
Sign Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"If you have something that people would pay for, this is your sign."
"There is your sign, there is your confirmation. It's time."
"It felt like a sign that I made the right decision."
"Hey, that's a sign you're doing something interesting."
"It might be a sign that you are destined for something extraordinary."
"I've been having nightmares about our wedding day and I think that that's like a Telltale sign that something's wrong you broke it off."
"It'd be a sign from Christ that uh was destined to be a gardener."
"This new opportunity is helping you, and it's evolving you, and it's going to be a shock to others."
"You're being guided that your money's going up with the peacock on the quarter. That is a very beautiful sign."
"Life is an adventure, guys, as the sign says."
"This shall be a sign: a baby. I mean, come on, a baby."
"Prosperity or no prosperity, whether my family needs help or not is a sign."
"Fearlessness is in fact the sign of enlightenment."
"When you see a world war, it signals the coming of the Messiah."
"Are we living in the end times? Has it started? And if it has, what's the sign that it has begun?"
"The problems are a sign that you got power."
"A baby may be born as a result of this connection... it's a really strong sign from spirit."
"It's never a good sign when... 90% of the dialogue is a voice-over addressing the audience directly."
"When you want to eat the crust alone, that's a really good sign."
"When you find blue, it's a good sign."
"Matt got himself a flat button which is a very good sign."
"That means that the momentum is going down, okay, so there is a sign of reversal."
"You got up out of bed today, that's a sign that you're resilient."
"If there's not a sign from the universe to back off from this girl, I don't know what is."
"That's it, Henry. Just a sign. That's all I..."
"The Lord was saying that you're going to know because I'm going to give you a sign."
"Medjugorje is a sign to all of you and a call to pray and live the days of grace that God has given you."
"Take this as a sign that this place will make you feel like home, this place will make you feel at peace."
"She's calmer, her demeanor changed, which is a huge sign."
"It was a sign that we were very close to justice."
"This is not a good sign for Wrestlemania, brother."
"Give me a sign, just give me one more."
"It's always a good sign when you can see the tire tracks."
"That's pretty comfortable stroke and a good sign for Masato Yoshioka."
"The fact that you're walking around, that is a good sign."
"...someone put up this funny sign many years ago, 'petrified watermelons: take one home to your mother-in-law.'"
"Yay! Go you! You will recognize the Messiah by this sign, you will find a baby wrapped snugly in a blanket and lying in a Manger, go and see him."
"Guys look at that, I told him I wanted to Triple up and that happened boys, if that ain't a sign I don't know what's a sign."
"God, if she's the one for me, I need you to give me this sign."
"Well, it's not rattling. That's a good sign."
"Red o means no - no motor vehicles."
"Visiting my mom's grave, I felt a connection. It felt like a sign for my mother."
"I had this sign made for my front door about two years ago surprisingly it works exactly as I hoped it would: 'Attention: there is a twenty dollars upfront fee for any unsolicited sales pitch.'"
"A big sign of intention that they could have kicked that penalty."
"I feel like this is a sign that I can have good luck in my future."
"Hunger is a sign of health. Healthy people feel hungry."
"Something about this person in business is going to give you a sign."
"This is your sign, basically. If you're asking for one, this is proof."
"Consider it a sign of your innate spiritual abilities."
"The Sabbath is a sign that God makes us holy."
"And what will be the sign when these things are about to take place?"
"I'm getting really excited because the hanging stuff is like the things I wear every once in a while or not as much. But the fact that I can get rid of a huge pile out of the stuff I wear a lot, it's like a good sign."
"That's the Holy Spirit calling you. That's a clear sign of it happening."
"Circumcision was a sign, it pointed to something else. We could say it was a sign of God's physical people, Israel."
"It's a sign that points to Calvary. Baptism is a sign that points to the need for death, burial, resurrection, union with Christ by faith."
"It was a sign from god that mega margaritas is my dream."
"Approve. Finalize. Sign. Broadcast."
"There's a sign and a fence guarding the area, and the sign reads as so: 'Unauthorized entry is prohibited.'"
"Well, that's an ominous sign alright."
"They say they hate you but that's a sign that they love you."
"Ambulance 2 is always a sign of hope."
"Verily, in the tribe of Sheba, in their homeland, there is a sign."
"I feel like it was a sign so I'm very very excited to continue on reading this today."
"There's no coincidences in life personally I think that this was a nice little sign from the universe or God or whatever you want to call it that this person is on the right path."
"I saw it as a sign that maybe, you know, hey, maybe this is something I should do."
"If you're looking for a sign, this is it."
"You had to see that, Daddy. It's a sign."
"The phenomenon of soul shock presents itself as a compelling sign of the twin flame connection."
"Rainbow, it's a sign, Charlie. It's a sign."
"It's a sign, it's a sign, it's divine"
"The sacrament of baptism is a sign from God to his people."
"They knew that it was the day that the Lord should be born, because of the sign which had been given."
"The temple being rebuilt is a sign of the return of Christ."
"What's Julian's zodiac sign? Aries."
"If you're looking for a sign to stay alive, this is it."
"I set my rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
"If they're still feeling this, if they're still trying after 3 months, that's a really good sign."
"Say, O Prophet, Allah certainly has the power to send down a sign, though most of them do not know."
"On the wings of a snow white dove, God sends his pure sweet love, a sign from above."
"Knowing the story of Jam, I can see that this is actually quite a good sign."
"And when she opened that door, there was a sign that said 'Everybody welcome.'"
"I set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth."
"You were looking for a sign from the universe, this is your sign."
"You are going to have such an unusual sign from somewhere else, from the spirit world."
"If you're here, I think it's a sign in itself that something has brought you here."
"This was the first sign that Yeshua did in Cana of Galilee."
"Indeed in this area is a sign for you if you are believers."
"And hallow my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the Lord your God."
"I've been hearing reports that a volcano over here, it's been inactive for decades, just recently started erupting again. It's got to be a sign."
"If you've been waiting for a sign, this is your sign to go for it."
"Embrace the conflict and say okay this must be a sign that God's call on my life is real."
"God didn't need to give me that sign... but I got a sign, and it had built my faith into believing that a certain outcome was going to happen."
"The Lord himself will give you a sign: the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel."
"That's a sign, that's God talking to you."
"If you're not skating and you're watching these videos, maybe this is your sign."
"This is your sign to go work out if you have been looking for a sign."
"This is your sign to get motivated."
"He said, 'Thus [it will be]; your Lord says, "It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.'
"This Santa stop here sign is so cute."
"Relief washed over me as I saw the sign indicating the end of Clinton Road."
"I have given this sign for all those who have faithfully come."
"I had prayed that God would show me some sort of sign."
"It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever."
"Taking it as a sign from Rogal Dorn himself."
"And it shall be for the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."
"Saint Teresa, the Little Flower, please send me a rose from your heavenly garden with a message of love."
"There was a red rose growing out of a snow bank... I knew that this was definitely a sign that my brother would be healed."
"Start prepping for it right now, this is your sign, this is your reminder."
"Sometimes it takes a powerful sign from God to make a person turn their life around."
"The Aztecs found this sign on an island on the western edge of Lake Texcoco."
"And so will you make him a sign for humanity and mercy from Us. It is a matter already decreed."
"How about that sign from Heaven, how exciting, that's great."
"I have given you a sign of these things, James, my brother, for not without reason have I called you my brother."
"They prayed for some sort of sign, and they got that sign."
"It was maybe a sign from the universe."
"I set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of Covenant between me and the Earth."
"I have come to you with a sign from your master."
"Aaron's staff turning into a serpent was a miraculous sign from God to demonstrate His power to Pharaoh."
"I set My bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a sign of a covenant between me and the earth."
"I learned a lot from that time, then I realized maybe that was a sign, like I have a greater purpose."
"This is your sign to make a new friend."
"Therefore the Lord himself shall give you a sign."
"Look at the rainbow. Oh wow, I feel like this is another sign that I'm on the right track."
"Feeling grateful is a sign of self-love."
"Guys, if you haven't tried making one of these trees, this is your sign."
"If we have compunction and contrition, that's a sign of the presence of the Holy Spirit."
"Guard my right rulings and do them, and set apart my Sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, to know that I am Yahweh your Elohim."
"If you need a sign to go for it, this is your sign."
"The rainbow that I have put in the sky will be my sign to you and to every living creature on earth."
"The text of the Quran, it is a sign."
"This is a sign for those who have wisdom."
"Beloved, this may be a sign that God is preparing you for what you have been praying for."
"If you're looking for a sign to open a bottle of wine, this is it."
"Maybe it's a sign, maybe I should do both, huh?"
"I feel like this is a sign from God for me to move on and enjoy life."
"This is the sign you have been looking for."
"This will be a sign for you, Hezekiah: this year you will eat what grows by itself."
"I feel like just now as I was walking, I got a sign because a ladybug flew right into me."
"The sea, that's what they will show you, that is the sign."
"Don't give up on you. Just give me a sign."
"If there is something that you've been wanting to do and you've been waiting for a sign, let this be your sign."
"It's just a sign from the universe, I think, to remain positive."
"Sometimes all you need to change your life is a sign, like an actual sign."
"Everything in the world is created; the tree is created, the human being is created, everything is a sign of the creator."
"Frustration might be a sign for a realignment."
"When do you think you want to get married?" "I'm waiting for a sign. I need one."
"When this wish is coming, the sign will be a sudden rain."
"The state of Oklahoma shall be a sign of the Finger of God coming upon the United States of America."
"Pop on some blush and live in the moment, this is your sign."
"That's just like a sign from the universe; this is going to be a great day."
"May this solar eclipse be a heavenly sign that God is fighting for us, giving us victory over darkness."
"Look out for the arrival of a little Robin red breast as a sign."
"If you're here, I feel like it's a sign in itself."
"No such thing as a coincidence; it's a message, it's a sign."
"If you needed a sign to let go of something so minuscule that is causing you stress in your life, then this is your sign."