
Purpose Finding Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"If you want to find your purpose, find your passion because your passion will lead to your purpose."
"The journey, the process, that's where the fulfillment lies, not necessarily in the accomplishment of the goal itself."
"Sometimes storms are here to clear our paths, remove the trash and distractions, and guide us towards our true purpose."
"This is a human experience... no one is perfect... I'm looking at how I help more people and really kind of find my purpose and living this life."
"I pray that these people would all find their purpose and that would pull them closer to you."
"Everyone needs change, passion, needs a purpose, no matter what that is."
"Understanding your destiny, your true purpose."
"You need to grow basically grow a pair and get on with life and find your purpose."
"God's Redemption turns trials into triumphs, pain into purpose."
"As Christians, it's finding true freedom for the first time because we're reconnected with why we are here, why we were made, and we have a purpose."
"I think that it's important to have a really good why."
"God has really taken my pain and transformed it into purpose."
"There is hope for healing and we can find purpose through our pain."
"When you find your purpose, everything else will flow."
"Understanding how little of a chance there is that you're here today is terrifying but yet I find that more than anything else it gives me purpose."
"You've got to discover the purpose of your life."
"Your followers will help you reach your purpose."
"Understanding those little passions can really help us progress in finding our purpose."
"The willingness to forsake our own life and purpose is exactly what helps us find our life and purpose."
"Godly community is essential to reach purpose."
"Helping you figure out what your own why is."
"Whenever chaos and crisis come into your life like that without warning, it's coming with a purpose."
"If you are not impacted by a problem, you're not going to be released into purpose."
"Some people just love everything and really can see like the awesome the purpose for everything."
"Life can't just be about solving problems; there's got to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"Let 2020 not go to waste. Your purpose is sitting waiting to be released."
"Purpose is not something you find, it is something you discover, you unfold, you unleash."
"Purpose, to know that you're here for something, to know that you're doing something, to know that you're making a difference, I think is what makes somebody human."
"Finding your purpose can be like extremely difficult so I don't want to like oversimplify that by any means."
"Motivation doesn't mean you enjoy it. Have a purpose, tap into your reasons."
"The beginning point of vision is not epiphany, but very often when the Lord is about to open your eyes to give you meaning to live and meaning to pursue, it begins with divine disturbance."
"You're going to find your purpose, you're going to forgive yourself, and you're going to be more compassionate toward yourself and someone or someone you're going to forgive yourself for something in the past."
"Find your purpose—having a compelling reason to live leads to a more fulfilling life."
"Focus on what really matters, getting purpose in life."
"You have to strongly define your why. You have to figure out why you're doing the things you're doing."
"You're awakening to your purpose, your fulfillment, your desires."
"Jordan Peterson's message to find purpose is exactly what young people need."
"This will change your life. This will... truly brings you happiness. This is what truly brings you that purpose that we all seek."
"Once you find your actual why, you will never again go through the motions."
"You're going to discover your purpose in this process."
"You don't need to worry about finding your purpose, just focus on bettering yourself."
"Each step you take in faith brings you closer to the purpose he has for you."
"Everything that you're going through happens for a reason. It brings you into greater Discovery and knowing of self."
"People are always looking for their life's purpose your life's purpose comes when you realize your life is your purpose and you're not looking for a life's purpose."
"Serving can be the method to unlocking your purpose or finding that purpose, it can definitely be a tool to do that."
"You're supported, your angels are on standby."
"Out of the ashes will come Beauty and out of pain will come purpose."
"Find purpose within yourself, how the [__] do you do that?"
"We help veterans and their immediate family members find their purpose again through business ownership."
"You can't find your purpose till you find your people because in the people is our purpose."
"The pillars of control your narrative are control, freedom, and through that all, you find purpose."
"The most important thing is your motivation, you've got to have a strong intrinsic motivation, we refer to that as our why."
"Rest, and know that in the stillness you will find clarity around your purpose."
"You've got to figure out what your purpose is, you got to figure out who you are, you got to figure out what the mission is that you're on."