
Peril Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"The loss and deprivation of maternal love is really full of peril."
"The Oracle's prophecy sets the stage for a perilous quest, testing the courage and resilience of the chosen few."
"The Insidious Dark Water substance is destroying the fictional world of Myrr and only the 13 Treasures of Rule can free the planet."
"Carrying the holy grail to Jerusalem while the world is being invaded by corruption and eldritch monsters."
"Nate and Sully make it out by the skin of their teeth, but Marlowe and Talbot go down within the sinking sands."
"Boldly they rode and well into the jaws of death, into the mouth of Hell rode the 600."
"My people perish because they do what they lack knowledge."
"I said this is it we're dead we're not going to make it out of here."
"Do not be in the category of people who perish because of a lack of knowledge."
"Death Valley's allure and mystery continues to captivate people, making it a place of fascination and peril."
"Frodo left the Shire with the Nazgul hot on his trail."
"Every single time somebody left on their wagon train or their handcart, it was just like this perilous journey, how could it not be? But that's again a kind of false perception."
"Jayla's power grows and the Shadowlands face unrelenting peril. Stand ready, huntress, your strength will be needed in the days to come."
"So we're dead, we're gonna get eaten by these space bugs."
"Goodbye Krypton, uh oh, and she's falling where's Superman?"
"Oh, he's paralyzed, I'm gonna die now. Don't do it!"
"The only thing that determined if we make it out alive is a tiny hole the size of a shoe box."
"Perseus knew that under no circumstances could he face the creature; otherwise, he would become another statue for Medusa's long collection."
"Everything was very bad since a whole crowd of zombies had come close to the village."
"People are in danger, all of them."
"Danger and death are constant foes, and in this world must ever be."
"Cooper attempts a dangerous docking maneuver as the Endurance spins violently out of control."
"Rogers gripped him again and without further preliminaries, the two were locked in a desperate struggle of life and death."
"Nature's bachelors in times of peril."
"They've all been eaten and it's only a matter of time before they die too."
"The island starts splitting up and people start falling into some hot yummy lava."
"The state of our kingdom is dire. This land faces unprecedented peril."
"Yeah, we're at the bottom bad bad water."
"Taking her into the middle of the lake during such conditions was a death sentence."
"Trapped inside of a bird cage with a man with a malleable sword, there's no possible way you could survive this."
"I was swept beneath the surface of the water like a straw before the prow of a freighter."
"...I honestly felt like I was on the Titanic."
"Another hailstorm of bullets zips towards him, and this time they find their mark."
"That's the feeling I want my readers to have, that if you're going on an adventure, this is real peril."
"their escape becomes a perilous Endeavor"
"I thought, well, this is it. I'm going over that bluff. I'm not going to be alive when I hit the bottom of that."
"It's just about as hard and perilous a situation as it's possible to imagine."
"The characters who are still alive are in real danger."
"All For One, evil to the core. He doesn't care whether or not this merge changes him and/or kills him."
"Once they've really got their teeth into you, you're as good as dead."
"Master deserves to be a master, and in such a situation, if it were him, then most likely he would die."
"You need to return to save the princess immediately before it's too late. A monster has arrived."
"It seemed as if the British Expeditionary Force was about to be engulfed by disaster."
"Moylan and his Company A found themselves in the center of this thinly stretched line, in the heart of hostile territory, about to embark on a fight for their very lives."
"The stakes had never been higher, and they knew that they must race against time to stop the construction of the Planet Killer Fleet or else face the annihilation of all they held dear."
"However, in true Davies’ fashion, the conclusion of the greater peril brings only a realisation of the true fate for the characters."
"He's hanging with one arm, it's insanely lucky."
"Padme was on her knees surrounded by four of Dooku's personal MagnaGuards as Dooku stood in front of her, lightsaber ignited."
"The whole goddamn world is in jeopardy."
"For even the most seasoned sailors, the ship is all that stands between life and death."
"...when the Hulk arrived in hell he quickly shattered the ground and Bruce almost died if not for hila's help."
"The first big major Darkseid show that we did, 'Apokolips... Now!,' parts one and two, it wasn't until we started making that show that we realized, 'Wow, this is the first time we've ever had the entire world in peril in our series.'"
"The stages set for the battle on Earth now, with the perils seemingly not as great as it is in the original movie."
"The river sticks provides a perilous shortcut but the journey is fraught with torment and horror."
"Sam's love for Frodo above all other thoughts and forgetting his peril he cried aloud 'I'm coming, Mr.'"
"Oceans really do have the potential to dispose of you in an instant."
"If God should withdraw his hand... they would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless Gulf."
"Robert E. Lee's army is in peril because there are two Union Corps moving toward the South Mountain range."
"You almost died, somebody had to save you."
"Crossing these waters is already incredibly dangerous, but this violence is something new and troubling."
"The prince fell from the tower and clings to the roof."
"Howard is all alone with broken legs and enemy territory with no food and no means of survival."
"It is my understanding that we park and pet and sleep over and sleep with at the peril of our very lives."
"Ferelden is free. The world is imperiled."
"During the war, only one thing ever frightened him... the u-boat peril."
"If what they say is true, then we are all in grave peril unless action is taken quickly."
"Fragments rained down all around, a spear of flying glass drove itself into the ground close to her leg."
"Flying across, battered by rain and wind, all of you flying to this island as the storm clouds gather and begin to swirl in a maelstrom overhead, you see lightning strikes the rope bridge, and it collapses and falls into the mist. All of you land on the far side."
"The Anderson reported huge waves and the skipper of the Fitzgerald admitted these were the worst seas he had ever seen in his 44 years on the lake."
"Death Watch members infiltrated the top levels with their jetpacks, stealing the Younglings stationed here and threatening to execute them if the Jedi did not stand down."
"In three terrifying events with all engines out, that is one of the most dire situations any crew can be in."
"Falling off a cliff and breaking your legs, where you're just [__]."
"You and I are about to place ourselves in a position of some peril," said Mr. Utterson.
"The sea becomes your mortal enemy, yet you gain a power beyond imagining."
"My comrades, my brothers, we live in times of great peril."
"The fate of your Galaxy hangs in the balance."
"The net of Doom was closing around me more closely."
"The Dark Continent threat risks the entirety of humanity."
"If uh if you carried anything like a radio or any other device you were a Target immediately."
"Our oaths are sworn to the realm, and the realm now stands in dire peril."
"An innocent man is suddenly caught in a nightmare he cannot understand and may not survive."
"We were trapped. We were up there, and we were surrounded."
"Human civilization was in a perilous state due to highly interconnected and energy-intensive society that had developed, and the environmental damage that this has caused."
"Since I met you I've nearly been incinerated, drowned, shot at, and chopped into fish bait."
"John was thrown into the water that was now coated with flaming oil leaking from the ships, so he had to swim as far as he could underwater, trying to surface outside of the radius of the oil."
"Monks who live below make the dangerous climb every day."
"Welcome to our most treacherous, probably crossing yet."
"If you feel just as safe in following your own impulses as in following the light given by God's delegated servant, the peril is your own; you will be condemned because you rejected the light which heaven had sent you."
"The situation was desperate, our only choice was to face suffocation below or destruction above."
"As soon as Uncle grows on me, he gets captured and tortured and probably will die. What the damn hell."
"They are in danger of being lost and tormented forever. There is but one step between them and death. If death finds them in their present condition, they will perish without hope."
"Standing on the edge of disaster."
"We are putting our descendants in peril."
"My people will perish due to lack of knowledge."
"Where dragons are poisoned and dragons are dying, and no one can ever be free."
"Oaken Iron Guard me well, or else I'm dead and doomed to Hell."
"These local assemblies must act and will act as beacons of light at the time of greatest peril."
"This is the story of brave and heroic men who leave the safety of their homes and families to rescue those in peril on the sea."
"That freedom has never been in greater peril than it is now."
"There is always more peril to a Christian in his own unbelief than in the most adverse circumstances by which you may be surrounded."
"The fate of the world now greatly hangs in the balance as their chief enemy has returned."
"The Baudelaires and Count Olaf are drifting at sea in their boat, they get shipwrecked."
"You perish because you lack knowledge."
"Your world is in peril, why do you wish to return?"
"Is this the way fate seems to warn us of our mortal peril? If so, it is like the warning of the rattlesnake: too little and too late."
"Canoeing in remote areas presents a perilous venture fraught with potential disaster."
"Your world is imperiled, Duck Newton. It is besieged by a supernatural threat that would spell certain doom for not just your planet but for two planets that have found themselves linked by destiny itself."
"When guuu became pregnant, her food was poisoned at least twice a day," Mau learns, understanding the perilous life within the palace walls.
"I am wounded gravely, it is true, but my people's lives, their very souls, hang in the balance."
"It's called the devouring, where commoners are born with magical power called mana that eats them alive from the inside out."
"She is lost alone and facing death in the high Sierra."
"The Watcher in the water took Óin; we cannot get out. The end comes... drums, drums in the deep."
"It is in the midst of this peril that we find the most profound lessons about ourselves and the world around us."
"The moment their bombs rained down on Tokyo, these pilots, already legends in their own right, embarked on the most perilous leg of their journey."
"Men are being washed away in this ocean of samsara, all are going to hell."
"We must make our start at once," said Jefferson Hope, speaking in a low but resolute voice, like one who realizes the greatness of the peril, but has steeled his heart to meet it.
"Bird thought he was going to die; he wrote farewell letters to his wife and children."
"So close to your own destruction, little hero," the voice of Kronos chided, "and still you are blind."
"The rulers of our nation will by legislative enactments enforce the Sunday law, and thus God's people be brought into great peril."
"The home of the gods, Olympus, it will be saved but will fall."