
Rain Quotes

There are 935 quotes

"It's difficult to be unhappy in the right kind of rain."
"Petrichor is the earthly scent produced when rain falls on dry soil."
"Photography and rain are very good friends; they make awesome photography."
"I think I would love to go out, just splash around, have fun, run around in the rain, jump into puddles."
"It is like exciting experience when it rains on Saturday; you should just lie back and enjoy it."
"Some people feel the rain; others just get wet."
"And when it rains, why is there water coming out of the sky like why not candy?"
"When I see it rain, it just looks just as beautiful as it ever did."
"Every morning after it's rained... I need to pick up all the flowers."
"It's currently raining right now in Paris and I love Paris in the rain."
"Plan to go during or after the rain, the animals will be super active."
"Water still smells like rain, even months later."
"Rain is so adorable, definitely one of the top."
"We stayed together in bed while the rain fell in drenching sheets."
"Sometimes on a quiet rainy day, that's all you need."
"You smell like moonlight and early morning rain."
"Joy fills the air, and troubles fade away in the rain."
"Desert rain has a particularly very pleasing smell."
"In the rhythm of the rain, the earth sings."
"Every drop of rain that falls in Utah gets captured and put in a reservoir."
"Rain stopped play; with which sport is this phrase associated?"
"The rain makes everything so fresh and green and wet and muddy."
"I like rainy days because they make Muddy Puddles to jump in."
"The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain."
"His words bring all the clouds to the town, and they're like, we're bringin rain down."
"I always love it when you see the raindrops right here over the car; that looks really so beautiful."
"Spirit goes up as the rain pours down."
"I love listening to the rain; so peaceful."
"Five things that make me smile: music records, my family my kids my wife, rain a rainy day makes me smile, and These Guys these guys."
"It's just such a peaceful way to fall asleep with the sound of rain hitting the side of the van."
"Sometimes sunshine turn to rain, the same ones you love will bring you pain."
"The weather in Wales this week has been awful; it's done nothing but rain and rain and rain."
"It's pouring down, it is really bucketing down."
"Not only creating and simulating a raindrop falling but also rain hitting a surface, splashing, leaving ripples, and even wetness on that surface."
"If you know that the rain is really going to ruin your trip then I would try to avoid that late summer early fall time period."
"Any rain I'm now dropping the level of the pond slightly to make it easier for the planting."
"When I was little I was so excited for it to rain because then I always drank hot coco."
"This morning, it was pouring. I cannot even explain how much it was raining."
"Dohyok selflessly left his umbrella with her and braved the rain alone."
"It's raining, and the birds are still there. They are getting soaked, but I think they're okay with it."
"My general philosophy with rain is that if it's going to be raining all day you're going to get wet no matter what you do so it's much more important to stay comfortable around other than to stay dry."
"This weather's killing me. Finally got this little gap in the rain today."
"This rain is only temporarily it stops nothing permanently."
"Rain is only temporarily just know that I want mine I told you I want more this must be some type of act of god or something this had to be an act of god they say everything happens for a reason."
"It looked like rain, Bill and I headed for downtown Los Angeles."
"I do love the rain; it's kind of important."
"Right stuff, honey. It doesn't go unappreciated. You, Mom, zero miles on the odometer, and it's just starting to rain. Perfect."
"the rain brings me the blues and i've got this gun"
"Embrace the rain because the city was kind of made for this."
"Finally, Texas is getting some moisture. You can see it's very wet here. It rained yesterday. It's supposed to rain all week, I think, which is great because Texas been in drought for like two months. So hopefully that is ending now."
"I absolutely love it when it's raining and I'm all snug in the house."
"The rain was red... the color was bright enough to stain clothes."
"It is so peaceful out there, the sound of the rain makes me so happy."
"I love the rain, it's rare here so it's like exciting and cozy."
"Try to have an open mind when it comes to dreary drizzly Disney days. Just because it rains doesn't mean your whole day is a wash."
"That's the worst kind of rain, that's nice."
"Agriculture has not seemed sexy, it's not seemed as a good job to do, but rain is super sexy."
"I just hate so it gets all over your hands it just gets everywhere and Lord please don't let me get caught in the rain again that was a total mess."
"Don't assume that a high chance of rain means constant downpours. English weather is unpredictable."
"But now the rain is pouring and all I see is lightning around my feet. Now nothing can bring me down."
"I love the sound of rain. I feel very alive and very reassured, very comforted and very excited, very alert."
"She's about to walk under the rain and then go for a swim."
"Our first date was like really cool because we met like on a... We were by Washington Square Park and she was running this way, I was running this way and it was pouring rain."
"This might be the best day to be raining on a collectible unit day."
"Dance in the rain, I want to do this so bad."
"I love this hat, it's the most expensive rain hat of all time."
"At least he'll give you some money, something. Wait till they spray them clouds, you know it's going to rain real hard."
"Was it all a figment of his imagination or had the never-ending rain made him grumpy?"
"But for now, with a full belly and the sound of rain hitting the roof of your house, you drift off into a peaceful sleep."
"I like, I quite like the nice little drizzle drizzle of the rain 'cause I said Fire to the Rain before."
"It's already a terrible day, and then it's raining and just... awful, yeah."
"I kind of like rain. It's not snow, it's rain, it's warmer."
"Wrestling in the rain, what a confusing feeling."
"It's pouring rain, I was just completely soaking, kind of half invigorating, half miserable."
"I always think rain is beautiful. Even when it's raining, I always think London is beautiful."
"The biggest and the strongest blessing that will happen to you will be during a rain, a very pure and strong rain will happen, either a day before it or day after it, or during this day, there will be a huge pouring rain."
"I love the rain. It makes it just so much more dark and it sets the mood, yep, totally."
"It's raining men. Well, no, it's just raining, but you want to know more."
"The rain rolled like gunsmoke down the Quantocks then raced across the empty cricket fields into the sandstone of the crumbling facades."
"Seeing the rain come inside sideways, all the hot tubs on the Leo deck were completely empty, nobody was on it, so I was like, 'Oh, here's my opportunity to get a hot tub by myself.'"
"24-hour series why because I don't know maybe it's the rain the smell of wet concrete that makes me super hungry."
"There's something about the way the street looks when it's just rain."
"This rain will eventually stop so the beauty of this rain guys is it completely washes away all their poo and stuff so it's kind of great actually."
"This is my favorite kind, is that so weird? Like I'm literally just obsessed with the rain, it fills my heart with joy."
"I'm praying for rain, and so I'm praying that it'll be rained out."
"It was raining, just a little tiny tin. Just so folks know, if there is the slightest hit of thunder, we have been told that the fire department will make us."
"I enjoyed it, it made me enjoy the rain."
"The rain was the world's way of washing away what needed washing away."
"It is quite literally pouring rain. Can you see it? I'm so happy. I think I might be the only person here that's happy for this. This is the best day ever."
"Suzu tells him that if they were in his City this day would be considered a holiday because many people don't go to work due to the Rain."
"I love the rain. I just got chills, man."
"Umbrella or raincoat, it will save you."
"Instead of avoiding the rain, they embraced it, committed to continuing the jam session."
"As you can see, the weather is absolutely immaculate right now. It's pouring it down with rain."
"...there's something soothing about watching rain and thunder come through..."
"there's something about walking in the rain which is just so wonderful"
"Rain is great when you're sitting inside which it is it's nice and cozy but also being outside in the rain just makes you feel so connected to the Earth"
"If it rains again at a race, these guys better watch out."
"It is nice and cozy in here, I like the sound of the pitter-patter of the rain."
"Fragrances that smell like petrichor, geosmin, just before it rains, you know, earth, soil tincture, all that stuff."
"Just like that, the heavens have opened, and I am absolutely soaked."
"The sound deadening in here is incredible. I could barely even hear all the rain on the outside hitting the car."
"It's raining, but it's beautiful."
"I actually really like running in the rain. It does make me feel just a little bit more badass than normal."
"Except it's a terrible day for rain."
"I grew up going to Catholic school so whenever it rained, they were just like, 'Jesus is crying and it's because you sinned.'"
"This rain is only temporary but the memories will be forever."
"The red paper wasp scores a three on the pain index scale and its sting is described as caustic and burning like spilling a beaker of hydrochloric acid on a paper cut."
"I just love the rain so I've learned."
"Rain, right? Yo, the blessings are coming, get ready everybody."
"You feel the fresh, invigorating breath fill your lungs and nourish your body and soul."
"We're not going to have this lid open all the time if it's raining."
"The smell of the earth, of the stone washed with the fresh rain water, petrichor."
"Everyone was dancing in the rain, it was like out of a movie."
"I really love rain. I love walking in the rain, I love the fresh air and all of that."
"The rain seems to always encourage everyone to move slowly, to take the time to really look at the world around them and breathe in the aroma of the fresh, cool air."
"We're getting that beautiful rain."
"When it starts raining this water gets really gross."
"It's funny the wind's picked up a bit so getting a little cooler out like it might rain I might get lucky it just pours out I'll see the water."
"I have been one acquainted with the night. I walked out in rain and back in rain."
"I love rain more than anything in this world so I am very happy because I'm wearing a white shirt."
"I almost didn't see it because of the rain and darkness, but there was someone squatting down in the rain."
"The forecast says it will rain for another three days."
"First we'd walk through the rain and get sopping wet."
"The heavens just opened, it's raining so hard."
"The rain helped me forget, even just for a bit."
"I didn't want to get out in the rain and you know remember those bottles of Vitamin Water that used to come in all different flavors and different colors?"
"It was raining during our visit but we didn't mind, the eerie mist from the rain made the canyon feel even more magical."
"The rain continued on its own cheerful way throughout, but by morning I was able to eat a pastry on Deck without it getting wet."
"From rain-soaked hauls to heartwarming donations: the beauty of dumpster diving."
"Dumpster diving: where every drop of rain leads to a wellspring of generosity."
"Whoever wrote that old song 'rain, rain, go away,' they can suck it because I love the rain."
"the rain is so nice I'll probably go home and snuggle in the rain for just a couple of hours"
"Let the Rain Fall Down and make my dreams let it wash away"
"I love the rain it is good it's actually really good for manifesting"
"Oh, I love when it rains outside. And it's okay to slow the ride."
"We can't always be bothered to use an umbrella. It rains so often that unless it is absolutely pummeling, I don't mind getting a bit wet."
"Surrounded by City Lights you know how horny you have to be to not care about rain."
"Raining cats and dogs describes very heavy rain."
"Dinosaurs come alive in the rain, dude."
"I come alive, the rain makes me calm."
"It's raining, it's bloody raining."
"...as I walked past Vicki I said pray for rain and she texted her mom back home and told her to pray for rain and within seconds I mean literally within seconds after we had that conversation it just downpoured."
"Can't rain can't rain all the time."
"Using natural rain is a healthier option."
"It's raining, oh man it's not... oh you're in the shower."
"There is not many better Simple Pleasures in life when the heavens open when you have beautiful surrounding especially when it's green and the smells just all come out"
"Biking in the rain, but doing it anyway, and then getting home, it's like the whole energy, whether it's positive or negative, is just washed over you."
"Streams of water cascaded down Taylor's hair and face, masking the tears that mixed with the rain."
"Everyone loves a good rain shower."
"Is it still raining? Yes, chucking it down."
"When life gives you rain, find a cozy spot and enjoy the moment."
"The rain still fell soft and steady."
"I couldn't help but observe David's reaction to the rain, he tilted his head back closing his eyes."
"It's been fun. It's also raining. I'm glad we did it."
"It started to come down, joining my crying for me."
"When it's raining I don't miss the Sun, because it's in my baby's smile."
"Lots of rain means lots of muddy puddles."
"When it rains though, I love it. It's so...yeah, so it feels like home for you."
"The haptic piezoelectric rain sensor on the top senses the speed and size of each raindrop and calculates rainfall rate."
"So, our day was actually cut a little bit short by the rain. We ended up leaving in the middle of a very heavy rainstorm but we still had a fantastic day at Adventure Island."
"Can you hear that? How satisfying is it being in a car when it's raining?"
"I know they say revenge is best served cold but I didn't expect that a literal cold from the rain would help me."
"Running in the rain is pretty fun."
"If you want to make something more romantic, you add rain. Dramatic, you add rain. Or suspenseful, you add rain."
"We got soaked. Forgot the umbrella, of course I did!"
"He's happy it's raining down on him."
"I think the fight choreography in this was really cool, specifically when Raph and Leo fight each other in the rain."
"It's now raining on us, and my truck don't stop real good because I don't have ABS right now."
"There is something about a Smoky Mountain Rain, you know? It cleanses the area and we don't complain when it rains here in the Smokies. In fact, we embrace it as much as we can."
"As the rain poured over her, Caspian found himself laughing as well, it was as if something deep within them had awakened and once again become connected to the world around them."
"What had started as light inconvenient drops of rain soon gave way to buckets of water pouring from the sky."
"Cooking while the rain is pouring, that being my background noise, feels so romantic."
"The rain does give you that vibe, you know?"
"She felt a smile tickle the corners of her lips as the rain began to fall harder."
"One of the essential things you should have as you travel through Guatemala is a raincoat and rain covers for your backpack and luggage."
"Mama would let us stay outside and play in the rain."
"One of the bucket list things for me is to come back here when it's raining everything turns into a waterfall you can see all the black stains and where the water runs down."
"Can you hear that rain? I love it."
"Perfect scenario, we get a little bit of rain, and then uh turn around and throw this counties of beans in."
"I like rain in general, but then there's cars parked in parking spots or by the side of the road, which is even better."
"Lots of wonderful things out here in the rain hopefully by Saturday we'll have the sunshine and you can enjoy them."
"I feel like outside I keep hearing sounds of like people yelling as they're running through the rain."
"It's been raining so there's a lot of puddles."
"No, I'm good. Fresh coffee and Summer Rain, who doesn't love those?"
"I love the rain, what about those that are getting married today?"
"It's currently raining. I can hear the pitter-patter of rain on the window and that just makes me feel, I don't know, it just makes me feel just so cozy."
"...then we're on to making the rain."
"It's raining hard now, but everyone here is enjoying the rain. Everyone's out just walking around doing normal things as if it's not raining, so pretty cool."
"You got to have some rain in your life to appreciate the sunshine."
"I like it when it rains really hard, when there's thunder, lightning."
"It was absolutely chucking it down last night. Real, I mean wipers were for what you couldn't see anything."
"Rain is beautiful. It cleanses, purifies, and even brings new life to dying organisms."
"Sometimes I'm in my room and I look outside at the rain."
"If it's raining on a warm summer evening, go outside and dance in it."
"You guys like rain, I [__] with it."
"Rain brings energy, it's like a treasure."
"Like, even though it's raining, it is kind of nice out here."
"I personally like ozone smell, it's the same smell you smell on a rainy day and I like that."
"I think it's quite romantic, actually. Quite lovely with the light, how the ground is... well, it's not all bad when it rains, I guess."