
Analytical Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"I'm a numbers guy not this visual new artistic Flair, it's only for your benefit because most of you need it conceptually shown to you on a chart."
"I only look at data. I'm a data-driven guy. I have no emotions."
"Carrick is the kind of person that you can always look at and say there's always going to be a valuable, respectable perspective in that video."
"Being an angler, I'm always trying to figure out the reason and the why as to why the fish are biting or why maybe they're not biting."
"It's like you're looking at it as a puzzle to solve, almost fascinated."
"If he's averaging around 20, those stats could be padded, and if his team is successful, my numbers are substantially."
"I'm very interested in comparing things, comparing pairs all the time."
"Get used to the idea of analytical listening."
"You are very analytical, you're very logical, you're very realistic, you're very optimistic."
"They're so analytical to seeing what the problem is, they want to take out anything that does not work in the system because they want the system to work smoothly."
"You're highly analytical and insightful, great for problem-solving."
"Virgo energy is very analytical, constantly moving, constantly analyzing, constantly observing."
"There are 50 who can reason synthetically for one who can reason analytically."
"She was both very creative and artistic and analytical and academic."
"They're very analytical when they speak, they can see through people."
"I'm loving this conversation we're finally getting to the deeper more analytical evaluation of how to roll out a robot taxi Network."
"You have to be analytical, but politically, you kind of need a crisis to shock people into doing anything about it."
"When you observe things with this very process-oriented mindset, this very analytical mindset, it's interesting, you learn a lot."
"I have my creative side and I also have a very analytical critical thinking kind of side to my brain."
"Spotting patterns is one of my strong suits."
"I was hyper-focused on this editing. I don't think I've ever been able to move so analytically through clips before in my life."
"But I also think that there are people who are naturally really good at that sort of thing, you know, really good at that kind of academic, analytical way of breaking down art, seeing the language of it, and being able to communicate it."
"That's the type of question that is very, very, very analytical."
"Dealing with an application of this sort inevitably requires an analytical approach to the evidence and arguments. However, none should forget the consequences of these murders and attempted murders."
"You're very wise. You notice things that other people don't see. People see you guys as very intelligent or very wise or very... like you notice things that other people don't see. You're very analytical. People do see that about you."
"I adore picking this movie apart with all those nitty-gritty details."
"...solving problems analytically and structured way..."
"...the ability to solve problems in a structured way..."
"This is referred to as data-driven diagnosis."
"I used to be an engineer, so I'm a nerd; I really like graph paper."
"Some people are data driven and want to know numbers."
"Depending on the situation, you can choose to be more analytical or more intuitive; you can adapt."
"Reflective models can help us think about experiences in different ways."
"Analytical employees analyze information and data to obtain facts that empower them to make the right decisions."
"He was very analytical and he had such deep thinking."
"I'm an accountant by nature; I like numbers, I like data."
"Hermione is incredibly intelligent and analytical with a remarkable ability to retain and recall information."
"I like to think of myself as an analytical person, and I try to rely on evidence for most of my beliefs."
"Analytical techniques... are very, very important in chemistry because we need to be able to identify what we have and what we don't have."
"It just really appeals to my analytical and logical brain."
"Single quad mass specs are the workhorse of many analytical labs."
"Numerical reasoning tests generally focus on a number of numerical skills which have day-to-day use in virtually every business environment."
"He's so analytical; I remember we were watching, that's the number one player in a baby, sports on top."
"For me, it was very much like, I think it's very analytical, like I like the numbers aspect and I like the challenge."
"It's a beautiful in-depth, no-holds-barred explanation of the game."
"This is Bo's left brain: objective, logical, cold, analytical, aware of patterns, aware of trends. He's efficient... and a prick."
"He's very analytical, very to the point."
"He's analytical with each of the events, takes a really great approach to them."
"I was not raised in a religious family. I like to think of myself as an analytical person, and I try to rely on evidence for most of my beliefs."
"We pay attention to data and not just personal opinion."
"There are other people whose minds are more in the data."
"When you learn songs, learn them analytically; don't just learn the notes."
"As a natural healer, you are someone who's very analytical and perceptive and intuitive."
"Ravenclaws are analytical, intelligent, logical yet impractical."
"Be systematic, be logical, go through it carefully."
"Substantive analytical procedures... help us identify those areas where something looks a little fishy and we might want to take a little bit deeper look into it."
"Approach it in a very cold-blooded way, a real classical MIT way, very cold-blooded."
"I'm an analytical type person and I listen to things people say."
"I'm a numbers guy, so if something doesn't add up, I like to figure out why."
"He is a very linear thinker; he's very structured."
"I'm somebody who's real analytical and I think long term about everything."
"I'm hyped for analytical and a little like spreadsheets; I like pros and cons lists, I like facts."
"I've always been very analytical, and I love looking at facts and data."
"The derivative is a first order approximation; it tells you that if you move a very little from the point x, then the functional value of f(x plus h) is nothing but f(x) plus f'(x)h plus some very small error."
"I'm a very data-driven person, right? And that's... I'm big on data."
"It was the perfect job for me in so many ways because it combined that sort of science analytical, that inquiring mind side of me, and then the other side of me which is just pure love and cuddles."
"I'm strongly analytical because of my Turkish roots, I am a natural tradesman and I have the entrepreneurial mindset."
"This person is looking at the facts, they're calm, they observe."
"Kasparov really plays like a computer."