
Denial Quotes

There are 3672 quotes

"Fucking how is cyberbullying real? Just close your fucking eyes."
"Reality remains reality, no matter how hard you try to ignore it."
"Alicia denied there was no way she would do something like that because killing humans was just too much for her as a hero."
"You need to be able to notice when you're in denial."
"You can ignore reality, but you cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."
"If you want to keep your heads under rug and remain plugged into the Matrix and not talk about the elephant in the room, well, so be it."
"You can ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of ignoring reality."
"Most people are in denial about how much forgiveness they have left to do in their life."
"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. It does matter."
"You cannot convince someone to take medicine who does not believe they are sick."
"Human beings have tremendous capacity for transformation and depth and spiritual and emotional growth. They also have tremendous capacity for denial and forgetting."
"Strength is not running from it, not suppressing it. You ain't really overcoming it; that's still something that's there."
"Reality threatens my identity; it erases me, and so reality has to go away."
"I'll say it with great respect, number one, she's not my type, number two, it never happened. It never happened."
"Denial doesn't work because unless you know where you are and where you want to be, you can't actually chart the distance between point A and point B."
"The denial of racism is a crucial part of racism."
"You're going to die. I'm tired of denial. This denial, you're going to die."
"Denial, self-deception. It is so much more common than you think."
"Spectral evidence... the whole thing disappeared overnight, everyone denied they had any part in it."
"Climate change is certainly something that is so important, and the aggravating thing about it is that there are so many who still deny it."
"If you don't have such a thing, then you're lying to yourself; you have such a thing, you just have to find it."
"I do want to State unequivocally that Ryan and I never made any attempts to cover up a sexual assault or to Aid Don."
"Stop it, y'all. Quit playing. I didn't do this stuff. This is not me. I'm fighting for my life!"
"Somebody sent me something on my phone and said that I hog-tied her. I don't know how to hog-tie people."
"Somebody is kind of saying to the world or showing to the world that they're good, you know, they're okay, they're independent, they can take care of themselves, nothing's hurting them, nothing's touching them, nothing... Bullshit."
"Your obsession gives her power. No, she feeds on denial, ignorance."
"Ostriches don't literally bury their heads in the sand, but it's become an apt metaphor to explain how people can be in such unbelievable denial of fact or record realities that are otherwise as clear as the existence of gravity."
"But really, we were distracting ourselves from the truth."
"You cannot get rid of a problem by pretending it doesn't exist. You have to address it."
"I don't know how you can deny that we are not having an effect on the planet because it's very obvious."
"The tobacco industry knew that smoking cigarettes caused cancer and they hired experts to deny it."
"Being in denial and lying are two completely different things."
"Denial allows problems to get bigger and bigger until they completely destroy our lives."
"Denial literally blocks information from our conscious awareness to keep us safe from anxiety and discomfort."
"As of now, there is zero hard evidence to support the revisionist transit camp theory and all evidence points to mass homicidal gassings and mass murder by shootings having occurred."
"The heartbeat of racism is denial. We can hear the heartbeat clearly."
"We ignore things we don't want to see to push for utopias, which only then results in those variables crushing us."
"Acknowledging systemic racism does not mean that you're racist. Avoiding or denying the existence of systemic racism is actually racist."
"Our avoidance of talking about what is the most common feature that all of us will go through, which is to die, and yet so much of our society is constructed around preventing, avoidance, denial of this reality."
"The reason why the Mighty Fall is they do not look at the data that doesn't make them happy. They don't have the guts to do it."
"All of this is the refusal to accept that we are mortal and we are frail and we will die."
"Nobody's denying racism happens. It would be as intelligent as denying murder happens."
"I'm not owned, I'm not owned, I don't care, I don't care, I'm so indifferent."
"I am a professional athlete. I would never do anything to enhance my performance by using banned substances."
"The reason these people are trolling you is because you are speaking truth to them that they don't want to hear."
"If you tell them that they are responsible for their situation, they can't tolerate that."
"If you're going to look at all of that and say it doesn't matter because that does not correspond to my own personal... my own personal experiences, then you're silly."
"Denial is not just a river in Egypt. This is crazy."
"I refuse to believe it. There has to be some other way. There just has to be."
"She forgets all about the murder and decides to live with him. 'And we'll be together, always.' Well, if you say it like that..."
"Your denial of the truth does not change the truth."
"Whenever we try to talk about past relationships, you're like, 'Nope, no one but you. You're my only human.'"
"Don't let denial creep into your decision making."
"I did not kill myself. Let me repeat: I did not kill myself."
"Denial, that's all it is. They can't accept it, which I take as a compliment."
"We often want to deny its validity because if we acknowledge the facts, it requires change and for many, this is something that is not desired."
"I think I'm just going to ignore Braga being psychologically unstable."
"The case that's been put against me is completely fabricated."
"Other times reality simply waits patiently for you to run out of the energy it takes to deny it."
"Climate change is real. If you don't think so, you're a [__] idiot."
"It probably wasn't a good idea for me but I like to pretend like I'm doing just fine when I'm not."
"The inability of a civilization to conceive of its own demise is the blind spot of most societies."
"I disagreed wholeheartedly with your characterization it's not true Mr Brooks."
"Despite all the evidence slapping everybody in the face, many just refused to believe their fellow human beings could actually be doing this."
"I am a walking testament to the assertion that humans go to great measures to disregard and silence these blind spots."
"The tobacco industry denies that nicotine is addictive."
"Let's not forget as well that some of these Millennials who are dying on the hill that they all look younger than gen Z is just plain delusional."
"Just because they don't want to believe it, doesn't make it untrue."
"The denial of the reality of consciousness from people who are fully aware that they're conscious."
"That's not mine and I'm not taking the blame for it."
"Black men are known for creating children, denying them, and refusing to support them financially."
"America is not a racist country. It's wrong to use our painful past to dishonestly shut down debates in the present."
"Both things and uh like omitting either one of these things is denying reality that's it yeah that's literally all there is to it."
"It hasn't happened yet so it's not going to happen right."
"You cannot effectively combat an enemy whose existence you refuse to acknowledge."
"Maybe the thing that makes us flaunt our status as the least racist country is the same thing that makes us racist."
"Our problem is not died in the wool racism, it's more of a middle-of-the-road denialism."
"It's this dismissive attitude of otherwise decent people that just makes it impossible to have an honest discussion."
"The only thing that really concentrates the mind of our leaders is how can they be in denial how can they pretend that the rules which are cannot be enforced are being enforced."
"The wage gap doesn't exist, and if you still believe it to be true, then I'm afraid you're a lost cause."
"Watching events happen and then disputing whether they happened or not, I mean it's pure Orwell."
"You knew the truth, but you would not repent."
"Verbal abuse happens behind closed doors, and then the abuser denies that there was any verbal abuse."
"Ignoring pain will not make it go away. It won't fix the cause of your pain. And to ignore pain in your life is literally one of the dumbest things you can do."
"There has to be some kind of mistake, I didn't do it."
"Tobin is trying to rewrite history and not only cast a shadow on the events of the Holocaust but also expunge Nazi Germany of any wrongdoing."
"You stupid bastard, you've got no arms left! Yes I have, it's just a flesh wound."
"Has anyone else been here with that before? No?" - You ever use it? I might have used it. Yeah, but it wasn't like that, man.
"She could not comprehend the idea that one day she might be held accountable for her actions."
"Simply put, gaslighting is having your emotions and your reality denied."
"There is no amount of burying our head in the sands and pretending that it's all going to be okay that's actually going to help."
"No puppet, no puppet, you're the puppet! I'm rubber, you're glue."
"The last thing I want to do is be like, 'Yep, that's definitely why it happened.'"
"If avril's been like, 'Oh no, no, it's not real,' just a conspiracy, but like, would they ever admit that it wasn't? Probably not."
"You will never solve a problem in life that you refuse to admit."
"We refuse to acknowledge reality staring us in the face, forced upon us this alternate reality that is not true."
"People won't find the reasonable solution if they don't want to solve the problem."
"This person is very prideful, they won't admit that they don't like you."
"Because I did not and would not hurt my wife and my child."
"If someone denies their behavior anytime you confront them about an issue you are likely in a darvo relationship."
"They were in total denial about it, they just dismissed it saying that inflation was transitory and you know Yellen said the same thing and so basically everyone just ignored the data for six months."
"Putin did attempt to affect the election, and Donald Trump is not in Putin's pocket."
"Sometimes you want to believe comforting lies just to make the harshness of life go down a little smoother."
"We need to stop pretending these people are serious."
"Refuse to recognize the reality of climate change and what kind of impact it has."
"President Trump has rejected white supremacy like 57 times in four years."
"So what got him elected is basically what got him right God listen I'm not going to argue with you against fraud uh elections being listen like I said um."
"When Betty confronted her husband he denied it... that just did not sit right with Betty."
"I won't see a single instance of me talking about that."
"You have to accept something, come into acceptance about something that you've been previously denying."
"The facts don't stop them. They simply shout their bald assertions and then cover their ears in case anyone shouts back."
"The director however finds it very unlikely that he'll be convicted of anything."
"To this day, bro, I don't watch it, y'all think it's me?"
"It's one where you feel like it shouldn't be happening but unfortunately it is and you hear it so many times."
"If you want to understand where errors lie, you must look at what is denied."
"White people don't really believe that racism is institutionalized."
"I'm gonna send him a nice requested letter denying him back."
"Don't pretend that we didn't know now what we knew then."
"President Trump decided even before the election that regardless of the facts and the truth, if he lost the election, he would claim it was rigged."
"I know exactly what's going on right now - fake election."
"Creationism is a clear demonstration of that because it's a form of religious extremism, because it requires a degree of reality denial, and believers readily admit that."
"I don't know what you guys are talking about, there was no problem whatsoever."
"Children being kept in the United States against their will... pretending it doesn't exist."
"Pretending God doesn't exist won't make him go away."
"Willful blindness: when human beings turn a blind eye to the truth to feel safe, reduce anxiety, avoid conflict, and protect their Prestige."
"Just starting over like that is so me. If it's not going great we're just gonna start it over and pretend like it never happened."
"Mr. Trump lost, but he refused to accept the results of the democratic process."
"She could have saved herself so easily if she just went, 'Yes, I panicked and said I had a brain disorder.'"
"Here is an organization in denial, an organization that owes number one an apology to all of the abuse victims."
"People are slow to admit anything but quick to justify everything."
"Many Russians refuse to believe them, saying that it's all fake news."
"My son did nothing wrong. I did nothing wrong."
"Unlike Tommy who embraced the negative reaction and wrote it out to some strange sort of success, Derek is [ __ ] sure that Cool Cat is a masterpiece and refuses to let anyone say otherwise."
"You literally run away from everything. If that's what you want to believe, that's fine. But that's what you're actually doing right now."
"Horrible, um... ridiculous, humiliating, ludicrous, painful, savage, um... unimaginably brutal, cruel... and all false, all false." - Johnny Depp
"So there is no war in Ba Sing Se, pass it around."
"I didn't record her ever. I have never recorded anyone ever without their consent."
"Please stop call me a predator stop call me manipulative stop call me a grimmer."
"She cannot write away from her own allegations."
"It might just go back to that not wanting to admit you were just so obviously conned so you're just holding on to some sort of belief that there was some truth to what you were sold or what destroyed your life in a way."
"Denial makes you feel better, it provides some moments of solace, but longer-term it's a recipe for disaster."
"Denial had been such a comfortable place to hide from the truth. I didn't want to believe Scott would hurt Lacey." - Sharon (Lacey's mother)
"I don't know what you're talking about I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan."
"Ms. Heard cannot run away from her own allegations."
"Did you ever see any arguments or see any violence? No."
"I just think it's very interesting that she's like, 'It doesn't affect me.' Girl, it does."
"Some people don't realize that they are being lied to, and that's okay. Just admit it and move on."
"Instead of confronting realizing he's right they'll just pretend they didn't hear it."
"Absolutely baseless rumors, I unequivocally deny anything that you just read off of that piece of paper."
"The people who don't believe in the problem of climate change are really fooling themselves."
"Facts do not cease to exist merely because they're ignored."
"It's always the next hit is the last, like in the movie Carlito's Way."
"When you try to talk to most white people about racism the first thing they'll say is I don't see color."
"I never tolerate any cool Iranian forces in Colombia for sure."
"Just to be clear, you're denying that you sought a pardon for yourself?"
"The government isn't admitting that we've retrieved these crafting bodies... they're denying it vociferously."
"The battle is over, and the Liberals just haven't acknowledged it yet."
"You can choose to ignore reality, but you can't ignore the consequences of reality."
"It's fine. It's fine. I meant to lose. I'm so happy."
"I never told John Bolton that the aid to Ukraine was tied to investigations into Democrats, including the Biden's."
"Jocelyn Wildenstein has acquired what can be best described as a unique look but has denied ever going under the knife."
"You will never convince me. There is nobody on planet earth that will ever convince me when you look at that baby and you tell me she has behavioral issues. No she don't, no she didn't."
"We need a new paradigm of global governance."
"There's always going to be people that no matter what are not going to believe this."
"The reality is that if Democrats want to keep saying this they can say it as much as they want it ain't true."
"He's like, 'Hold on, you're on it. Let the record show that I, uh, not in my... I shook my head no here, please.' [Laughter]"
"I am not just repeating over and over and over again."
"Everything is under control. Why would you say that? What do you mean everything's under control? It's clearly not under control!"
"Wounded but never give up, denied but never accepting that denial, insulted but refusing to accept the insult inwardly."
"She's pretending that nothing happened with the police."
"Trauma bonding incorporates betrayal trauma because you're denying the negative aspects of abuse to continue bonding."
"You're basically like, 'Oh, like that we weren't in denial 20 years ago, now we have to be in denial again.'"
"Admitting defeat, the emperor sits back down all innocent as if he's not the reason for this whole mess in the first place."
"At some point you have to put on your own oxygen mask before somebody else's."
"Don't say things like it doesn't exist, that is a lie."
"They won't even admit the knife is there. That's the point."
"Whether it be the denials, the gaslighting, the gatekeeping, feeling that they're not themselves anymore, have these symptoms that are bothering them, that that's really driving them to kill themselves unfortunately."
"If I was really beating on a chick, would I set up a [__] video camera?"
"It took me eight months of denial, I'm finally, you know, in acceptance."
"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see." - Iron Brand
"The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evidence which everybody had decided not to see." - Ayn Rand
"And personally I believe the only way she can truly start to make amends in this situation is by admitting the truth and she is just not willing to do that."
"Do you have anything illegal on you or in your pocket? No, no, no."
"If something is inconvenient for him or is harmful to him, he just calls it a hoax."
"If it doesn't happen, they can't prove that I said it because I've never actually said it."
"Stop ignoring the red the deal breaker stop it jen just just stop it just just stop it."
"Never believe anything until it's been officially denied."
"Just keep looking at the screen. Ignore that weird feeling and any noises you might hear. Everything's fine."
"If color did not matter then why cover it up so greatly?"
"Money grows on trees, there's no great depression."
"Trump refuses to remain silent Eddie literally keeps confessing to the crime."
"I merely put my hand up to guide her. I didn't choke her or manhandle her."
"I really hate saying I told you so, but the stuff's happening."
"Nobody's going to tell me I'm going to die!" - Disbelieving individual
"So no there's no such thing as white pride in part because there is no white culture."
"The dollar is a scam. Bitcoin's creation code required only 21 million bitcoins ever be produced." - Chris from Man Run
"Because people have got to know whether or not they're president or crook. Well, I'm not a crook."
"Climate change is now accepted and understood by everyone except the president-elect."
"It's not taking him a year to find this out, he must know deep down."
"Just because I don't look at something doesn't mean it doesn't go away."