
Entity Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The entity is said to have become Bolder, more aggressive, and more intent on achieving its purpose."
"Ultimately, SCP-1077 is a highly intelligent entity."
"This being is billions upon billions of years old, there is no doubt this is a living entity."
"They're both convinced that whatever entity this was did not want to be bothered."
"Cuddley the Cick is an interdimensional entity that travels between dimensions, time, and planets whenever he wants to."
"Leviathan and its cabes finally achieved a stable means with which they could enter the realm of Man."
"The hell priest is indeed a single being that has inhabited multiple bodies since the beginning of Leviathan's inroads into the Mortal realm."
"It's about a boy who is haunted by this entity in his house and his parents don't believe him."
"Perfect, I found out there are four; one is a level four entity, his name is hipos, the H is silent, the other three are Level threes. Let's do this."
"Our relationship is like a bubble, we want to protect it, it's its own entity."
"He's not a timeline or a mirror world or a kaleidoscopic multiverse. He is more."
"We literally had an encounter with some type of entity. It was terrifying."
"They could appear to you looking like Carlo, for instance."
"All businesses are the same. It doesn't matter whether it's a lemonade stand, you know, or Amazon. A business is an entity, the single purpose of which is to make a profit. Period."
"Gilgamesh is more than just a weapon, it's an entity he treats it like a person, he talks to it, respects it, and unleashes its might only on those he deems truly worthy."
"SCP 49 is a humanoid entity roughly 1.9m in the appearance of a medieval plague doctor."
"The unknown entity that had haunted our nights was George, a man lost in time, his whispers a plea from the other side."
"I believe the entity fueled the flames when things were good and went dormant when things were bad."
"To this day I have zero doubt that we saw some sort of paranormal entity."
"Breaking through his mind is protected from most of the entity's control, but he must be made aware of its presence. The entity will fight back, keep him from seeing it. He needs a stimulus, something inspirational to draw upon."
"One of the more interesting claims involves a possible dark entity that resides in the back Trails behind the museum."
"What if the entity is something so strange that it would scare us so bad that we couldn't even be in its presence?"
"The place has an entity of its own and indwelling personality," Amber Ville declared, "it's there like the soul in a human body."
"This is not Freddy Krueger; this is an entity of an unknown power set that just happens to like the shape of Freddy since it's inhabited it for so long now."
"The entity’s physical form was trying to preemptively strike at the enemies of the Motherland."
"If you see an entity that could be linked to different objects, you might have to create a linking table for it."
"A Demon Lord is a symbol of power."
"Our body is merely the appendage of a powerful spiritual entity."
"An entirely black entity, horrifyingly evil."
"Cancer is almost like a living entity."
"The entity wasn't just a destructive force. It was intelligent. It was testing us, gauging our response, our capabilities."
"There is no denying the ever-present danger of SCP-3812."
"SCP-3812 is a powerful aggressive reality-altering entity."
"We were trapped in the wilderness with an entity that was as fascinating as it was terrifying."
"The village reportedly experienced visits from a flying humanoid entity described as an Angelic figure."
"It was a living, breathing entity, a tapestry woven from the thoughts and dreams of every sentient being within it."
"The most well-known entity at the Edinburgh Manor: The Joker."
"But biological forms are not made of parts and a whole. They are actually overlapping entities."
"It's arguably the most important entity you're ever going to create."
"SCP-1013 is a frightening reminder that, while many entities have piercing gazes, comparatively few can end your life - Few, however, does not mean zero."
"...so I'm just gonna use one table for this entity. However, this is not really how you know the big companies do that type of thing."
"An entity bearing his likeness has been cited across campus, usually right near Bancroft Hall, where the spectral Lieutenant has been known to wake sleeping officers through the night with a luminous, soul-piercing stare."
"In the world of the SCP Foundation, this entity is also seen as one of the most feared."
"A definition is a declaration that fully defines the entity that's being introduced."
"Wish You Were Here is its own unique entity."
"...there is a hypothesis that an entity such as this that is bound to a human level of intelligence would suffer from an overexposure of narrative."
"Dark Matter isn't just a character but an entire species."
"...this thing seems to be able to communicate telepathically."
"Every bit of that thing screamed evil."
"Encountering a tall, thin entity with glowing red eyes."
"An entity means a self-sufficient form of existence as against a quality and action or relationship etc."
"Facebook is the single largest entity in terms of users in the world."
"The universe is starting to wake up, becoming a thinking and living entity."
"Once you put all of that together, you end up with Adonalsium."
"The audit's approach for this type of entity should include careful planning."
"In its 500 millennia of existence, the entity had been given many names."
"The ranch might host an intelligent entity, possibly serve as a gateway to other dimensions, or even contain a secret underground base."
"No face is a monstrous entity that towers above those around him."
"It's arguably the most complex entity in the known universe."
"Each entity is limited, finite, definite, specific."
"The nature of the entity is the cause; the action it takes is the effect."
"This is a very real entity that people were experiencing."
"The entity is a very complex artificial intelligence."
"It seems to be an entity that can camouflage itself."
"It's not an aggressive entity; it's just... it just exists."
"I remember seeing language as an entity unto itself, seeing the spirit of language."
"If this was not indeed a shared delusion, then there must have been an entity that only residents of Huashi Village could see and interact with."
"The beyonder decides to study and analyze life and humanity, good and evil, and conflict."
"It's not the house that is haunted. The entity is following Franchesco himself."
"An entity can slip through that door and exercise their dark influence through our nightmares."
"If you view the entire world as a spiritual entity and you are a spiritual entity in it, spirit is something as beyond your physical form."
"There's definitely an entity or two in here."
"The fear of absolute disappearance has its origin in the belief of being a separate entity."
"Attribute is the property of an entity."
"A company must see itself not as one entity comprised of nameless components, but instead as a living organism composed of cells, each one essential to the functioning of the whole."
"The Zozo phenomenon is the fact that people from all over the world have reported an entity named Zozo."
"The ultimate result is the creation of a Bonafide legal entity having separate and distinct judicial personality standing to sue and be sued."
"There's not kind of like saying this is one entity and this is another entity; they're really kind of all the same thing under the hood."
"Eternity is a wickedly cool abstract entity."
"Death is one of the entities in the Marvel universe who has had a major impact."
"The Rake is an entity that feeds on inducing nihilistic thoughts."
"What we're facing, it's not human. Shade called it a spiritual parasite, an otherworldly creature."
"I've always seen you as like an individual, like your own entity."
"Galactus is a massive cosmic entity who is so powerful that he has to devour planets in order to sustain himself."