
Gravitational Waves Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"Gravitational waves, like ripples on a pond, are created whenever something with mass accelerates."
"Space itself is very stiff, so when gravitational waves come through it, luckily for us, it doesn't distort it so much that it affects our ordinary life very much."
"Einstein himself didn't think [gravitational waves] could be measured."
"Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time. Space-time is incredibly dense, so to cause ripples, you have to have some sort of object that has enormous gravity, like a black hole or a neutron star."
"Detecting the first gravitational waves... the long overdue confirmation of an element of Einstein's theory of relativity."
"In 2015, there was a dramatic confirmation of the existence of black holes—the first direct detection by the measurement of gravitational waves."
"Janna Levin's 'Black Hole Blues' is a wonderful take on the new window that gravitational waves are opening on our universe."
"LIGO... achieved the first direct detection of gravitational waves."
"The first direct detection of gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes was announced, and this news exploded like a bomb in the scientific community."
"Thanks to these gravitational waves, we can finally explore mysteries of cosmology in a completely new way."
"Gravitational waves from the birth of the universe would be a whole new element of our cosmological model."
"Gravitational waves are a new amazing connection between gravitation and quantum mechanical processes in the early universe."
"Gravitational waves were discovered for the first time in 2015, allowing scientists to observe the wobbles in space-time that occur when black holes collide, causing disruptions that reverberate throughout the universe."
"Together, two of these windows, the EHT and LIGO, which reported the first detection of gravitational waves a short three years ago, have verified another key prediction of Einstein's theory of gravity."
"Gravitational wave astronomy marks a new era in the study of the universe."
"These gravitational waves suddenly allow us to investigate parts of the universe we normally can't see."
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have detected gravitational waves."
"Gravitational wave astronomy promises a totally new view of the universe."
"Gravitational wave astronomy will reveal many cosmic mysteries and strange phenomena."
"The powerful gravitational waves produced in the last fraction of a second are what LIGO detects - sometimes from over a billion light years away."
"One of the greatest opportunities we have now that we can detect gravitational waves will be the ability to observe events that happened before light was traveling across the cosmos."
"The combining of gravitational wave detection and electromagnetic detection gives us a whole new avenue of astronomical study."
"A brief but spectacular explosion, one not as bright as a supernova but one that is detectable from multi-billion light-year distances thanks to its gravitational wave precursor."
"We're entering this era of being able to analyze gravitational waves with more care and fidelity than ever before."
"If we measure gravitational waves from inflation... we will be able to probe the physics of this scale."
"The tide raises All Ships and now people will finally believe that gravitational waves are real."
"Every bit of gravitational wave energy would be accelerating that expansion."
"Our only window into the universe has been light, and that has only changed quite recently with the discovery of gravitational waves."
"A kilonova occurs when two neutron stars orbiting each other eventually converge and collide. This collision is so powerful that it distorts the very fabric of spacetime, emitting gravitational waves that vibrate through space."
"What does that tell you about gravitational waves? They must come in chunks."
"It was clear that it was possible to do some numerical relativity simulation to follow up the event and understand whether what we had seen really agreed with the solution of the Einstein equations."
"There are huge things in the universe happening, like black holes colliding or stars exploding, and they create these gravitational waves—waves in the shape of space and time that travel through the universe at the speed of light."
"Gravitational waves have the polarization that they do, and they react very strangely according to how people ordinarily think about this of rotating frames because the gravitational wave polarization responds at two times the rate you'd expect."
"Gravitational waves and similar kinds of distortions of space-time can effectively have energy."
"The collision of neutron stars resulting in the emission of gravitational waves provides new insights into the final stages of stellar evolution."
"The putative edges of these two black holes will touch, producing the largest amplitude of the wave."
"These gravitational waves are generated as the two black holes form into one larger black hole."
"If a gravitational wave was strong enough then it would sort of squish the earth and then push the earth back together again."
"You got the gravitational waves a little bit before you saw the visible light in the sky."
"We see a tremendously bright future for gravitational waves with this Global Network."
"The collision of neutron stars forms gravitational waves and gamma-ray bursts."
"During this collision, the power output in gravitational waves was far greater than the luminosity of all the light put out of all the stars in the entire observable universe put together."
"...the discovery of the century, the first human procured recordings of gravitational waves."
"Gravitational waves offer insights into the nature of gravity, the behavior of matter, and the very structure of SpaceTime."
"The groundbreaking detection of gravitational waves."
"Gravitational waves affect time just as much as they do affect space."
"Gravitational waves, wave-like disturbances of space-time which are not trivial."
"Can gravitational waves interfere with each other? Do they cancel each other out when they collide?"
"We only found gravitational waves or confirmed gravitational waves back in 2015."
"Gravitational waves were emitted 14 billion years ago when all these exciting things were happening at the birth of new forces."
"We can build detectors like the Lisa gravitational detector and gravitational wave detector proposed to be built in the next decade or so."
"We can look for the evidence coming from us in all directions of gravitational waves from 14 billion light-years away."
"Gravitational waves were first predicted by Einstein in 1916, and they were discovered here in 2015."
"The gravitational radiation will make its mark on the crossover between one eon and the next."
"As they're spinning around, they're emitting gravitational waves."
"The only thing that changes the distance is the gravitational wave actually stretching the space."
"We first detected gravitational waves way back in 2015."
"The gravitational wave background was dubbed the collective thrum of low-frequency gravitational waves coming from all directions in the universe."
"Gravitational waves should produce a particular pattern of changes in the timing delays between different pairs of pulsars."
"LIGO is trying to detect gravitational waves."
"Two black holes orbited around and around each other creating ripples in the fabric of space and time called gravitational waves."
"Albert Einstein predicted the existence of gravitational waves."
"Enjoy the fascinating story of gravitational waves from the Big Bang to black holes."
"Galileo opened electromagnetic astronomy; LIGO opened gravitational astronomy."
"Gravitational waves are like invisible threads connecting the universe, spreading at light speed."
"Gravitational waves were a prediction of Einstein's theory, which would mean that if you had say two objects like two neutron stars rotating around, they would so disturb the environment that they'd send out this train of gravitational waves."
"The two black holes were coming together because of the emission of gravitational waves. They were disturbing spacetime around them, generating these ripples."
"Gravitational waves are not sound waves. However, we can take the frequencies and pretend it's a sound and convert it into sound and say, what would the gravitational wave sound like if it were a sound?"
"Gravitational waves... carry information about the very early universe that could extend to the unobservable cosmos."
"Gravitational waves offer another avenue for probing beyond the observable universe."
"Gravitational waves are the only ways to study black holes in a vacuum."
"Gravitational waves move at the speed of light, and this particular event provided the best test of that prediction."
"This puzzle of where these unusual heavy elements were produced was actually solved by a telescope that doesn't detect light but instead detects a different kind of wave, what are called gravitational waves."
"Physics doesn't depend on our choice of coordinates; there are only two polarizations of gravitational waves regardless of our choice of coordinates."
"Gravitational waves are caused by wobbles of mass-energy or momentum described by the energy-momentum tensor."
"In 1916, Einstein published another paper that predicts the existence of gravitational waves."
"Einstein also predicted the existence of gravitational waves caused when big accelerating objects collide, creating ripples in space."
"The gravitational field fluctuates a little bit and that produces gravitational waves."
"Gravitational waves were first predicted about a century ago by Einstein as part of his theory of general relativity."
"The detection of gravitational waves is really an amazing achievement."
"Gravitational waves are essentially messages from way back when the universe was just a baby."
"There were three solar masses of energy released as gravitational waves."
"The era of gravitational wave astronomy is here."
"Gravitational wave astronomy, talking about some of the discoveries that won the Nobel Prize last year."
"Gravitational waves are changing the shape of space-time because they're energy."
"The early universe would have radiated gravitational waves."
"At LIGO, we use lasers and mirrors to detect gravitational waves."
"Gravitational waves will naturally change the length of a Fabry-Perot interferometer."
"Gravitational waves are going to be heating up the Earth a tiny little bit."
"When black holes collide, they create a cosmic symphony of gravitational waves that vibrate in the very fabric of spacetime."
"The best bet for direct detection of gravitational waves is LIGO advanced LIGO."
"Gravitational waves could come from T just a slight bit greater than zero but not electromagnetic waves."
"This is really a golden era, hopefully, that will come for primordial gravitational waves."
"What are gravitational waves? They are ripples in the space-time continuum, emitted by any system with a non-constant quadrupole moment."
"Gravitational waves basically can go from one side to the other of the universe without being disturbed by anyone."
"...the first detection of ripples of gravitation through the universe, a hundred years after Einstein predicted gravitational waves, they were finally detected."
"That will be our most direct test that these neutron star binaries actually make gravitational waves."
"We also expect to use pulsars as gravitational wave detectors."
"The universe is constantly humming with background gravitational waves rolling through the cosmos like an ocean."
"The detection of gravitational waves has opened a new avenue for testing general relativity."