
The Seat Filler Quotes

The Seat Filler by Sariah Wilson

The Seat Filler Quotes
"Life was too short. I wanted to do something I loved."
"You know how all the servants in that movie are people who were turned into objects? He’s the opposite. Like a sexy refrigerator that was turned into a person."
"Why would you do that? Because I’m not. I closed that door."
"Having worked with so many doors in my profession, I can tell you this—that’s the thing about doors. Once you close them, they’re designed to be opened again."
"It’s him. He’s just different, and this is the first time I . . ."
"I just don’t think Noah Douglas is the kind of guy who gives up that easily."
"I can’t be held to any promise where you tricked me into agreeing first."
"Nobody cared when you had yogurt for breakfast, and it was basically the same thing."
"The problem was, as Shelby had so often bragged, she was usually right."
"I knew this was going to happen. Deep down, I’d known. And I’d wanted it."
"It was strange watching them now, knowing that I’d had conversations with him and he wasn’t just this actor performing on my screen, but a real, interesting, and all-too-attractive person."
"You’re going to be orchestra center, in row A, seat nineteen."
"That’s not the first time that’s happened to me."
"I'm okay to walk. I've been fortified by a Snickers bar, remember?"
"That’s good, because I’m pretty sure my baggage is over the weight limit."
"I was going to do what she did best and would be a huge success and every movie star in Hollywood was going to put her on speed dial to decorate their houses."
"I've never been happy that I’m like this—I just resigned myself to it."
"You may not know this about me, but I’m very strong and can handle it."
"I’m okay. I’ve been fortified by a Snickers bar, remember?"
"You never have to ask me. The answer is always going to be yes."
"Juliet, you can do whatever you’d like to me and there’s no way I’ll ever object."
"I wasn’t in danger. Noah would never hurt me."
"I’m not really getting anything from that part yet. It’s almost like kissing the back of my own hand."
"I have an appointment early tomorrow. I should get home."
"Listen up, brain. I’m going to kiss Noah Douglas as much as I want to, and you’re not going to overreact or melt down over it."
"You’re the only person I’d want to do this with."
"You’re jealous. You thought I was with another woman."
"I hate lying. My parents always lied to me my entire life to get me to do things."
"I love your eyes. The way the color seems to swirl between green and brown, depending on how the light hits it."
"I don’t know how you feel about things and if you only want to be friends I understand, because those were the rules, right? Just friends?"
"That’s the problem, Juliet. Short of going back in time and starting all over, you can’t fix it."
"I can’t say that I don’t care. But I only loved those characters because you were so good at performing them."
"My job is different and my life is demanding and hard and we’ll have to give up some of our privacy."
"I wish I’d known better. It was never a scheme or a ploy to get you to like me. I’m not insane."
"I’m sorry that I hurt you. That was the last thing I would ever want to do."
"You’re my kryptonite. So is how much I care about what you’ve gone through, how important it was to me to help you, how much I love you."
"We can work this out. I want to fight for us. We’re worth fighting for."
"I never pretended when I was with you. I was always me."
"I want to be in a relationship with you. I kind of feel like I have been in one and just didn’t register it."