
Bilingualism Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"We use some parts of the brain very similarly for bilingualism, but what it's doing with the signals can be very, very different."
"I am not this side or that side of the streets that raised me. I am the corner of two flags, two cultures, two languages."
"Bilingualism is often seen as a brain-sharpening benefit, a condition that can protect and preserve cognitive function well into old age."
"Being bilingual is good for you; it helps keep your brain active in old age."
"Finland has two official languages, Finnish and Swedish."
"Learning another language opens up your brain."
"I'm worried that my children will not be bilingual."
"Our two official languages are woven into the fabric of our country."
"Fluency impresses both native and non-native speakers."
"You avoid direct translations when you're fluent in English."
"You know you're fluent when you speak automatically without translating in your head."
"Improving your reading in English might even improve your abilities to read and think critically in your native language!"
"Bilingual babies may be better at learning rules and switching between them than monolingual babies."
"Learning a second language can slow down aging."
"Another French one... that person is speaking a second language..."
"I'm proud of her; it's cool that she can read and write in Spanish now."
"I speak English, and then I'm from Canada, so we teach French in Canada."
"For me to be bilingual is to be able to communicate effectively in like daily life situations."
"The best way to learn one's own language is to learn foreign languages."
"He's rapping in Italian with a lot of Milanese references and a lot of African references."
"I want to learn Spanish I just want to know a second language."
"Nicaragua has a unique look, great walk, and speaks English and Spanish."
"Listening was always good because my parents always spoke mainly in English, but we always responded in Japanese when we were kids."
"Bilingual people change their personalities depending on the language they're using."
"It's rare to get mixed up, except if you're a beginner in two languages, you might get mixed up a little. But after a while, it gets firm and you can do it."
"Bilingualism is not bad for you. It's probably good."
"People who are bilingual have better executive control."
"I find it really important to teach Mia both English and Spanish."
"...at this stage in my life, I've pretty much managed to be very fluent in both."
"To all my bilingual friends out there who speak their native tongues, good for you. It's important to keep your culture alive."
"Bilingual up in here, girl. Yes, yes, yes!"
"Bilinguals can encode memories in different languages."
"There is actually a very famous paper called honesty speaks a second language which suggests that bilinguals are more likely to answer to be more honest when they use their second language than their native language."
"The day when you start switching between two languages in your daily life without thinking, this is when you master thinking in English."
"Your co-workers are saying that you're critical thinkers or you can think on your toes. You guys could be very diverse. You could even be bilingual. You could speak different languages."
"Additive bilingual education: the learning of a second language does not interfere with the learning of the first language."
"The court ruled that bilingual programs need to be based on sound research, adequate resources, and opportunities for students to have access to full curriculum."
"Canada provides an example of a country or society that has chosen to have two official languages representative of the major language groups in that country."
"We moved to Spain for a few reasons. One, we wanted our kids to really become fluent in Spanish."
"You stop thinking in your native language when you start thinking in English."
"We work together and we don't ask any questions about French or English and the difference makes the strength."
"If all you know is English and you begin to speak a language in a few moments that you don't understand, congratulations, now you're bilingual. And that's the evidence of the Holy Ghost."
"Canada has two official languages: English and French."
"We are going to create bilingual videos that are going to represent the words that you may encounter in your bilingual medical test."
"I made a lot of effort to try and make my children understand African cultures or speaking English."
"Learn the word for cucumber in English and Spanish."
"The cognitive benefits of being bilingual."
"Bilingualism is very much a matter of degree; use and fluency can vary."
"Bilinguals can rapidly switch between languages depending on the situation."
"Growing up bilingual increases cognitive capabilities."
"Ottawa is Canada's capital city, created so that the English and French have somewhere they can go to settle their differences."
"When you're bilingual, you often have better impulse control."
"Raise your children to be bilingual in sign language and native spoken language."
"My kids will both graduate from Panama with a U.S. diploma as well as a Panamanian diploma."
"We knew that in one way or another we wanted to have our children be able to be bilingual."
"Bilinguals tend to see a delay in the onset of neurodegenerative diseases by four to five years."
"The brain's monolinguals and bilinguals are physically different."
"My promise to you is that all the children who are here are going to graduate one hundred percent bilingual, ready for college."
"Villa Soleada will be the most bilingual village in the entire country, and it will have the highest academic rate in Honduras."
"I believe that Villa Soleada is the most bilingual village in all of Honduras!"
"Canada actually has two official languages: English and French."
"How does the brain host two languages?"
"Bilinguals are more trained with regard to executive control and in the long run become better at ignoring distractors or focusing their attention on something that's important."
"Different neural wirings process language in early and late bilinguals."
"I hope you keep reading on bilingualism."
"A bilingual nation-state with a modern history which developed in the course of the last 100 years."
"Magic happens when you start thinking in the second language you're learning."
"A simultaneous bilingual acquires two languages simultaneously as a first language."
"A strong first language can support the development of a second language."
"Balanced or proficient bilinguals have age-appropriate competence in both languages and there are likely to be positive cognitive advantages."
"Monolinguals make up 40% of the world's population, bilinguals are the largest group at 43%."
"Bilingualism, multilingualism is a question of time."
"A receptive bilingual can comprehend the second language when it is spoken or written."
"Additive bilingualism is the ideal and desired language ability for children."
"It is important for my kids to learn a second language."
"I really feel like there's such value in being able to speak two languages; it widens your world so much more."
"Most people who speak a regional dialect of English are bi-dialectal and are capable of speaking standard English as well as their own dialect."
"We should remember how we learnt our first language and adopt some of the ways that we do that in our second language teaching."
"We only have two official languages here: English and French."
"Montreal is the most bilingual city in North America; it shouldn't be a source of discord, it should be a source of pride."
"It's like you speak both languages perfectly."
"You are amazing. Imagine how smart you have to be to be able to have two languages in your head."
"Bilinguals develop abilities that monolinguals don't... they do better on logic tasks than monolinguals do."
"Bilingualism doesn't hurt unity... there are plenty of countries in the world that are bilingual that have a really strong sense of national unity."
"Early childhood bilingual immersion is the way that you get a bilingual population."
"Bilinguals tend to do better in school... better grades, better degrees, better jobs."
"You're not doing any harm by learning Canadian and American English at the same time."
"Everything in English and Spanish, and Canada has everything in English and French."
"22% of Canadians are able to speak some level of French."
"Bilinguals have greater metalinguistic awareness; they actually have more cognitive skills than monolingual speakers."
"Canada is bilingual with English and French being the two official languages."
"It enabled me to learn my first language even better."
"Words escape me; that's what happens when you're English and second language."
"I love the fact that here in Wales, everything has to be written in Welsh as well as English."
"I'm gonna have another language. I've always wanted to be fluent in two languages."
"The bilingual brain looks like it has more connections. It's connected in a way where more creative pathways have been forged."
"No matter where we raise them, we want them to have a combination of both of our cultures and our languages."
"There's two official languages in this country, and there's a system out there where you can literally send your kid to for free to learn another language."
"Learning to read in the primary language definitely helps students learn to read in the second language."
"Bilingualism is key in this country. It helps with social and cognitive skills."
"Just the brain power that comes from knowing two languages and the ability to think and reason in more than one language gives you a lot of problem solving skills."
"The home language serves a very important purpose in the child's overall development and serves as the foundation for a second language or English language acquisition."
"Our teaching model make children believe that two languages can work very well, and two languages can be used in the same place."
"Bilingualism supports children's cognitive functions overall such as memory, attention, transferring abilities, transformational thinking."
"We also got a bunch of books in English and in Spanish because we are going to teach our baby Spanish."
"Cognitive skills such as problem-solving are better among bilingual children than monolingual ones."
"Bilingual people are better at ignoring information which is irrelevant to the task in hand and just concentrating on what's important."
"The lifelong experience of managing two languages may prevent some of the negative effects of aging."
"Canada is an officially bilingual country."
"Imagine at the end of the year, I just had learned a language. Why would you not be bilingual?"
"Children that learn two languages from the beginning get to see a lot less words but by the age of eight or so would be able to translate certain expressions better than the current technology."
"Bilingualism protects the mind against decline."
"It's nice when you see families that are bilingual and they go back and forth."
"Do you prefer reading in French or English? I prefer reading in French when it was written in French."
"I'm either speaking English or I'm speaking Spanish... but I love the fact that I do speak Spanish."
"Being bilingual is something that has proven over and over again to be not necessarily a career transforming skill but something that has come in handy."
"We have to make sure that the baby learns English from us but will be able to learn another language from birth from someone else as part of his life."