
SEC Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"LaRon stepped into the heart of the SEC playing for Nick Saban his first two years and then Les Miles Learners last year he started 10 games as a true freshman safety in the SEC."
"The odds are against the SEC significantly, you need a false statement."
"On March 14, 2018, the former couple were each personally charged with a massive fraud by the SEC."
"How do you create accountability when it's almost as though the SEC has acquiesced?"
"Now this seems to make sense considering what what did i tell you guys a couple weeks ago i've been telling you for weeks the sec has been sending letter after letter requesting information to basically everybody under the sun in crypto"
"Part of a bigger challenge for the SEC: They're trying to keep up with the fast growth of the crypto world."
"Congress could stop the SEC from using its regulation by enforcement approach on crypto projects."
"SEC's enforcement push will fundamentally change how cryptocurrency markets work."
"SEC regs will change cryptocurrency markets."
"The SEC is now playing like a mom and dad who are getting divorced."
"Ripple can now depose the former head of the SEC finance division."
"The best football is in the SEC and that's where they're going to go."
"Alabama's points per game scored in the first half is almost better than every other SEC team's points per game scored in the full four quarters."
"Ripple CEO says that the SEC contradicted itself by suing over XRP then allowing Coinbase to IPO."
"The stock market might be a jungle but the SEC is finally waking up from the coma."
"A lack of clarity from the SEC about what is and what is not a security is hurting the industry."
"The SEC might not be a fan of it, but Coinbase might just be too big for the SEC to stop, especially since the SEC helped Coinbase to get where it is right now."
"However it gets passed, the SEC needs to make a move here."
"You can check in with the SEC but you can never leave." - Warren Davidson on structural issues with the SEC.
"The SEC is moving at about the speed of a hundred-year-old tortoise with a broken ankle." - Perry Anne Boring on the pace of regulatory progress.
"The SEC took a big step backwards on a key issue during the court hearing."
"SEC and CFTC are vying for who's in charge... Very interesting conversation about this."
"The SEC whistleblower program has resulted in more convictions that actually cost less money to pursue."
"Yes, that's going to make the SEC rethink about settling for sure."
"I don't see how the SEC would not capitulate at that point and just settle."
"What we need is regulatory clarity for crypto, not the SEC swinging its billy club."
"It was jay clayton's ico strategy, and the hinman speech was a core pillar of the strategy."
"The SEC needs to provide more regulatory clarity."
"This is a tale of two SECs: Ethereum's SEC versus Ripple's SEC."
"The SEC legal team is completely incompetent."
"Former SEC chairman bringing an enforcement action made the decision seem political."
"Why is it the case that everybody comes to about the same conclusion which is like wow this is tremendous sec overreach?"
"The SEC should have the function of protecting the investor."
"She's SEC Sixth Woman of the Year this year, easily."
"Elon Musk notoriously kept tweeting about Tesla, which got him in trouble with the SEC."
"The court called the SEC's action arbitrary and capricious, which is just brilliant."
"They have elevated this SEC basketball to right through the best in the country."
"The SEC is too busy with um Mr Zach Morris and Hugh Henny and all those other [ __ ] getting sued for getting sued."
"The Securities and Exchange Commission was very controversial at first because it was seen as interfering with business and the U.S. has been built on principles of individual freedom; this seemed like unnecessary government intrusion."
"The SEC was a strong regulator and it really did restore confidence in the financial markets in this country."
"Bitcoin is considered like digital Gold by the SEC, it is a commodity."
"Bitcoin ETFs will be approved by the SEC, opening the door for institutional investors."
"A really solid win for Phil Fulmer in the ball. Bobo and Manning shaking hands, a lot of mutual respect among these SEC players."
"This is where the SEC is ironically pushing the business is away from public markets and that unfortunately pushes more and more capital appreciation opportunities outside of the hands of American retail investors."
"The SEC, when it comes to football, it's like a telenovela. Every game is a story, every moment creates drama on both sides of the field."
"The SEC admitted to serious errors in its case against crypto firm DeFi Box. The SEC expressed deep regret that inferences were represented as facts when it sought emergency measures such as asset freezes but argued that it didn't act in bad faith."
"I believe the SEC has implicitly accepted ethereum as not being a security."
"The SEC got smacked properly in 2023 as it relates to crypto."
"The Aggies win the game of the year in the Southeastern Conference."
"Public servants saving for retirement are part of the constituency the SEC is tasked with protecting."
"This is why we need an SEC that has clear rules about market manipulation."
"There is nothing better than SEC home opening weekend."
"In my opinion, the SEC is the strongest overall conference that there is in the nation."
"I'm begging for the SEC to make the rules clear, do not lead by enforcement, lead by rules."
"We intend for BlockFi Yield to be a new SEC registered crypto interest-bearing security."
"It's opening night in the SEC and dance moves on point early."
"The SEC has become a really good college basketball conference."
"It's been great; peace be with you, enjoy the SEC, my brother."
"If you understand SEC filings, you know that it's not a bad thing; it's actually a good thing."
"We are pleased that the SEC has announced that it does not view Ether as a security."
"The crypto uprising the SEC didn't see coming."
"We're now an SEC registered investment adviser."
"I really like that Big Ten SEC as well, it's great."
"I think Carson Beck is the best returning quarterback in the SEC."