
Psychological Effect Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"There are two particular movies that I watched as a kid that basically destroyed my psyche and left me a strange and wounded animal for the rest of my life."
"Living within a mile of a friend or family member who becomes happier makes you 25% likelier to become happier too."
"When people are negative, it actually has a very distinct effect spiritually and even psychologically."
"This staircase is so long, it actually messes with your head. It's never-ending."
"The spell of these terrible solitudes cannot leave any mind untouched."
"Lord of the Rings kind of broke everyone's brains."
"The level can also resurface memories that you literally had forgotten about or had pushed out of your mind like a childhood pet or something like that."
"Silent Hill means a lot to me. It showed me the games could mess with the way that I think and the way I see the world around me. They could affect me in ways I never thought possible."
"A terror so profound that it could be likened to madness."
"The power of belief is not wishy-washy, it's real."
"This game really makes me think I'm going crazy half the time."
"The Zeigarnik Effect: Incomplete tasks will stick around in our memory longer than completed tasks."
"Everything starts to look like you're looking through a peephole."
"Words may not be a physical weapon, but it has physical effects."
"It's actually better to provide people with less decisions."
"The psychological effect of the Battle of Hamel was electric and startling."
"Endorphins make people happy, happy people don't kill their husbands."
"The haunted mill: a deleted area with traces left behind in the game files, spawning ghostly rumors."
"You gotta be humble and not have this dunning-kruger effect."
"When it comes to its ability to put you on edge, very few other games have succeeded as much as Haunting Ground."
"I think just the idea of someone looking in at you from somewhere and not moving is inherently scary."
"No matter how much we say it's just a game, it still finds a way to creep back into our minds."
"There's something that just creeps me out a whole heck of a lot about the idea of finding a body with a permanent smile on their face."
"But what makes this worse, than say, watching Nightmare on Elm Street?"
"The mere-exposure effect: the more familiar something is, the more you trust it."
"Even if it's just [] psychological, you're like damn my ball smells [] smell good."
"It gives us a sense of empowerment and confidence."
"The switch from dread to stress was subtle and almost nefarious."
"I think that when I step on the floor and feel the energy of the crowd, the bar will feel like 8 pounds."
"The more you repeat a lie, the more it becomes the truth."
"Joker is the most dangerous Batman villain because of what he brings out in Batman."
"A lot of people say her eyes follow you when you walk across the room."
"I always feel like people say that the Ouija board is nothing, but it's a mind thing."
"PT is brilliantly made and I still think about it now four and a half years on after playing it, you will not be the same again."
"Doom scrolling... the tendency to continue to surf or scroll through bad news..."
"I can still see that face staring into my soul."
"It's not just about being hurt, it's about them knowing they hurt you."
"The Tetris effect, occurs when people devote so much time and attention to an activity that it begins to pattern their thoughts."
"A profound and vehement fear seized hold of her."
"Certainly Linda was not herself. She was different, changed, oppressed even by the house in which she had lived."
"The fear of the unknown, that's why these stories terrify us and keep us up at night."
"Tetris has its own psychological phenomenon named after it called the Tetris effect, where somebody sees the game everywhere, even in their dreams."
"The sketchiness of the floor adds to like the scare factor, which is... Respect."
"They don't actually own their home but it worked, plebs got that feeling of ownership and it made all the difference."
"Putting on makeup makes me feel ready for the day."
"It attracts people like a moth to the flame so to speak."
"I can't get you out of my head, and I became obsessed with you, and it scared me."
"This ending is insane, it feels like it's designed to drive the listener into Insanity as well."
"Fear holds everything down; it's micro and macro."
"Once he gets in that mode, it's like a Snowball Effect."
"When the lights are on, you're fine, you're just in that chill jazz area. But when they turn off is when the entity swarm starts."
"It isn't what you see, but what you don't see. It's the suggestion, the subtle teasing of the subconscious."
"People who viewed negative news broadcasts have more anxiety afterwards."
"Smiling triggers certain facial muscles that can trick your brain into feeling more positive."
"The dopamine hit of the day - the thing that makes everything better."
"The emotional memory is how it made you feel. Your emotional memories are starting to wear really thin."
"Imagine four pairs of eyes watching you sleep from above."
"Now it's not the mirrors themselves that make the level creepy, it's actually what you see in the mirror..."
"Mist, fear plays a huge role in knocking down the tones and the temperatures."
"We killed their general, so maybe we can get a chain rout. Maybe we can break them. Who knows?"
"The uncertainty, the unknown, is everyone's greatest fear."
"Whenever we make a sound we like with a modular, we get a little burst of dopamine."
"Spending money in general is really therapeutic for people... it's called... a dopamine hit."
"When you see blue, you lose your appetite quicker. You're more likely to put your fork down sooner."
"Studies have shown that just three minutes of negative news in the morning can offset your entire outlook for the day."
"FOMO is unmistakable, you'll know it when you see it."
"It's very seductive when you feel powerless to even the illusion of power."
"Optimism can help, you know, it goes back to the old wealth effect."
"Making physical progress towards the end of the queue makes wait times seem shorter."
"The sound of someone's own name is the sweetest sound of all."
"It's the hope that kills you. It's the hope that hurts."
"The catharsis of laughter doesn't change people's circumstances, but it does change the way people relate to those circumstances."
"Honestly, there's a component of this book that has been haunting my nightmares."
"Believing is being, the body executes loyal to every belief."
"I think it really impacts on young people's attitudes to themselves and their self-esteem."
"I hope this video hasn't rendered you psychotic. You wouldn't know until it's too late."
"By having actors, by having real people, embody these characters and by the virtue of us, the audience, being confined to this diner with them, we become a part of the torture."
"The Black Death caused a kind of collective trauma, a mental shock that inflicted a wound deep in the social body, producing a revolution of feeling and practice."
"I discovered a dark secret of that town and what I saw left a scar."
"This place is haunted, and it's haunted in a way that if you let it get to you, it can really mind you."
"When you see these sets, it's like a dopamine hit."
"Fame sort of imprints on you at the age it happens because trauma does that, and fame is a type of trauma."
"Nostalgia is a really powerful thing."
"When you know how to fast, that voice in your head worrying about food actually stops."
"People who expected to be lucky... were a little bit better at finding it."
"A Pleasant blend of catharsis and tension."
"Repetition causes belief to grow stronger."
"The secret to creating an uncanny effect is to keep it subtle and suggestive."
"There's no orgasm more powerful than the orgasms that occurs in the mind."
"This is partly due to the powerful mind over body effect that belief can have."
"Why do we enjoy listening to miserable things? Because somehow they make us feel better."
"Certain music can release adrenaline or dopamine in your brain."
"The real fear comes from the anticipation of encounters with enemies, whether they jump at you or not."
"Mirrors have the power to disturb us; we most often see what we want to see."
"It's remarkable how much more comfortable you feel when the light has come up outside."
"If this picture doesn't make you scream and squirm, you'd better see a psychiatrist quick."
"The mere thought that we're taking something that will cure us, causes a chemical release, causes a physiological change that can actually get us better."
"Pearl Harbor wrecks everything; it completely messes with the American psyche."
"The music is designed to make you feel unsettled and uneasy."
"It's a like a descent into madness with these lights, it's great."
"You literally were chasing a dopamine rush."
"Music harnesses the brain's desire to predict the future."
"The uncanny valley is basically something which is almost human, which it should be human, but you can't quite put your finger on it."
"The unknown is the most frightening thing of all."
"Feel like having flowers in your home makes you feel like you've got it all together."