
Online Harassment Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Fucking how is cyberbullying real? Just close your fucking eyes."
"Three million women have been turned away and given up gaming because of online sexual harassment."
"Why would someone cyberbully a woman who's just trying to share happy videos online?"
"21 million female gamers have experienced sex-based taunting, harassment, or threats while playing video games online. And of course, it has to stop."
"I know a lot about what it's like to be the victim of online harassment."
"I also know that because I talk a lot about transphobia on this channel, a lot of transphobes like to attack me and insult me."
"Does somebody want to log on to relax after a long day that is stressful at work and be called the n-word by a 15-year-old for three hours? No, no they don't."
"Most of the hate that I get on this website comes from people who watch a few of my videos form a perception of my political opinion."
"Whatever it costs you to obey God, disobeying God will cost you more."
"Trolls have options that can make you look like a desert island and that in itself means they win this entire video."
"Every single streamer that I've talked to in their life has had like severely emotional personal life problems because of dealing with harassment."
"No normal person knows how to react to when hundreds of thousands of people are attacking them on the internet for simply celebrating their birthday."
"I've been harassed, I've been doxxed, I've been threatened."
"I'm tired of people minimizing the harassment I received over the last week."
"It's an encouraging sign that the United Nations is taking the epidemic of gendered online harassment seriously."
"If people give you [ __ ] online, especially if it's just one geezer, do not let it affect you."
"I felt so incredibly unwelcomed and so like, I mean, you don't need how many people do you need messaging you like 'go back to where you came from, we don't want you here'?"
"I would propose the general term online violence."
"Online violence can be as mild as disparaging remarks about your appearance or intelligence."
"I learned to ignore the trolls no matter how vicious they might be."
"If one of these women were to go public they probably would not have a particularly good time whenever they went online."
"Yeah, I mean, how many times have you been called a pedophile? A lot, I mean, especially online, being on social media. It happens daily, really."
"He also started to spam multiple Twitter employees, asking why me and others were still allowed on the website."
"Rule number three for dealing with a cyber stalker and this one is very important is not to get paranoid when they start using alternate accounts."
"I receive hundreds of death threats regularly if not daily, thousands since this trial has started. People mocking, mocking my testimony about being assaulted, making fun of my objection."
"I mean, thank you! So, it seems like Creepshow made a fake account, was harassing Emily with it, and then harassed herself with that same fake account."
"I don't think it's funny that people dox your home, all the stuff I see online. I don't think it's funny that people put pistols and stuff in your home and try to get you in. I don't think none of that is funny, bro."
"People are so dumb and comfortable on social media. They think they can just sit there behind them and harass them and nothing's gonna happen."
"He was swatted by people who wanted him to give up his Twitter handle."
"The interesting thing was the opinion of others was was weaponized as a means to like attack me and make reddit threads and tweet at me right because the stance was that these pros broke it."
"It's disgusting because when they've done that they were watching the channel and they've also done it knowing that that's gonna get people sending threats to me calling me a rapist apologizer and all sorts of stuff."
"No one deserves to be harassed for the content they choose to stream, how they look, or who they are."
"From my understanding, Dream's fan base has had a history of doxing and harassing people who criticize Dream and who Dream has called out in the past."
"Don't let Twitter trolls or just all these people yelling at you online get to you."
"Unsustainable hate and death threats have been crushing to read."
"You know, we all know about people that hide behind Twitter handles and say some disrespectful things on social media that young kids just shouldn't have to deal with."
"This borders on targeted harassment. This board is on actual targeted harassments that I think could warrant getting someone heated from the platform."
"Sniper Wolf situation is unacceptable anyone who uses their platform to docks and put a person's family in physical danger deserves to be deplatformed."
"Ultimately, it is literally not deep enough to be sending people that much hate. That's just disgusting."
"We need you. You see how these white supremacist are our own code in the chat room right now flooding it with trolling and all this. They're on code. We got to be on cold family 100%."
"Do you remember Gamergate back in 2014?... a whole bunch of like woman journalists in gaming got doxxed and harassed... all of it was started and propped up basically by a couple of online figureheads."
"Having an opinion is fine, but to actually go hardcore with harassment or things like that like yo [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] you should die because of like go [ __ ] yourself it's never okay to do things like that."
"Why should we be making money for Reddit while being subjected to harassment?"
"Let her stream and have fun, the bitter part is the harassment she still got in between the termination."
"When a woman says anything on the internet, there's a bunch of snakes and pointing fingers of abuse."
"I know I have so much that I have to just catch you guys up on things that this whole entire year I felt like I basically had a gun to my head to not speak on ever to try and protect other people's feelings or spare them hate online."
"It's sad to say that this can be par for the course when you're a woman with an opinion on the Internet."
"I personally have been doxxed and harassed, but it's not in that Wikipedia article though."
"If you're doing a challenge, you cannot get away from trolls. You cannot get away from people that's gonna hate on you what you're doing."
"Going after a creator's sponsors is a terrible thing. It's an incredibly low blow and tends to snowball into ad pocalypse."
"Their biggest weapon is they mobilize these vulgar, disgusting netizens who go out there and incense it's insensitively attack nipple docks people harass people."
"It's really alarming and I'm scared that this behavior will continue and any other creators who say negative things could just get attacked like this."
"I can't believe that they doxed him, man. I hate Twitter so much, these people are horrible, literal scum of the earth."
"It sucks to see fellow content creators get a tremendous amount of hate simply because they're trying to do their job."
"This was the fan's last fan call after changing fandoms throughout the fan call, they keep mocking him and laughing at him, she also called him the R word on Twitter."
"At least three people have died by suicide after becoming targets of Kiwi Farms harassment campaigns."
"Something like Kiwi Farms could be utilized by people with a lot more resources to do a lot more harm."
"There will always be mean people who you do not like that will never stop online ever ever ever it will always be the case."
"They're like, 'Well, thank you. We know how to get her.' So then all of a sudden, all these, they're like, if I've done something to annoy them, all of a sudden, all the trolls are coming up being like, 'You look really old today.'"
"She posts videos trying new foods and people will comment the meanest things."
"Imagine coming online and people body-shaming you with your belly."
"This is an incredibly dangerous and irresponsible standard to set for content creators. If a psychopath, a literal psychopath, would go out of their way to stalk, dox, threaten, harass YouTubers like this person is, how on Earth is that his fault?"
"It's something that I deal with online a lot and something that specifically women have dealt with the worst of."
"Online harassment seems to affect women and ethnic minorities more than men."
"Let me fight my own fights. Harassment isn't anything particularly new for us. I'm sure many of y'all have been harassed on here either through DMs Reddit care messages or otherwise."
"She instantly went from like I'm a fearless woman to she lost that debate and she's like his trolls are threatening me."
"For feminists such as myself doing unpaid work to campaign to end male violence against women, this is about being hounded, bullied, threatened, and harassed mainly by men."
"I was made fun of, I was mocked, a lot of trolls been coming out of the woodworks."
"I remember thinking like, this weird little mean guy on the internet like maybe he made me feel really shitty 20 minutes ago but like I can get up and go home and leave him here in the park and you know like, I was like I don't have to take this home with me."
"Lefties will literally tell you you should kill yourself, like you should tell you that you literally deserve to die and that you should kill yourself for saying the arsler."
"I've had lefties send me pictures of their guns telling me they're going to shoot me. Woke scold accounts with little anime profile pictures, hammer and sickle, and a trans flag in the bio."
"This online bullying has to stop. It has to stop. You can have your feelings about people. This is why you have places, you know? There are plenty of places where you can share your opinions, but threats like this will get you locked up. Keep it up. But it has to stop."
"I think it's very brave of him to come forward and said that he had to have therapy because of something that happened online."
"Cyberbullying is repeated behavior that is intended to cause psychological or emotional harm to another person."
"It is a bullying that crops up in the form of girls receiving messages, usually anonymous, that tell them that they are ugly, that they are fat, that they are stupid, and that the things they like are stupid."
"When you get attacked online, the standard advice is don't reply, block them, move on. But I thought this is just telling me to shut up."
"Keep on fighting the good fight, Dawn, ignore these idiots of the Internet."
"If you let trolls, if you let online people, if you let other people tell you about you, then you will forget who you really are."
"I don't think that anybody deserves to receive death threats or homophobic bullying as a result of believing in a theory about a celebrity online."
"When I get rape threats... what they're saying is that all women can't be at ease online."