
Peace Advocacy Quotes

There are 665 quotes

"We must make peace for the people standing here, for the people living through the nightmare of war, and for the people who are not standing here because they've been killed."
"Give peace a chance. Too many people have already died."
"Every single Labour MP that has failed to come out and call for a ceasefire when it was opportune to do so will hang their heads in fucking shame."
"We deplore the ongoing violence in Ukraine and reiterate the need for restraint, for a ceasefire, and a peaceful resolution of the conflict."
"We need violence to stop, because if we don't, then we are losing the plot."
"This is not a call for war, but a call for peace amongst us."
"I've been kind of an advocate of peace, an ambassador for peace, and someone that is trying to build bridges."
"Peace, not war, is our natural condition. Those who would bid us to war must be challenged."
"Make peace and don't fight; violence is not the answer."
"Opposing the horrible madness of war is not anti-European, it's not anti-Ukrainian, it's not pro-Russian, it's common sense."
"The prophecy of Armageddon has also been used as a call to action, urging people to work towards a better world and to strive for social justice and peace."
"I don't know if I'm being incredibly 1960s Counter Culture, but war is a bad thing that we should be ending and looking for peace because it's always better for everyone, and it's where we'll arrive eventually."
"We're fighting to bring back the hostages. We don't want this war."
"We need peace. Peace for the people of Ukraine, peace for the world."
"Why don't we push for peace? Why can't we declare that we absolutely [hear the opposition's point]?"
"We categorically condemn war anywhere and we continue to urge all parties involved to pursue diplomatic solutions to conflict resolution."
"So many die, so it would be best if there's no more war."
"We're capable of world peace, it's a design problem."
"We must learn non-violence so we might face non-existence."
"More sports, less war. That's my hippie mantra."
"Let's stop fighting, let's just chill, look what they're doing, don't get distracted by this stuff."
"Peace is preferable to war; that violence is not an answer."
"Lady Yoon appears randomly, she's making a news broadcast to everyone on Earth that this needs to be the last fight between humans after this everyone on the planet should strive for peace."
"Respect the rule of law, due process. Give peace a chance."
"The only issue today should be to stop the war."
"Don't plant the seeds that will blossom into the next war."
"We have to stop it before it goes nuclear, which is what will happen if there is no resistance."
"Nobody wants to actually be in a situation where we're going to war. We shouldn't want that. We should never want that."
"There's nothing intrinsic to Christianity that gives rise to violence. On the contrary, we hold up this person to whom great violence was done."
"War can only beget more war, giving way to an endless spiral of violence."
"A vote for Joe Jorgensen is a vote against the warfare state, a vote for peace."
"There's no place for political violence in this country."
"The best war is the one you don't have to fight."
"Peace is rarely spoken about and those who talk about it are even stigmatized."
"We don't need another war, we need less wars."
"We're gonna push for peace. I think I will fall out of my chair if that actually happens."
"Life's too short to be at war with everybody."
"Our hope is a world of proud independent nations that embrace their duties, seek friendship, respect others, and make common cause in the greatest shared interest of all: a future of dignity and peace."
"There will be no winners in this type of War."
"Were we really put on this earth just to hate our neighbor and die with our bony fingers clinging to a gun?"
"We're past that. There has to be love now instead of war."
"Violence is not the answer." - Senator Martha McSally
"Let's not start dropping nukes, let's just all be friends here."
"In the battle between democracy and autocracies, democracies are rising to the moment and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security. This is the real test."
"Answering to violence with violence is never an answer."
"We condemn both [the deaths], let me begin by reaffirming the rightful and important role of the United Nations..."
"But despite this Padmé's efforts are a success, she convinces her friend to call for peace and an end to the war within the separatist Congress which garners just enough support to barely pass a motion."
"Action is needed to save this generation from the scourge of war."
"Choose peace, even in troubled times, and lead with your heart."
"The best lover of peace is the soldier, the one that knows history and what happens."
"War will make your life worse, no matter where you are."
"European governments need to finally do what I think they should have been doing all along: seek peace in Ukraine."
"I decline to do so. What I would actually prefer to see is the status quo of Ukraine restored to its sovereignty and integrity." - Advocating for peace
"The Phoenix family's tributes stand as a testament to River's lasting impact, urging love, unity, and peace in challenging times."
"I believe violence, coercion, and all forms of force by one person over another can come to an end."
"It's time to de-escalate, otherwise this is going to get really ugly really soon."
"I think this is simply a message to us humans to deactivate all of our nuclear weapons and basically go another direction, and also to learn how to live with each other in peace."
"We want to bring peace back to this wasteland."
"We realized then the Great War must never happen again."
"It's about Kenshin who is a man raised to be an assassin and then later in life walks the path of peace."
"If you are anti-history, you are anti-peace."
"The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended a war they also made it holy clear that we must never have another War there is no other choice."
"It's a violent world, but in the end, I still believe all you need is love."
"We call for Unity, we call for peace, we call for Progress."
"Let's choose to live together as brothers and sisters and not perish together as fools."
"We need a Department of Peace to disrupt the status quo and get this country back on track." - Marianne Williamson
"Instead of sending negativity, choose to spread love and peace."
"In conclusion, things that are good: peace, clean energy. Things that are bad: oil, war."
"Let's stop the war so that there will not be more refugees."
"President Putin, stop your troops from attacking Ukraine. Give peace a chance."
"China is not going to be dragged into any war or any confrontation. What they're trying to promote is peace, they want regional stability."
"President Putin, in the name of humanity, bring your troops back to Russia. In the name of humanity, do not allow to start in Europe what could be the worst war since the beginning of the century."
"We have no excuse for defeatism. We have every good reason for hope. Hope For Peace."
"Peace cannot be won through the barrel of the gun or the crushing of a throat."
"Peace, love, and loads of planes. Look how many there are. They're everywhere."
"Thank you and it might sound radical colleagues but the answer to war is not more war."
"Ain't we seen enough blood for one night, huh?"
"The Ukrainian President says he wants a ceasefire and peace."
"We need to be prepared and we need to be prepared to speak out, call for, demand, and act for peace."
"Peace is the most important thing, we all deserve peace."
"The use of these weapons must never become the new normal. We must prevent impunity at all cost."
"And the need for harmony between human beings and peace is more important than ever."
"As Christians we should support efforts at peace even if we don't believe it's going to last forever, peace is a good thing."
"Pakistan is in favor of peace and believes in the tools of dialogue and diplomacy to pursue peaceful resolutions for conflicts."
"China seeks peaceful solutions but the United States seeks chaos."
"Do we want to be an English-speaking country with a free market that trades with everybody and tries to avoid wars?"
"You have the idea of trying to get peace is something everybody supports."
"You might say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one."
"If you're anti-war, then you've come to the right place. If you're pro-peace, that's what our agenda is on this show."
"We all want peace... this is not good for anybody."
"We must learn how to wage peace and we must learn how to have a far more humble and respectful relationship with other nations."
"I felt strongly about being against militarism of any fashion."
"I don't actually believe that Christianity is a religion of violence and hate."
"Democrats will continue to support a peaceful resolution and defend Taiwan from an attack by the CCP."
"We do not want Civil War we do not want that kind of horror no question about that."
"We condemn violence and hatred in all forms."
"A true lover of peace will not allow the enemies to have any kind of stronghold."
"Violence is bad and we don't want any of it."
"The United States government is going down a pathway to war and destruction. I do not agree with the current path that we are going on."
"China wants peace; it's trying to rise. Wars and conflicts and colonization are never the way we do things."
"Peace and love, the only way we're gonna solve any problems."
"We long for peace as believers. We pray for peace. We don't want war. We want peace."
"We can't meet hate with hate. We can only do this peacefully, coming from a place of love in our hearts."
"Peace is very important, negotiations need to start as soon as possible." - Oleg Deripaska
"Russia's people are sending messages all across the world to cease this war."
"This is just a learning lesson, let's move forward peacefully."
"We need to wage peace as effectively as people wage war."
"Those who love peace need to learn to organize themselves as well as those who love war."
"Peace for Ukraine. You know the enemy is confused."
"Fighting is never the answer, using your brain is."
"There are no winners in a war, everyone loses." - TSMC Chairman Mark Leo
"If a lot of people loved each other, the world would be a better place."
"We're all running out of strength to fight, there's no reason for shedding any more unnecessary blood here."
"Actions speak louder than words, so you can talk about how we all need to be peaceful, but until they're actually doing something to reduce contention in the world... it's hollow and hypocritical."
"So more Jesus more peace and and continue the trend of less inflammatory hateful life-ending statements would be nice."
"Too many of us think [peace] is impossible. Too many think it is unreal but that is a dangerous, defeatist belief."
"Armin ultimately wants peace and he doesn't trust people like Zeke."
"There is no justification for this attack on a peaceful vessel on a commercial mission in international waters." - Secretary Blinken
"We condemn any threats against anyone. There's no place for violence."
"The last thing that people in Ukraine need is war."
"War is bad. We shouldn't have many wars. We should have unbiased media."
"Peace, not war, is what this body should be calling for."
"Violence is not how you achieve change. Violence is not how you achieve something better."
"Make art not war is both charming and aesthetically really unique."
"Hope for peace, yes. And hope for the defense of our civilization and for the building of a better civilization in the future."
"Both sides should agree to a truce. Every day that passes, more Ukrainian and Russian youth die to gain and lose small pieces of land with borders barely changing. This is not worth their lives."
"Anduin, I now believe as you do, that peace is the noblest aspiration. But to preserve it, you must be willing to fight."
"Let's make love not war, and you can quote me on that, baby."
"I'm spreading peace, love, and positivity to you wherever you are in the world."
"Stop the Bloodshed, stop the fighting, and get around the table and talk about this like grown-ups."
"Make peace, you idiots. What else can you do?"
"Without peaceful human beings, there is no peaceful planet."
"No one wins in a war folks except the defense contractors and the guys that make billions of dollars by sending your boys your sons and your daughters off to war to be killed and maimed so they can make a big paycheck."
"The answer to war is not more war, but peace."
"Stop the senseless violence that's tearing our communities apart."
"We're not pro race war, we're anti-war generally."
"We are working for peace, we are working for justice."
"Africans have taken a position that they do not have any dog in this fight. They want peace in Ukraine."
"No more war. We have to be so so so firm on that."
"Pray for peace in the world, make everyone safe, saved, and not suffering."
"If everybody knew these things, there wouldn't be war, there wouldn't be violence."
"Peace need not be impractical and war need not be inevitable... we can help all people to see it, to draw hope from it, and to move irresistibly towards it."
"Let peace reign... we can't afford for Lagos to be on fire." - Call for peace and order
"I believe in this country. I believe in justice."
"Violence and threats are never the answer. Condemn them."
"We're just passing through in this life. How about if we live in peace? We coexist with others peacefully. Why this animosity? Why this create intentions that they are not there? Why not live and let live?"
"Our objective is to raise awareness around the world for peace and truth."
"Wobbuffet for peace. That sounds like a great idea."
"We must stop now. I speak as a child of God and brother to the suffering poor. This madness must cease."
"Europeans really do want stability and peace in Europe."
"Blood must not have blood. None of this eye for an eye business."
"Do we have to face everything with violence? Give peace a chance!"
"All this talk of nuclear war in the United States is more likely to convince most Americans... that some kind of Peace negotiation should be started as soon as possible."
"There is no winner in war, but I wish the leaders would figure this out."
"Investing in trust over deception, trade over weapons construction, is really the only way to peace."
"We want to make a sincere effort to spread a message of peace and prosperity."
"We're reaching a level of warmongering that is beyond terrifying. The only objective worthy of pursuit is peaceful coexistence."
"We gotta quit killing each other. I mean, you see what I'm saying?"
"I will work to end this new Cold War, deescalate these tensions, work to end this arms race."
"Snake comes to the conclusion that he should use his skills to end wars not perpetuate them."
"We choose peace today, alright? And then this performance kind of went into um, so 'Cardi B' cheated up up is an okay song, I'm fine with it."
"A woman doesn't destroy life. She cherishes it."
"Until men turn from war to peace and violence to love, they will always remain in a murderous jungle."
"Peace is something when people stand up and say, 'I stand up for peace,' it empowers them."
"If your goal is peace then I just think that's a someplace that we should all start and we can resolve our other differences later."
"It doesn't make you weak to strive for peace. I would hope that everybody is striving for peace."
"Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed."
"Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
"Quit describing a stand for peace as anti-war."
"Why don't we just talk about peace for a second?"
"Make every effort to be found living peaceful lives."
"Opposition pressures Kremlin to end the war."
"No one should be fighting. The purpose of..." - Wanda Maximoff
"We must stand for stopping the bombing, for ending this brutal war, and for justice in the Middle East."
"We have the most powerful military in the world. How come we just lost three wars in a row?"
"There shouldn't be a war machine; there should be military activity only when there is real justification."
"We will keep America out of endless foreign wars."
"Imagine a world of peace where there are no more wars, no more fighting. Lay down the sword, give up the fight to always be right."
"I want peace, right? I've been in situations in the streets, bro, like with bad dudes where we come into contact and I'm like, 'Look, bro, I don't want that.'"
"The remains of the men from Operation Pyramid Plasma, the Advocates, were deranged. They are all ashes now. We will never be weapons again. Leave us alone or join the ash pile."
"Ultimately, the children of Ukraine need peace."
"Russia has more than three times the population of Ukraine so victory for Ukraine is unlikely in a total war. If you care about the people of Ukraine, seek peace."
"We do not rule, but we may guide the men that do gently away from violence and short destruction, and instead toward peace."
"ETs were saying please don't destroy this beautiful planet with these weapons."
"Keep your prayers going and visualize world peace and project love to everyone on the planet even those that are doing the harm."
"Understanding that unless we are willing to pursue diplomacy to work out our differences... then the only alternative is the confrontational approach and the conflict and the war that we are seeing for so long."
"I just hope that everybody joins us in doing everything we can to improve the conditions we have by emphasizing peace and prosperity through personal liberty."
"We oppose war because war is the worst thing."
"Jose Bustani has arguably done more in the past five years to promote world peace than anyone else on earth."
"We're not rooting for anything other than total peace talks."
"BTS Army: a force for change, inspiring others to do better and strive for world peace."
"We're not pro-Russia, we're not pro-NATO, we're not pro anything other than peace and people living."
"We can no longer accept it because we know that it costs lives."
"Let's change the way the world is. Let's be peaceful, you know? I mean, let's just walk... let's walk peaceful and carry a big stick, you know?"
"We should take everything we can to prevent war."
"Ultimately what we want is for the people of Ukraine to be left in peace, for the Russian troops to withdraw, and for this threat, for this aggression from the Kremlin to be removed and removed permanently from Ukraine."
"There's no reason to hate. There's absolutely no reason to hate."
"I loved the idea of writing a war movie where the fight was to stop a battle."
"No wars, no hard feelings, only love and trees."