
Self-renewal Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Embrace the brand new you because it's going to be very powerful."
"You are weaving a brand new story; you are cutting ties with something old and through that, you're going to begin weaving something new."
"You're new every day, so it's a responsibility to cultivate that emotional regulation through thought and through certain behaviors for our whole life."
"You're manifesting a brand new beginning; this is like a rebirth of you."
"This person has undergone a physical and emotional transformation. The Eighth House tells me that this person is purging parts of themselves that they used to be and embracing a new side to themselves."
"You just brought your new self into a new year and left your old self in the old year."
"December for you is kind of like the cleansing and recharge period before you start this big new year that's coming up."
"You are birthing a new self, with results beyond expectations."
"Renew yourself, shedding old habits for growth."
"Transformation comes through self-renewal and overcoming opposition."
"There is a new start here, there is hope, there is you starting from the very beginning."
"You're rebuilding your life and starting anew."
"It is the dying away of the old self and a rebirth of the new."
"You're not stuck with your decisions, you can start over."
"It's time to foster this new beginning for yourself. Do not wait around for this person."
"Setting your sights high in the month of November, shedding the old skin, and stepping into the new self."
"The death of the old self is not the end but the beginning of living more authentically and freely."
"You're just going through a new phase of your life. You are embracing just a new chapter and your face will shine even when you're not whole."
"They tried to bury us deep divers, they forgot we were seeds."
"If you're exhausted and you're just operating out of a place of frustration, it's time to light that fire again."
"January can tend to be a very, very depressing time for a lot of people... It is definitely time to let go of the past and focus on the future and the renewal of things that is coming."
"I have to kill off the old version of myself to become the new version of myself."
"New life, new energy, new beginning, new person."
"Each of us is capable of creating a rebirth in our own lives."
"We can always renew ourselves, make our lives better, be a better version of ourselves."
"This is the new me and I felt bloody fantastic."
"Treat this current period in your life as a rebirth, embrace the journey of shedding old layers."
"This is you coming back to life, all right, from the inside out."
"You are the phoenix rising from the ashes of a very painful and broken past."
"I feel like a new person, and that's saying a lot."
"You're back feeling like yourself, the new you being born here."
"You're very fresh, it's like a whole new you, you know? Give yourself permission to be different, give yourself permission to have a whole new experience."
"Thank you, thank you to ourselves for deciding to renew ourselves"
"Part of you has to die" - constant process of death and rebirth.
"Being alone can lead to introspection and renewal."
"You're shedding that old skin, letting go of the old you and embracing this new you."
"You might even be a whole new person with a whole new interests and purpose and passions."
"There's a whole new you being born right now."
"You're give being given a break, a period to refresh, to renew yourself, to regain your strength."
"The full moon is a time to reap what we've sown and to enjoy the fruits of our labor."
"Opt out of old narratives, don't subscribe for another round."
"Reinventing myself, putting to rest the previous version of me."
"Take that time alone to really go within yourself and to recharge, recharge your mind and your body, your spirit."
"Release and let go of your old way of being."
"Phoenix, rebirth, self-sustaining, self-inventing."
"It's time to reinvigorate our own soul selves and be confident we've got each other."
"You gotta die a little inside to come back as a stronger, wiser version of yourself."
"Part of learning is dying, dying to your old self, your old ways. It's a complete renewing of the mind."
"Trust my process. I am endlessly renewing and transforming."
"You're going to be so renewed and so fabulous. You're going to be the best friend, the best wife, the best mom. You're going to be better in every way."
"Even in the mother state, I can still be that bright-eyed, bushy-tailed version of myself, or introduce or reignite that part of myself to look at the world in a new way, to learn something new, to revamp myself, try something new, go on an adventure."
"I feel like I'm becoming a new me, this is my renaissance, my renewal."
"If you want a new life, you gotta clean the slate and it begins with the break from the mother."
"You have to find the courage to step up, out, and shed that skin like a season wearing autumn now, and take that leap of faith."
"You're giving birth to new ideas, a new version of yourself every day."
"New Year, new resolutions; New Year means new you."
"Don't be conformed to the pattern of the world, waiting for everyone else to be loving; be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
"This is going to be like the awakening, the judgment, you becoming like a new version of yourself."
"You always end up winning, you always rise above everything and rebuilding yourself to a better version of you."
"My very identity becomes new, it's like there's a new birth, a real recreation."
"Labor power is his capacity ever renewing and reproducing itself, not his Capital."
"May I dare believe that I'm a new creature right now? May I dare believe that God's crazy about me right now?"
"You have before you an opportunity for renewal and this possibility for greatness that is not just within reach but actually already a part of you."
"Energy, unlike time, is something that's inside you and it can be expanded, it can be renewed."
"I'm a brand new person, I'mma keep you guessing friend, that's what Geminis do."
"It's a new year and I am a new man."
"But most of all, we will see how we blossomed, how we made this a time of renewal for ourselves."
"You have to keep rebirthing your heart, yourself; you have to keep healing yourself, you keep being reborn."
"You're brand new in every moment of now; there's nothing old about you or your dreams or your desires."
"Hello new day, hello new me, hello new world."
"When you take that time to disappear, you know, you unplug, you get away from the world for a minute... you gonna come back as somebody completely different."
"It's a new year and it's time to start a new you."
"Seeing the bright side here in the month of September, you're going to see a whole new brand new you."
"We burn ourselves down to the ashes before anyone else, including the universe, has a chance, and we remake ourselves."
"You're not that same old person anymore, you are a new person."
"There's a new version of you emerging."
"It is a renewal for your identity, for who you are."
"You have the potential to destroy and recreate yourself."
"It's a dying away of the old self, it's a rebirth of the new."