
Exercise Quotes

There are 13784 quotes

"Movement and exercise...increase levels of dopamine."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is about as good an antidepressant as SSRIs are, and the side effects are only good side effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exercise is known to be a protective behavior against depression."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular exercise... engages the norepinephrine system and allows us to increase our norepinephrine levels at will on a regular basis."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise independent of anything that happens with your body weight, you will be healthier." - LAYNE NORTON
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the only things that will actually improve your biomarkers of health without even losing weight." - LAYNE NORTON
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise is one of the most important things you're going to do to ward off insulin resistance."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise becomes not a way to burn energy but, as you said, to create energy."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise does indeed give you energy. It burns caloric energy, but it gives you neural energy by way of increasing epinephrine transmission."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Exercise and very potent increases in adrenaline come from high intensity exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It's not about the bike. It's about the elevation of heart rate."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to enhance the size of neurons, the number of connections between neurons, and maybe even the number of neurons, is to enrich its environment and get it moving."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The single greatest efficacy we can point to is exercise."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's not one thing that I'll tell patients is more important than exercising."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Do you want to be able to pick up a great-grandkid, if they come running at you?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think the most important one, in fact, I will go on record saying what I believe to be the most important variable for any endurance or cardiovascular training is that because it's a repetitive movement, that you are able to complete the movement safely."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"This is the best longevity drug there is. If you don't exercise, you're missing that essential dose."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting anywhere from 30 and ideally 45 to 60 minutes of exercise per day for six days per week, maybe even seven, is going to be good for mitochondrial health and function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If you're trying to lose weight, exercise is almost meaningless. Yes, it's important, but diet is going to get you the majority of the way there."
"A little bit of balanced-based exercise five to seven minutes before you start your guitar practice is going to make it way, way more effective."
Justin Sandercoe
"Exercise is really about movement... Using your body in different ways stimulates neurogenesis, neuroplasticity, and brain-derived neurotropic factors."
"Exercise has been proven more than any pharmaceutical drug to improve the quality of your life and reduce illness."
"It's great for the mind because you're building your concentration."
"Exercise is one of the best anti-inflammatory medicines you can get, period."
"The runner's high... is this reliable change in your brain chemistry that happens when you engage in continuous movement for about 20 minutes or so... people feel powerfully optimistic."
"The most dangerous misunderstanding is how much exercise it takes to get benefits. There are minimal amounts of activity that provide big benefits. More is generally better, but you can get huge benefits just by moving your body a little bit every day."
"Exercise is the single most powerful thing you can do to increase your rate of neurogenesis."
"When you exercise daily, you actually get smarter."
"When you exercise, dopamine is literally released. It makes you feel good."
"The number one thing that we know that's free that raises both of those is exercise."
"Forward movement, whether it's toward a cerebral or intellectual goal or it's physical exercise, especially when there's a low level of stress in the system, promotes the release of dopamine."
"We should be finding ways to naturally increase opiates, and that's exercise."
"As you get older, exercise becomes more, not less, important for maintaining your health."
"If you start doing high-intensity exercise, we have bursts of effort followed by rest, you can get a metabolic boost up to 24 hours after a single session."
"Exercise. WHO recommends 30 minutes of physical activity a day for adults and one hour a day for children."
"Delayed gratification is activities like...exercising...It doesn't feel good right now, it feels bad right now, and yet we do it because we know that it makes our life better in the long term."
"If you're eating a whole food diet and you're exercising regularly... and it's just not quite getting you to your goal, then you could consider adding on that extra level of carbohydrate restriction or fat restriction."
"Exercise is the king of all keystone habits. It literally changes who you are, allowing you to shed a lot of the negative beliefs you have about yourself."
"Exercise has more profound and sustained positive effects on mood, anxiety, cognition, energy, and sleep than any pill I can prescribe."
"Our gut bacteria love exercise. They produce this happy chemical called butyrate... it's an anti-inflammatory drug that you could never bottle up."
"Physical exercise changes your gene expression...leading to the expression of growth hormone for the brain."
"Exercise, particularly aerobic activity, is a cornerstone for maintaining cognitive health and reducing the risk of dementia."
"Exercise increases antioxidant defenses in muscle cells. It enhances the ability of the muscle cells to clear out damaged proteins, dysfunctional organelles, such as mitochondria, which are the energy-producing organelle in the cell."
"The biggest key to successful aging when it comes to exercise is not missing training. We can't miss training for big chunks of time because we're hurt. We have to stay active."
"Exercise equipment or broccoli in a dietary intervention versus Statin for preventing heart disease. Food and exercise interventions are much better."
"What's the best diet? That's the one you'll follow. What's the best exercise? The one you'll do."
"The best exercise is the one you'll do; the best diet is the one you'll follow."
"The feeling good part is you can't undervalue that."
"For longevity and supporting lean muscle mass, you should prioritize your exercise sessions and worry about fasting later."
"We need to prioritize exercise, balance, movement, and muscle quality."
"If you do it from a place of self-care and self-love, exercise becomes self-care, and diet becomes nourishment."
"Both excessive and defective exercise destroys the strength, and similarly drink or food which is above or below a certain amount destroys the health."
"Exercise can change the function of your brain, can change even the structure of your brain in ways that make you more resilient."
"I wanna be better. I wanna feel better. I don't wanna hurt after 5 minutes of exercise. It's not okay."
"I feel good after a good workout. It's part of my routine, but I just always feel better after I've done that."
"Notice how you feel before doing the exercise and how you feel after. You're going to feel so much more optimistic, energized, happier, and alive."
"Exercise and fasting are both reversing the consequences of dietary excess."
"Exercise improves sleep, memory, anxiety, depression, and reduces chances of all-cause mortality."
"The pump literally causes muscle growth itself."
"If you're meditating twice a day and exercising every day, your life is going to be amazing."
"Maintaining a healthy weight... fits into your diet, exercising regularly."
"People will say it's just exercising, it doesn't matter. To you maybe. To me, and to hundreds of thousands of other people, it's much more than that."
"You might not feel like going to the gym today, but I bet you wish you did yesterday."
"The best diet is the one you'll follow and the best exercise is the one you'll do."
"Not only is this exercise great for the pulling portion of the muscle up, it's also great for the transition as well as the pushing."
"The Planche pushup is one of the best at building stronger and bigger shoulders, combining isometrics and isotonic, which optimizes muscle development."
"The 90-degree handstand pushup takes compound exercises to a whole new level, utilizing almost every muscle of your body."
"Strength unexercised will atrophy. Inaction makes us weaker."
"Every single time you move your body, you are releasing a whole bunch of neurochemicals."
"I recommend the seated stationary bike as a starting point. It's low impact and improves overall stamina while burning calories without being heavy impact."
"Your main goal is to always be healthy. Exercise and eat well."
"Exercise in and of itself can be a useful medical intervention."
"Exercise really helps us to reverse those negative physiologic effects of stress."
"Suffering itself is not necessarily evil... When I work out, I experience suffering, but we would say this is healthy and therefore instrumentally good."
"Exercise is the best thing I can possibly do to relieve stress. It clears my head, makes me have a mental reset."
"I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet in a rigorous exercise routine."
"Listening to slow-paced music may slow down your recovery and slow pace when actually enhance it."
"Muscular failure is when, despite the greatest effort, a person is unable to meet and overcome the demands of the exercise, causing an involuntary set end point."
"As you get closer to failure, the concentric will move more slowly as you grind out those last few reps."
"RPE stands for rating of perceived exertion and it just ranks how hard your set was on a scale of one to ten."
"Pick an exercise that you can fail safely on and go all out with good form, call out when you think you've got two reps left in the tank, and then keep pushing to see what it feels like to truly go to an RPE of 10."
"You can train hard or you can train long; you just can't do both."
"Training to failure is not black and white. There's a whole hell of a lot of context behind it."
"Exercise of sufficient intensity and duration can recruit the lymphatic system and increase the activity of the innate immune system."
"The squat isn't just one exercise; it's a type of exercise with many subdivision exercises in it that you can use as variations."
"You might train with three or four reps in reserve and maybe do four or five sets."
"The general agreement is that everyone should be getting somewhere between 150 to 200 minutes of so-called Zone 2 low intensity cardiovascular exercise per week."
"Strengthening your quads and glutes and improving balance and single leg control can make climbing stairs much easier."
"The bird dog... is a great exercise for improving your core strength and your core stability."
"Muscle growth benefits a lot from definitely both eccentric and concentric actions, probably a little bit more from eccentric actions than concentric."
"With gentle exercise, the muscles...act like sponges, they're going to suck up the glucose from the bloodstream."
"I think the best thing to warm up is actually doing the exercise you're going to do but with less weight and very good technique."
"Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together, and you have a kingdom."
"Just 15 minutes a day of exercise a person can reduce their risk of heart attack by 45 percent."
"The most amazing anti-aging medicine that we know about right now is exercise."
"The things that increase serotonin are sunlight, sleeping, exercise... when you exercise, the other amino acids go into your muscles leaving decreased competition for tryptophan, and you feel happier."
"And what we've discovered is that when you go for a run or you're fasting, the reason that those are beneficial actually is because they trigger those longevity genes to repair your body and make sure that you don't get as old as you would otherwise."
"A 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease just by doing moderate exercise every week."
"All cause mortality... slowing down aging... a 27% reduction in the rate of aging just by exercising."
"Exercise is super critical. It increases these incredible molecules in your brain called BDNF, which is like Miracle-Gro for your brain."
"Exercise is literally medicine for the brain."
"Exercising muscle releases BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), which goes to the brain and multiple areas of the body to make an impact."
"Fantastic time to really, if you want to start some kind of exercise routine, you're going to love it."
"Honestly, exercise... it's really good to like get your kind of life flowing... it does good things for your brain."
"80% of weight loss is diet, and 20% is exercise."
"Longer a punishment now, it feels good now. Why do you exercise? Because I want to enjoy my life totally."
"Exercise increases total sleep time, especially non-REM, and increases the overall quality of sleep."
"Exercise is the number one factor for our longevity."
"If I have a good workout, it will save every bad day that I have. After a hard workout and a good night's sleep, your problems adjust to their appropriate size."
"As a 30-year-old, you don't get excited about exercising your sleep, but there's a 400% higher risk of dying in the coming year when you compare the fittest two and a half percent to someone at the bottom 25%."
"Nothing compares to exercise; nothing compares to having a high VO2 max, high muscle mass, and high muscle strength."
"Exercise that's of 60 minutes or less and is intense but not all-out effort promotes the exchange of components between the blood and the lymphatic system."
"Ingesting carbohydrates after exercise can help attenuate some of the inflammation that exercise induces."
"Exercise snacks, like doing a really short burst of intense exercise, can mitigate the postprandial glucose response."
"There's a biological thing that changes as well because just by the virtue of you doing the physical activities, you actually get a biological response that's almost instantaneous."
"Exercise isn't really the most effective tool in our toolbox for weight loss."
"It's hard enough to get people to exercise at the level and at the time that you need for your study."
"By moving your body, it's like giving your brain this wonderful bubble bath of neurochemicals."
"Movement is key to aligning your solar plexus chakra; engage in exercises that resonate with your personal and authentic preferences."
"It's not excessive exercise but moderate, regular exercise that supports the immune system most effectively."
"Going from no exercise to three hours a week approximately reduces your all-cause mortality by 50% at any moment in time."
"A daily walk of 10 minutes can be a start for someone who does no exercise."
"I've been exercising... what a difference it makes."
"I've been doing 30 minutes of like, busting out in sweat... exercise over the last couple of weeks and what a difference it makes."
"Exercising is something that you can't do away with if you're healthy. If you are able physically, you should exercise."
"Physical exercise has so many benefits that can help you in your life, in your daily affairs, and even in things that pertain to the hereafter."
"Exercise...gives you a sense of control, a sense of mastery, and it gives you the payoff immediately."
"Physical exercise is a powerful metaphor for your life. It just gives you proof that 'I can do it' and that 'I can get results'."
"When you exercise, your body produces chemicals...that actually increase your sense of well-being, your happiness, your contentment."
"Physical exercises will improve the functioning of all the organs within your body."
"You will start to notice...your sleep pattern will improve. I cut my sleeping hours by two when I started exercising."
"Exercise is in a league of its own in terms of its potential on the lifespan axis and the health span side."
"Exercise is really for the brain, not the body. It affects mood, vitality, alertness, and feelings of well-being." - John Ratey
"IL6 plays a key role in exercise's ability to induce insulin sensitivity."
"Four seconds of all-out anaerobic activity is just as effective as some huge workouts in prompting the kind of changes in muscle fiber development and other health benefits."
"The quality of the movement is the most important thing."
"When we're working on increasing our flexibility, we'll hold our stretches a little bit longer than we normally would because it helps to really communicate the message to the muscle that it's okay to relax, it's okay to release tension."
"Shoulder flexibility isn't a passive stretch; it's a very active stretch, similar to weight lifting."
"You've still got to put yourself in a calorie deficit or exercise to lose that weight."
"For older individuals, it's important to incorporate some power training in their programs."
"Exercise...make sure you're moving your body...get out and do something for like 30 to 60 minutes every day."
"People don't traditionally think of exercise as extremism, but it can be. There are some people that get into it and it takes over their lives."
"Exercising strengthens your heart and increases your blood oxygen levels."
"Weight loss is really 80% diet and 20% exercising."
"We could all use a regular routine of moderate exercise. It's so important."
"Exercise is really important; it also helps with sleep as well."
"You will never regret a workout. Once you're done, your endorphins are running, and you're gonna be so happy that you went."
"Exercise is a really good way to build willpower because well it takes discipline."
"There's a lot of ways to work out, a lot of ways to exercise your body, but one of them is superior to all the others when it comes to making your body look the best. I'm talking about aesthetics, and that's strength training, lifting weights."
"Exercise is a really good way to boost the anti-inflammatory processes and natural ones in your body."
"Exercise is really important in terms of reduction; there was a study that just came out showing that people who exercise have a reduced incidence of severe conditions."
"Exercise should be something that you enjoy... it's going to benefit your health and your body."
"Physical activity versus mortality: benefits start with as little as five or ten minutes per day."
"Exercise could be the first line of attack in mental health treatment."
"Exercise should be part of our containment strategy."
"Exercise is linked with a reduced likelihood of having severe disease and death."
"Exercise is not a clinical treatment; it's not a medicine that's prescribed but is part of something that you can do to clinically improve an illness."
"Let your sweat wash away all your sadness, fear, worry, and hardship."
"It's not just about how much volume you can do and recover from, it is also about how much is necessary for the goal."
"Exercise benefits your focus, your creativity, it helps with anxiety, it lessens ADHD symptoms, it lessens stress and depression."
"Exercising isn't a waste of time, it isn't taking my work time away from me. It's actually a force multiplier for my work time."
"Find something you enjoy, something you want to do. If you hate HIIT cardio, it's not good for you. If you like walking, walk. If you like biking, bike."
"If you sleep really well, it's more important than any exercise modality."
"Horses need so much exercise; they're really big and they love to gallop everywhere."
"Exercise is probably the single most important thing."
"If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health." - Hippocrates
"Jogging around the city...you want to talk about getting in touch with your community, jog around the streets, jog around the blocks, just jog by people's houses sometimes. You see them, and you wave at them while you're jogging. It's awesome."
"It's the best workout you can get while sitting down."
"I love running... It's such a great way to relieve stress, to clear your mind."
"I am stage 3b male 54 and I've seen my first improvement in creatinine levels in years after starting to move more and switching to a plant-based diet."
"Exercise is one of my favorite things to prescribe."
"It's very important to optimize sleep... working out is the key to sleep."
"The best cardio for fat loss is the one that you will stick to."
"It's probably the best thing that you can do for your health, is exercising."
"You've just finished Fitness Blenders indoor cycling workout."
"I want to remind everybody why we really exercise: it's for brain activation, hormone balance, improved circulation, anti-aging benefits, better balance, physical fitness, coordination, better quality of life overall, and of course, fat burning."
"You can make as much as 700% more growth hormone from even short bursts of high-intensity training."
"Exercise should be play, it should be fun. We're designed to go intense and then stop and rest."
"Exercise is called the best medicine in America today, outperforming almost every prescribed medication in the country in terms of its overall impact on our health."
"Exercise isn't about being in competition with anyone else; it's just about you focusing on being your best."
"Can we find a type of exercise that you actually look forward to and enjoy doing?"
"Exercise increases our sleep pressure so it helps to augment the adenosine sleep pressure system."
"We need to start to think and reframe our nutrition and our exercise and be very consistent with our habits."
"What I am saying is that if you want to be healthy, you should exercise and eat well."
"Getting that 20, 30-minute workout in is so much better than just saying, 'I don't have time,' and doing none."
"Exercise and fitness are celebrations of being able to move, in the function that you have."
"Strength training reduced all-cause mortality better than any other form of exercise and cancer risk."
"If you had a drug that improved your metrics the way that exercise improves your metrics, it would be like a blockbuster trillion-dollar thing."
"Avoid exercise that elevates your heart rate. This seems to be a trigger for many long-haul patients."
"Exercise changes the gut microbiome to a friendly microbiome."
"The cardiovascular benefits of exercise are well known, so any mode of transportation requiring exercise is likely to be a superior alternative."
"Cardiovascular exercise such as walking, cycling, or hiking is important to having a trim figure."
"When you're done working out, your cortisol naturally comes down to a normal level and all is good."
"Exercise is a really important part of a total health picture."
"When you exercise, you burn calories...and for those of us who are overweight, we lose excess weight easily."
"Exercise has replaced like drinking as a coping mechanism, which is all-around healthier."
"The bench press places high tension on the entire pec throughout the full range of motion."
"People who exercise regularly require a higher amount of protein intake to maximize performance."
"Sleep was enormous. I think it's the most important thing... I would rather have you skip a workout to get a good night's sleep."
"The best exercise is the one that you're going to do."