
Rhetoric Quotes

There are 633 quotes

"The opposite of Donald Trump rhetoric isn't Donald Trump rhetoric but left-leaning; it's long-form sincerity."
"When somebody calls somebody a fascist or a Nazi... that doesn't make you a Nazi."
"Change the world through your rhetoric and through your influence on people around you."
"What that does is it makes minimum wage sort of like proportional to what people need to afford, right? But it also provides a density incentive."
"It's very easy for people to get led astray by convincing rhetoric and end up advocating for things that if they had really taken the time to break these things down into their component points and principles, they wouldn't actually advocate for because they would realize that what they're advocating for is either impossible or immoral."
"Rhetoric is the faculty of discovering, in any particular case, all of the available means of persuasion."
"It's not because you say something is something that it is what it is. Using hyperbolic and inflammatory rhetoric to describe something doesn't necessarily make it so."
"Populism must always be considered a rhetorical affect, a means of organization, never an argument itself."
"It is better to have less thunder in the mouth and more lightning in the hand."
"When you have rhetoric in the absence of action, it means nothing and it actually puts you in a more vulnerable position."
"I'm convinced Sharp could convince a dog that it doesn't know how to bark."
"Nelson Mandela famously said, 'I fought against white domination, and I fought against black domination.' Putting this into the rhetoric has been incredibly successful."
"Historians of fascism all recognize his similar rhetoric, his common themes, his tactics."
"Understanding rhetoric and knowing when it’s being used as a mask for one’s true intentions can allow us to challenge lies or propaganda."
"President Trump suggested openly the other day that this is the Chinese virus and he was smacked for it."
"I think as Muslims, we may not have the media representation, that's why people are able to come up with this rhetoric."
"All political engagement is rhetoric at the end of the day. Very few people care about policy."
"So ultimately, we get to the stupidest point that you could possibly make, which is how many officers do you need before crime is eliminated altogether."
"Normal, popular, practical accomplishments from President Biden and the Democrats versus 'burn it all down' radicalism being screamed at the top of their lungs by Republicans under Donald Trump."
"Build the wall, you know, and that's it, he brings the house down. Landslide 2020."
"Nobody wants to take your guns except for presidential candidates literally saying I'm coming to take your guns."
"If you're not going to do something about it then don't talk about it."
"Rhetoric is the process of making the worse appear the better cause." - Aristotle
"Ethos, pathos, and logos are the three main modes of persuasion."
"The main reason I think that rhetoric should be taught today is to immunize us against the terrible standard of rhetoric."
"Beyond all of the hysterical rhetoric, there are people who are supposed to be represented."
"In other countries there's extreme rhetoric just like this but they don't have mass shootings."
"We must understand that, as we go forth to try to move the reprobate politicians, our cowardly Congress, that jive, double-lip talk and Nixon."
"Rhetoric is good; actually executing on the agenda that you ran on is even better."
"You think you're gonna fight the government with nukes and drones? 100%."
"Making a legitimate case for your political position is not virtue signaling."
"Don't fall for these sort of crocodile tears from people on the right who say they simply cannot engage with debate on the left because we use these mean names."
"If shutting down misogynistic questions was an Oscar category, she would have won that year hands down."
"Americans are waking up... Donald Trump asked on the campaign trail... what the hell do you have to lose?"
"Fascists hit on important topics, give intuitive solutions, and have incredible rhetoric."
"It's much easier to get away with bad arguments if it's being presented in a satirical cartoon format."
"Please for the love of God to keep this guy out of the White House."
"That is who he is and awesome this is childish and ad hominem."
"We have to dial back the rhetoric against each other."
"And where will that lead you? Right back to me, ladies and gentlemen."
"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."
"I'm sick of talking about a Department of Defense. I want a department of offense."
"You can't build a political party on owning the libs."
"We are the difference between having a great country."
"The left will tell you outright that if you oppose them... you're wrong, you're genocidal, you're violent."
"We’ll refrain from using fear of its alternatives as a motivating argument."
"So, why are we suddenly claiming that another murder is a gift from God?"
"There is no planet b. There is no planet blah blah blah blah blah blah blah."
"Everything she said up there was the politics of hate, and America is not about hate."
"Joe Biden appears to be at least in his rhetoric going full dictator on us, complete with the Optics of dictatorship and all."
"If there's no such thing as truth, then shut up."
"That sort of inflammatory style works out well for a lot of people."
"I period told period you period so. I told you that as soon as Trump said he's willing to hold the families together, Democrats were immediately going to claim that something egregious had gone on."
"California has turned into all I mean it really yeah so less Donald Trump II be condemned for using that word about places that are not the United States."
"Trudeau says the state now owns your kids, not the parents."
"This rhetoric is a shield for bad behavior. This implies that all black people are going to be on board with whatever the hell is in this trailer or any of the other things social justice related. BLM that is nonsense and this has to stop."
"And now they're even saying 'Make Britain great again,' something you'd think they'd have done in the past seven years they've had in government."
"If you have to result to 'you're racist, you're a sexist, you're a homophobe' in any argument, that trope is dead these days."
"Suddenly, the person who's proposing the most extreme measures is like, 'Oh, that's too much.' So, that was like a very simple technique."
"Now he's trying to walk it back as if we didn't hear everything he said last week, and then he goes out on the campaign trail and he goes back to Dark Brandon again."
"The words of a president matter absolutely no matter whether they're good, bad or indifferent."
"This is not just talk, the others all talk no action, we've done it all."
"What do you need those kinds of weapons for? Deer don't wear kevlar vests for god's sake!"
"It's making policing in America more dangerous by the rhetoric that they're spewing, which is false."
"The Radical Democrats have never been more extreme than they are right now. They are stone cold crazy."
"Our politicians have become the demons." - Ezra Levant
"Politicians would never do something that the voters that elect them didn't want, right?" - Brianna Joy Gray
"Any invading forces that come to Chicago guess what we got bullets and they shoot right through your your your head."
"Talk is cheap. Saying that you're gonna do something means absolutely nothing in politics these days."
"Yeah it's menacing gaslighting anti-democratic lowercase d bullsh."
"You can't have a drought if it doesn't stop raining."
"Meeting Russian absurdity with facts just isn't working. We meet them with absurdities to tie them up in knots."
"The entire argument in many ways is stated so idiotically that it almost defies description."
"You couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, foolish Grug bored merchants, build a wall, you can't stomp the Trump."
"Can you imagine if Trump's campaign slogan is Told You So?"
"It's like if a tree falls and wood does it make a sound, you know damn well it does."
"Ethos might be the most important aspect of rhetoric because if people don't see you as credible, you're done before you begin."
"If I were president, my language would be less divisive. I'd be looking to lower the temperature in this country, not raise it."
"Revolution, you know, smash the system, etcetera."
"We have been hoodwinked, bamboozled, let astray, run a mock and flat out deceived."
"Unless you're reading it as some kind of dog whistle for anti-abortion supporters, it's pretty reasonable."
"Promises made, promises kept. We've kept more promises than we've even made."
"This makes it such a powerful popular argument."
"Can you be motivating and demotivating at the same time? Oh, say no more."
"I'm not really going to do that, but you know, I am gonna say the words that you want to hear."
"Now everyone's a Nazi, everything is far right. It's become ridiculous."
"Now essentially you have nothing more than 'we're going to raise the minimum wage, we think it's a good idea, we're going to open the borders, we think that's important.' And the only justification is some emotional appeal."
"Lincoln understood that ringing rhetoric can be as counterproductive in some situations as it is inspiring in others."
"These arguments are consistent, they have continuity."
"Why are they all banding together to make murder legal? That's not how it works. Make the actual case."
"What matters is that we're able to see through rhetorical strategies."
"How can someone fight another warrior and Fujin a right?"
"Comforting a person or convincing them not to kill themselves is always going to be like that uphill battle rhetorically."
"Power isn't always punches, sometimes it's rhetoric."
"This guy is talking about violent rhetoric leading to potentially violent actions."
"The right is at least rhetorically offering men something other than an HR department every time."
"A story is a rhetorical representation of reality."
"The government's job is not to spoon-feed you BS like your 5-year-old child."
"Either you can use the apocalyptic rhetoric and take this thing seriously, or you could actually use true rhetoric and then maybe we could be a little bit civil to one another."
"Speaking to true eternal values that actually matter, those are the things that win hearts and minds."
"He continues to play divisive games... while he chooses to wear a tinfoil hat."
"The left's utter refusal to acknowledge that the left hasn't been in any way responsible for the heightening of rhetoric over the past 10 years is irresponsible."
"A weak argument followed up by an insult does not make the argument any stronger."
"Does the left need to be more tactful? What you're kind of implicitly asking is, are we capable of controlling the language of hundreds of thousands or millions of populist protesters?"
"Say what they actually mean. You know how they don't say we're pro-forced making you give birth, we're pro-life and it's the same as that."
"Many of us cry, 'The world's gone mad,' but do we even know what madness is anymore?"
"Freedom, you know, but it's like who's coming to take our fucking freedom?"
"Trump's best line was, 'I've done more in 47 months than you've done in 47 years.'"
"All the talk you hear at the end of the day is just talk; it's about how you perform on the day of."
"America sucks what you don't leave when Trump gets elected y'all are complaining I'm gonna move to Canada if Trump gets elected and then you don't."
"Character assassination is a form of assassination."
"I feel like they're supposed to be more smack-talking, cutting a promo."
"Who in the Lord's name told Putin he could send Russian tanks into a sovereign country and face nothing but useless half-measures and meaningless rhetoric? Because whoever it was, he sure knew what he was talking about." - President Biden
"Why do I hate Putin so much? Has Putin never called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic that wrecked my business and kept me indoors for two years?"
"It's not enough to simply beat Trump, he must be destroyed thoroughly, his kind must not rise again."
"In a rhetorical optical sense, Vosh came off as reasonable."
"Black America deserves better... who is Black America to you, ma'am?"
"The question is not why does Justin Trudeau suddenly not love his country because the question is ridiculous."
"The voice of the people is the voice of God." - Elon Musk
"Let's take back that phrase common sense and bring it on our side."
"The whole tone argument is a disingenuous argument, it really is, because if tone actually mattered, then people would have been tone checking black feminists for decades."
"The left wants us to believe that our free speech is violence while their violence is free speech." - John Cleese
"Politicians like Kelly Gertz insist that the problem isn't with policy... the real problem is rhetoric."
"Rarely is the question asked: 'Is our children learning?'"
"It's disgusting, it's grotesque, and the only way of asking her about this is, are you disturbed that the rhetoric is escalating like this? Are you concerned about this new level of fear-mongering dishonesty?"
"You ain't got the stones to challenge me. I'll salt the very earth you wish to reclaim."
"Imagine what wonders you can do labeling critics enemies of the state."
"He's exposing the lack of depth and the emptiness and really, as you say, the satanic nature of the left's agenda."
"Even before the ballots were sent out, he said, 'Well, the ballots, if we get rid of the ballots, we won't have to talk about a transition, we'll talk about a continuation.'"
"You want to make a four-letter word 'wall' when the president said you can call it whatever you want."
"Democrats have branded Republicans... party of death... blood money... potentially killing Americans."
"The Wicked Will perish, he says and the crowd erupts which is quite an Applause line."
"That's how locker room talk, it was just a joke, so just like my whole campaign."
"Persuasion tactics and rhetoric can take over your perception of the logic and reasoning in the discussion."
"Does that change the temperature for or increasing war rhetoric supporting Ukraine?"
"Most of what politicians say is rubbish... but what they do, what are their policies, that's what matters."
"We didn't need a magic wand, we needed a leader."
"Ultimately, this is what the end goal of all of this is, right?"
"We've got a massive massive arsenal of weapons and we don't use them."
"It just felt like we've went back 30 40 50 years with regards to the rhetoric being espoused."
"What a man will do to forestall his final judgment."
"Elizabeth, would you sail to the ends of the Earth and Beyond?"
"Here's the deal that I would take tomorrow if you are willing to put your stamp on it and no longer say pregnant persons if not it just shows how silly all of this is that's the deal that I would take tomorrow."
"Truth, justice, decency, equality, freedom, democracy—these aren't just words."
"They are the toughest of all, the most hard-line in their anti-Russian rhetoric."
"Are people really just going to be that open about wanting to be trampled on?"
"His rhetoric just fans the flames of intolerance and makes the things he complains about like integration, employment, etc., more difficult to attain."
"Friends, Romans, countrymen... It is your Emperor and mighty warrior Savalum."
"This is pre-genocide talk. It is, it's the kind of thing you say before you start rounding people up."
"Colbert offered a poignant reflection on Trump's State of Mind, characterizing his rhetoric as a manifestation of self-delusion."
"Biden's speech represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict."
"If Iran disappeared tomorrow, what exactly does mankind lose? Literally nothing."
"Joe Biden will shut down your state's economy, wipe out your factories, ship your jobs to China."
"If you're that confident in your argument, have a debate with characters. There's nothing wrong with that but that never happened."
"Am I just gonna blow up the world? Thank you, asshole."
"Madam Speaker, you are not God. Your will does not bend the forest or shake the mountains."
"Why did they put my line up there at the beginning of their performance? That line really got under their skin because it was a clear articulation of the conservative position."
"Violent rhetoric has real world consequences."
"If we empower sophists, sophistry does not have to be answered in order to proceed."
"What's the distinction here between law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges doing their jobs normally and this rhetoric that's been amped up by Donald Trump?"
"The libs are not even trying to make arguments anymore."
"Whatever our disagreements may be, there's no conceivable way you can make the right any worse, so please have at it."
"Populism is a rhetoric rather than a political ideology... Some Republicans realized how advantageous it was to them."
"Is gaslighting a new thing? Is propaganda our new thing?"
"He's shown his ability to use his rhetorical skills his legislative skills his leadership skills his persuasion skills to bring people together to get things done."
"Whenever people say there's a lot of smoke, yeah welcome to politics where smoke is the way that this stuff works."
"Republicans are so much better at messaging than Democrats, especially when it's a lie."
"The green new deal is [__] these people are bullshitters."
"They double down in this type of divisive hateful rhetoric."
"It's rhetoric and I wouldn't attribute much else to it."
"Black people don't need reparations, they need liberation from the Democrat Party, mic drop."
"Common-sense gun control I got common-sense gun control for you right here."
"It's the most powerful idea in politics to be like I'm the victim of you."
"McCarthy's harsh words about Trump would soon be a distant memory."
"We'd be against Russians or Chinese we'd be you know we'd be all riled up if Russia said our our national policy is to achieve the Strategic feat of the United States."
"Armageddon is the final conflict of mankind, often invoked to make a point."
"Calling Palestinians Nazis dehumanizes them."
"The tactic is that you say that somebody is intrinsically anti-semitic, and it sticks. And then the media parrot it and repeat it the whole time."
"Sanders made his usual promise to destroy every vestige of prosperity, creativity, and freedom in the country."
"Faith has got to be restored, and words will not be enough."
"If you run for office saying we're not going to let Muslims in, that is not ethically, morally, or legally different than saying we're not going to let Jews in or Catholics in."
"We have to win because there are dangerous, reckless people on the other side."
"Why is the DA repeatedly and predominantly referring to in her use of the words 'they' and 'them' like this?"
"We are going to invest in the needs of the working class of this country, trust me, I wrote the damn bill." - Bernie Sanders
"Demosthenes initiated the speech with scathing criticism not of Philip, but of his own countrymen."
"Historically, blending racial radicalism with anti-capitalist rhetoric has been effective in uniting people."
"He has a very few applause lines and amazing answers, policy answers, calming answers."
"Joe Biden can no better forgive debt than Joe Biden can forgive sin."
"The Pied Pipers of the Sophists are constantly trying to draw you away from reality."
"Rhetoric can be used to any persuasive end. Rhetoric doesn't necessarily need to concern itself with true things."
"Trump's political career has been marred by allegations of divisive rhetoric."
"Almost all dictators in history have risen to power in part by their ability to use words."
"So if they wanna talk about identification being racist, well, let's flip it right back on them."
"Putin's nuclear rhetoric is meant to scare Westerners."
"To claim that the president in any way wished, desired, or encouraged lawless or violent behavior is a preposterous and monstrous lie."
"I want a new national party. We need new language."
"Black lives matter because black lives matter to the corporation."