
Absurdity Quotes

There are 2547 quotes

"Nothing better than seeing your nipples on the field, man."
"I'm going to need you to calm down, Mr. Penguin."
"I am going to eat literal time and space itself."
"Imagine you take someone who doesn't know anything about health... they're very really unhealthy. Why not just say to them well, just go be different? Of course, we would never do that because it's absurd and it's cruel."
"His fridge has a live chicken in it. The guy's unhinged."
"Because the world is absurd and know that you can make something better."
"Man stands face to face with the irrational. He feels within him his longing for happiness and for reason. The absurd is born of this confrontation between the human need and the unreasonable silence of the world."
"People are eating children in this area. What? Please leash your dog and clean up after."
"It doesn't make sense, but it doesn't have to."
"This bizarre idea that nature is taking revenge on us...is really quite insane."
"Stefan Bureau is certainly a genius. This is way, way cleverer than it's completely absurd how clever this is."
"Mother Nature can be pretty unpredictable, but clouds going on a road joyride might be stretching it."
"The notion that the universe and everything in it is deeply intertwined with the trivialities of humanity is comforting, that can't be denied, but it’s also absurd."
"As long as we are dealing with a system that is fundamentally constructively absurd, we should at least refer to it in ways that harm the smallest number of people."
"Having a smoking section on an airplane makes about as much sense as having a peeing section in a swimming pool."
"The world is a massive place, there are always things that are happening that are idiotic, silly, or stupid."
"The brilliance of Fooly Cooly is that it demonstrates that the so-called adult world makes no sense. It is crazy and all over the place, and it is full of nonsensical cultural and social norms and expectations."
"There's inherent artistic value to absurdity. Something being surreal or like not making sense doesn't make it bad."
"This is something anyone could do. And the goal, in essence, was to emphasize the absurdity of the no-fly list."
"It's the earnest seriousness of it which I think again adds to the resulting absurdity of the writing."
"Absurdity to Nagel is one of the most human things about us. It is a product of our most interesting and advanced characteristics."
"This whole thing is insanity. I wish I could make this up, but if I told you this, if I told you a story about a fictitious left-wing host taking these two positions 24 hours apart, you would not believe it because that's how stupid it is."
"The absurd is the great educator, the catalyst for fundamental doubt and in turn, lucid reflection."
"Albert Camus argued that life is absurd, meaningless, contradictory, and it sucks. However, despite its meaninglessness, absurdity, and contradictions, we grow to love life."
"To me, this is Ito reminding us that the absurdity of his horror is a feature, not a bug — an essential part of what makes his work so consistently unpredictable."
"The absurd has only become sacred because it hasn't been sufficiently mocked."
"Laughing at something doesn't mean you endorse it; it can simply highlight the absurdity or surreal nature of a situation."
"Be on the lookout for a cat dressed like a clown, yeah, with a big gun. But when he fires it, it just says 'bang.'"
"The most normal part of our game is that you are the president of the United States. Our baseline only gets crazier from there."
"I want to laugh and I want to just take in the absurdity that is life."
"I'm taking off my eyelashes. You don't even have eyelashes. You're bald."
"I just like creating in public places...sometimes it seems sort of absurd."
"The proper response to completely absurd things is to laugh at them. When you take laughter off the table, it takes away a giant weapon."
"It was ridiculous and potentially useful at the same time."
"It's clearly absurd. Then again, consider the increasingly strange nature of our universe, as suggested by some new observations."
"I want you to understand the absurdity of the situation." - Charlie Chester
"Never forget that no matter how much they try to distract you... they are unimaginably silly, they are ridiculous, they are so stupid, they are so so so stupid."
"Humor at its best takes the elements of the world that are dark and horrible and shows you their absurdity."
"I was laughing at the media portrayal of what was happening. I thought this is absurd."
"The notion that a president could say, 'I'm declassifying it all'... is absurd."
"Let's just shoot it with the bazooka and it'll get bigger. What, the pool or the whale? The pool."
"Being arrested at 5 years old, you know how insane that is? That's got to be a Guinness World Record. I don't even think that's possible. I don't even think I had criminal intentions as a 5-year-old."
"What's next, forty-year-olds raping six-year-olds saying they identify as a six-year-old?"
"I cannot explain to y'all how ridiculous that really is."
"You stupid bastard, you've got no arms left! Yes I have, it's just a flesh wound."
"It's kind of like when they put VR ready on a keyboard, right? It's ridiculous."
"That's absurd, it adds to the ridiculousness of this entire thing."
"Perfect tactical defense force to be honest if like someone was breaking in and then like ian with a clown costume and a tennis ball gun."
"I am a despacito spider, it's very strange, in case you were wondering. Very, very strange."
"You're gonna be Virgin Mary, be pregnant. You're not going to have a baby, deliver the baby!"
"This is the silliest moment in my life... what we're doing here is ridiculous."
"It's the equivalent of opening up a restaurant, putting up a sign and saying, come on in, just don't eat the food."
"Nobody wants to be on a toilet and then eaten by a T-Rex."
"All of this is nuts, all of this of course is totally crazy."
"So again you just see how how absurd this whole thing is with the Chinese government and this worship of this terrible Tyrant you know."
"The idea that women have to prove that they're great at all the things that men are great at is just absurd."
"The whole idea of worshiping a Christian God is rather absurd."
"It's absurdity piled on absurdity... and very bad for the country."
"Don't ask what your poop can do for you, ask what you can do for your poop."
"This so-called America First Caucus is one of the nuttiest things I've ever seen."
"Sure, they may not make sense but if they did make sense, you'd find it really boring."
"The laws of reason are quite often suspended in this clown world."
"Broken testicles, mmm, that sounds like a Harry Potter movie."
"If right now you are thinking my goodness the Dom I can't do that the llama king will not allow it the llama king sees all King cannot be opposed the llama king deserve fear not it would still be a huge help to me..."
"If I eat a jar of mayonnaise, will you leave this alone?"
"Love the bomb means that you just embrace the absurdity of you being on stage."
"There's no logic to what's happening here but in spite of that it is in fact happening here so we live with that we deal with that we don't question it and that's just how our life is."
"Occasionally censorship leads to some truly bizarre substitutions that make less sense than how only one of the spice girls was named after a spice."
"I mean it's just absurd I have four children... this notion that I just want to kill black children which would include my own is just patently absurd on its face."
"You can't tub in no world does that give us zero chaos."
"Things are getting so crazy, I just can't help but laugh at how insanely absurd everything is."
"Words can't express. Right. This is ridiculous."
"It's just absurd, it's absolutely absurd, this gets me mad, like this gets me pissed off."
"Have these people no sense of decency or shame? Just unbelievably absurd, unbelievably absurd."
"You guys are free to go. For not doing anything wrong, it's absurd."
"I probably would have laughed at the idea of grooming a child too because it's so absurd."
"Any theory you pick about the universe or even about consciousness, they all seem absurd."
"Whether it was out of relief or simply submitting to the absurdity of the situation, it felt as though a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders."
"It just devolves to be completely wacky and nonsensical but I think that actually ends up playing in its favor because the absurdity is what makes it funny."
"All around despite how bizarre nonsensical it gets I definitely enjoyed it."
"I hope you remember to laugh at the insanity of joining anybody in a fight."
"Balls are funnier than head shots, it is crazy."
"Do you want this floor milk that we managed to wring out the mop into a bottle for you?"
"I like the idea that only animals have genitals, like what?"
"Anyone who drinks chocolate milk isn't that shot but melt killer."
"It's hard to go wrong with something that insists on thriving in the realm of absurdity."
"Sometimes the easiest thing to do is point at the absurd thing and say in a blanket statement: 'Isn't this absurd?'"
"The absurdity of clowns is actually one of the points of them."
"Life is very bizarre and absurd at times, isn't it?"
"You don't find conspiracy theories about a frozen mustachioed pervert."
"The gang deciding to just replace Dee with a monkey who's actually suspiciously good at bartending is classic absurdity."
"Acknowledges the absurdity of our existence."
"That's almost as dumb as saying the two creep tumors spread creep twice as fast."
"It's bad funny, like it's so over the top and stupid it makes you laugh."
"What's the point of shooting enormous death spikes out of your eyes if you don't actually shoot enormous death spikes out of your eyes?"
"Let's end on a high note... Alice's Adventures in Wonderland... banned in China for depicting talking animals."
"Meeting Russian absurdity with facts just isn't working. We meet them with absurdities to tie them up in knots."
"Satire requires that you take the idea your satirizing and you bring it to an absurd conclusion."
"Imagine you go into work tomorrow and you have to fight two silverback gorillas."
"There are some contests in the world that you honestly have to wonder what brainiac came up with this idea."
"Any serious situation can be deflated by the introduction of a rubber chicken."
"No banana skin would become sleep without uplifting graffiti."
"Our politics and our politicians in the United States... lend themselves to satire. They're so absurd, ridiculous, and surrealistic in and of themselves that only satire in some sense can catch the absurd truth."
"Kevin Durant catches backlash for criticizing... a sixth grade basketball player... and I think that is the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a long time."
"There are likely a number of things going on in our world that even the greatest minds would consider ridiculous, absurd, and impossible."
"Reggie Watts... he's like the modern version of that where he's just nonsensical absurd."
"But if you are like me and want to impress the alien overlord so they don't eat you into the sun like they will eat this person who's trying to decriminalize incest..."
"This is a circus bus and oh obviously yeah I forgot to mention keenu in the car."
"Maybe things like that are possible, jish with a donor says can I kill my pet rock, no Swaggy where the donut says shout out to the homie bathrobe."
"You can't kill a cornflake, it's part of a balanced breakfast."
"Everything about this is ridiculous, very memorable and entertaining."
"Two cannibals are eating a clown. One looks at the other and asks, 'Does this taste funny to you?'" - Kevin Smith
"The absurdity of a machine focused on paperclips offers insight into instrumental convergence."
"Absolutely insane crap happens as a result, usually makes no sense whatsoever."
"It wasn't a guided tour through the capital. It was a violent act of complete absurdity."
"This franchise is wacky, it's crazy, it makes absolutely no sense, and it is just a straight-up bonkers brigade fest 24/7."
"I oppose eating babies to stop climate change."
"Stop stealing them and swords! It doesn't...this is not...this is not going well, stop stealing them affords, sorry, there's got to be something else you can seal them in like a dildo or something and then it'll be fine."
"They have made us the police for this, which is bananas."
"This is so dumb and stupid but awesome, I agree."
"I just want people to realize how silly the situation is and how time-consuming that it is."
"I got my first lobotomy at Chuck E. Cheesus." - Hilarious, would wear.
"It's just absurd and it is going on for way too long."
"People were literally like, 'We gotta take the piss out of this, it's ridiculous.'"
"Plastic surgery for a fish? I could not make that stuff up."
"Overall, the plot is mostly just an excuse to put King in various absurdist scenarios."
"It was so outside, it was so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."
"In this reality, a coat and hat are an adequate disguise for human-size mutant reptiles without anyone noticing."
"Sometimes nonsense is the right description."
"Let's just call it for what it is here, that's just [ __ ] ridiculous."
"Imagine what life would be if you didn't have an [__]. You wouldn't be able to poop."
"Anything but violence is also the answer to some things we always say it's got to be that guy with the the blue and yellow nut Huggers awning a bag chips he's got."
"If Mr. Bean could just catch Goku off guard, feed him laxatives by any means necessary, then Goku would just [expletive] himself to death."
"Folks, the public school system is completely absurd. What they're teaching: monkeys surfing, dinosaurs farting to death."
"In an age of absurdity, common sense seems like a superpower."
"The Situation's Ridiculousness was not lost on the arresting officer as he was pictured seemingly holding back a smile while restraining the suspect by the arms."
"It becomes absurd and it becomes funny and it becomes silly."
"Doesn't the idea of standing in the box and watching the ball just seem ridiculous?"
"I don't care if there's thousands of them threatening to round up certain minority ethnicities and put them in camps. Two dozen? I don't care."
"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard."
"Some of my favorite comedy is somebody being very passionate or defending something that's just absurd."
"Always be yourself, unless you can be an alligator, then always be an alligator." - Anonymous
"Sometimes you just gotta flick your nipples."
"If somebody is running away from you and they have the means to kill you readily available, it's absolutely absurd to argue anything to the contrary."
"While frivolous lawsuits aren't uncommon in today's legal environment, some stand out because they're so preposterous."
"If you're expecting politics to be a boring subject then you might be surprised by how much absurdity actually goes on within the American political sphere."
"It'd be weird if your doc came for a house call in a hot air balloon."
"The best way is just to laugh at the absurdity of it all."
"Pencils are only inedible if you're not determined enough."
"Morality isn't peanut butter; there's no reasonable sense of morality where it's okay for me just to run around lopping off people's heads."
"How ridiculous is this what kind of a society are we living in."
"It's weird because for a movie that's as ridiculous as this, he must have had some help."
"Remember what he said: 'Never should have given you Negroes money.'" - This quote captures a humorous moment and can be used to highlight the absurdity of certain situations.
"So next time someone asks you who your favorite early 20th century german experimental playwright is just scream dan harmon and then run away before they can call it into question."
"It's like trying to solve a math test but the paper is the size of a building and its letters and numbers are spelled with cheetos."
"Yo real talk, how is that any less absurd, why don't I just go into the ocean and be like, 'Yo, this square of water Danny Hammond is mine?'"
"I'll protect it, I will protect it, the power of melons will protect it."
"So expect a bunch of super intelligent Danish-speaking cows to take over the world anytime soon."
"How absurd so many of these conspiracy theories are."
"Two stacks of dirt equals a dirt singularity that equals unlimited free dirt forever."
"After 15 years of literally everything, he just sits on a nail and dies."
"That's the dumbest effing warning I've ever seen in my life."
"You just have to laugh sometimes when you encounter something that is so absurd yet so obvious and predictable."
"You don't need a little bit of death this month, just go get a tooth."
"You're calling a milk and banana and it looks like a fork. It looks weird."
"This year has been so insane and patently absurd."
"Saitama gets so absurdly overpowered he sneezes and accidentally almost blows up Jupiter."
"This is what authoritarianism does when it gets a bee in its bonnet. It comes out with this ludicrous stuff."
"Water is a form of drink. Once spotted, one must be fined if passengers are thirsty."
"The universe really does work in this seemingly nonsensical way."
"It does show that it almost feels like it's a scene from Home Alone or something because it's so weird."
"I mean guys, did you see how ridiculous this [ __ ] is?"
"Hating somebody simply because of the color of their skin is [expletive] insane."
"No sec abortion should be free of cost so that's just the child that's the charlie the chocolate factory when she put on the net without my daughter uh she's gonna throw us off" - A humorous analogy highlighting absurdity.
"I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having to question their motives."
"It's nature, that would be like suing a hurricane for destroying your house."
"Human beings can actually be made out of rubber."
"Seeing the absurdity in our society where you get in trouble for asking a politician a question but you show your junk to small kids, that somehow is okay."
"It made no sense but it was worth the logical."
"So it's like if a tick bit me and then I couldn't smell roses or something. It's like that doesn't even make sense."
"It’s so stupid that it has to be intentional…"
"In the clown world, the last man to lose his mind wins."
"But the stop sign has an exceedingly long pole, so my hands are kind of tied here."
"Trump keeps sending my deceased father fundraising letters. Oh my goodness, what would you suggest I send back in the postage paid envelopes?"
"Life becomes absurd if you doubt your own existence."
"So right, I don't know the English word for it. It just means so ridiculous that all you can do is laugh."
"Running your fearless goat into a bus headlong and then watching it careen across the pavement, only to emerge from the incident totally unscathed, that's the definition of the benign violation theory."
"The condom snorting challenge... It entails inserting a condom into one's nostril, snorting it back through the throat like a spaghetti noodle, and coughing it out of the mouth."
"The literal fate of the world relies on me not looking both ways before I cross the street right now."
"This has 100,000 port power; it is a racing train, how absurd can something be?"
"This might be the most childish and ridiculous primary that we ever see."
"You need to become Jewish and put the thing and no clue your ball."
"Just get a good writer and suddenly a guy jumping out of a truck with a bunch of animals and flinging a leopard makes sense."
"In terms of the thing disappearing, there was a massive chicken and then you put a piece of paper in front of the chicken."
"The lighter you get the faster you'll be, the more pizza I eat the faster I run."
"Turtles don't have nuclear butts that fart nuclear explosions."
"Do you think that when you get up and start running at them to hit them again that they're just gonna be like so terrified of the fact that you pooped your pants?"
"To deny such facts will eventually become too ludicrous."
"When the Wind Blows highlights the cruel absurdity of targeting civilians—with their sausages and chips for dinner and their lovingly tended cabbage patches—with weapons of mass destruction."
"But isn't that freaking hilarious—a spinning Bruce at the waist?"