
Audrey, Wait! Quotes

Audrey, Wait! by Robin Benway

"It's one of the great injustices of my life that I do know, James."
"You crucified my heart, took every part, and hung them out to drrrrryyyyyyy!"
"It sounded pretty good," he offered. "That's cool your name's in a song."
"I'm not famous! Remember that one girl last year who got a perfect 2400 on her SATs and she ended up in that article in the L.A. Times? She's more famous than me."
"And then I wondered why I had never deleted him, why he was still taking up this space, why he was still everywhere."
"My heart was in my ears and toes and everywhere except where it belonged."
"You can never have too much sarcastic girl anger too early in the morning."
"One good thing about music / When it hits, you feel no pain."
"Words turn quiet and you mean more and say less. It’s like you can build your own little world, Population: 2."
"All the world’s a stage, if you will, with sixteen-year-old Audrey Cuttler in the role of Juliet."
"You gotta strike while the iron’s hot, right?"
"Trust me when I say this: We’re not going anywhere without you."
"You’re a lunatic if you think I’m telling you that your best friend looks hot."
"I was trying to make a joke, but he was right. I was lying."
"Drink your coffee. Caffeine will make you less suicidal."
"I’m a nice girl! I’m not a slut! I feed stray cats!"
"The way I see it, if crazy people hate you, you’re ahead of the game."
"I’m gonna buy you the best kitty condo ever."
"But at least when I ditched school, I didn’t go to another one."
"My heart was ricocheting against my ribs and I pressed my hands against the cool metal of napkin holder."
"I’d rather swim in battery acid and razor blades and spoiled milk—"
"This has been the worst day ever. I can’t do this anymore."
"Don’t let them tell you that there’s a right way to fall in love."
"I love it! Oh, darlin’, I absolutely love it! You’re so Audrey, Audrey!"
"Next, I’ve got a list of guys here. Hot ones. Hotties. All of them have pilots coming up for the spring."
"Look," I told him, "I’m not interested in dating TV actors. Or rock stars. Or anyone who has a publicist or frequents a red carpet. Okay? Later, alligator."
"You’re way cuter than a panda, though. And pandas are pretty darn cute."
"You are everything I want ‘cause you are everything I’m not…"
"Reoccurring episodes with each and every kiss…"
"You can’t be close enough unless I’m feeling your heartbeat…."
"Don’t run, don’t punch them, play dead. Got it. Let’s go."
"Think of it this way. They’re serenading you."
"I’m having a life crisis. Pass me the Teddy Grahams."
"You’re the most self-aware person I’ve ever met."
"Just stay away! Get your own damn love life!"
"It’s hard to have an eye-to-eye argument with someone who’s nearly a foot taller than you."
"I felt like one of the ornaments, transparent and fragile, dangling on the edge, with only a thin silver wire to keep me from shattering all over the ground."
"I’m sorry," I told him. "I was crazy. I was DramaGirl."
"I love you with or without your halo, Audrey."
"‘I’m sorry’ won’t cut it for the rest of your life.…"
"You’re all you talk about anymore, and even then, all you do is complain! You’re a fucking whiner!"