
Interfaith Quotes

There are 160 quotes

"We stand here as Jews, Christians, Muslims, those of any religion and no religion, and we stand united on the side of humanity against barbarism."
"The 13 people gathered around the musician are meant to represent a mixture of Jews, Muslims, and Christians, and others from around the world, as are the six children dancing to the right. The number 13 is the numerical value of the word one in Hebrew, thus symbolizing their unity."
"Jerusalem, the holy city loved by Jews, Christians, and Muslims."
"I've always said we should help a Hindu become a better Hindu, a Muslim become a better Muslim, a Catholic become a better Catholic." - Mother Teresa
"40 religious leaders and 10 scientists coming together at the Vatican on October 4."
"Learning about other religions makes me appreciate them more."
"One of the things that you can do by like comparing and combining religious traditions is you can see similarities between them."
"Jerusalem, the focus of spiritual longing for Orthodox Jews, Muslims, and Christians alike."
"Muslims believe that the temple mount was where Abraham's sacrifices, so it's really holy for Muslims and of course Christians and Jews."
"The way religions complement one another is more important than the way they contradict."
"Being Jewish is part of your biological genes... A Jew believing in Jesus is the most spiritually Jewish thing you can do."
"The real issue is how different faiths interact and work together."
"God loves you, Allah loves you, Jesus is Lord."
"The main beliefs common to every faith system: belief in the goodness of God and the sacred part of ourselves."
"We believe in the God of Abraham and Moses and Jesus, peace upon them all."
"Giving us a better and more informed understanding of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism."
"Muslims and Christians can come together as brothers in humanity."
"Muslims and Jesus are brothers in one faith, teaching the same principles."
"Jesus followed the Jewish law, and Muslims uphold the law."
"I feel like I'm more Christian in my mind, but Islam's in my heart. It's just a hard thing because you can't be fully Muslim but pray to Jesus." - Mister Latoya
"The significance of Vinayaka in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism."
"A Sikh man builds a mosque for his lifelong Muslim friend because he had nowhere to pray."
"He wanted to build the strategic alliance between religions to bring about peace."
"The world is unifying Islam, Christianity, and Judaism under one God."
"The culture of Love is present in all Divine laws in Judaism Christianity and Islam."
"If you are a good Hindu, you should believe in Prophet Muhammad."
"She had a very inclusive worldview and she had interfaith sensibilities."
"The goal of interfaith dialogue is to enhance mutual understanding and build tolerance and respect."
"Judaism does not have to be made to look bad in order for Christianity to look good."
"Muslims protecting Christians in Egypt during mass."
"The Kalam argument is an argument that has great intersectarian appeal."
"Harmony of religions is very much necessary in our world in the 21st century."
"Islam calls for the Muslim to invite the people of the book, that's the Christians and the Jews for example, to a dialogue... just like the type that is taking place here."
"The church produced a document on Islam called 'That We May Know Each Other,' emphasizing respect for other religions."
"The place we are visiting now holds great importance for Christians and also us Muslims"
"The Mirage journey highlights the need for unity among religions."
"Dialogue with different teachers from different traditions because I think there need to be dialogue between these people because they can learn from each other."
"The teachings of Sri Ramana thus throw a fresh light upon the spiritual teachings contained in the Bible... they clarify the inner essence not only of Advaita Vedanta but also of all other spiritual traditions."
"True peace and harmony among religions would prevail if we recognize the common truth of non-duality."
"I don't think it makes any difference whether you're Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian or a Baha'i. It's that knowing, it's that intimacy and that knowledge of God."
"What makes the ark particularly interesting is that it has not only been spoken of in the Christian Bible but also in texts from Judaism and Islam."
"As a child, on Fridays I would go to mosque and then on Sundays I would go to church with my mom."
"Muslims were generally generous toward Jews and Christians because they consider them people of the book."
"Both Robert Neville and John Bersome, who are sincere Christian Methodist ministers and professors of Christianity have claimed that they are also Confucians since they also espouse the core values of Confucianism."
"On every page, at the bottom there you can see commentary by Yusuf Ali, and it's very beautiful, emphasis on the spiritual insight, spiritual application, and he often quotes from Western scholars and poets even like Shakespeare, Longfellow, and other classical writers."
"when you offer a hand of friendship across faiths extraordinary things can happen"
"I think the major division religiously in the world today is not between the religions but within each religion. I have much more in common with progressive Jews and progressive Muslims than I do with the absolutist wing of my own tradition."
"We Jews know a great deal more about Christianity than most Christians know about Judaism."
"I want Jews and Christians to study together, to learn from each other, civilly and in Shalom."
"As different as our stories are, we Jews and you Christians, they do lead to the same insistence on Shalom, peace on earth."
"Let's get back to the idea of Jews, Christians, and Muslims, these Traditions now so often at loggerheads, working together to create a document which we hope will be signed by a thousand at least of major religious leaders from all the traditions of the world."
"Putting ourselves in another person's shoes before making claims about them and being willing to take a critical look at our own group is necessary if we want to have constructive interfaith dialogue."
"What can Muslims and Jews do together to highlight the commonalities between our religion?"
"Wouldn't it be constructive for the various religions to triage out the hierarchy of offences and realize that the core things that you believe are probably quite similar?"
"I was shocked as I read to find that Jesus peace be upon him was often mentioned in the Quran."
"The number seven's special status in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can be explained as something inherited from the Hebrew Bible."
"Holy envy is looking at another religion and finding things in it that I wish were in my own religious tradition."
"If you love someone, does it matter what their religion is?"
"But then changes occurred, I began to meet people who were not Jewish, who were devout Christians, who had a great love for Jewish people."
"With greater understanding comes a greater sense of unity and understanding of what other religions are all about."
"My task in this life was not to set my roots down in one holy house but to open the doors and to travel between them and to build bridges."
"Be true to your faith and a blessing to others, regardless of their faith."
"I should be better in my religion from learning something from yours."
"The object of this book is to point out the harmony underlying the various religions and to help in binding them together."
"The fact that the two largest religious groups in the world both hold this man in awe and respect and admiration is special."
"The object of this book is to harmonize the different religions of the world and to bind them together."
"The seventh principle of true religion is that it must be able to naturally unite all other religions."
"For this reason, the church also is enriched when she receives the values of Judaism."
"Ask for the inspiration of the Divine Spirit which operates in all the religions."
"The study of other traditions doesn't necessarily make you want to convert to another tradition, but it helps you to see your own differently and expands your outlook."
"We're pioneering a new era of Muslim-Jewish relations at a time when many think the challenges are too great."
"...has that guy's religion ever been in that place has that the earliest Christians were... there is a level of respect you need to have for other faiths when you realize that they have sacrificed more than your own tradition has."
"Church members should show respect for the practices of other religions at the time of death."
"As a Muslim, we actually have a lot in common with the Christians."
"This is how Muslims and Christians should talk; there's no need for a fight."
"What I would like to see is more genuine inter-religious dialogue where people really listen to each other and really share with a kind heart."
"The Christians love to read the poems and romances of the Arabs; they study the Arab theologians and philosophers not to refute them, but to form a correct and elegant Arabic."
"It's really important to me that we're an interfaith family."
"Being good includes respecting other people's faith practices."
"You're a Muslim, so why did you write a book about the founder of Christianity? Because it's my job as an academic. I am a professor of religion."
"The goal was to bring Christians and Jews together and teach the world about Israel's special role."
"This shift creates a perfect opportunity for Christians and Jews to reconcile."
"Promoting and facilitating a better Muslim-Christian relationship and dialogue."
"We are going to set a new era, a new standard in dialogue and discussion between Muslim and Christians."
"Christians and Jews can find all sorts of common ground."
"We have a lot in common as Muslims and Christians."
"In Judaism, in Islam, in Christianity and certainly in certain forms of Buddhism too, you have an emphasis on submission, on humility, on giving up the grasping desires of the ego."
"Just because you're a Buddhist and you fall in love with a Christian, you do not have to convert."
"Something is shifting right now in interfaith dialogue that we haven't really seen since what D.L. Moody did over 100 years ago."
"We really wanted to show respect to the three traditions represented at this table."
"I got to know him as a man whose heart was focused on bringing together people of different faiths to bridge divides."
"I think understanding all religions is important because there's a lot of wisdom in each and every one."
"My aim is to create love and harmony among the religions."
"I'm not here to debate whether Jesus is divine or not; I'm here to open communication lines between Christians and Muslims so that we can hopefully build bridges rather than burn bridges."
"It's not for the purpose of conversion, it's for the purpose of walking together on common ground and understanding the ancient sources of faith."
"Muslims and Jews are incredibly similar."
"Jews and Muslims got along for hundreds and hundreds of years."
"He has a great love for all of Heavenly Father's children and much of his career has been spent in building bridges and in dialogue with scholars, religious leaders, and people of other faiths."
"We want to encourage you to seek out the best in other faiths and learn about them from the best proponents of those views."
"We shouldn't be fighting with each other; we can debate, we can have our views and stuff, but at the end of the day, Christians and Muslims... we are the closest to each other."
"Christianity, as the fulfillment of other religions, enriches our understanding of Christ."
"Muslims believe in Jesus; we love Jesus so much."
"It's a wonderful thing that people of different faiths can get together, express their views, and you in the audience can make up your own mind."
"Abrahamic faith to dissolve barriers of race, gender, ethnicity, and faith."
"Muslims have a very long history of getting along with one another and they have a very long history of getting along with non-muslims."
"Be assured that God is equally present with the pious Hindu in the temple, the Jew in the synagogue, the Muslim in the mosque, and the Christian in the church."
"Do I want that a Christian should become a Hindu? God forbid. What I want is a Christian to be a better Christian, a Hindu to be a better Hindu, a Buddhist to be a better Buddhist."
"It seems to be more important than ever that Muslims, Christians, people of faith, and people of no faith have serious conversations about violence, religion, and interreligious harmony."
"He's a Christian by faith, well a Jewish person. I'm a gentile that's riding lay claim of Egypt, I believe, I believe in Jesus Messiah."
"It is with love and respect where people of all faiths I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen."
"He offered the Masjid to these Christians to offer their prayers."
"The Quran says that it confirmed the Torah and the Gospel."
"If you want someone else to read your holy book and get to know it and come to the truth that you believe that your holy book is sharing, you must also be willing to learn about someone else's holy book."
"We're not against Islam; this is a misconception."
"There's truth in every religion, service is truth and good."
"Religions and cultures influence each other, and Islam carries influence from Jewish and Christian traditions as well as other traditions."
"The language that the Quran teaches us is one of sincerity, humility, and really wanting to reach out to each other with compassion and empathy."
"I actually found Allah through Jesus Christ."
"My main thing with Christians is to promote good relations between Jews and Christians."
"Interfaith discussions are really crucial at this point in time because we're being pitted against each other when we have the same end goal."
"The existence of common themes and moral principles across diverse religious traditions suggests the presence of underlying universal truths or realities that transcend cultural boundaries."
"...what does gurun nanak g has to offer to Muslims..."
"The harmony of religions... that impressed me no end."
"Let us have interfaith understanding."
"As Muslims, we respect and revere Jesus and Mary."
"If I was gifted a Bible out of love, then as a Muslim, I would be happy about it."
"Muslims and Jews, you're supposed to be a model to the world on how to treat others."
"Interfaith engagement and dialogue is like the Olympics of the spirit."
"Jesus is my prophet too, so I have a problem with anyone cursing Jesus."
"Judaism interacts with other religions and with other cultures in a very nuanced, critical, and creative manner."
"Say, O people of the scripture, come to a word that is just between us and you that we worship none but Allah."
"Every religion has something that they can teach us."
"Jesus loves Muslims; He literally appeared to them in dreams."
"You should have good relations with Hindus, with Sikhs and also Christians."
"The closest in love of God to the believers in the Quran are the Christians because amongst them are people who love Allah."
"Christians and Muslims are able to collaborate even in medieval Islamic society."
"What do we believe about Isa (Jesus) and what do we do as Muslims when a person we're also respecting and venerating Jesus Christ is being celebrated."
"The Quran has made a claim that the companions of the prophet read in the Torah and the Injil about Muhammad."
"The Quran says to the Jews and Christians that if you don't stand on the Torah and the Injil, then you have nothing to stand on."
"How can religions help one another rather than compete with one another?"
"Acknowledged as one of the world's leading figures in interreligious dialogue."
"You have to love your family even there are Muslims, you have to love your neighbor even is a Muslim."
"Passover... the crown jewel of Biblical feasts, sacred to Jews and Christians alike."
"I am Muslim; I can't love my religion if I don't respect other religions."
"We want to understand the faith of Hinduism... there might be many things which are similar in both communities."
"We have to start repairing the breach between Christians and Jews."
"Respect each other, respect each other's religion, or lack thereof."
"We need such kind of dialogue and commonalities between Hinduism and Islam so that more and more people can come to know about these two faiths and we can come to a common ground."
"One of Fred's passions is interfaith dialogue and cooperation."
"When a religious group sees itself as in a nonzero-sum relationship with another group, that's much more likely to bring out the tolerance."