
Landscape Quotes

There are 1211 quotes

"Beneath this icy surface lies a diverse landscape of mountains, valleys, and even sub-glacial lakes, their secrets perfectly preserved by the unforgiving cold."
"Iceland, a rugged island in the Atlantic Ocean, harbors a landscape that is both mysterious and breathtaking."
"Landscape is like a book where, on chapter one, you start and you know very little and gradually you open up a whole landscape."
"Skipping across small magma-bound atolls, leaping over blistering seas of lava, we'll soon find an old and half-drowned citadel."
"Basic navigation and relying on your landscape is far better than anything else out there because GPS is we tend to not really know where we're at until we get there."
"Very ancient monuments rest upon the tops of each mountain."
"A truly remarkable landscape, not only for its intriguing story captivating gameplay and critical acclaim."
"The sheer scale of the valley, the bridge, and the cliffside catwalks makes you wonder."
"100% of landscapes look better just before the crack of dawn or just before sunset."
"It's pretty goddamn cool to see this stark contrast between the dry and dusty desert landscape and the metropolitan glory basking the desert in its radiance."
"When it comes to Wild dramatic Moors, it has to be the Brontës' Yorkshire."
"This surreal landscape becomes even more striking once you see the dunes."
"You know there's a park there but it's it's tough to see it and that is the point from belmont you shouldn't be able to tell that this park is there."
"Adding distant mountains for depth and scale. It's straightforward and adds a lot to the scene."
"The rainbow mountains of the Dangxian Geopark in China are often referred to as one of the most beautiful landscapes on the planet."
"Mountains are getting an upgrade, jagged cliffs and snow-capped peaks, dramatic views."
"Craters can now be found all across the Siberian landscape like pock marks across the snowy Wasteland."
"Massive cliff sides with majestic spruce trees against the skyline."
"Imagine living in a place where you need to drive through this cliff on your way to work."
"A build without landscape is no build at all."
"Seeing the coastline and the rolling hills of England is kind of like what I associate with home."
"It's a very striking landscape location."
"This may be more to do with marking significant points in the landscape at significant times of the year."
"Landscape photography is focused on capturing expansive natural scenes."
"I was shocked by how deep the snow had become already, how unrecognizable the landscape seemed."
"It moves away from the rigid symmetrical designs that had previously dominated to an idea that landscape should look like a natural landscape of rolling hills and lakes dotted with little follies."
"Shooting directly towards the sun is one of my favorite ways to photograph the landscape."
"We can really connect to the past by walking along these landscapes."
"It's like a landscape printed across with the castle and fireworks."
"Sometimes you'd stand out there and look in any direction, and it was just flat wild land and farmland that just stretched on and on."
"Look past the cars, how gorgeous those aren't mountains, just the trees and the hills."
"It is a tiny version of a mountain landscape made of just rocks and flowers."
"This is Africa: big skies, open plains, and jungles."
"You can get away from people and be out in this kind of surreal environment where you have temperate rainforest and Sahara-like dunes punctuated by lakes."
"We now know that these societies left a huge mark on the landscape."
"While the grass may one day takeover, and noise remains a problem in places, there is, for now, still enough beauty here in the sand to inspire anyone who visits."
"It's important for a landscape shot to have a compelling element in the scene."
"Norway's lunar-like mountainscapes and deep fjords were shaped by glaciers that covered most of the continent 10,000 years ago."
"It's a landscape that seems to belong on an alien planet."
"The Blue Pond looks as if it was ripped from a fairy tale."
"The monastery's sheer size and remoteness creates a truly unbelievable sight against the backdrop of the surrounding landscape."
"The landscape of Cappadocia, resembling an abandoned alien desert, showcases fields frozen in time and rocky spikes jutting from the earth."
"The Persian garden was a political statement by making plants grow in an otherwise barren landscape."
"The quality of this landscape photographic print is remarkable, adding to its perceived value."
"Turtle Mountain still lingers over the valley, although noticeably shorter than it was prior to the slide."
"I still highly recommend it, there's not a guarantee you'll see the lights, but even if you don't, the landscape itself is just... there's nothing like it."
"I'm always slow in landscapes. I'm not really sure why, not very fast landscape painting. I'm definitely not Bob Ross; he did his in like 20 minutes. I still don't know how that's even possible."
"The Sedona Red Rock country really is unique, it's on the level of what you'd find in Utah with Arches or Zion National Park."
"It's nice the way it frames the house, although perhaps a bit close for comfort."
"It's nice to sort of have that feeling of the history of the landscape."
"We can move mountains with landscape painting, which is awesome; we literally move mountains."
"Hot artesian water bubbles to the surface, and it's the perfect spot to wash off a week's worth of dust and grime."
"The land of the stallions and the horses."
"Imagine descending from the clouds to be greeted by a landscape where the blue of the sea melds with the white of the Grecian architecture."
"Open worlds is a very hard task, but in this video, I'm going to teach you how to create a landscape Auto material just like this one from scratch."
"If you stay with me for the next almost three hours, I'll feed your brain with enough knowledge to create the landscape Auto material of your dreams."
"It's a statement of power, isn't it? This vast line across the landscape."
"Crater Lake is without a doubt one of the most beautiful views you will ever see."
"There's a ton of diversity within the landscape and the scenery."
"You know the classic Hawaiian palm tree scene right here."
"The landscape has truly begun to change"
"Your footsteps will always fall here, along England's greenest hills."
"The Martian landscape boasts vast forests reminiscent of Earth's expansive Woodlands."
"The Den Sha Landform refers to various landscapes found in southeast, southwest, and northwest China that consist of a red bed characterized by steep cliffs."
"...just all that's going on there in the dynamic range, which you've got a big range of different luminosity that's in both the tree here and in the foreground, while also retaining that beautiful sky."
"After three years of using this camera as my sole camera for landscape photography, this right here is by far the best camera I've ever used in my life."
"This temple is so much a part of the landscape to so many."
"An imposing ruin that sits beside Loch Ness."
"The planet's surface is rocky, covered with craters and volcanoes, old dry lake beds, and canyons."
"Norway is already known for being one of the most beautiful, honestly, I describe it as otherworldly, like another planet, especially compared to America."
"Here's the front entry into the house where we have some landscape items. I went with about a 2in average of 2in size Limestone rock with about a $300 Rock feature here that should hopefully last forever."
"It's hard to imagine a time when this is all there was: a river, a great lake, and a rocky inhospitable hillside."
"Provence, in the enchanting landscape of Southeastern France, unveils itself as a mesmerizing tapestry of lavender fields, vineyards, and timeless allure."
"Geneva, renowned for its diplomatic stature, unfolds against the stunning backdrop of the Alps and Jura mountains."
"Scotland's got to be one of the most beautiful places on Earth, right?"
"The lakes are a huge part of that."
"The mountains, farms, the rolling hills, the rivers and lakes give you a scenic backdrop at every turn."
"Itoqortoormiit, Greenland, offers a breathtaking backdrop that defies your imagination."
"...the Rolling Hills in Countryside just look like they were made for a movie Set. It is so so beautiful."
"Gorgeous views overlooking all of the little rooftops and terraces and mountains."
"This lava butte flow left almost no usable ground for plant life."
"The visibility was terrible, thankfully as we approached the Viewpoint there was a break in the clouds allowing us to see the other side of the lake."
"I like a sense of surprise in a landscape."
"If you're familiar with the artwork of famed painter Georgia O'Keeffe, you'll be interested to know that many of her iconic paintings were inspired by this very landscape."
"In a landscape considered so inhospitable and still, life and movement were abundant."
"A camaraderie forged amidst picturesque landscapes."
"This country is truly breathtaking."
"The Badlands Guardian is the nickname of an area in rural Alberta where the hills and valleys seem to form the face of an Indian chief when viewed from the air."
"The hard plane cropped over the horizon."
"This landscape couldn't even support trees, it was such a marshy, sort of Delta soil here."
"Everywhere you go looks like a freaking postcard. Scotland is gorgeous."
"The insane natural beauty of Scotland. Everywhere you go is gorgeous."
"...there is something quintessential Australian about this landscape."
"Visitors imagined the landscape of the Badlands to be unchanging but in fact it was continuously eroding literally right before your eyes."
"The landscape here, with its limestone pavements that are over 330 million years old, is actually known as the fertile rock, which is really fitting because this area of Clare alone is home to some of the most wonderful artisan food producers."
"...now we got our rock, our grass, and our sand, not bad."
"We got our terrain, we got our rock, we got our dusty sand type stuff."
"Wide Open Spaces, easy to get into, beautiful mountain views all around."
"The Grampians are now visible in the distance."
"His work is very tied up with the English landscape and ruralism."
"The landscape and the cleanliness and the well-kept was comparable to Fort Wilderness."
"It's hard to even describe how fast this landscape is. Literally, it goes for miles and miles as far as you can see."
"There's no mountains in the way, barely any telephone poles!"
"This area continues to build up. It's very close to sea level initially, and then the rivers build out here, and it steadily builds up until it's actually slightly above sea level again."
"Nothing out there but dirt, shrubs, and more dirt, they say."
"It is sacred ground. It's the most joyous landscape I've ever found."
"We can come to understand landscapes from a cultural perspective and a scientific perspective."
"Positioned atop a rugged stone precipice."
"This is God's country, farmland as far as the eye can see."
"The beautiful region of Toscana...its iconic yet familiar landscape."
"Look at how beautiful the landscape is, look at that windy twist."
"The hills raise hard and wild pushing against the sky."
"As soon as I saw those mountain peaks in the background, I knew that my goal for the day was to capture a shot displaying a mountain peak behind one."
"The Smoking Hills: an otherworldly landscape of fiery hills smoldering relentlessly for generations."
"Salar de Uyuni: the largest salt flat on the planet, unfolding like a magnificent canvas adorned with intricate patterns formed by crystalline salt."
"The whole country sloped downwards as far as the eye could reach."
"Fires sweeping through the landscape in the right balance can be a powerful driver of renewal."
"The rain rolled like gunsmoke down the Quantocks then raced across the empty cricket fields into the sandstone of the crumbling facades."
"You can literally see the direction of the wind coming from the right-hand side, blowing off to the left, leaving those deep regmaglyphs in there."
"Landscape photography is pretty seldom about the gear that you own."
"I love some of these walks in the Lake District where it takes you through working Farms. It's fantastic and just always love having that reminder of how this landscape that I adore so much is a working landscape at the end of the day."
"Being out on the landscape forms deep friendships."
"Now this landscape looks a little bit too boring and uninteresting."
"That's wild, these mountains are like nothing I've ever seen."
"Kastelruth is the gateway to Europe's largest alpine meadow, the Alpe di Siusi."
"There can be fewer finer examples of beauty and mystery of the natural world than in Zimbabwe's Matobo Hills."
"Perhaps the sky is the most important part of a good landscape."
"...for the landscape, that's pretty much everything that you need to set up."
"Alaska is one of the most unforgiving landscapes on Earth."
"It's gorgeous, desolate but gorgeous."
"It's been a fantastic visit... but if there's one place to take a last look at this stunning landscape it's got to be up there on top of that pinnacle."
"The Indians yits used to come up here and grind their acorns now they probably picked this spot cuz of look at this look at this view they had holy cow amazing."
"For many, it is a landscape that lies at the heart of our sense of place."
"The unique beauty of the White Sands National Park has led many to describe it as a portal to another world or a place that exists in another universe."
"The landscape of Socotra is strikingly surreal with towering limestone cliffs, deep caves, and white sand beaches."
"The most alien looking place on Earth."
"The landscape of Socotra is strikingly surreal."
"The layers of sandstones, siltstone, and mudstone that make up the landform have been exposed to the elements for millions of years resulting in a surreal and alien-like landscape."
"The heavyweight landscape now, in my opinion, it's the best it's ever been."
"Utah is just the most exquisitely beautiful landscape."
"When most people think of Mongolia they think of its vast steppe, stunning mountains and forests, and nomadic Traditions."
"This view, you just can't go wrong with it. Every morning waking up and looking at this, I want to die. It's... it's beautiful."
"You almost feel like you're back in time, the landscape and the scenery made me think of the old west."
"As you can see, we've got more mountainous, more rocky terrain."
"The hill of seven colors, a bowl of pastel Neapolitan ice cream."
"That is a beautiful, beautiful view of Big Sur."
"...and it just sits on such a high like plot of land that's where we just walked from there's little Emma she looks so small but that's the water we were at and now we're at this building it's so pretty."
"Beautiful hole, it kind of sweeps around to the right, all trees down the right if you remember from Britain."
"Lake Hillia's intense pink coloration makes it a remarkable sight."
"The salar de Uyuni is a testament to Nature's Grandeur and its capacity for creating Landscapes of surreal Beauty."
"This ethereal landscape becomes a paradise for photographers and adventurers alike drawn to its otherworldly Beauty and The Surreal experience."
"I feel like I'm on the movie set of Lord of the Rings. This place is magical. It is incredible."
"I've never seen landscape like this anywhere I've ever been."
"It's so exciting, being here at this time of day as well. I mean, I love this landscape, it is just fantastic, isn't it?"
"Look at the beautiful drumlins, the sculpted hills formed only by glacial ice advancing over a landscape."
"Quartzite tends to make high points on the landscapes, a lot of ridges, a lot of mountains are capped by quartzite in many locations."
"If you like stark landscape this is a very stark, harsh looking landscape."
"The wide open landscapes of Western shows often offer narratives that are just as vast."
"The landscape surrounding Petra is absolutely stunning with red rocky mountains."
"Wow, what a harshly beautiful landscape."
"You really gotta love Arizona, it's just amazing how it goes from desert to pine ponderosa forest."
"Bridges with big dramatic skies look incredible in black and white."
"It's time I'm in Derbyshire following a spectacular route through the Peak District and along the Derwent Valley, the landscape here is incredible, it's wild, it's dramatic, it's romantic."
"Welcome to the Arizona strip and welcome to the Virgin River Gorge."
"I've driven I-15 through this area for years and years and I keep seeing these kind of interesting rock formations."
"This is a beautiful day, it's a little bit cool and a little bit windy but beautiful country out here."
"Wales feels older, like you can wander slightly too far off a hiking trail and stumble into Narnia."
"...the mountain is embellished with five waterfalls, an adjacent fountain, an 18 M long slide, and a secret grotto kitchen and change room."
"Sand Wash was beautiful, the red-colored Rock and the pattern of wild horses give it a Vibe like no other place that I have ever camped."
"From this high vantage point we can get a real panoramic view of the Rio Grande Valley that lies below us."
"That's pretty cool. The mountains over here look like waves."
"It's warm to me, despite being a depiction of a cool winter landscape."
"the Topography of the feel the shape of the field the Topography of the hillside kind of lends to pinching down to about 30 yards and splitting the field in half"
"South Point Park: offering panoramic views of Biscayne Bay and the Atlantic Ocean."
"The endless ocean of cornfields seemed to go on without end."
"Everything combined to create a landscape that felt uniquely Japanese."
"The Dingle Peninsula... where every step reveals a new chapter in Ireland's ancient story."
"The river is the highest thing. The river built all the land that we're on."
"There's a freedom that I feel on this wide open landscape."
"He stood holding the hackamore and studying the country."
"'It really was like a table,' that ground rose up high above the tall grasses, and it was round and flat on top."
"We're actually probably more wooded than we are open and then we have the 10 acres up the road here where our field corn is planted and our Potato Patch is and all of that stuff."
"Bulgaria has some seriously breathtaking scenery."
"The thing about land art is it isn't just about the bits in the middle, the stuff that Nancy Holt made and put down here in the desert. What land art does is it brings everything else into play."
"It's my ideal landscape. I want to have that impression of almost like the water's leading you and bringing the building towards you so it becomes upfront and present."
"Kirwin is located at 9,200 feet and surrounded by snow-capped peaks of the southern Absaroka Range."
"As far as you can see, there are mountains."
"The Mono Lake Scenic Overlook offers great panoramic views here of the Mono Basin and the Sierra Nevada mountains as well as the White Mountains in the distance."
"I love how the landscape travels from an Alpine environment... to those beautiful crimson red rocks."
"The Cook Strait is a dramatic and rugged Channel."
"Rocky Mountain National Park offers a rugged landscape where alpine tundra meets lush valleys, showcasing nature's contrasts."
"Every mountain is stellar every forest is stunning and every geothermal feature here is the best it can be."
"When erosion combines with geology, it creates truly magnificent landscapes."
"People saying 'Oh Pokey come back, I would love to see Pokey come back and try to exist in the landscape today.'"
"It does really feel like a tunnel of trees that you drive down... there's a whole bunch of eucalyptus trees."
"My father painted like Cezanne and understood the southern French landscape the way Cezanne did."
"It's the mesmerising landscape, mind-blowing cinematic experiences you can find on an island smaller than Ireland."
"The Seven Sisters are home to some of the most beautiful cliffs in all of England."
"The Yuan Yang rice terrace is reputed as the most beautiful rice terrace in China. It is located in Honghe Prefecture in southeastern Yunnan province."
"Zhonya's Danxia landscape has lots of precipitous red cliffs, most of which are several hundred meters high and multicolored ridges of weathered strata, sometimes stretching to the horizon."