
Healthcare Management Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"It was, you know, something that our hospital and also the FDA, you know, had to approve and looked at very carefully."
"There is very good national coordination of all the public health officers."
"The many layers of management... there are simply too many suits and not enough nurses and doctors' uniforms."
"We do have great ways of managing them though, so that people can live very highly productive lives."
"One of the big challenges that comes along with being the on-call anesthesiologist is that I have to triage along with the surgeons who are calling me to figure out what are the most important cases that need to be prioritized first."
"We've given out thousands and thousands of ventilators, but what we don't want is to distribute them all and then not have enough for a sudden rush in a particular area."
"This lack of diagnostic testing has been the biggest mismanagement of this outbreak."
"Healthcare doesn't just occur in a doctor's office or hospital, it occurs at home between visits."
"These measures are the bare minimum we should be doing to try to shift the peak, to slow the rise in cases so that healthcare systems are less overwhelmed."
"The e-healthcare management system is a web-based application that assists the management of staff, doctors, and patients in an easy, comfortable, and effective way."
"Normally, the best position to deal with a new disease would be doctors, not bureaucrats."
"Time is of the essence when dealing with a novel disease, but delays can lead to missed opportunities for learning."
"We want to try to decrease the amount of patients in the hospital."
"Preventative care goes a long way towards reducing overall healthcare costs."
"And the other reason that it's not a hundred percent is people still I mean we have great adherence right."
"They're using less beds now. This is a good thing."
"So long as Cheryl was still taking Ethan to the doctors, it doesn't seem more likely that one of their medical recommendations was sticking than the scent of balance in his room."
"Slow the spread of the virus to a rate that the health care system can manage."
"Science is going to rule. We're going to go by the facts, we're going to go by the evidence, we're going to go by the data."
"Omicron era saw way lower admissions to intensive care compared to previous waves."
"Everything's fine and dandy, so now we can actually get rid of these medical posts."
"You flatten the curve because you don't want to overwhelm the medical system."
"Treat patients early. Do not tell them to go home and wait till they collapse."
"This was one of the most important public health failures this country has ever experienced."
"The testing is coming along really well... getting to numbers that nobody thought possible."
"What a job they've done... truly a tremendous success story."
"I'm so proud that Britain avoided the catastrophe of an overwhelmed NHS and that through foresight and brilliant science we've led the world in a vaccination effort."
"Patients can die if treatment fails or if they wait too long and their health deteriorates. Hospital reputation will suffer as a result."
"Currently, no confirmed Omicron cases in ICU in Australia."
"It's excellent news as Matt Hancock was saying over the last few days that and the ventilator requirement has dropped from 13,000 - I believe that currently is 18,000."
"Crowd Health puts your health care back in your hands cut out the middleman save money fund your health care costs without relying on big government or big insurance companies only pay the first 500 of any health care event"
"Dr. Fauci said, 'If hospitals get any more overcrowded, they're going to have to make some very tough choices about who gets an ICU.' But that choice doesn't seem so tough to me."
"These large heavily bureaucratic Health Care authorities don't seem to be very good at delivering Frontline care."
"You've been promoted yet again; you now run the hospital."
"The vaccine is the best tool we have to keep people safe, keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed, and avoid further lockdowns."
"The Czech Republic has not only prevented saturation in hospitals, it is now also starting to help other countries."
"But in the midst of that all these great experts working with all these great facilities are going to continue to use that great American ingenuity to scale and increase the availability of testing for states to be able to implement."
"Alberta is reducing the size and scope of the healthcare bureaucracy."
"Our NHS, like any world-class Health Service, has only limited numbers of doctors, nurses, and specialist equipment."
"It's vital to delay the spread of the disease and reduce the number of people needing hospital treatment at any one time."
"I'm not going to be held hostage because ICU capacity is 10 or 15 above baseline and neither should everybody else."
"Healthy people are not clogging up the healthcare system."
"We hope that by offering an outpatient treatment venue we will decrease the number of patients that we have to see in here by virtue of that we'll decrease the number of patients we have to transfer from here to the ICU."
"Healthcare workers can be tested, and if they're positive and have already had the disease, that could potentially save equipment for those that have not yet tested positive."
"Consumers need to make a request to stay on the same manufacturer's drug."
"Fortunately, our cases and our ICU usage haven't been emergency levels."
"Our ultimate goal is to say, after 18 months, 80% of our clients were able to reduce their whole health care cost expenditure."
"Good thing we moved the medicine closer, they are getting sick."
"with Samaritan Ministries you're in control of your health care."
"I'm just glad you got your job back and I hear a big promotion, so you're allowed to operate the clinic?"
"I want the patients to leave knowing exactly what their treatment plan is and know that we are in control and we will get them the best results possible."
"We want to achieve that culture of openness, honesty, and candour."
"It's important that we have the right kind of coverage in all these Health Care areas."
"In order to really identify those leaks, it's really important to have good communication with all different components in the healthcare process."
"I'm looking at this right now and seeing he has Xanax, he has dyslipidemia, he has coronary artery disease - these are chronic conditions."
"Family medicine doctors are the specialists of complexity, the quarterback of the patient's healthcare needs."
"We think you can run a very viable organization that drives to highest clinical quality, lowest net cost, and not focus on profit being your sole endpoint."
"I have to stay on top of all the new regulations, new things in healthcare because I'm the one who's then going to train the team and change policies and procedures."
"The PCR serves six functions: continuity of care, legal documentation, administrative information, reimbursement, education, and data collection for continuous quality improvement."
"We need to think about how to triage effectively in the most appropriate ways, and that's a complicated conversation."
"Human resource management in healthcare is surprisingly interesting."
"Healthcare does need people with a strong business acumen to run the healthcare system."
"A reduction in administrative burden."
"Proper management and treatment are essential for improving a patient's ocular health."
"It's super important because by having the correct information you decrease the insurance denials, lessen the need for appeals, and you end up with fewer upset patients which will all help you maximize the office collections."
"The most important thing was to send a message to our employees in the hospitals that hey, we're looking."
"We also need fair and accountable algorithms because increasingly machine learning results are being used to drive resources in a healthcare setting."