
Animal Quotes

There are 264 quotes

"It's gonna come in the form of an animal, it's either gonna look at you, it's either gonna fly in a bizarre way, it's either gonna do something unusual or it's either just gonna be unusual in itself."
"Finally, the little dog with a big following whose daily forecast has become a must for millions..."
"This corgi's got to be the cutest dog I've ever seen."
"A dog was found three weeks after being swept out to sea, taking shelter on a floating island of debris."
"Feast your eyes on this extraordinary creature, a goat."
"I think I saw a panda with a thing on his nose. Oh, it's a book!" πŸΌπŸ“–
"During World War I, a pigeon named Cher Ami saved the lives of 194 soldiers."
"Benji really saved me, he's the best companion I could have asked for. I mean, there's nothing better than being able to cuddle up with an animal that loves you at the end of a long day."
"Rex was credited with saving 65 lives during his tenure."
"Get ready for what you're about to see. This is a Border Collie named Syla and she lives in her own mansion worth half a million dollars."
"The happiest animal on this planet is a quokka."
"It's the Essex Snoop Dog. They thought it was a lion, didn't they? So Teddy Bear was a ginger cat mistaken for a lion, giving rise to the Essex lion scare."
"This might be the most exciting animal of all of them that we found on this entire trip."
"They are 1000, 1200 pound animal."
"The trick here is to remain as calm as possible without alerting the animal."
"This brave man stood his ground to the bear and the animal stopped the attack instantly."
"A typical Bigfoot sighting reports a large bipedal, vaguely human-shaped animal."
"Hammerhead sharks are just like the better version of a shark. Super good animal."
"Blue whale, super good. That's the biggest one. Super good."
"Jellyfish, super good. They're gel, they're blobs of jelly that might kill you. Yeah, I envy them."
"Swordfish, super good. We love anything with a built-in sword. That's very cool."
"Octopus, super good. Water creature. I like when they predict the future. I like everything they do."
"For a man who was treated like an animal for most of his life, Logan sure managed to end his story in the most human way possible."
"At the end of the day, it's just an animal like any other animal."
"Their thick, oily fur is hydrophobic, meaning it repels water. That's right, the wolverine is waterproof, talk about a real superpower!"
"Talking about animal female elephant..."
"This right here is Beast, the world's first largest tortoise breed."
"The animal walks beside him, allowing him to capture the full size of this creature as it strolls along only a few feet away."
"I love this baby armadillo so much why are you so little oh he's going to go hide in his armadillo hut Hil there he is as long as there's no oh look at this look at his name he's a screaming hairy armadillo."
"None of them are the only ones incomplete is actually an animal protein."
"Yuka's body was in really good shape, its body measured about 2 and 1/2 m in length and it was remarkably intact with her trunk bones."
"This is like exactly what I had envisioned, a sulcata tortoise just roaming around the zoo."
"That red panda is the cutest animal I've ever seen."
"Unlike its cousin on the island part of the province, the Labrador Marten is thriving."
"That's a mighty Beast. It's a big animal. That's a lot of cat."
"To deny an orc the thrill of a battle should be seen as borderline animal abuse."
"The Belted Galloway, known for its distinctive white belt around the middle."
"This highly skilled Silent Hunter surely is one amazing animal."
"The blue whale is the largest living animal on Earth."
"A loud sound, that's a really loud animal."
"humans were made to be seen as nothing more than just a more highly evolved animal"
"The sea otter can live its entire life without leaving the water."
"It's pretty incredible, isn't it, to have such a big animal this close."
"An animal could have easily pushed the door open on its own and walked inside if it wanted to."
"The hoaxes draw attention to the animal."
"Chad, the largest animal that's ever lived on Earth!"
"I can't believe I've just been punched like it's hilarious. Suppose what would you do to an animal like if in defense? You probably naturally your reaction, you're not going to try and like get in a rear naked choke, are you? You're probably going to try and strike it."
"And let me show you the other one. This one's name is Tempo, which means elephant, and well, she looks like an elephant in a shell, doesn't she?"
"You still think it's an animal? I did. Okay, I thought it was a rat. Well, it's a melon, yeah, well, it's a melon, yeah, well, it's a melon, yeah."
"110 out of 10 would recommend this animal for the advance snake keeper."
"This is Marty the zebra Mor eel, he is an absolute Beast."
"He looks like a freaking golden Mor eel hybrid, that is freaking Insanity banana Mor hybrid bro."
"He is the best. He is the best bull we've ever had. He's got a personality of his own. He knows what's going on all the time. He's very brainy bull, I think. I've had a lot of good bulls over the years, but I don't think I've ever had a bull or seen another bull like Chainsaw."
"The tarantula placed on Daniel Stern's face in Home Alone was real and named Barry."
"When a beaver comes into one of these sets, you don't grab the bait and pull back on it, it actually grabs the bait he tucks it underneath his belly and goes through your kind of bear."
"That's a red panda. He's so cute."
"...these generic muskrat glands this is a typical look at at of a gland in any animal you can you use these in coyote gland lures Fox clan lures you can use them in gland lures..."
"The overall structure of this creature is an animal that prefers to live in the trees but will come down if the environment is disturbed, leading to bipedalism."
"It's just a declaration; it's like a blank interface which says here's what an animal should look like."
"It's a red panda, cool beans, time to get its stink."
"Now he's officially free and loose in the pasture. All right, come on buddy, you've had plenty of fresh grass these past two days."
"Believe it or not, the hammer-headed bat is a real living animal."
"It's called the olinguito and it looks like a mix between a bear and a cat."
"How he's standing up there, huh, that is a gorgeous animal, truly a beautiful creature."
"Go make an animal a friend today!"
"It was his first time ever shooting at an animal."
"...death is not a race it's an animal."
"Our dog would sit at the bottom of the stairs and tilt his head as if he was listening to something."
"Absolutely glorious looking horse."
"This thing had a dead rabbit that it was holding with actual hands."
"Suddenly I heard panting then saw a dog walking from where the door was. It was a great looking solid English Staffordshire Bull Terrier and friendly as hell."
"...this little frog is my spirit animal."
"The next Cadbury bunny is a two-legged dog named Lieutenant Dan."
"From goats to another animal, a beautiful thing happened in the Premier League this week: a cat."
"This is just a happy lizard, man, this is a very happy lizard."
"The mosquito has been called the most dangerous animal on the planet."
"It's just a beast, a big one to be sure, but still an animal."
"Dogs have better hearing than people."
"Wow, look at that beast right there."
"The most important thing is the health of the animal."
"The poor little mouse was all alone."
"Hi everybody, I'm Ella. I'm also a dog who's also very cute, but I'm very shy."
"He was our very first barnyard animal, and he asked us to be a hen, and about two weeks after we got him, he decided to crow."
"What a beast of an animal, fantastic."
"It looks like that rabbit has had a rough night."
"We weren't planning on leaving at that point, but now we've got a little red goat."
"If you could transform into any animal on command, which animal would it be?"
"We have a little neighborhood squirrel that's so cute."
"The thorny devil is like a living sculpture."
"The Tanuki, also known as the raccoon dog, isn't actually a raccoon."
"It looked into my eyes and mewed like a lost kitten."
"Here you are, kitty," said Fatty, and put down a saucer of milk for the little creature.
"The Saint Bernard is a gentle giant that has been saving lives in the Swiss Alps for centuries."
"It's a strange zebra indeed, but one that I'm very pleased I met."
"The tarsier's eyes are like the animal kingdom's equivalent of night vision goggles."
"Sir Nils Olav was knighted back in the year 2008 by King Harald V of Norway."
"We're going to meet the animals today."
"It's the scaly set of armor that makes it the most metal animal on the planet, literally."
"What creature has eight arms? An octopus."
"It's super cute, I like its little floppy ears."
"The Screech belongs to a Tasmanian devil, that's a scary name for an animal that looks so cute."
"Look Hiro, this is your paw print."
"Lassie was never just a pet; Lassie participated, she solved problems, she saved people, she saved her fellow animals."
"Fiona is the world's loneliest sheep."
"Kitsunes are not exclusively found in folklore; 'Kitsune' is the Japanese word for fox."
"Their national animal is the eagle too, wow that's awesome."
"Kira the giraffe is very sophisticated, I think."
"Honduki is an animal, it really is incredible, I love it."
"Octopus is actually one of the smartest animals in the planet."
"It's the world's oldest living dog, 22 years and 50 days old."
"I don't care how common the iguana is, there's still a majestic animal."
"Who could it be? This animal who I did see, can you help me guess this mystery?"
"A caribou can smell food buried six feet under the snow."
"A dog's nose is more sensitive than a human's nose."
"I really like ultimate wild mutt's design; he looks like a Razorback, like a wild boar."
"It's a pretty alien looking animal."
"Zeus the Great Dane exceeds 32 in in height and 150 lb in weight, making it the largest dog in the world."
"He was so fuzzy, he ate a lot of papaya."
"The rare solid color Gunner done it again."
"Poland had a bear soldier that served during World War II; his name was Wojtek, and he was a good boy."
"The moon gave barely enough light for him to make out the dog... and its teeth that seemed to shine like wet silver in the night."
"That little froggy friend is super adorable."
"She is everyone's favorite dolphin."
"The red panda is the cutest animal in this book; it looks like a cross between a toy, a raccoon, and a house cat."
"It's just like the sweetest little bunny."
"The rabbit hopped across the yard."
"Cute in the way that you'd say about an animal that's sometimes called a snot otter or a lasagna lizard."
"Nice kitty," I said. Its mouth opened in a roar.
"If you shave a tiger, it's still stripey underneath."
"Can I please pat your horse? That's probably the most important thing."
"You are an absolute tank of a beast, you are amazing."
"The sheer strength of that dog is just out of this world."
"Suddenly it howled, almost like a scream but a howl."
"Sergeant Reckless, the horse that was adopted by the Marines during the Korean war, would go on to become the hero of Outpost Vegas."
"He is unmistakable and familiar to every child: the hedgehog."
"Owl can't stop hugging the man who saved her after a car accident."
"What an extraordinary animal, extraordinary."
"The tallest mallard duck to have ever lived, known as Long Boy."
"The strength and accuracy of a dog's nose is legendary."
"Well, goose is still here, still angry."
"This frog was having a great goddamn time right hopping around the Christmas tree."
"The little boy has a deep connection with the snake."
"Jake the cat has 28 toes, seven toes on each foot."
"An animal is love, unconditional, unwavering, that's love."
"There was something there, a dog with glowing yellow eyes that looked exactly like my dog."
"The horse is given that much respect."
"Lika actually means wolf in ancient Greek."
"Thankfully we saved this little guy; it was a successful rescue."
"Look at that cute fluffy little face."
"It screamed the loudest of any animal I have ever heard in the wild, hands down."
"What animal has the longest pregnancy at an average of 22 months? The elephant is correct."
"A flea can jump over 200 times its own length."
"The mystery of this animal is of particular interest."
"If I could come back as an animal one day, it would be a dolphin, 100%."
"It was 11 feet long and weighed up to 220 pounds but could run at super speeds for hours."
"The uniqueness of that blue frog's voice... it's so awesome."
"Valentino, he's a magnificent animal."
"He was handsome and striking, a favorite amongst visitors."
"He's a once in a lifetime type of horse."
"He just has the best personality; he's super in your pocket, super duper sweet."
"It is surely one of the most awe-inspiring animals ever to live."
"My horse is happy, it feels physically very good, legs are all working, the equipment looks good."
"190 year old tortoise that's named Jonathan lives on Saint Helena."
"She's got so much personality and character."
"She's got a really cute whinny; she always says hello to people."
"It genuinely looks like it could be the positioning of a living animal."
"You are one of the luckiest cats ever."
"The pony turned a reproachful eye on her but otherwise accepted his fate philosophically."
"If this sweet little bunny could talk, I'm sure she'd say thank you."
"A dog's sense of smell is estimated to be ten thousand to one hundred thousand times better than our own."
"The vision of cats is six times more acute than humans."
"Cheetahs... they are the fastest land animal and can run up to 70 mph."
"He's such a perfect animal for this place."
"He's a beast of a crocodile. I love him with every bit of my heart."
"He's a big beautiful boy. I love him."
"Cyrus Harding was not mistaken; at Jup's neck hung a small bag."
"The whole internet loves Milkshake Duck, a lovely duck that drinks milkshakes."
"Free me, lord, please," the zebra wild-eyed with fear looked straight at me.
"Accounts of cats who find their way home after traversing great distances are truly amazing stories as they speak to the bond that connects feline and human."
"What color is a giraffe's tongue? Purple."
"Now, is this a cool animal or what?"
"Hans is a German cat with three degrees from the University of Heidelberg."
"Look at that sassy Gator, oh my gosh, I love it so much."
"It's not a good idea to starve or to dehydrate or to cause discomfort for your animal during that time."
"I just saw a four-legged shadow running away... it definitely looked like a dog."
"Big Jake became famous all over the world."
"The honey badger is an amazing animal, they're my favorite."
"I love a brown chicken; it's just so warm and friendly."
"Big beautiful brown eyes, round belly, eight long hairy legs, and a mischievous personality."
"The amphithyonids... were huge, the largest one weighed about 1700 pounds."
"What color is a giraffe's tongue? Oh, isn't it like blue... green... blue, yeah."
"Elvis here, what an absolutely amazing animal, I always say he is like my pet dinosaur."
"This is a little fireball python and it is so cute."
"Live your best life, little goat."
"This cat is like a tough Vegas city cat, and that's how he's able to roam around without the coyotes messing with him."
"Brownie the rabbit also made a full recovery."
"What type of animal is Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle? A hedgehog."
"This spooky creature flies at night, and when it sleeps, it's not upright."
"The hippo looks so happy, dozing quietly."
"I love the steam coming out of their nostrils, it's so cool."