
Personal Mission Quotes

There are 501 quotes

"We live in a world... where the food industry, the health industry, big pharma, and even some doctors themselves profit from our sickness."
"My mission statement in life is to be happy."
"You've got some important work that you need to do in this life."
"You weren't put on this earth just to succeed and climb to the top; you were put on this earth because you offer something special to the world."
"There are certain marks in our life, right, that you can manage but you don't get rid of, and that's one of them. So it set me on a path to say if I can help prevent one set of parents or one child from ever going through this, it was a life well served."
"My Everest is to bring happiness, strength, and health into our consciousness, into our experience every day."
"Throughout his life, he had this intense compulsion to understand, with total and complete objectivity, the nature and state of optimal well-being, or rather what he would go on to term 'psychological worthiness'."
"What is your life's Mission? What do you want to do? What do you want to achieve?"
"I want to have a good impact on mental health [__] around the world."
"What is your role in this time, in this season? What are you leading me to do? What is your plan, your purpose for my life?"
"I believe in redemption. I believe in rehabilitation. It's why I do what I fucking do."
"I am technically an official journalist. I am... an evangelist is more almost of what I kind of want. I want to just be teaching what I'm learning."
"Your number one job in life is to serve your intuition."
"I am free from everything that I feel like it's holding me back, to go do what I need to do for this world, for me."
"This isn't a profession for me; I am literally doing this to help people."
"It's not about me. My mission here is to create freedom in my life and for my family so we can live a life of freedom, but it's also fulfilling to me to see other people who are willing to follow success, to take action, to work for their dream, and start to achieve it."
"Good, I shall devote myself to a crusade against crime and evil."
"I love doing what I do because I just want people to know the truth."
"I'm gonna make this my life mission, my whole purpose."
"I think this is what I'm supposed to be doing whether anyone's listening or not."
"A man's primary focus should always be on his purpose and mission in life. He should know who he is, what he wants, and why he wants it before considering getting into a relationship."
"Decide, commit, and resolve, or your life's task this was what you were meant to do in life."
"I truly to the to the core of my being I believe that I was saving the world and therefore because I believed that."
"Is this the thing I feel like I was put on this planet to do?"
"The biggest reason to be independently wealthy is for how you can fulfill your mission on the planet."
"I decided to become a vision teacher to do that as my profession and my mission and my vision in the world."
"I'm like I'm on a mission, bro. I can't even hear you."
"I believe I want to impact millions of people. I believe the greatest opportunity for me is going to be the fact that I'm going to change the education system."
"Work hard but also work smart... focus on what you need to do and what your mission is."
"I feel like there's something that you are trying to accomplish."
"My mission in life is to help people. I will not be remembered for the money I made."
"You are called by God created by God to be a saint."
"He made it his mission to save as many innocent lives as he could since he felt that he would never be able to live with himself if he ever gave up."
"Why am I doing what I'm doing? Because I care about doing good in the world."
"Embrace this inner conviction, nurture the vision that God has placed in your heart; let it guide you, inspire you, and motivate you to press on."
"This is Joseph's mission. God has a work for you to do."
"Your mission in life is so important, it will give you purpose, it will give you meaning, it will inspire you and energize you for everything else you do in life."
"I know exactly what I want to do with my life: influence people to the good."
"My mission is Earth, you see my name right? Earth angel. I am an Earth angel, so I'm a healing guy, right? I don't want to tell you guys what's going on."
"The whole universe will help you when you follow your mission in life."
"To protect my friends, I need to reveal the truth of this academy. I need to face the truth and reveal it to the world."
"If there's one or two or even 100 people that I can help out and be in a better position, you know, I think that's one of my purposes here on earth."
"That is my motive for making world rock, you understand, which is the only job, it is my only job."
"Create a mission that makes you jump out of bed."
"This is so, so, so important that you understand this. This is my goal in life, this is my entire business, this is my meaning for existing."
"If I can save one person, it's the biggest blessing to me ever, seriously ever."
"God has a purpose for me. God has a purpose for you."
"Your heart is pure and free, a greater purpose calls you. You follow the winds of change and accomplish your dreams."
"Petting Baxter one last time, Claudio knew what he had to do: join XCOM and find his children."
"I have a mission that will never stop, and that mission is to illuminate the collective consciousness."
"Just do that. What's the thing you're meant to be doing? Just do that."
"The goal of life is to identify something that matters, something that speaks to you, something that's important."
"I see a big part of what I do as creating an understanding and a bond of empathy."
"You've got to be all in, all in for His call on your life, for His mission for you."
"My mission and desire is to focus more on... creating leaders in this world and problem solvers."
"If it dies with me, then it's all for nothing."
"The assignment is about what you do the alignment is about who you are."
"Batman's mission in life is to make sure no eight-year-old will lose his parents to violence and crime ever again."
"Create a definite chief aim and continuously bring it forth, because that right there is what built my own personal relationship with God."
"I consider my life worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task."
"Some people get depressed because of the outcomes they have today, I think most people need to be excited about where their journey is going to be in the next two years."
"I have a mission to fulfill, so I'm gonna forget all my doubts and focus on his vision."
"I am overwhelmed by what God is calling on me to do and be in this world."
"I'm living in my purpose, I'm walking in my anointing, and I'm going to do it."
"I'm not here to please everyone, I'm only here to work with the people that God has assigned to me."
"Relentless belief in your mission, built on the foundation of your values."
"Don't build your empire based on the social and sexual dynamics of women."
"Make your mission your goal and not women your goal."
"Things would suffer and struggle more when I didn't have a meaningful mission... it's going to be hard no matter what, so you might as well enjoy it or find fun in that process with a meaningful mission."
"I am purpose. You were created for a purpose on purpose."
"I'm allowed to do what I'm meant to do in the world."
"If Veritas went away tomorrow and I had no employees I'd be out hustling on the street with a camcorder and it says I this is what I was born to do."
"I'm doing what I do because this is where I can probably do the most good."
"What are you living for? I'm living to fulfill His purpose and His plan for my life."
"I don't know, I just want to make people happy, that's my answer."
"I'm passionate about helping people... change their perspective on the world."
"I'm gonna do this was my realization that I need to do good I need to spread good I need to use my experiences in life to help people."
"I want to be a peacemaker because I have the peace of God in my heart and my life."
"I've made it my life's mission... to kind of remove the stigma of mental health."
"You're being divinely guided to do something for a reason."
"Not about me accomplishing all the time, it's about a meaningful mission of impacting 100 million lives weekly."
"I am on a mission to share the power of nutritional excellence."
"All I know is I want to spread a good message."
"Finding the guy that did this is the only thing that matters to me."
"My goal and my mission is just to... inspire somebody else."
"I feel like I was put on this earth to do this."
"What's the field has God planted you in? Be very specific about it."
"Helping someone, that's really why I'm here."
"There is nothing more powerful than you using your personality to serve the calling of your soul."
"The most extraordinary people in the world do not have a career or a business. What they have is a mission."
"I'm going to be cleansing the tech world of fanboy ISM one fanboy at a time."
"I'm here to help peace for Humanity come...I know what I'm here to do now."
"Don't shake your fists at the skies, get on with what you're meant to be doing."
"If I can't fight for them coming up behind me then what the am I doing I'm sorry."
"If I could only help one person, that's what this is all about—helping someone out there that really needs to hear messages."
"Now I describe it as an inside job. I'm ready to do whatever God calls me."
"There's something that you guys are here to build, to put out, to create."
"My whole mission here is to not only connect with human beings but to go through your struggle and share the way that you got through."
"God is always calling you and I to partner with Him."
"My personal mission in life is to inspire as many people as I can to travel the world."
"Your mission in this lifetime is really to just embrace who you are and go after what you want."
"I'm learning how to pursue His purposes and not my own."
"I live 50% to take care of myself and my family and 50% to help you."
"I made it my life mission as a fifth grader to be the best artist that I can be."
"I won't be happy until I've taught every person on earth how to invest on their own."
"Every man needs a purpose, a mission, and a team."
"Mental health is my thing, and that's what I want to help and leave behind."
"My plan was not to join Hollywood, it was to destroy it."
"Honestly, if we accomplish nothing else... charge our Abrams and bad reboots never get work again."
"The core mission is about remembering who you are."
"Trusting yourself to know that hey this is what I'm here to do. I'm not going to let fear talk me out of it."
"Sebi was viewed as a huckster and a fraud to others, his family says his sole purpose was to bring self-love and wellness to the world."
"This is what I was supposed to do with myself."
"Writing down that mission statement, am I living according to this mission statement? I have a spreadsheet that I keep literally in my life of the different micronutrients of my happiness equation."
"I found out what really happened to her, and I got to finish her work."
"We are going to do amazing things with our existence."
"What is it that I want to be a leader of, what is my message, what's my mission on this planet?"
"Your life purpose is connected to this person, stepping into your divine mission."
"You came here to be different, to transform the world."
"Find your higher purpose and use money as a tool for that purpose."
"We've completed it, this is my mission to win with every single character."
"Jeffrey's mission is to make energy work and higher awareness available to everyone. What a fantastic mission! I'm so on board."
"I'm gonna spread happiness, I'm gonna spread completeness, and I'm gonna help these guys out, and that's my goal on this planet."
"It is time for you to revisit what the Lord called you to do."
"Never give up on what you're here to experience, how you're here to grow."
"Keep in mind what your mission is, what's your goal."
"Helping people not be stupid, that's what I want to do."
"Lay low and focus on you, especially if you feel like you have a mission."
"You're not called to change the world, you're called to do what you can."
"My life's ambition is to be a carrier of the presence of God."
"The question is what gets you up in the morning, what's your mission today?"
"I'm just trying to do good stuff, man, and fight good fights and work as hard as I can."
"My life is worth nothing to me, my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me."
"A definite chief aim transforms your mind into a powerful magnet."
"Throughout my life, I've had a wide variety of very high goals, but my major one has always remained the same: to change the world and make it better for this and future generations."
"I wanted to make a difference. I'm a double minority. I'm here because I wanted to make a difference."
"Your purpose is his purpose. I truly believe that and I know this is what I was shaped to do."
"The whole reason I do this channel is so I can spread God's Word."
"That picture represents everything that I stand for as the minister of wellness."
"Financial sovereignty means having control over your money so that you can go live out the purpose-driven life that god has called you to."
"My north star is like, I want to leave the world a better place than I found it."
"If you ever find a purpose that's bigger than you, God will help you."
"Every single person on this earth has a specific purpose."
"As a man, your mission is to discover the truth, because only the truth will set you free."
"Your life is purposed by God to carry the weight of His glory into the world."
"My whole life is about making people smile. Love it."
"She thought that she was going to save Ukraine."
"Would you have the courage today to say, 'God, what would you have me to do?'"
"I was chosen as a tool. In the end, I was going to confess to hiragisan as a punishment."
"My name is big fry and this is the shit I live for."
"Be about your mission and what that means to you."
"I'm on a bit of a mission to learn why this country is so obsessed with food."
"It's not my job to expose. My job is to uplift as a child of God."
"You're both spiritual leaders, planting seeds of love and light into the world. Your connection sparks a spiritual mission and a remembrance of self-worth."
"The power in adopting real meaning in your life is having a mission."
"It's not about wealth, it's about righting the wrongs and honoring my father's memory."
"If I'm not going to use it to accomplish something meaningful, then what am I here for, what purpose am I actually serving?"
"That was like I will die but I will not fail like I will not and that was like and the idea that I can like have some part of that for people that I believe in is a big part of the reason why I do it."
"I trust myself fully, I will not allow fear or doubt to hold me back from doing what I'm here to do."
"I'm committed to my mission of making you smile."
"This is more than a job, this is my way of making a difference in the world."
"This is your time, stop holding yourself back from your true mission."
"I promised Katie if it took me the rest of my life I'd end abortion."
"Don't fight who you truly are and who you came here to be. Be that Beacon, be that lighthouse."
"You're here to bring people back to their heart, whether that's through counseling, therapy, or spiritual work."
"I've made it my mission in life to help people succeed in their careers."
"I kind of want to stay on this track where I'm bringing awareness to mental health anxiety and depression. I feel like it's not talked about. I feel like there's bad stigmas."
"You want to know, pick a mission or a purpose, and when you're in the darkest times and you can't see the light of hope to navigate by, use that as your torch to navigate your self out of there."
"My whole goal for everything I do and the rest of my life, all I want to do is teach people, is help educate people, is help awaken people by sharing with them knowledge that helps me awaken."
"I just want people to know Him and to love Him."
"In JJ's heart of hearts he truly believes that he's going to help find a cure for cystic fibrosis."
"You are surrounded at times by closed-hearted environments, but living open-hearted is integral to your soul mission."
"My purpose in life now that I feel like I've gone to this point, is to just be what I didn't have."
"He had a clear sense of his purpose and his mission, and he was cool with it."
"The arrest and prosecution was the first instance of U.S. law bringing an individual into custody overseas."
"I am NOT reforming Islam; I am restoring Islam."
"We are saying yes it's stepping across that line saying God used me to demonstrate what is impossible."
"Somebody call me crazy, I don't follow trends. I'm just doing what He made me to do."
"I began at that moment to never change the subject again but to make the outpouring of the Spirit that which God was doing in the earth the only thing I lived for."
"Your starseed family is saying you chose this family and this mission for a reason. Do not give up on that purpose."
"Societal breakdown and societal building. That's what I'm trying to build. I'm sorry, that's what I am building."
"My primary calling is to share the words of my testimony."
"Discover your life purpose and put yourself totally into that."
"This is very personal to me... if I can't make it better, I have no business being here."
"My mission is to leave a woman feeling better about herself."
"Congratulations, Miles. My god, god of darkness, use me as an instrument for your work here on earth."
"My life and my goals in my life are what I'm here to do."
"And that's been my mission in speaking out and public speaking, is helping others find their own inner strength and to be able to speak about what they've been through."
"I just want to help as many people as possible."
"Do the thing that you're here to do as well as you can. It doesn't really matter what other people's opinions of you are."
"You are meant to be bigger than yourself, you're meant to serve and be of service."
"My life has been awesome, and if I can spread that or help, you know, people, that's what I want to do."
"This is why this work matters and this is why I do what we do."
"I make sure that no kid ever will feel exactly the way I did, and that's my mission today."
"Keep shining your light... confirmation that this is your ministry."
"I think I just want I want to make the real world reality just a little bit more bearable for for people and I want to bring a little a little magic to to to people's lives."
"The reason why everything in my entire life has ever happened is to know him and to make him known."
"The truth demands that I do it, and I will do it. That is my calling."
"We live in a time where electricity is in the air, a moment far bigger than each of us alone."
"I believe that I'm doing what I need to do for the sake of me, you, everyone I know, and humanity."