of all time."
"The whole Epstein saga is filled with foul play, irregularities, absolute corruption, and evil deeds."
"It doesn't matter if the physical body of Jeffrey Epstein is gone. The spirit of Jeffrey Epstein lives on."
"Prince Andrew basically lost his Royal status because of his relationship with Jeffrey Epstein."
"This might just be if these allegations are true he may just be sort of a a new version of Epstein I mean wow."
"Tony Lopez had been accused of grooming and exploiting."
"He's done something really bad and that was it, that was basically the end of his career."
"The scandal started to threaten all that hard work that had been done."
"What's a YouTube drama without allegations am I right guys?"
"This whole stunt from Nexon has been a reputation Ruiner."
"Unless there are criminal charges and new revelations they are going to stay the course that this is the highest scoring freshman in college basketball."
"David Seagraves, you messed up, sir. You have messed up in a major way. You might single-handedly bring down all of Scientology."
"In Watergate, they said the coverup was worse than the crime."
"The past three years of my life have been hell because of this scandal."
"I am freaking sick and disgusted to hear of what transpires behind the scenes."
"I displayed a strong lapse in judgment but let me be clear nothing happened between me and my co-star." - Justin Timberlake
"Nancy Pelosi's daughter gets on Twitter: 'Oh it looks like this is going to take out some of our faves.'"
"The lip-sync scandal that surrounded Milli Vanilli was one of music's biggest scandals."
"Archie had become involved with a woman named Nancy Neal."
"Mike Alden, you might remember his name from a scandal of corruption and rigging of the tie races on Emperor's Landing."