
Urbanization Quotes

There are 543 quotes

"The city is the heart of civilization, it is the great human achievement."
"We're going to develop. I mean, when did this craze for Dubai start? At some point, Nigeria was not crazy about Dubai. It's because they developed Dubai to an extent."
"When you move into town, you have fewer kids because they're no longer free labor, they're more of a luxury good."
"The natural beauty, coupled with economic opportunities, has made the Western Pacific Northwest a magnet for population growth and urbanization."
"With the development of urbanization in China, the subway has become one of the best solutions for major cities to address traffic congestion."
"You face an economic and political choice when you're growing up: either you can stay in the town you grew up in and not necessarily get the job that you wanted, or you move to an urban center to pursue a career. However, your prospect of owning a home is very, very low in those kinds of places."
"If we cover more and more of our world in concrete, this is what happens: runoff, where water doesn't drain, it just runs right over and down into storm drains."
"It's not about concrete like I said, well you can't grow concrete."
"More than 4,000 years ago, the farmers of this region began to urbanize."
"Africa is projected to have the fastest urban growth rate in the world by 2050."
"Looking back at the 90s, young people could find wealth in the cities..."
"The flood plain was easy to cultivate and build on, so the society that sprung up was startlingly well urbanized."
"Cities are the heart of modern civilization."
"Many of these immigrants flooded the burgeoning cities, as America shifted from being an agrarian rural nation to being an industrial, urban one."
"The haunting silence of underpopulated cities."
"To be an oak tree when some people have just started a new run, there's no time for nature here."
"There's a huge increase in urbanization... by 1940 percent of Americans are living in cities."
"Teotihuacan: one of the largest cities in the world at that time."
"They want to push us into these cities so they can control us."
"London was quite homogeneous, increasingly it feels like London is basically just this space where it's like it just serves an economic purpose."
"Ravenstein's laws of migration still apply today as we can see that most migrants travel to larger urban areas compared to small rural towns."
"The goal is to put you brothers and sisters in smart cities, to make you a part of The Matrix."
"China is the most modern Society in the world right now... from a technical standpoint urbanization modernization is the most advanced right now in terms of infrastructure."
"The biggest city in the Western world until 19th Century London."
"People more and more live in cities, people are getting less and less connected to nature so I think house plants are a great way for people to reconnect with nature a little bit."
"The transformation is nothing short of jaw-dropping, a testament to China's big dreams and relentless pursuit of urbanization."
"The region is called Jing-Jin-Ji. It will tie together the cities in the three provinces along the Bohai Bay rim using advanced communications networks, new high-speed rail and subway lines, and better highways."
"With trains that can hit 185 miles per hour, urban areas that were previously confined by the 60 miles per hour speeds of a car or subway or train, can now greatly expand."
"Two megalopolises, each serving as perfect bookends to our story of China, a country that is counting on infrastructure megaprojects like those we’re profiled to serve as the foundation for its rapid urbanization."
"In Spain and elsewhere, Rome established itself for good, not just in bricks and mortar but in institutions and laws which defined a specifically Roman Urban way of life."
"Politically what you will find in most of these Southern states that are booming in population is that Politics on the state level remain mostly conservative while the urban areas in these states have become more liberal."
"As storms intensify and urban populations explode, we're more at risk than ever before."
"Cities began to be the new economic force, not castles and land, not knights in armor, cities."
"Socially, larger and more densely populated areas have better access to educational and health care services, a wider range of restaurants, and more economic and social opportunities for citizens."
"It's a little bit looser on the edges, and I think once cultures get a little bit advanced and cities get a little bit too formal, then you lose a lot of what makes a city unique."
"Welcome to New York, that's what they're going for."
"We now live in big cities where the people that we meet and interact with on a day-to-day basis are unlikely to be either kin or potential reciprocators."
"The low city is basically the eastern side which is flood plains, things like that; the western side of the city is called the Yamanote, which literally means 'fingers of the mountain'."
"It's crucial that we reintroduce nature into our cities so we can live in a healthier environment."
"It's also about increasing biodiversity in urban areas and helping local plants which otherwise would be in danger of extinction in cities."
"The cucuteni-trypillia culture built huge cities with populations of 10,000 people or more."
"In Georgian times, the countryside was beginning to get crowded, so a lot of ordinary country folk started heading off to the cities."
"Goodbye street parking. Now anyone who did not fit in the garage had to park three blocks away outside the condo units."
"Trees are going to play a crucial role, not just in soaking up excess carbon emissions but also in providing shade, keeping temperatures down, and giving people a place where they can be outside and still stay cool."
"The modern American city is the perfect place for rats to thrive, survive, and perhaps evolve into monsters."
"Our mission is to make cities better by replacing private cars, and we think that we're truly at just the very early stages of that."
"You need to build housing. The most incredible thing is when people come, they need to live somewhere."
"And you've got football grounds, all of those toilets, shopping centers, cafes, restaurants, coffee shops."
"You've got all these people in these Metro areas coming to Rural America, buying up a lot of the rural ground, and then a lot of the rural people are getting forced out."
"Rural to Urban migration. We're going from rural areas to urban areas here. Main reason why is economics. We're moving there because of money and the opportunities."
"Uptown Dubai is the most recent expansion of the dmcc Free Zone."
"Chicago is America's third largest city. Hard to imagine this place without all the skyscrapers and the people."
"what was once beautiful untouched Earth is being turned into track homes and strip malls"
"More people call New York City home than 40 whole states."
"A humanized city with clean and efficient public transportation."
"Looking at changes of urban places throughout the decades, I think, can be incredibly insightful to understand the world we live in."
"The rise of property in a cultural hub like London is the overriding factor."
"Nevertheless they did their best to hide it with new roads lakeside condos and even a new warehouse-sized super mega ultra S Mart."
"Life is maybe not fully back to normal but close, we're still seeing an exodus from Toronto."
"What happens to a place like Toronto if we keep going down this path?"
"Stockwell was really quite a rundown working class area."
"This is the story of the greatest innovation of all: the modern vertical city."
"Hyper urbanization and the decay of traditional communities have contributed to the decline of modern friendships."
"The vast majority of Americans don't live in the suburbs; most live in cities near the coasts."
"The number of people identifying as atheists, agnostics, or nuns is rising at the same rate as urbanization. When people live close to nature, they often believe in God."
"The sakura tree continued growing for thousands of years until it became the center of a giant city."
"I like what they're doing, new real estate here in Toronto."
"I think people naturally move to an urban area, yep, a prosperous one, and for some reason, they get dumb when they do that, mhm, yeah, do you think they forget where food comes from?"
"What happens when we begin to run out of valuable real estate? Where do we go if we can no longer build horizontally?"
"The modern urban world with people working in offices, living in homes, and owning cars is basically the way of living that you have everywhere when abundant energy comes in."
"One of the largest sailing ships ever built is now dwarfed by the surrounding cityscape."
"Just imagine a future where aerial mobility is integrated seamlessly into city landscapes."
"Our future is in cities, on land, and in the ocean."
"These streets belong to people; humans exist here."
"Cars have appropriated our public space in our streets."
"People worldwide migrated out of cities during and after the pandemic."
"Detroit has lost 1.2 million people since its peak population of 1.8 million during the 1950 U.S. census count."
"I mean, as the city grows, a lot of us have been here for a long time."
"The suburbs and the exurbs are now the new essentially ghettos in the United States of America."
"So these are not small villages, some of these cities are quite large."
"What actually happened to some of American slaves who became free in the War, lived in cities, migrated North, became part of the first generation of an urban black working class, developed families, joined churches, were in fraternal orders."
"Rising real estate prices are not a reflection of prosperity; they're actually making your city poorer."
"they're wiping out every [ __ ] tree you can find in New York they're building a new high-rise every single day if they're six feet between two buildings a high-rise is going there tomorrow"
"Gentrification is awesome in retail industrial areas... residential, I'll give that to you."
"You are watching plants sway on these ancient buildings, giving them new life even in the absence of the old."
"It was of such safety, ease of flying, and economy that it would be a real utility to the 70 million people who live outside our big cities."
"The village became more important even as the country urbanized."
"The locavore movement has created a lot of opportunities across the country, especially in dense urban cities."
"Henry Ford did achieve his vision. His goal with the car was so that the city person could go out where the country is and the farmer could get out where the city person is."
"For the first time ever, people could live outside the city and commute to work."
"But you can find, like, proper suburban stores with parking lots in Brooklyn, which you can't."
"Belfast is a huge cosmopolitan city that exploded into life during the industrial revolution."
"This is not just a mall, this is a damn town."
"Affordable housing is one of the best ways to combat the tale of two cities."
"Orlando's growth rate is one of the fastest of the 30 largest US cities."
"The legacy from this World Cup isn't any more stadiums but bigger squares and relayed surfaces."
"Railways are the complete lifeblood of the city."
"I think with the lifestyle we live, we almost have to live in a suburban area."
"London specifically the original World Square Mall grew to become one vast Tinderbox."
"You think about the worst part of the city, it's Kensington, it's getting there."
"India, home to the world's second-largest road network and top 10 mega cities."
"Pro football has evolved from back lots to big cities."
"Uber is like an incredibly important service to the cities of the world."
"As of 2019, the small urban center had a total population of 6,059 people."
"Whether you think it's a good idea or a bad idea that Monaha has become Manhattan, either way, we are all complicit in creating a future that's democratic, that's creative and that's shared, that's going to last for a long time."
"The Daravi slum is one big production site, one big factory."
"Cities are basically the foundation of modern economic growth."
"London is a global City home to almost 10 million people and when you also consider the tourists from around the world and visitors from other parts of the UK the numbers are even higher so it's very needed."
"The line then leaves the suburb of Brunswick behind, and also the ground, as it rises up on a concrete elevated 'Skyrail' structure which soars above the suburbs for the next 2 and a bit kilometres."
"All cities are mobile already. If you look at maps of cities over generations, they tend to creep around the landscape like some sort of amoeba blob."
"...he's incorporating ideas of gentrification, living in a city, architecture..."
"The idea of a city within a city, a structure with thousands and thousands of people with everything they need in one building, it was amazing to me."
"Urbanization was happening at a breakneck pace worldwide."
"Holy moly! The city square is turning into a jungle!"
"Cities are incubators for Change and Innovation, seats of power and crucibles of knowledge. City is to me not a function, city is expression."
"The city has embraced modernization quite a lot, with newer parts including luxury high-rises."
"I think it's a lifestyle, right? Urban, cloud, it doesn't matter if it was Asia or Europe, or the savannah jungle people."
"The people build the city, then the city starts building the people. It twists them about and shapes their lives to fit into its own destiny."
"Yeah, Vancouver is bordered by the United States on one side, the Pacific Ocean on the other side, and then mountains on the top side, so it's like they can't grow anymore."
"...it's fascinating to look at those cities around the world which have very, very diverse populations."
"We'll lose well everything around us is steel and concrete we are fighting."
"Concrete Central London is now one of the most expensive places to live on the planet."
"Tokyo: home to over 30 million people."
"So my underlying thesis is that we're facing a kind of situation where, to be happy, and to be human, we are kind of whimsical in cities and increasingly unconcerned with need and increasingly preoccupied with fun, or pleasure, or interaction."
"So the theory underlying the entire study is that ostensibly, the city is changing a lot, but that, in fact, the countryside is changing a lot more and has to adapt much more radically."
"Venice at that particular time, this was called Ghost Town because they didn't have street lights here."
"East Point. It's a quickly developing neighborhood."
"Cities are changed and when those cities are changed certainly nations are changed."
"At least we're doing something. Here, there's construction [ __ ] everywhere."
"Ridiculous that people are being squeezed out of American cities due to leaders wanting to make more room for parking spaces."
"The clue is in the name: City status."
"A lack of planned housing and infrastructure caused a crowded population to live with filthy streams."
"The idea of flying taxis sounds appealing. Large cities suffer from congestion making travel by car frustratingly slow."
"Anyone who'd stayed in the city was now losing friends and family."
"Bid rent Theory: Closer we are to that urban area that market prices go up the land is more scarce there demand's higher as we move away we start to see a decrease so definitely have an understanding of that bid rent Theory."
"BGC is quickly becoming like a Singapore type of City here in the middle of Manila."
"Let's talk about mega cities and meta cities."
"These world cities dictate a lot of how our society functions today."
"Imagine how much time that saved people. For example, instead of spending the entire day traveling across the city, people can now spend time on things like chores, cooking, for example, a timeless art that has existed for centuries."
"When you don't have land tenure, it can create these disamenity zones."
"Good ol' high 35. There are way too many humans on this earth. That's why I choose to see the city from above in an airplane."
"After driving around for an hour on this side of town, I could see this whole part of town one day just disappearing like what you see in places like Detroit, just wiped off the map."
"Ashgabat is divided in two parts: the old city and the new city. The city of the living and the city of the dead."
"London and its port have grown together now with a population of eight millions it has spread in all directions absorbing towns and villages into what is today Greater London."
"I can't remember when we didn't have urban renewal. It was always over our heads that we were going to have to move."
"One of the greatest tragedies of the 20th century is that once they arrived in these cities, after all that they had been through in the Jim Crow South, they then got to the big cities and found that they had competition that they had not anticipated."
"Blossoming Blade Runner-esque mega city."
"Cahokia was arguably the largest and most influential urban center in North America before 1491."
"Food trucks killed your city, having the best food like New York."
"Man was made to live in a garden, not in a skyscraper."
"Every city has a good area and a bad area and is trending in different ways."
"Cities are not going away... These cities are not going away."
"Italy, deeply involved in commerce of all types, was far more urban than anywhere else in what we now call Europe."
"So Manchester in the 19th century was a city exploding inside, spreading out rapidly, teeming with industry and the excited energy of early stage capitalism."
"The vegetable gardens are breathing spaces which make the city more inhabitable."
"I think China is going through something that's never happened before the build out of a whole country that is 20 million people a year moving from countryside to city."
"No longer do you go up huge flights of stairs into a European palace. You walk in right from the sidewalk."
"Light pollution - barely recognized yet."
"Japan will give you money if you leave Tokyo. If you move out of Tokyo, because it's not just crowded, it's overcrowded."
"Tokyo is consistently one of the world's most expensive cities to live in, ranking fifth globally in 2022."
"I think, you know, they boosted the city when they needed it most."
"Disconnect from the godless cities with relentless economic oppression."
"We believe that new cities will be birthed in 2024."
"The cities today are becoming more spiritual, not less."
"Rural to Urban migration has resulted in increased pressure in housing, health services, and schools."
"Only in cities where there's little contact with soulish animals does atheism thrive. The rise of atheism is directly correlated with the rise of the percentage of people living in these dense metropolitan cities."
"Cities are accelerators of historical time."
"Urban centers pre-organized the space that would later become nation-states."
"Cottonopolis: Where industry meets metropolis." - Unveiling the nickname of Manchester
"...they're actively losing population guys why do you think that is it's because it's unaffordable..."
"The continent has 57% of the world’s urban population, not to mention what are by far the two most populous countries in the world, China and India."
"If every single one of us lived as densely as the walled city at its peak, we could fit into this small Australian island called Kangaroo Island–and there’d even be a little room left over for the kangaroos to roam around."
"New towns arose as production centers and trading hubs, shaping the landscape of commerce."
"It became an essential factor in the rise of towns."
"Few apartments being built growing population and a desire to live in some of Australia's most sought-after urban areas will lead to a boom in luxury apartment demand."
"Cities are the centers and theaters of human ambition, human cupidity, human pleasure."
"Cities drain the country of the best part of its population."
"Peregrine falcons... their population is actually going up because of urbanization."
"Even large cities cannot escape the disaster."
"As it does, millions of gallons of water are being pumped back out of the lake 24/7 to keep Las Vegas alive for another day."
"Central Park sits juxtaposed to the harsh streets grid system of Manhattan's Urban world. It's the perfect public park, large enough and picturesque enough to escape the concrete and steel Mania of the modern world."
"We're starting to get the big city feeling as far as our policing goes and we've had to adapt to that a little bit."
"Many people see LA as a city of the future, a place without a past, a freeway metropolis that sprang up fully formed in the 20th century."
"Cities can grow and grow until the lives of the inhabitants... become tedious."
"It's nothing to do with race or anything, it's just purely... this country is so overpopulated."
"This country is so overpopulated, it's so dense."
"...cities that were once bustling hubs of trade and culture could no longer sustain their populations."
"Cities are one of mankind's most important inventions."
"In 2007, for the first time in human history, over 50% of the world population lived in a city."
"By the year 0 BCE, Rome stole the top spot from Alexandria with around 1 million people."
"Five Points had become notorious for crime and poverty."
"It's a cosmopolitan town that provides all the commodities that modern lifestyle demands while it preserves its Mexican colonia style."
"Population density is a big problem in many cities."
"...cities have this incredibly high built-in power demand, and they're built and maintained with these highly specialized, complex materials and expertise."
"Definitely one of the most overcrowded City I've ever been to."
"As the city grows, the memory of how people lived changes and becomes more faint over time."
"Manila is the most densely populated city in the world."
"We see the development of a sense of class consciousness in these urban areas which is leading to new ideologies and political reforms during this period."
"Millions of Americans walk through a reborn Grand Central Terminal."
"It's wild to think that there was a point that this would have been considered uptown."