
Flood Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"I love the old Flood from Halo CE more than all the new ones."
"If the worldwide flood made the great majority of the fossils, then the geological periods do not exist."
"That's what the Bible is talking about when he said the serpent cast out a flood."
"There is monumental evidence against a global flood from several independent fields of science."
"More likely is that during the time of the great flood, you know, that all those were buried at the same time."
"Shoshone falls is at the junction of two channels of the Bonneville flood."
"Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood. Never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth."
"Noah's Ark is said to have come to rest on the Mountains of Ararat following a 150-day flood about 5,000 years ago."
"Tens of thousands of people flood the streets. There are screams and church bells ringing."
"The Sumerian King list not only documents a great flood early in man's history but it also reflects the same pattern of decreasing longevity as found in the Bible."
"In the narrative, the gods, led by Enlil, who was angered by the noise and chaos of humans, decided to cleanse the Earth with a great flood."
"The evidence is so overwhelming that the evolutionist said okay okay, you're right, there was a big flood."
"The Nephilim were believed to be one of the main reasons for the great flood that occurred during Noah's time."
"The marvelous uniformity of the flood legends on all parts of the world alone remains to be dealt with..."
"Y'all literally flooded the responses."
"Every trace of the crime washed away by the flood."
"There was wickedness and the wickedness was very widespread. God chose to wipe out the known Earth at that time. There's nothing local about the flood."
"Can we prove if the great flood actually happened this is history happens people typically the victors record what happens future Generations read those records and accept them as fact."
"Even Aboriginal Australians have Legends like the Baba flood with the exact same story arc all of which end with select chosen ones surviving the flood and rebuilding Society on Earth."
"The scariest part is if you're down here and a flood happens, this whole tunnel can get water in it."
"Folks, you can believe it. As a matter of fact, archaeologists tell us, as they studied the histories of great civilizations, every one of them have somewhere in the background a story of a great flood."
"The ancient legend of the Sumerians tells of a great flood and a boat builder named Utnapashtim who saved all living creatures."
"I mean we bought these waiters after the last flood and we're actually really happy we're getting to use them otherwise they would have been quite a waste of money."
"Make sure it floods only the house, which is something outside the body."
"The greatest flood in American history was upon us."
"The flood answers the problem of fossils and sediment and the rearrangement of the surface of the Earth."
"Was there truly a great flood which Noah, following the instructions of God, managed to survive?"
"The second world's judgment was destruction only of land life, except for the land life found in the ark, by a global flood."
"The scripture is our chief Authority but none of us read it in a vacuum. All contemporary views of the flood are responses to the discovery of the new world in the early modern era."
"What's the promise that God will never again flood the earth? The rainbow."
"...combined these chilling looks with the flood's merciless relentless and almost unstoppable desire to spread and the fact that deadly water is a simple yet inherently spine-tingling idea..."
"It's like the flood story there's no way that everyone across the world without talking to each other made up a flood story."
"Saving a helpless dog during a flood: a heroic act caught on camera."
"A worldwide flood, just like described in the book of Genesis, which is found in the Bible, the history book of the universe."
"God allowed the flood to bring an end to indescribable human suffering."
"The water pushed out into the neighborhood there. We're standing on that porch so you can see the flood level, how high that is."
"Prepare to flood the earth! I could reroute the output capacitor to the tractor beam for one of the conduit boxes up there."
"Stilt houses: Elevated homes to beat the flood."
"He killed the entire world. He flooded the entire world, killed everybody. But no babies when he drowned babies."
"The flood left evidence where a miracle would not."
"The whole world was covered with water, but the water didn't come from rain."
"The flooding uprooted vegetation, moving it to regions where it accumulated and quickly became coal and oil."
"Flood myths from all over the world characteristically and recurrently describe scenes when humans and animals flee the rising tides and take refuge on mountaintops."
"Myths of the new world are not in this respect isolated from those of the old all around the globe a remarkable uniformity reveals itself over issues such as the great flood and the great cold and the time of the great upheaval"
"If you see deep water, water that you can't see through, if you can't see that line in the road, turn around, don't drown."
"You can't consistently believe in millions of years and a worldwide flood."
"If it was a local flood and God's promising never to send another local flood then God's broken his promise thousands of times."
"The story of Noah and his enormous Ark resembles other ancient Tales of floods found in places like Mesopotamia, Greece, and Egypt"
"The flood often arrives as divine retribution for human misdeeds"
"God drowned the whole earth with a catastrophic flood... because sin had taken over."
"...there are only about 35 phyla...but in the Cambrian, they estimate there could have been as many as a hundred...it's a witness to the flood not to evolution."
"...Noah's Flood perfectly explains how all over the earth you have these beautifully preserved fossils and it also explains the Cambrian explosion."
"Well, my dad had the opinion it was just like a local flood."
"There's still motion even 4,500 years later from the flood itself."
"The flood shaped our entire planet, just like the Bible said, including reconfiguring the continents."
"The rising flood waters and tsunamis swept over the land and buried vast amounts of vegetation that turned into coal."
"Rapid plate tectonics must have been a major aspect of the year-long flood catastrophe."
"William Striker is still hurt by the idea of his family dying by the flood."
"The story of Noah's flood is one of the best known and most fascinating stories in the Bible."
"When this sign is underwater, the road is closed."
"Mississippi River rises, thousands flee homes."
"The great unconformity represents the beginning of the flood where the waters rose and erosively cut off everything else that was there before."
"Everywhere you look you find evidence for the flood."
"I dream that the sea came to Winterfell. I saw waves crashing against the gates and the water came flowing over the walls, flooded the castle."
"The biblical tale of the great flood is most known, and there are many other religions and cultures around the world that include stories, references, and hints to a massive catastrophic flood."
"Last year they said that was a hundred-year flood, but here we are again already."
"The wave of water that came into the East Side of Manhattan was about 14 and a half feet high."
"The Bible says the waters prevailed upon the earth."
"The flood represents God's judgment on this planet."
"If there's any sorting to the fossil record, it's better explained by a flood."
"That is not the result of normal drainages and slow erosion over millions of years. That is caused by a catastrophic, large flood."
"A picture of sinful people about to be drowned in a great flood would have perhaps given an extra shudder to a Dutch audience who lived at sea level and lived in the fear of God."
"Flood myths are common across many cultures, not just the Abrahamic faiths."
"The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is the most famous flood myth that most scholars would argue Noah's story was inspired from."
"How high is the water, Mama? Three foot high and rising."
"If the flood was a historical event that actually occurred, a worldwide flood, what would we expect? We would expect that all nations would have written about it."
"If every culture around Mother Earth talks about a great flood, guess what, there was a great flood at some time in our history."
"I knew it would take more than a flash flood to drown you."
"Our thoughts go out to everyone who's been affected by these floods here in Victoria."
"Proves a sudden release of the water of glacial lake Missoula."
"I came home convinced that no other hypothesis other than that of the Spokane flood will ever explain the channeled scablands."
"If there was a flood that did what it says it did in the Bible, then it probably was caused by a comet impact."
"For many people today, that's the story of Noah and the flood."
"The purpose of the flood was to destroy all flesh."
"The whole world was engulfed with water at one time."
"The waters belonging to the flood will not happen again to destroy all flesh."
"It's an astonishing transformation."
"The flood was not mainly for revenge but for atonement, to purify and transform the world."
"Almost every culture has a legend of a great flood."
"Why did all these animals die here all at the same time? Could it possibly have been because of a large seasonal flood that came through and washed the dinosaurs away, killing them, killing all the dinosaurs?"
"I was helping Raymond repair his home after a recent flood."
"The story of the flood is you see that all over the world in South America and in the Mid East and everywhere."
"Once the flood struck, some people did not want to leave."
"One thing we haven't seen today is a global flood."
"This event also caused a worldwide deluge that lasted for weeks on end."
"The story of the great flood... mirrors the power the Anunnaki wield in Mesopotamian myths."
"Facing up to this deluge was one man, immediately designated as a providential leader, the founder of the first great oriental civilization: Yu the Great."
"Every culture has its own version of the flood myth, very similar, which could have been stories passed down because of that particular event where you had solar flares."
"'I'm okay, thanks though,' she returned to the wall, water sloshing out beneath her feet."
"The fact that transitional depositional environments are a thing is great evidence against a global flood in young Earth Creationism."
"There's a version of the flood in every single culture."
"The North Sea flood of 1212, which devastated the Netherlands, is one of the oldest and deadliest floods on record."
"The Saint Lucia's flood had a major impact on the history of the Netherlands."
"The only place where there's been a flood, after the water goes down, walk out into the mud and tell me the first thing you notice: bugs by the bazillions, right?"