
Accident Quotes

There are 1664 quotes

"This year has most definitely been my most difficult year, as I almost lost my life in a terrible high-speed rollover. I'm just glad I made it out alive on 10 toes."
"I think it's a freight train on the tracks and then they just stopped it and then all the carts flew up in the air from the inertia and just scattered all over."
"My story has been exactly what happened; it was an accident."
"If he collides with somebody, if he hits a pedestrian, if he gets into an accident, somebody might get hurt or worse."
"Our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident, especially those waiting for the news of their loved one right now."
"Even though it was an accident, after breaking Drew's hand, I felt horrible."
"15 years ago, a tragic accident broke out at floppies, it's floppies playtime, everybody disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a single clue, oh, a flower."
"The fact that anybody survived this crash is just remarkable."
"I believe the main reason that we investigated this accident was that there was a tragic, unnecessary loss of life."
"Thankfully, both drivers were fine and able to walk away unscathed."
"The police also told Mato the other driver claimed he was speeding and had run a red light. Too bad for her, Matteo had Tesla cam footage."
"Lesnar commented on the incident saying, 'I'm lucky that I didn't end up in a wheelchair.'"
"I think it was done probably as part of a biodefense program... but unfortunately, that virus escaped and it was highly transmissible for humans."
"Honestly, I feel like the accident really taught me that anytime, life can be taken away from you."
"Somebody did something to work like curved her one night, and that girl then fell out of a golf cart and hurt herself."
"Yesterday... skiing is very hard... I need an ambulance to get me down."
"Joel also fell backwards and yelled Jesus Christ what the [ __ ] was that that burns."
"Authorities believed that this was evidence of her attempting to potentially break her fall."
"I literally crumbled the floor I was still recording from using my phone just go well I was I was talking to Brittany and then I turned a look at you guys to celebrate and you're not there I was like where the [ __ ] did they go."
"Fortunately, incredibly, no one is expected to have life-threatening injuries and they are all expected to recover."
"Mike didn't deserve to die like that. Watching that car burn, not knowing one of our friends was burning in it."
"I accidentally ended dozens of lives. I was stunned."
"Me when I visit Shiki and she's asleep and I tried to open the alfredo sauce in the fridge when I dropped the jar and I got Alfredo over my hands and I don't know where the towels are."
"The group of friends witnessed the accident and were determined to save the squirrel."
"We're going to start with news out of Los Angeles where 17 people were injured in a large blast when police attempted to safely detonate illegal explosives during a fireworks bust."
"People United to help a paraglider who missed his landing and nearly fell off a cliff."
"We learned what happens when a world tour Sprinter hits a mobile phone at 70 kilometers per hour."
"The car went a long distance, so he had to been traveling at a pretty decent speed."
"Becoming Spider-Man is random chance, a roll of the dice, a freak accident."
"CCTV video footage shows a girl walking along the street... moments before she was swallowed up by a sinkhole."
"The firearm involved in the accident is a modern replica of a Colt .45 caliber. Rust had 13 such revolvers for the production."
"The prevailing theory is that Brandon tripped and fell into a river."
"A little piece of paper with glue caused an accident but the paper and the glue are not to blame. Humans are to blame because humans use that tape in their own place for their own purpose."
"There were surprisingly and thankfully 22 survivors of the crash."
"You're not a bad person. You just froze up. That could happen to anybody."
"He and Jennifer Grey were on a romantic vacation in Ireland when Matthew head-on hit the car of a 28-year-old woman and her mother, both women were pronounced dead at the hospital." - Narrator on Matthew Broderick's accident
"Tragedy struck while rehearsing it with the cinematographer Helena Hutchins who was standing at the camera's monitor to set up the shot."
"What the hell was that?" I yelled as the car came to a sudden stop with a screech onto the side of the frontage road.
"One of those food drops broke in midair and now it's raining soup."
"I accidentally created a makeshift gold Farm."
"So now they have the boxing falls off a truck."
"This is just a mistake, right? A happy accident, a happy exactly, exactly."
"A bridge over a highway in southern Georgia was demolished after a truck slammed into it, causing the bridge to shift six feet."
"If you have taken a tumble, it means you have fallen over."
"From the front, you could see, you know, you were trying to hold his hair on and his skull on."
"On impact everyone on this flight had survived but the subsequent fire became the killer."
"The impact launched him up over the hood and back onto the sidewalk."
"Getting hit in the face with the skateboard hard enough to break my eye socket at a skate park is probably enough to leave a bad taste in my mouth."
"I didn't mean to, my house just landed here after a storm... and then yada yada, I squished the wicked witch of the east."
"I had it first try and I dropped it on the floor... yeah, so that was a bit silly."
"The ride was closed due to an accident and potentially even total derailment."
"The letter is definitely suspicious. I think it is very strange that it was so specific about that car accident."
"People were like, dude, he literally danced so hard he got knocked out."
"The resounding thunk of the glass when the cat makes contact with the door."
"Had that huge boulder been just a foot or two over, things could have been so much worse."
"The unthinkable happened: one of their oxygen tanks blew up."
"Kevin, did you run over a group of monks? Please, Kevin, tell me you didn't run over a group of monks."
"That was like split second from disaster, oh man he literally got K.O'd."
"The explosion is said to have been heard over two miles away."
"I loved every second except for the part where my strap broke."
"About 4 years ago... after lighting a cigarette and putting in my headphones... I started on my normal routine... unfortunately, that wasn't enough."
"Amazing treasures that were found by accident."
"That's like saying a drunk driver didn't intend to hit you with their car, so they're off the hook."
"I almost accidentally peed on a homeless person."
"You wake up, you don't think that's going to be your last day or that's going to be the way that you go out because of some misunderstanding about a fender bender."
"That's tragic, tragic boating accident happens to the best of us."
"All flights are canceled as there has been an accident on one of the runways."
"This is not a murder case... this is a sad, tragic accident that snowballed out of control."
"The train was going this way and there's like so you have the car that's been crushed into a cube under the bridge and then everything else is just flattened against the back piled up on top."
"If that was the vehicle you had to roll, it had so much safety gear in it."
"Even though they accidentally murdered 30 people... they decide to do the right thing."
"During the stunt, the bike's speed suddenly diminished. Not having enough power, Knievel crashed badly, sustaining many debilitating injuries including a concussion, multiple fractures, and a crushed pelvis."
"A bad fall does happen as part one of the previous ones which happened to what was it in the Air Force Academy stage."
"He asserts that murder was never his intention but simply the result of momentary panic and confusion."
"I don't believe that it's possible that she could have fallen off the balcony."
"Being obese enough to snap a harness and fall to your death is one of the most humiliating ends imaginable."
"The accident that almost killed him saved him."
"I think we can all agree this was no accident."
"I killed a guy by accident, but I'll take it!"
"Number 8: Clumsy kangaroo hits fence while hopping out of backyard."
"It's like a 10-car pileup, you can't take your eyes off of it."
"Flash and clear! Oh, I shot my own. I'm so sorry."
"I played once and I got to 13th place and then I was driving around in a car and it jumped out while it was going like 30 miles an hour died died pretty much."
"I hit reverse on my car to pull out and I hit somebody that's going by because I, I'm gonna be honest, I was spooked."
"The anomaly's driving was apparently all kinds of bad because the car rather quickly crashed into a wall."
"Larry Race: What happened that night was an accident. I didn't kill Debbie."
"Oh my god!" - Dipper accidentally stepping on Dippy Fresh's neck.
"What are the odds of that? The one time you're out and you get in a car accident, you end up running into the exact same Sasquatch that you know you assisted back during the eruption."
"I'm on the bus when it crashes and I'm probably at the front of the bus which meant I go straight through the bloody windshield and land on the bloody dirt."
"One of the most frustrating things to have happen in an SPS dominated tank is to have one colony get dislodged and fall into another colony below."
"Last year we had a bag break and it dropped a 1.75 L bottle of vodka."
"I was not able to recover from the fact I did not actually figure out what the real rules of the game were."
"Sarah Boone said, 'This happened, it was awful, but one thing I know, it was not intentional.'"
"Old man is snoring, he bumped his head and couldn't wake up in the morning, he died."
"This vehicle on the far right here just hit an anti-tank mine..."
"As time went by, I learned more and more about what actually happened and realized that it was not an accident as we would call an accident. It was totally avoidable."
"Just because we say whoa that was loud that sounded like an exploding tire that was probably exported hopefully they're okay."
"The Chernobyl accident resulted in the deaths of two workers but leaked radioactive waste into water supplies and the surrounding area."
"That's what you get, Milo! Wait a minute, Milo, you just set the portal alight and totally set yourself on fire! This is perfect!"
"It was this accident that resulted in this 90-page report."
"He's literally trying to blame this entire accident on Jeff."
"Had that wheel been eight inches left or right, you know, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now."
"Overnight, a fire destroyed one of our barns at our Howard Lake farm. No one was injured and we are grateful that first responders were quickly on the scene to put out the fire. Unfortunately, chickens were lost because of the fire."
"I honestly, in my opinion, I think it was an accident, a sad tragic accident."
"The investigators found the answer to the mystery of the helicopter crash."
"It wasn't intentional, but I also want her family to have closure."
"You're never going to regret a workout, unless you've got a barbell dropped on your head."
"We got lucky that it broke off and went into the water instead of on the deck."
"The Goiânia incident shows how easy it was for an almost uncontrollable radiological accident to unfold."
"When you watch two trains crash, you just can't pull your eyes away."
"It was a miracle he was alive because if it had gone through that he would have bled out. He would have been dead within a minute."
"All of this stuff got all over my legs, it got in my face, like whoever this poopy belonged to, like I'm probably related to them now, like I'm, I really am, like we're considered blood brothers because I'm pretty sure it went in my mouth."
"This did actually happen before when the customer crashed my Jag."
"January 10th: In what is certainly not a sign of things to come for the fledgling football league oh no no no the XFL blimp crashes into a waterfront restaurant in Oakland, California."
"Fortunately, no injuries were reported in the accident."
"As painful as it sounds, Glossi didn't notice until he looked down and noticed the missing extremities."
"You can just make somebody fall sick or you can make an accident happen like you can manifest somebody getting hit by a bus like things like that like people are weird and people are wicked."
"Nutshot is upset at that. They're booing Point Crow. I fully believe it was an accident."
"I thought that car accident was pure cinematography."
"The fact that everybody survived including the pilot that was outside the plane is just completely a miracle and all because the screws were the wrong size."
"Comedian Eddie Griffin was likely not laughing when he crashed a rare Ferrari Enzo into a barrier."
"It could have been an accident, something she had maybe not expected to happen during another cry for attention."
"Wave crashes through windows of Italian restaurant."
"This is a silly game about a girl who has licked an icy pole in the winter, and her tongue has gotten stuck."
"Accidentally killing your friend in Minecraft."
"I knocked over the grill on my way out and walked around the back of the house."
"An accident is a wake-up call for everybody."
"Remarkably, every single passenger and all the members of the crew of flight 358 have managed to escape the burning wreckage of their plane."
"Woman who survived Pennsylvania Factory explosion said falling into vat of liquid chocolate saved her life."
"David Moseman had driven that stretch of road dozens of times before. He said he must have taken his eyes off the road as he approached the curb."
"Aaron throw broke the fire alarm... set it off for the whole school."
"It's like you're in a car accident, you know."
"I think he's dead, I... you know what, I think like I'm not a detective on scene or anything here but I think he may have hit the detonator a little too early perhaps."
"Miraculously, I didn't break any bones in the crash."
"His head hit the glass windshield so hard that actually knocked him unconscious."
"The 1961 Goldsboro B-52 Crash: One time where we almost became the home to a nuclear disaster of our own doing."
"The Tsar Bomba: Accidentally made and dropped a nuclear bomb two and a half times bigger than they intended."
"My right thigh had about an eight-inch fresh scratch."
"Flight 4184 has crashed into a field just outside Roselawn, Indiana."
"That fall looked deadly. I was very grateful when he survived."
"A real bullet, that's what authorities say was in the gun actor Alec Baldwin fired."
"Rosemarie wasn't in any sort of accidental blaze."
"Let's fly! 1, 2, 3! Whoa, you landed on me. All right."
"I got run over by a car, I didn't even get hit by the tornado, really?"
"Whoops, I caught some of the insulation on fire."
"It's a total surprise. I thought maybe it was going to be a camper, someone was trying to keep warm. It's a gas leak, and it was an explosion."
"Somehow, and the battery manufacturer has no idea how this happened, one of the batteries caught fire."
"Whatever happened, I'm certain was an accident."
"It appears Dick Graham's bobbin descender came open while he was on the repel."
"Oops I put real bullets in the joke gun did I do that?"
"I broke it by running down a volcano and I tripped on my sandals and I flipped and all my body weight went on my hand."
"Was it possible that Alexandria drove off the cliff because she wanted to take her sister's life?"
"So there you have it, the story of how the computer got destroyed."
"The last car, the B car, was hit by a train at the end of the third, so those pieces were sort of scattered to the universe."
"Oh no, the blades hit my neck area but it's okay, you're talking to a Sam safe."
"I watched my best friend get a phone call from her ex where he told her he had gotten in a car accident with her car."
"Amazing girl tries to pour acid on X's face when blows it onto hers instead."
"A man tried to pose for a picture with a fish, died after the fish slipped into his mouth causing him to choke."
"But not too hard, or you will knock out one of your teeth, just like Zerg did when he fell down the elevator shaft."
"I did drop the milk though, kind of unfortunate, but we got a cool key, so that's something."
"Literally got into a car accident because she wasn't paying attention."
"He had to do all of this without at any point realizing he was lost before he fell down a cliff."
"Unintentional near murder, only slightly but still unintentional near murder."
"This has just basically been very sorry unintentional near murder."
"Yes, it is Olly, yes it is. Now, the tour is full of highs and lows, and one particular low this year was the unfortunate crash of Wout van Aert, cyclo-cross star and first time rider at the Tour de France."
"You should have heard a scream, yeah, probably before they hit the ground, I did, yes."
"I hurt my leg, I was just trying to drive it."
"Challenger was a terrible accident that could have been prevented."
"It's unfortunate, man, this was just a casualty of that."
"Hunter got hit by a car okay he's all right yeah 100 hit by a car he's fine."
"I slammed down the lid of the trunk, she's dying and I panicked."
"Was Natalie pushed in the water accidentally? Yes, it happened through a struggle, an argument, and a power struggle."
"I can't believe I just burnt the house down."
"I felt so drained of energy and I had a terrible headache. I sat up looking around and saw that my tackle box had been smashed flat."
"I felt a nice new breeze on my nuts and I realized that I split my Tom Ford suit in half."
"The survivors were very lucky considering the situation they were in."
"But was it really an accident or was this a murder disguised as an accident?"
"I heard a thump and my daughter starts crying loudly. I rush in and she had fallen out of her bed."
"Oh my god dude it just came bro it hit me in the crotch there's brain everywhere."
"This tragic accident wasn't done with intent, it was an accident."
"Let's just do it, you know what would hurt if I drop this camera right on my face because it's heavy as [expletive] and break my nose probably."
"What kind of accident? I don't really know how to deal with this because of the sheer suddenness of the move."
"But rebar aside, additional evidence found at the cabin made the accidental death ruling seem a bit premature."
"There could have been two dead kids because of Two Stupid grown men."
"He had plunged more than 200 feet and now needed to be rescued."
"It was a Finley five in a minivan that crashed into the median and they died every single one of them perished."
"The fact that Blake was thrown from the chopper turns out to be a blessing in disguise because the pilot has been captured, skinned, and nailed to a cross."
"A three-year-old girl who was attending a kite flying festival in Taiwan suddenly became entangled in the tail of a giant kite."
"Homie literally stepped on a rake and hit himself in the face."
"Bullet exited the shirt leaving the person inside completely harmless."
"It was all gone. He had crashed into a utility pole going 70 miles an hour without any protective gear."
"A beautiful accident that carried on a legacy of friendship, found family, diversity, and love."
"This accident changed aviation history."
"When you manage situations by accident, you exist as an accident."
"I mean, it's not like he got the spider to bite him. The spider just bit him."
"The shockwaves from this accident are felt across the globe."
"But you didn't kill. It was an accident."
"I face planted so hard, I've got grass on my tonsils."
"I remember the first notable thing that happened to me was when I was eight or nine I was running down the stairs and fell down a whole flight of them during this I had an out-of-body experience."
"I was dizzy and shaken, but alive and unharmed, save for a few bruises."