
Vikings Quotes

There are 325 quotes

"Vikings... were also explorers, traders, and even imperial guards in the heart of one of history's most powerful empires."
"The role of Shield maidens in Viking society reflected a certain level of gender equality."
"Experts believe that the sword found by a reindeer hunter dates back to between 850 and 950 AD, when Vikings roamed the seas and their tales became the stuff of legend."
"One of the big influences I had when thinking of things for this hypothetical region... Scandinavia is the home of the Vikings."
"So the Vikings of the early 800s enjoyed a stunningly efficient business model: Sail, Sack, Steal, Sell, Celebrate."
"The age of the Vikings had well and truly begun."
"This was the time of kings, an era of Scandinavian supremacy over the Atlantic sea waves, a time of conquest and of the great northern sea Empire, the age of the dragon boats."
"The mystery of where the Vikings came from and why they attacked has now been revealed."
"The Vikings turned their military outposts into market towns, where traders paid them for protection."
"At the time when the Vikings attacked there was starvation in England, there were dragons in the sky when the Vikings came."
"The Viking warlords dominated this Baltic trading place, turning it into a military base to supply traders and warriors on their expeditions."
"Fifty years after the first recorded raid against Lindisfarne, Vikings had penetrated the eastern European river system as far as the Black Sea."
"The true discovery of America: L'Anse aux Meadows, a Viking settlement in Newfoundland."
"If the Vikings were pulling boats with me, I would by far go down in history as the best Viking boat puller that ever lived."
"The Vikings themselves had British DNA, so the idea of them just coming on boats and raiding isn't 100% true."
"The Vikings were warriors, there's no doubt, but they lived by intimidation, about fear and terrorism. They were Raiders, they weren't soldiers."
"The dream is real. I can't believe I got hit twice in spite of decent crowd control, but life goes on."
"The only real reason the Vikings were considered especially brutal... was their habit of appearing suddenly out of nowhere and killing many unsuspecting people."
"With the passing of the Vikings, no more would dragons be seen flying in the sky, no more would good Christians have need to whisper their prayer 'Of 300 years from the fury of the Northman, good Lord deliver us.'"
"America was discovered by the Vikings in or about the year 1000."
"Struck fear into the hearts of many an unknown viking warrior may have changed world history forever."
"The defeat of the Norseman marked the end of the Viking age."
"There's a certain type of villain, a baddie, and the Vikings are often the ones that we find the most interesting."
"There were people of slave status living in the Frankish Empire, in Anglo-Saxon England, and indeed, much of Scandinavian or Viking trade was built on slaves."
"I don't think we should over-glorify the Vikings. They were outside of what we would normally judge to be the normal sets of morals of warfare."
"The Vikings were an aggressive, opportunistic raiding culture that still attracts a lot of attention from historians today."
"Stunning new discoveries reveal who these Scandinavian adventurers really were."
"The story of the Vikings starts many centuries before the first recorded attack."
"The pagan Viking culture clashed violently with the expanding Christian world."
"Credit to Columbus for making the journey, but credit to the vikings for doing the trial version 500 years earlier."
"The Viking sagas tell amazing stories of a courageous group of seafaring people making landfall on this continent long before Columbus."
"Even though L'anse Aux Meadows is the only universally accepted Viking settlement in North America, I believe they made it further south to the United States."
"Vikings lived in a time of blood, a violent time."
"King Alfred the Great Saved England from the Vikings."
"Vikings tasted blood from wounds to discern the severity of injuries, a gross but fascinating practice."
"The Vikings had a significant influence on the country."
"The Vikings developed a reputation as ruthless warriors."
"Thor's mythological battles with giants symbolized the man vs. nature conflict the Vikings encountered every day."
"The Vikings discovered America a long long time before Columbus."
"The Viking raids on Britain... began with a raid on Lindisfarne in 793."
"The Vikings liked being pagans... it was also a form of religious payback."
"And of course, for anybody who wants the hard view of the Vikings or just has a gothic taste in history, this is almost irresistible."
"Columbus discovered America in 1492, getting all the attention while the Vikings who discovered it in 1021 just out here drowning."
"The great heathen army had achieved its prime objectives at this stage."
"The ultimate gift for somebody into Vikings if you see this send your partner a hint."
"The Vikings were not just raiders, plunderers, and slave traders. In many of the lands they invaded, they settled down and in time, they took on the culture and the Christian religion of the conquered peoples."
"For good and for bad, they will still live on in our imaginations."
"This study changes the perception of who a Viking actually was."
"From there, the Vikings kept on coming, raiding all up and down the coasts."
"Vikings may very well have been in South America about 400 years before the Spanish."
"Shipwreck hunter Ben Cropp is determined to prove that the Spanish arrived in Australia over a century before Captain James Cook."
"Norwegian Vikings were explorers and Raiders primarily."
"Vikings carved a massive boat into a volcanic cave."
"Vikings were surprisingly progressive for the time."
"The Vikings raided Scotland too, capturing the castle at Donata on the east coast and Dumbarton on the River Clyde, mercilessly taking hundreds of slaves to Ireland."
"The Vikings of York had a lot of fish and oysters, and this coprolite fossilized feces tells us more about what they ate."
"The wars between Viking warlords in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark sent shockwaves throughout western and eastern Europe and consolidated the power of the great Viking monarchs."
"Modern archaeology throughout Europe is building a completely new picture of who the Vikings really were."
"Nearly three centuries after the first recorded Viking raid in England, the epic of the Norsemen reached its climax."
"The Viking ships gave the Scandinavians a mobility that was unique at the time."
"The Vikings built many kinds of ship, both for war and for transport."
"None of this would have been possible without the Viking ships."
"Later the Vikings and the Scandinavians were assimilated into the local population so as time goes by their influence becomes imperceptible."
"The same Viking weapons were buried in graves as distant from each other as Repton in England and Salme on Saaremaa Island in Estonia."
"The Viking ship rode the waves as a single flexible object."
"Viking ship sails weighed over 100 kilos."
"Viking society was based on family allegiances and laws."
"The role of women was key to keeping the community functioning."
"Prosperity rather than starvation drove the first raids."
"They plundered lands from Central Asia to North America and defeated the armies of the greatest empires."
"Viking ships were light and flexible and it was said that they moved like an animal in the waves."
"Vikings did not wear horns on their heads."
"Evidence from York shows that by the mid-10th century, the Vikings here really were becoming a settled and civil people."
"Vikings transformed the whole of York."
"For centuries, this notion of an axe-brandishing maniac has been the popular image of the Vikings. But now new discoveries, fascinating archaeology and cutting edge research are painting a different, much more complex picture."
"The presence of the Vikings in northern Britain, which had initially been a fiery plague upon the northern Welsh, soon turned into one of their greatest political assets."
"They were not just about looting and fighting, the Vikings were traders and builders of cities too."
"Archaeologists still need more dating info and excavations to be 100% sure all of these settlements belong to the Vikings," highlighting the ongoing research into Viking settlements in North America.
"Vikings clearly couldn't get enough of their orange Egyptian cats."
"A Viking's life was extremely active not to mention terribly cold."
"The Vikings fought stripped to the waste and were known to drink ale before a fight."
"Apparently that Ginger beard thing have you ever heard this that this is a viking thing that the idea would be there was no native British gingerbeard so this would have come from the Vikings."
"If taken at face value, it serves as evidence for the idea that the Vikings sailed across the ocean and were the first people to arrive to North America."
"Even though the Vikings and the dragons were at odds with each other for so long, when they finally decided to work together, they were able to defeat a common enemy and save their village."
"First of all the prettiest faces God has put on women are on those Vikings so gods have to scratch their head."
"The Varangians were 9th and 10th Century Vikings who went Eastward."
"The whole point of life for the Vikings was to test oneself against adversity and then celebrate one's victories."
"Vikings are an Elite Force Elite military force and perhaps not in the way that they fought perhaps on the technology of tactics or their leadership they had were in leap force in the what they believed in the honor of fighting."
"The Vikings started the development of their settlements, with the most important towns being York and the Five Boroughs."
"Even the Vikings recognized Edmund's greatness."
"The story of the first Viking Kings of England is tragic."
"These Viking sets were so incredible."
"Vikings were not only preeminent Raiders but incredibly Salient businessmen who established and maintained trade routes that covered thousands of miles and lasted hundreds of years."
"I would love to experience being a viking and being on hallucinogenics and them being like you will be in the Hall of Valhalla tonight drinking mead with Thor" - A humorous and imaginative scenario that captures the intrigue of Viking culture and mythology.
"Based on archaeological evidence that Vikings did in fact make it to Newfoundland around a thousand A.D."
"The Vikings and their stories have been growing in popularity over the years, stirring imaginations for Generations."
"The Vikings excelled Beyond pair, their ships were renowned as the finest during the Viking age."
"These Revelations about their size offer a more nuanced understanding of the Vikings."
"The Viking raids were more than mere military Expeditions, they were Voyages of Discovery and exploration."
"The vikings lived here and although you will not see many vikings kicking around today you will see some seriously cool ancient architecture."
"Viking longships were states of the art at the time. Viking longships were famous for their speed, stability, and maneuverability, and a lot of features responsible for these benefits were often adopted into other ships in other cultures later on."
"Vikings heavily influenced many cultures and languages of the places they visited. Many English words spoken today are of Old Norse origin."
"Vikings would mostly die out to Christianity over the course of the 10th and 11th century, choosing Christianity for the trade routes that it opened for them. By the 12th century, Scandinavia itself had also undergone Christianization."
"Vikings utilized touchwood, created by boiling a particular fungus in urine for several days before pounding it until it became soft and flexible, to start fires."
"Women in Viking society could inherit property, request a divorce, and even reclaim their dowries if the marriage ended."
"Viking ships were built using timber that was nailed together, then filled with wool and animal hair, covered in tar to ensure no hulls that water could get through."
"The Vikings continued to make regular raids around the coast of England, stealing various goods and valuables and capturing people as slaves."
"The average Viking man stood at around five foot six, somewhat shorter than the average man today."
"The story of the Vikings takes us to Sarima Island in Estonia, where a team of archaeologists excavated an amazing cache of Viking artifacts."
"The great Heathen Army campaigned tirelessly and almost successfully until the last surviving leader, Guthrum, was defeated by Alfred in 878 and signed a pact to be baptized."
"Their leadership fragmented, Europe's defenses improved, and the Vikings themselves began to assimilate into the cultures they conquered."
"The Vikings sustained their seafaring for over 300 years with their steely navigational skills, advanced long ships, and fearsome tactics."
"The viking states grew out of the most extensive military expansion the world had ever seen since Roman times."
"The first known Viking raiders landed at the abbey of Lindisfarne."
"Vikings in the New World: a shocking recent discovery has changed everything we understand about Vikings."
"Vikings were farmers, fishermen, and craftsmen with extensive rights and roles in society."
"Scandinavia is the land of the Vikings, Majestic mountains, Scenic Fjords, Serene Arctic wildernesses, and Sky-kissing glaciers."
"You can use this in a number of different ways, in fact, this has been debated a number of times how the Vikings did it."
"We just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die JJ."
"The Vikings are coming and traditional family life may never be the same again."
"The volsgaard burial ground was used for over 1 000 years with the elite members of Viking Society being buried here continuously."
"The Vikings lived in very rough terrain, they were really good at shipping, and they had a huge impact on Europe."
"Despite their fearsome reputation, Vikings are still a bit of a mystery."
"In February 2016, a horde of recently discovered Viking artifacts in the United Kingdom was officially declared to be treasure. It's no surprise that the country's authorities reached that verdict because the artifacts could rewrite the history of the Vikings in England."
"The Vikings were these fierce warriors invading by sea."
"The Vikings kept coming into France, invading, killing, pillaging, wreaking havoc."
"The brave warriors went to battle against forces that they saw as chaotic and dangerous."
"In actual fact, the Vikings were both highly cultured and sophisticated."
"They were not pirates, but were simply living lives that emulated those of their heroic gods."
"Hollywood Vikings: the time has come."
"LEGO Vikings pitted Scandinavian seafarers of legend against dangerous monsters in far off lands."
"We're going to get into the magic and the lore of the Viking mind, the Viking world."
"...the impression you get there is that the Vikings who were encamped didn't actually care who Alfred was or what nationality he was he was posing as a Storyteller therefore they willingly invited him into their Camp because they were bored and wanted entertaining."
"The ship had once been a Viking longboat."
"The Vikings, a team few had taken seriously, were suddenly ready to assume the role of tournament dark horse."
"It depicted a large cavern, inside Vikings drank from goblets and were then seen to transform into giants with massive weapons."
"He's been the clincher for the Vikings."
"Edward delivered a crushing defeat to the Vikings."
"I wish they'd teach us more about Vikings."
"I love anything Viking related; it's always so much fun for me to read."
"Scandinavian warriors took their thirst for conquest from the heart of the Viking homeland to the very edges of Europe."
"Over time, the Northumbrian and Scottish Vikings were converted to Christianity, and the local and Scandinavian cultures merged."
"The final drumbeat of the Viking epic played out along the waterways of Northern and Eastern Europe."
"The Viking Age marked the beginning of a new era."
"The Vikings colonized the estuaries of the great rivers of Central Europe to control access to the plains of modern-day Russia, Poland, and Ukraine, rich in furs and slaves."
"This is the story of how the great eastern empire of the Vikings developed out of a small band of ruthless pagan traders and warriors."
"Their ships plowed the seas and rivers of the north and penetrated into the land mass of today's Russia, Ukraine, and Poland in search of the legendary wealth of the south."
"Not only did the Saxons engage in the exact same type of raids and behavior as the Vikings did from Scandinavia at the same time, but quite a big chunk of what is modern day Germany was actually a part of Denmark in the Viking age."
"The inclusion of a sail gave the Vikings the power necessary to travel long distances, even reaching Newfoundland and other parts of North America 500 years before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World."
"The sail unlocked long distance travel for the Vikings."
"I have this newfound nuance for Vikings because at the core of their military force is this incredible resourcefulness, persistence, and ingenuity."
"The roof Vikings all had beards and they bleached their beards to a yellow or red color."
"The discovery of North America by Leif Eriksson and all the Norseman, it always been in my mind."
"Charles the Simple decided to try a new approach with which to deal with the Vikings."
"The Vikings start raiding England in the 8th and 9th centuries."
"One another strength of the Vikings is that they often moved to different places or went to different places, but they tried to assimilate with other people and adopt the culture of where they were going."
"It is a story about Vikings that's told realistically, but it's told in an artful, emotional and impactful way."
"The Nordic guilds used to be one of the most dominant guilds."
"Vikings were people who lived a very long time ago. They had helmets and shields and ran around shouting."
"The new horse specimen shows that the old Vikings were using horses to transport goods through the snowy mountains."
"Evidence of so much activity happening in the far reaches of Norway has confirmed that Vikings were truly hearty people."
"The Vikings' rebelliousness, their understanding of nature, and their sense of passing on knowledge from one generation to the next should be a source of inspiration for us all."
"Girl discovers largest Viking treasure horde in Denmark in 50 years."
"There's a very superficial understanding of the Viking Age, particularly in the context of religion."
"The Vikings weren't inspired by the Nazis."
"The Vikings crossed the ocean and landed on the icy coast of Greenland."
"The Vikings genuinely believed the only way to die was in battle; if a man didn't die with a sword in his hand, he wouldn't be welcomed into Valhalla."
"Dublin was founded as a settlement in 841 by Vikings of Norwegian descent."
"Imagine being buried in a brand new convertible; that was the kind of extravagance that being buried in the boat was to the Vikings."
"The Vikings called it Vinland and they left behind irrefutable proof of their adventures."
"The Vikings had a reputation for being fearsome and ruthless warriors, but they were so much more."
"If you really want to understand the Vikings, York is the place to be."
"As you walk around York, so many of the road names end in 'gate', and that is Viking. That's Old Norse 'gata', meaning street."
"A whole new sort of concept of the Vikings as ordinary people doing ordinary tasks."
"For the Vikings, York was an unusual and successful experiment in urban living."
"It was Alfred the Great who got into the record books as the first king to fight back successfully against the Vikings."
"This finding supports the idea that Vikings may have been to Oak Island around the year 1000 AD."
"A Viking sailor named Leif the Lucky set out onto the treacherous waters of the North Atlantic and reached the American continent five hundred years before Columbus."
"Not all Scandinavians in the early Middle Ages were Vikings."
"What is rudimentary about Viking shields? They were very well-designed and effective fighting tools."
"The Vikings were curious explorers who did something that no one else in Europe achieved until the early modern age; they actually reached what would one day be known as North America."
"It was once considered impossible for the Vikings to have reached North America, but we now know for sure that it wasn't."
"The Vikings... they're off to Canada, they're off to Baghdad."
"For more than a century, these young adventurous Vikings will plunder all of Europe."
"This is the most historically accurate Viking movie ever made."
"This is the country where the Vikings once set out across the oceans to explore and conquer distant lands."
"I've always been fascinated by Vikings."
"If you look at a picture of a Viking, you hardly would ever see an overweight Viking; they were always fit, they were always pretty lean, and they always looked strong."
"Vikings, it's Vikings, yeah. Who's not going to think that that's cool?"
"Viking Society was a meritocracy by and large."
"I didn't know Vikings discovered America."
"I'm pretty sure Vikings had red blood too; I mean, you know, they're just people after all."
"Shout out to Vikings, those are my people."
"He's like the Johnny Depp of Vikings."
"Edward the Elder... defeated the Vikings, conquering the southern part of Danelaw."
"Viking women must have had a lot of rights, for example legal rights that maybe the rest of European women didn't have."
"Iceland was completely uninhabited until the Vikings decided to settle it."
"Vikings were described by Arabs as perfect physical specimens."
"Vikings were not just killing people when they traveled or raided; they were also merchants."
"Even in death, you keep fighting; that tells you a lot about Vikings."