
Timelines Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"There's just really strong reflective energy, this strong kind of merging of timelines and karmic delivery."
"Without these guys, all the universes would have been doomed, probably not just in one timeline but both of them."
"Everybody's on different timelines; some of you guys have been on your journey for a very, very, very long time, while others are just now starting."
"Set a goal but it's not just goals; a goal has to have a timeline. If it doesn't have a timeline, you'll never achieve it."
"Electric flying cabs will appear sooner than we all expected, namely within three to five years."
"We expect to see progress by the end of this year and early next year."
"If they managed to do it before the summer, the first attempt... I would give them at least like three, four, five in that range."
"We plan to get the first Starship to land on Mars within about five years."
"I would say a realistic time frame depending on the person one to two years would be a good time to give themselves."
"This whole uh Daniel 9 thing is built around these heptads these weeks of years seven years and so he's going to enforce a covenant for seven years."
"Every day, your energy feels different or new, as if you're traveling between different timelines and dimensions."
"You don't need to be an overnight sensation. You don't even need to be number one."
"NATO is aiming to conclude the discussion by July."
"We know there are so many more variants and prune timelines out there."
"Loki's love for Sylvie would break the timeline."
"Love yourself first and then you're not on any timeline."
"We'll never take credit for nailing the numbers because we were way off, but the timeline we were dead on."
"Trump drew down our military presence in a timeline that Biden also wanted to."
"I feel like that's almost more accurate than us trying to put a real date to it."
"Dreams are tough because without a timeline, they may just stay dreams."
"For many people but not all because that's another thing we're all manifesting a collective timeline."
"Events we experience are influenced by the timelines we carry, both personal and collective."
"The fact that he puts aggressive timelines on things means they actually do get done."
"That was so satisfying...having a clear end date."
"The future is not set; the idea of this single timeline is just not right."
"This gradually fades into the individual timelines that make up the one sacred timeline..."
"The MCU is now full of way more branch timelines than ever before."
"Knowing what we know now, is it possible that throughout the run of Regular Show we're actually observing multiple timelines playing out?"
"So it's a great reason to embrace this idea of different timelines."
"We have been able to raise our consciousness sufficiently to create new timelines, higher timelines. We are continuing to do that all the time."
"Why should anything matter at this point? I don't even know what's considered the main timeline or who the main character of the story is."
"Hopefully we see something back like hopefully first quarter next year, maybe second quarter."
"It generally takes about 30 days to set up and transfer assets over."
"In the MCU, certain universes are closer together than others, kind of like the branching timelines that we see at the end of Loki."
"It will take us several years to get rate and yields to the point where everything that we've discussed is achieved."
"I saw various timelines, I have every reason to believe that this journey's not quite done."
"Ultimately, I believe there is some kind of force or entity controlling the timelines."
"Veterans should be receiving their money sometime in mid-April."
"When you said materialize in a different time, like and describing the parallel timelines, that was so digestible."
"We're on two timelines right now, you know, and we have, you know, that we still have the possibility."
"Psychics aren't wrong... based on what timeline they're reading."
"Integrating the German Taurus missile into the F-16s could take about a year..."
"It's about like, you know, you reference Lisa saying it's like no less than three years, three years is like Zen plus."
"Elon Musk has aggressive timelines and seems to be a tough person to work with."
"The power to eliminate anything from existence, even something abstract like multiple timelines."
"You feel like you can shift between dimensions or timelines with this person."
"You're opening up literal Divine portals into new timelines."
"'I just see the different timelines based on decisions I make.'"
"Who's to say both timelines can't exist simultaneously? Then of course that opens the door to the Multiverse."
"Be patient and release attachment to timelines."
"My parameters for getting married was I just have to get married by 25."
"We are actually creating higher and higher timelines all the time."
"2024 is a key and pivotal year for the future timelines that Humanity will be able to access and align with."
"Miracles are quantum energy leaps that change coalesced timelines."
"A miracle is literally a quantum leap from this coalesced timeline."
"I really enjoyed the pacing of this movie. It started off strong from the beginning, and then the pacing continues throughout by switching timelines."
"You can't get caught up in society's body clock in society's timeline because your timeline is your timeline."
"Roadmaps usually come with a pretty big disclaimer that says you know timelines do not mean firm commitments things happen things change development nearly always takes longer than you expect."
"For better or for worse, the timelines are free. It's up to us to protect them. It's up to us to do better than he who remains."
"The timelines been polluted so polluted that history itself is becoming fluid."
"Everyone is on their own timeline."
"Ah, no, Barry. In all of the timelines, you'd never tell Iris. She finds out herself. You are always the liar."
"In the original timeline, Skynet is an artificial intelligence created by Cyberdyne Systems."
"In the Tempest timeline, the master control of Skynet is destroyed in 2029, yet its networks continue to wage war independently."
"I'm excited to get back at it. I'm excited that now the timelines are kind of you know meeting up and I'm catching back up to real time. I'm having a really fun time doing this."
"Nobody's timeline is right or wrong. The timeline is your own."
"The only way to stop this baby from going Chernobyl is to prune all those branching timelines."
"Ultimately, because they were lied to. Like they were told that there's only one thing, there's the sacred timeline, and we have to prune it, but there actually is a bunch of different timelines. And that's the, and all those different multiverse, I'm sorry, I use timeline."
"A Multiverse is all of the timelines, a timeline is one single train track. So when it branches, it makes a new timeline but they're still in the same Multiverse."
"You should have run away. In every timeline you escaped to save yourself."
"From all the major timelines in Dragon Ball Heroes are recorded in tomes called the Scrolls of Eternity."
"Dimensions, timelines, different planets in this universe, and different universes, like different worlds that are the same world, so like, it is very confusing."
"...and what's cool about this method is you can create your multicam timelines and have different edits of the same camera source jumping in and out."
"While an adjacent or alternate world can be seen as a new branch on the tree of time, a parallel universe can be better thought of as an entirely separate tree."
"But on the flip side of the coin they say a goal without a timeline is just that a dream."
"We're all operating on different timelines, especially if you don't have kids."
"And there you have it, all five timelines in this extremely convoluted mess of a franchise."
"There are infinite possibilities which themselves can spawn their own timelines."
"The sacred timeline was not really one timeline; it was several timelines woven together like the strands of a rope."
"The timeline storyteller... gives you the ability to tell a story within a timeline."
"A project schedule is a timeline that displays the start and finish dates of all project activities."
"We can put points on the absolute timeline thanks especially to what we know from Neo-Assyrian chronology."
"There's this kind of convergence of timelines, a crossing of your old self and your new self."
"Making sure that you've identified an exit strategy or an outcome and set a timeline is very important."
"You'd be surprised how much it makes sense if there are multiple timelines that branch off."
"A person who's a Nexus being can quite literally create alternate timelines."
"Imagine sending a wave of ultraviolet fire down the timelines of future, clearing and cleansing your future timeline."
"The tricky thing with Elon Musk is that he's almost always wrong when it comes to predicting timelines."
"We want to have multiple timelines; we need to have lots of threads of control."
"The Many Worlds interpretation says that the particles don't collapse from waves to particles when measured, but instead all possible outcomes of the particle's location happens in different timelines."
"We have different timelines in front of us all the time, and the actions we make in the present moment will determine what timelines we head down."
"I think something that Jennifer McMahon does really well is that she's able to weave timelines together in a very interesting way."
"It's about a family called the Rivas and we bounce back and forth between two timelines."
"The contract also lists who is responsible for what, and includes associated timelines."
"I love stories like this where we follow characters both in the past and the present."
"This book is about these different people across timelines in the universe who all experience sort of the same sound, however, it's different for each and every one of them."
"Timelines are a great research practice no matter what you do."
"Breath of the Wild, you might be wondering where does it fall in, which timeline is it? Well, guess what, it's all three."
"Gantt charts are used to show duration of events or activities."
"It's a bit out of the scope of just basic timeline behavior, but it is a very useful aspect of timelines to know about nonetheless."
"They can be redeemed, at least in this timeline."
"By putting them in two different timelines, it adds so much to the drama."
"A lot of young people stress when they feel that they are not on the same timeline as everyone else."
"There is no universal timeline that everyone has to follow."
"Quantum leaping into your best timeline."
"He's the only one whose memory stays intact; he can remember all the different timelines despite the changes."
"Warriors from across timelines clashing in combat, oh combat with a 'K', that's important."
"A love so strong it can survive anything, even alternate timelines."
"If you perceive all of time, you would therein perceive all the timelines."
"With a fraction of Astaroth's magic, he can look through multiple timelines and events."
"There's a multiverse war, there's multiple multiverses, multi-timelines, and somehow those timelines were at war with each other."
"You're all on different timelines, try to understand that."
"The energies affect everybody at different times because you're all on different timelines."
"We are between worlds, moving from one timeline to another."
"It's about multiple universes in the science world, but here it's more about timelines."
"Everything is connected, no matter which timeline you're on, there's still a connection."
"It's such a fun book to do because it takes place in these three timelines."
"When you change the past, you create a whole new timeline."
"We're changing timelines here, almost; we're changing the course of the future."
"I loved the switching in between the timelines from the past to the present."
"All hail King Volcano, all hail the king of all timelines!"