
Instruction Quotes

There are 6922 quotes

"The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction."
"The central teaching of the Bhagavad-Gita is that it is a manual on spiritual life with teachings about God, Avatara, meditation, and so on."
"Don't think of an elephant. Whatever you do, do not think of an elephant."
"Let's keep it real, okay? Let me show you how this works."
"If you absolutely must introduce your mechanics with a short sentence, then look at how Dark Souls implemented this with high contrast, easy to spot messages sprinkled throughout the level, requiring the player to consciously interact with them."
"The first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to dial in this parallel compression." - David
"All we're asking you to do is exactly what the defense asked you to do: read the court order, look at the evidence."
"For the prize of his victory would be a queen to rule beside him."
"So we’re gonna tell you exactly how to use all of them."
"He instructed me to repeat all the seven Psalms of David."
"Let's draw the head of the snake and the body."
"All Scripture is profitable for doctrine, reproof, correction, and instruction."
"So for anyone out there who fell in love with the flash here's how you do it."
"People make this more difficult than it needs to be with regards to disassembly and reassembly."
"Hopefully it makes sense, but if it doesn't, let me know and I'll re-explain it."
"So, let's move on to the next step all right?"
"If I can do it like this, you can do it too."
"Step number eight: I'm going to show you how to create a new page."
"Label your question! Now people are going to come in, so start writing your questions."
"I really wanted to take my time and do the absolute best job that I could to put out something out there that would teach anyone who's brand-new to the software how to use it."
"One of the best aspects again, those who have not watched the video in the beginning, go there, look at that."
"Okay, absolutely okay, well then where was it on that where we're clear on that that I told you multiple times to get behind my truck?"
"Please don't mess with those, because that's where things can get complicated."
"I challenge everybody to pause this video right now."
"Please take a deep dive into this project file."
"So if you want to make an extra special box with a latch that keeps the lid from opening, stick with me and I'll show you how that little process works."
"Let that like button like your mama told you right."
"So just by adding one new instruction our computer will be Turing-complete..."
"Definitely smash the like button when you find this video useful. If you don't find it useful, smash the dislike button. Either way, smash something."
"A pull off is not just releasing that finger—you've got to pinch that string."
"Alright, now we're going to copy and paste this into our terminal."
"Good posture, flex the traps, make a triangle, squeeze oranges with your armpits and you two can run around the jungle and have adventures."
"Do not hold your breath, keep the breath moving."
"The mind is insanely powerful and there aren't as many people that can break it down as clearly and instructionally step-by-step."
"Make sure that you can really slow it down and do that motion very slowly in a very controlled manner."
"This is what you remember: positions... then you want to press the little clock... that's keyframe."
"Time is so precious. I want step-by-step information, tell me what I need to do."
"Smash that like button to help others learn."
"If you have enjoyed this, do not forget to leave a like and comment right down below."
"Nancy Reagan lived that truth. She and her beloved Ronnie shared a great love, a very great love that is legendary and could instruct us all."
"At this time, I'm going to, let's make a little darker color over here."
"I'm gonna add some bronzer to the sides, okay?"
"Just let that like button like your mama told you."
"It's not just an instruction book, but a way of how to live life."
"Stick with me and I will show you exactly step by step what needs to be done."
"So, if I want like a heading, if I want text to be like right there, I just click and drag it and we just added text right there."
"Another way to just type in a function on your own."
"But that's the basics guys. Hopefully those five steps make it super simple for you."
"Here's some of the stuff the combatives and structure instructor has to do: receive at least 20 hours of instruction, gain the ability to teach basic combatants, and develop scenario-based training."
"Literally just press the left bumper to do that."
"So if you want the best spaghetti you've ever eaten you better follow this as I don't give you any measurements to anything at all."
"Be sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons if you haven't already."
"Now I'm the car D now we'll try to focus in on this stomach you see the stomach."
"For those who don't want to rip their own GoPro apart and make it themselves, I'm Joshua Bardwell, and you're going to learn something today."
"Pharma instructed medics to administer the drug to all patients."
"I'll show you how not to lose at Hearts of Iron IV."
"Steepable grains are kept in mesh bags so they can be easily added and removed, so we're essentially making beer tea."
"Every single time without fail. Don't move, stay right there in position. And... action! Get back to work!"
"Eat the banana this time, okay, right have you eaten the banana?"
"See that placement of that circle hook that's exactly how it's supposed to go it turns out at hook point points back at the shank of the hook."
"Enough of that, let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial."
"Let's just get this going so you guys can actually see how this all works."
"Start at the top, down, and pull the tin work out of the way."
"Here's how you're gonna go down here to all the different tasks that you need to complete..."
"I'm just going to make a very small indentation."
"It's funny how our schools and colleges have always taught us what to study, when to study, where to study, but not how to study."
"Head over to foodwishes.com for all the ingredients and more info as usual, and as always, enjoy!"
"Next time the team gives you an instruction, follow it. It is not a request."
"I was completely convinced of Christianity and became a catechumen which is a convert under instruction before baptism."
"Put your hip into it. That's where the power is." - Miyagi
"Five, six, seven, eight. Hurry up, don't be late."
"Let's go ahead and without any further ado, connect to the custom server."
"Hear instruction and be wise; blessed is the man that heareth me."
"The drone won't work if you put the propellers in the wrong spots."
"I remember you saying, 'Don't flick and just kind of...'"
"It's entirely up to you but you don't have to go and do this large emphasis of the sound of A, you just use that slide element to get you to the next position."
"I'll see you back here in a moment and we'll move on to doing the rest of the finishing."
"Last chance, try to lock your knees, change arms and head up together, inhale all the way up, arms down by your side."
"If you want me to start doing tutorials on the bases themselves please let me know in the comments section below."
"Creating a 'Hello, World!' program in Groovy is as simple as typing 'println.'"
"We're gonna write the book for it. We'll write the instruction booklet together."
"The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart."
"You can actually put the indicator directly on the chart like so."
"Make sure you hit the subscribe button with the bell notification so that way you don't miss a single video."
"Be specific when you're posing. Instead of telling them to look into their future or to look at their unborn children in the other person's eyes, be specific."
"The syntax to print something out in python is really simple."
"Variables can store things like strings, integers, floats, and booleans."
"Here we go. Just like that. Something I should tell you how to do by the way."
"He's the best instructor you can have, but he's gonna be the hardest on you."
"Now, when we get to B flat, we're gonna remain with the same chord here, the D augmented."
"It's a little tricky move, but don't worry. Just relax and listen to me. I will explain it until you really understand it."
"Okay, so there's more than one way to do this I'm going to show you the most efficient light flat button that seam one and done."
"Now that Ultra Instinct thing was what Whis was trying to teach them all along."
"President Trump told protesters to protest peacefully."
"He didn't care about your feelings, he just wanted you to do it right."
"This series is all about making things as simple as possible."
"Now it's time to draw the human head, or even the inhuman head, the Marvel way."
"Lean forward so one two three four five six and on seven eight you're gonna get your hands from behind bring them in, the front and push down together at the bottom seven eight."
"That's the problem, we've been taught evangelism instead of becoming love."
"So before I show you exactly what you're gonna need to obtain this portal block, do me a solid and hit that subscribe button!"
"You should now be holding a fully solved 5x5 professor's cube in your hands... and mix it up and try it again."
"If the current count direction is less than 0, print 'going down'."
"This is how you do references. Okay, this is how you do it."
"This is about making your game accessible and easy to learn for new players."
"Remember, you need to make this a table first."
"Come on, Mario, just throw your Cappy there, good, then get up there, get the moon, Mario, no, that's not where the moon is, there it is!"
"Click on the hammer icon to open the build menu."
"You need to join the telegram group guys, the telegram group, the link is in the description."
"Use a semicolon to show the relationship; use the colon to introduce a list or define something clearly."
"Now put the sock here, yes like this and this one here."
"Now that's pretty much all we have to do to set it up."
"Feel your way down, drop those hips down, amazing work!"
"It's truly the easiest way to swing the golf club I can possibly imagine."
"So this square will always have the joins every other one like this."
"This tutorial is going to be very thorough."
"It's super simple, you're gonna be able to duplicate this as well."
"Once we start up the application, if we go ahead and visit localhost:8080/API/content, we should get all of the pieces of content in the system."
"This is teaching tape for every defensive lineman in the country on how to use your hands, feet, and hips together to defeat a double team."
"Don't just tell them what they need to do, show them what they need to do."
"...recommend either following along...or take out a pen and a piece of paper."
"Even your instructor makes mistakes, but let's keep rolling right on with it."
"Everything throughout this process will be shown step by step."
"Using this elbow as a kickstand, so as I roll myself up, I push into the elbow, spreading my chest, lower right back down and repeat."
"This is how it's done, ladies and gents."
"I'm going to show you exactly what I'm going to do step by step."
"Use the POST method to create resources in the server."
"Use the DELETE request to delete resources from the server."
"The best way to do this is in the same order that we took it apart. That way we won't have to take anything back off to put another part back in if that makes sense."
"What I'm going to do is I'm going to draw an outline for our dog in the book."
"We are going to crack six eggs into this bowl."
"Welcome back to Move with Nicole. Today's class is a 30-minute Pilates workout that will work the entire body."
"She didn't really tell us to do anything bad, but sometimes they were strange or nonsensical."
"Get that out of the way, and that exposes your positive and your negative wire."
"I have a lot of ground to cover today, and some of it is hopefully going to be very instructive."
"Take your time, pause the video if you need to."
"Do not touch the water," said the Lady Galadriel softly.
"Strap on your oscilloscopes and let's get right to it."
"Your mind's job is to do what you tell it to do."
"The best success stories always come from people that follow the instructions."
"Please remain calm, collected as you've been so far, and remember to follow the instructions."
"I'm going to not only show you how to set up all the rigs, all the bones, but how to specifically only make everything on one side and then mirror it over automatically with some cool nifty tools in Blender."
"Make sure you guys give it enough context and be very clear on what you want."
"Really try and focus along now, please, because it gets quite intricate."
"Make sure you're pushing down firmly with one continuous stroke; it should sound like some paper being torn in half."
"Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth."
"If you can't wait for that sample project or you simply just want to practice right now I'm going to show you how to in this video launch Unreal Engine 5.4 pre VI one choose games and we're going to be using the third person template."
"Come, my sons, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of Jehovah."
"Now you're doing an orbit around your table."
"It's all about safety, this is how Sarah taught me to build a computer."
"Listen, today I'm gonna show you just how easy it is to make."
"In any example that you're given, you're going to be given an initial base value which is going to be your y-intercept and you're going to be given a rate okay and that's going to be your slope M."
"As the locker room leader, I'm telling all of you guys to pick up your trash."
"Give this video a thumbs up, don't forget to subscribe if you aren't already, and let's jump right into this tutorial."
"All you need for the workout is a mat, so let's get into it."
"Blessed, happy, fortunate, and to be envied is the man whom You discipline and instruct, O Lord."
"It's wash my car, all lower case."
"Communicate what you want, when you want it, and how you want it done."
"I'm Frank Proto, I'm a professional chef and a culinary instructor, and this is everything you need to know about taking care of and sharpening your knives."
"We warm those hips up and drop, hey double time let's go."
"Let's go right come on all right right foot here we go step it out double go beautiful and again we dip and crunch boom now we shake that booty shake."
"There was never a time when God instructed his people more earnestly than he instructs them now concerning his will and the course that he would have them pursue."
"Hey, here's the thing: don't do that move again, ever."
"You have to stop the Q-tip when there's resistance."
"Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge."
"For your safety, there's a life jacket stowed in a pocket underneath your seat."
"The first thing you need to know about Google Earth is how to navigate around the earth and move from place to place."
"By the way, you can't push it from here. You have to push it from the bottom."
"He told her that she had to get to the neighbor's house and try to call for help."
"All you gotta do is boop, crack them."
"Don't get killed by anyone but her."
"Before you eat these noodles, you have to cool them down properly."
"This glue does take about 24 hours to set up, and then you can use it, but it will be permanent and it will be nice and sturdy for you."
"Feel free to just explore the bubble making as much as you want."
"It's like a smack in the back of the head, he said, 'Hey dummy, this is how you're going to do it.'"
"I'm going to go over everything from how to draw straight lines, how to draw circles, how to draw all the fundamentally sound things that you need to know in order to become a better artist."
"Keep your roses small, about the size or so of your hand."
"How do you do this? Everyone, real quick, a safety demo."
"Once your crawfish comes to a boil, you want to only cook it for about two to three minutes, set a timer, that's all you need."
"We need you guys to look more scared."
"Thank you all right, we got 175, we're going to try and let it start right at the FedEx logo and peel back to the flag."
"Try to make it as scary as possible," she said, surely.
"Sorry I couldn't be there to train you myself; here's hope this list of rules will suffice and help you see your first night through."
"Hurry up and get your food, kid," he told me.
"Don't go near them, don't touch them, don't go up them. Just ignore them."
"I'm adding little bits of highlights to a lot of these petals here because this is the sunflower; it's got to be illuminated by the beautiful Sun."
"RTFM or read the freaking manual."
"This video is for you. I'm going to show you how to create strong writing samples."
"You'll see why. Now Beat It," Archer was told.
"The Bible tells you what to do, it tells you what to think."
"I told him to get his haircut one day, he was like in the middle of work day, and I was like, 'Get up and [__] go'."
"Just follow the instructions as received, and mind not the arrogance of others."
"Let's jump in and learn how to make them."
"Next we're going to add in horizontal camera panning."
"You have to do it this way; this is how it works."
"Now we need a raindrop, so I'm just going to go ahead and add in an icosphere."
"It's very important we're just going to pinch us a little bit off here and we're going to roll it up in a ball."
"On the third day Joseph said to them, 'Do this and you will live, for I fear God.'"
"Smile, raise your eyebrows, close your mouth."
"When you do these nail holes, use your two fingers and go with the grain, not against the grain."
"So, at any rate, let's get into this thing. I'll get it up on the bench here, we'll take the whole thing apart, and I'll show you how the thing works. Let's get started."