
Symbiosis Quotes

There are 545 quotes

"Yes, you wouldn't need to talk. What the day-to-day experience of the AI symbiotic neo-human would be is like having constant access to all the functions of your phone without the input-output delay of your eyes and hands."
"Most of these microorganisms are symbiotic, maintaining a healthy culture of the right microorganisms is fundamental to good health."
"Augmented intelligence is a symbiosis of machines and humans coming together to actually take control back of the world that we live in."
"Without the bacteria, you wouldn't be alive. You can't function."
"Clownfish do in fact live in anemones, and they are immune to the stings of the anemones."
"Masculinity worships the feminine... they exist in a sort of symbiotic beautiful dance together."
"Understanding this partnership, helped me realize the brilliance of Mother Nature, and hence reconcile the existence of parasites in the natural world, and in our rainforest of Pantdora."
"Achieving a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence is extremely important."
"We're really just sort of these human hosts that are host to a whole bunch of bacteria and bacteria are so essential to us functioning."
"The plants, fungal life-forms, and creatures all had a deeply symbiotic relationship, creating a perfectly balanced ecosystem."
"Achieving some kind of AI symbiosis where you have an AI extension of yourself, having that symbiosis be good, such that the future of the world is controlled by the combined will of the people of Earth."
"All life on planet Earth has a really complex relationship with viruses of all sorts and it's not always negative..."
"Ants have learned to keep livestock, but instead of cattle, they breed aphids."
"For me, veganism is more about trying to live in a more symbiotic, harmonious relationship with the planet."
"Fungi enable plant life; plants wouldn't have evolved without their relationships with fungi."
"It's not in fact an eldritch horror but a kind of siphonophore a colony of marine organisms that work together as a hive"
"Symbiogenesis: The theory of organisms evolving through symbiosis."
"Symbiosis is simply an interaction between two different organisms living in close physical association, typically to the advantage of both."
"Researchers have discovered that butterflies that deceive ants into helping them mature their larvae are causing an evolutionary arms race between the two species."
"Plants are our allies and we are always in a symbiotic relationship with the plant queendom."
"Cloak and Dagger formed a symbiotic relationship to manage their powers."
"The idea would be to achieve a symbiosis between our biological mind and our digital mind."
"I would like my faithful brothers ability. What is a knight without his steed, but what is a steed without his knight?"
"There is nothing external to you that can validate you or improve you. Of course, there is symbiosis."
"Batman cannot exist without the Joker, and the Joker cannot exist without Batman. They're symbiotic in nature."
"We are living in a symbiotic relationship with something that disguises itself as an extraterrestrial invasion so as not to alarm us."
"One organism's waste can always be another one's treasure."
"There wouldn't be a Batman without a Joker, they need each other to thrive and this sentiment is reflected in the live-action movies as well."
"But the ants and the plants have a symbiotic relationship."
"Mycorrhizal fungi are incredibly important; it's the most studied symbiotic relationship in the world."
"Symbiotic relationships between marine creatures are crucial to many species' survival underwater."
"Symbiosis is defined as a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species."
"Living in a happy symbiotic relationship with everything in it."
"The colorful clownfish: living in symbiosis with anemones."
"Plants are able to call in the types of workers that they need to feed and protect their roots."
"So, in reality, this thing could be symbiotic."
"They're like best friends spending all day together and both profiting from their relationship which they call mutualism."
"Cooperation between furry friends has ensured their survival."
"Deliberate movements alongside technology: symbiotic behavior."
"We are an ape with a symbiotic relationship to a mushroom."
"After eons of such close cohabitation, the species fully adapted to their role in the symbiosis."
"What started as a simple trading agreement gradually became a tight symbiosis."
"Companion planting is the act of planting two or more species together for identifiable benefits to one of the crops."
"Our gut, it's best friend is the brain, our brain's best friend is the gut."
"Gods, he said, we feed and they protect."
"What a lichen is, it's a great example of mutualism."
"We need them they need us and this is how we Thrive together."
"Mitochondria are bacteria that have started living in our cells; so we provide them protection in our cells and they provide us energy."
"Batman and Gotham City are the yins to each other's yang."
"The young generation of the forest takes care of its fungi, and they support the newly created forest."
"The future is a symbiosis between the human and the AI model iterating together on something, where the AI model is doing the stuff it's good at, and the human is doing the things it's good at."
"Take good care of your weird ancient spy tank, and weird ancient spy tank takes care of you."
"These aid in the cleanup crew aspect, so any waste that the animals produce in the enclosure is going to be broken down by our isopods and our springtails."
"Even after all of this time, the sun never says to the earth 'you owe me.'"
"the bees have been really beneficial for us"
"The relationship between you and the garden should be two-way."
"Fig trees require a unique kind of pollination that only comes from fig wasps. The fig produces an enzyme called phycane, which digests the dead wasp and absorbs the nutrients."
"It's so intertwined it's safe to say that their traditions couldn't survive without this supernatural beast."
"Vampire stars are a real thing they're part of a binary star and they can literally drain the life out of the other star in the system."
"Nature and technology work hand in hand."
"Mutualism has to benefit both species."
"Without fungi, there would be no forest."
"Fungi are vital to living plants."
"Every living plant that is a root exuding liquid Sun into the soil, they will leak 40 to 70% of their energy to feed microbes."
"Earthships and humans, they need each other, they must live together."
"It's a living organism, it's breathing, it's got life pumping into it, and as that life is pumping, it's pumping life into you, and as you're living in it, you're pumping life into it."
"Native plants and native fauna develop complex and highly specialized relationships over thousands of years, and they depend on each other for survival."
"Symbiosis: two things come together and merge into each other, becoming one. It's going to be a very strong spiritual connection."
"Love is not a parasitic phenomenon. It's not a parasite on the external enemy."
"Their arrival is a welcome sight for schools of small fish which use them as shields."
"The vampiric mass theft off their longer-lived partner actually extends their lifetime."
"So that means those plants in exchange for a little bit of sugars given to those fungi, those fungi help those plants grow more vigorously."
"She says that they have become fully symbiotic and can't be separated."
"...Culture really is the important thing here... You can't have a language unless you have a culture and you can't have a culture unless you have a language..."
"The mutualistic relationship between pistol shrimp and goby fish is very beneficial to both species."
"Isn't that so cute? I love mutualism in nature. It brings me such joy."
"It's so important. The fans need the athletes and the athletes need the fans."
"By the bacteria you carry around you, you change the world that you live in."
"We are microbes. We are covered with them, inside and out, and we need to remain that way."
"Each plant attracts its own requisite microorganisms through their novel exudates."
"...the yeast get tremendous advantages out of it, the bacteria get tremendous advantages out of it, it's to the detriment of man, but to the benefit of both those organisms."
"Prions can enable life in complex biological systems and communities, creating different ways for organisms to relate to each other."
"...that's the key to planting plants in your garden is to look for ones that will have multiple beneficial relationships and that way you're getting the most out of each plant that you're choosing."
"Eddie spreads his wings as he flies into the sky as all of the Symbiotes follow."
"I think this is really a fantastic description of them because it's within their hind gut that you find a zoo of microorganisms and protozoa that are swimming around doing all sorts of important activities that make it possible for the termites to to digest their wood."
"The Bison are survivors, they allowed humans to survive and thrive on the Plains as well."
"The lava lizards are catching the flies that land on the sea lion. Great teamwork."
"The gift of the sun is a gift that provides ultraviolet rays for the leaves of the tree, which in turn gives off oxygen, keeping us alive."
"You are what you eat, but in reality, it goes way beyond that. The microbes inside of us are us and we are sort of them."
"We don't know that we have the completely right combination, but the basic idea is one of symbiosis and synergism."
"The connection between the fans and the performers was symbiotic."
"There is synergy between mucus, the microbiome, and immune cells which plays an important role in preventing pathogens from crossing into the bloodstream and stimulating inflammation."
"Spiders can help us by eating insects."
"Plants have a relationship with fungus."
"We are immersed. We are becoming symbiotic with technology."
"The stronger the connection you have with a plant the more powerful it's going to be to work with you."
"There is stability in diversity, especially when the plants form beneficial connections."
"...I think having a watch that works well and charges and gets energy from your body Natural Energy I think that's fantastic and I think there's something symbiotic and an extension of you that it kind of inserts in the watch that you don't get from a digital watch."
"Birds tend to follow ruminants. They're like the sanitizing crew, the cleanup crew."
"Where there's mustard, there must be honey."
"The plant tells the mycorrhizal fungus what nutrients to go out and collect and of course the fungus is out collecting its own nutrients so it just adds a few more for the plant."
"We need animals more than they need us because if they go we go."
"In a weird way, we are technology and technology is us."
"Corals are such fascinating creatures. They're animals, but they have plant-like cells that photosynthesize from the sun to help them grow."
"If I want my plants to thrive, of course, the soil has to be nutrient-dense and rich, and that is the same for our human body."
"The tallest tree is sharing what it's getting from the sunlight with other plants."
"Basically bees help plants to have sex. They transfer pollen from the male parts of a flower to the female parts so it can produce seeds and fruit."
"Bees love flowers. In fact, bees' love of flowers is why they're so important to us."
"If trees grow together in the right combination, in the right family, in the right community, they start to form relationships and create what we can call a macro-being."
"Plants like the lipstick tree help keep everything and everyone on the property healthy by being cleaned of any parasites by birds."
"Plants function at their best when there is many different kinds of microbes living around their roots."
"The more root exudates you have, the more free-living nitrogen-fixing microbes are going to be activated."
"Plants don't grow independently in a garden environment they form relationships with other members of the soil web including fungi beneficial bacteria nematodes insects and worms."
"This partnership is similar to many symbiotic relationships we observe in nature."
"Especially in the case of our bustular mycorrhizae, they need a host plant."
"The fungi have agency in resource distribution."
"Symbiote refers to two organisms living in beneficial harmony."
"This was a symbiote from the planet Klintar, an alien species with one goal: to grow stronger by fusing with a living host."
"Activity and rest: they live in us and we live in them."
"Chords and Melodies have a somewhat symbiotic connection, and the musicians that understand the connections between the two the best are the ones that put out the most melodic content."
"Omegamon is the symbiosis of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon."
"When we farm this way, by stacking the different complementary animals and plants like Grazing in a vineyard, we have a wonderful symbiosis."
"But perhaps the deepest surprises emerged from the relations of the living and the dead in symbiogenetic complexity across the holobiomes of Earth."
"I don't feed the birds because they need me. I feed the birds because I need them."
"A healthy plant is like a symphony, producing exudates to feed the microorganisms in the soil, nurturing a vibrant ecosystem."
"It's a dance of nutrient cycling, where the plant's roots and the soil food web harmonize to create a flourishing ecosystem."
"This is a mutualistic relationship because they both provide a mutual benefit to each other for survival."
"But we don't necessarily want them to lock up those nutrients forever, which is why we need things like fungal feeding nematodes and micro arthropods that will come along and say, 'Hmm, I want some of that delicious juice inside of that fungi.'"
"Plants produce exudates, things that drip out of the root system, by using their photosynthetic energy and nutrients obtained from the soil."
"Microbial symbiosis extends the reach of plant roots into the soil, ensuring access to essential nutrients."
"If you can get the bacteria to do your fighting for you, all you give up is a little bit of space and maybe a little bit of carbon."
"Endophytic bacteria help plants thrive by enhancing stress resistance and nutrient uptake."
"Seeds carry not only the DNA for the next generation but also the microbes that will live in association with that plant for its entire life."
"Bees help plants reproduce by pollinating flowers."
"There's a symbiotic relationship between all journalists and politicians."
"You inoculate the soil from an existing plant that already has good mycorrhizal relationships, and they will spread."
"We really have a symbiotic relationship here."
"Earth is a planet where habitability and inhabitants have become inseparable."
"It's a beautiful symbiotic relationship between me, my garden, and my chickens."
"Bees need flowers, and they need flowers all the time, not just for two weeks in April."
"There's a symbiotic relationship in the industry that when an amplifier manufacturer increases the performance of their gear and we use that gear it helps us with developing and hearing deeper into the music."
"Fungi and some sort of plant washed up on shore together, and what happened was they formed a symbiosis and they colonized dry land together."
"The fungus combs themselves are a mix of digested decaying material, soil, and Termitomyces spores."
"the relationship is this you have the boy who looks up to the man that he wants to be and the man who sees in the boy the childhood that he was denied that's why their relationship is so symbiotic and so deep and beautiful"
"Love and justice don't live without one another."
"Establishing a functioning microbial plant symbiotic relationship is the key to success."
"Wolves and ravens have learned to tolerate, benefit from, and eventually trust each other."
"But cockroaches would actually become extinct without humans. Humans generate the heat cockroaches need, and without us, cockroaches would cease to exist."
"The symbiotic relationship between plants and humans and animals is very real."
"The vast majority of these bacteria that live inside of us, they're actually our friends."
"Fungi embody the very fundamental principle of ecology, which is the relationships between organisms."
"It's like mind-blowing. How is it that the bacteria in the lungs talk to the bacteria in the gut?"
"Bees on flowers dance in circles."
"Plants can actually access those microbes that are in the soil, so we've got soil living microbes that are internalized by plants and become endophytes I think that's extraordinary."
"Interdependence: The dependence of different species on each other."
"What if we co-create a future with the holobionts, right?"
"If there's one thing you take from this, let it be establish good microbial symbiosis with your plants."
"It's a wonderful example of what we call symbiosis, a collaboration between two species to adapt to their environment and allow for their survival."
"Wolves and Ravens are said by scientists to have a symbiotic relationship which means they have a mutually beneficial relationship they are known to hunt and even play with one another."
"In many cases, symbiotes feel that their existence has no meaning and one of the reasons they bond with a host is to give their lives a simple purpose."
"Eventually, once tree and fungus are both big and strong enough, the fungus will be ready to reproduce and it will send up a fruiting body. This is the part of basically all edible funguses that we actually eat, the fruiting body."
"Humans have remarkable immune systems due to their symbiotic relationship with earthborne viruses."
"Plants cannot grow without these organisms inside their cells."
"It's a yes and... but the plant is not able to make their full suite of chemistry their full like vigorous phytochemical potential unless they have that full community of bacteria fungi protozoanemate is there supporting them to acquire all of those micro macronutrients."
"Plants have to have these bacteria to grow."
"Plants cannot grow without these organisms in inside their cells."
"If we take all the microbes away from a seed for example, what we see is that the seedlings don't develop properly."
"Roots don't form root hairs without these bacteria in them."
"The microbes themselves are actually participating in the process of root development."
"The microbes are secreting this signal that causes root hairs to elongate."
"Without the microbes, you don't get hairs at all, and that means reduced absorption of nutrients from the soil itself."
"Healthy plants contain bacterial endophytes and fungal endophytes."
"Endophytes span the continuum from parasite to mutualist."
"Plants and microbes have a mutually beneficial relationship."
"Plants and microbes interact closely, influencing each other's development and health."
"The good part about ajuga repens is that it actually produces compounds that trigger an immune response in the fruit trees."
"Multi-speciation creates the symbiosis and the synergies."
"Mycorrhizal fungi is an essential part of soil improvement."
"Soil organisms...are feeding the plants. That's how it works with natural systems."
"We've evolved symbiotically with these bacteria since the theory beginnings of time side-by-side and without these microbes possibly you would die you certainly wouldn't be living a very fulfilled life."
"It means that plants farming microbes are their farming biology and bacteria the same way that we farm livestock."
"Symbiotic protozoic prokaryotes became so interdependent that they could only exist as a single unit."
"The bees like the flowers, right?"
"Evolution is not pushed forward by the competition of one against another, but by the working together of multiple species."
"Native plants have evolved over thousands of years so there's a symbiotic relationship between the native wildlife and these plants."
"People will always need transport and transport will always need people."
"So if you're not bark photosynthetic anymore, it's a great advantage to have the lichens there."
"They benefit from each other while also being in competition with each other."
"Infecting each other like this is how we maintain ourselves as human is what I think."
"This is a good example of a very tightly coiled ball of mutualism, extremely energy-efficient."
"The Sith and the dark side had a natural symbiosis and they thrived off it."
"Algae grows on reefs, and where you have reefs, you have corals."
"If you want to survive extinction events, pairing with fungi gives you a better chance of survival."
"The most natural way of doing things is creating the most realistic symbiotic relationship in your home that mimics nature."
"The honey and honeycombs produced by these bees are used as enrichment for other species around the zoo."
"This is a food source for our honeybees but it also has properties for us."
"Plants and animals are the environment, and you need these things living in symbiosis."
"After thousands of years of living around each other, wolves and ravens have learned to tolerate, benefit from, and eventually trust each other."
"The coral is responsible for acquiring and distributing the nitrate and phosphate to the zooxanthellae and the coral itself."
"The interesting thing is when you're raising the coral babies they need to get that symbiont or algae in their tissues from somewhere."