
Making A Difference Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"It's not about making a dollar, it's about making a difference."
"It was extremely meaningful to me to do something and to make up my mind to be a force for good."
"You don't have to know the whole plan, but you got to start somewhere and make a difference."
"When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself, how can I make a difference in the world today?"
"There are so many different ways that you can make a difference. The key is to find what is right for you."
"It's about finding a way to contribute to other people and make their lives better."
"What that really tells me is that you care about other people and you have knowledge, information, you have skills that you want to share. You want to help people end their suffering and really sincerely make a difference."
"You have to make something good come out of all this, and the best way that I knew to make something good come out of Brianna being missing was to help other people."
"I'm known on social platforms as a Mad Gardener, MAD is not only a part of my name, Madhavi, my love for plants, but also my mnemonic for Making A Difference."
"I've always hoped to make a difference in this world. When it came to the decision to adopt, it seemed like a no-brainer."
"I want to make a difference in the world by speaking out and spreading hopeful messages."
"Our jobs are important to us; we feel like we can truly make a difference out here."
"Every hero has their own story, but they all share one thing: the willingness to make a difference."
"It's not just about making money, but making a difference in the lives of employees and customers."
"We have a real opportunity to make a difference."
"I know that every single one of us has an impact and can make a difference."
"Focus on yourself. Let you be your karma. Let you be your focus. You can come first."
"Ultimately it's all so that you can make this world a better place and leave this world a better place."
"You were born not just to make a living but to make a difference."
"The antidote to life's tragedy isn't security or safety. It's the willingness to make the world a better place, starting with yourself."
"If you adopt the attitude that you should make things better wherever you are however you can, things would actually get better."
"My worst fear is to let you guys down and not make a difference."
"Some of us get reward from making a difference."
"Each and every one of you has the opportunity to make a difference."
"Life is about those moments those relationships you ought to value that and uh if you can do that and make money and make history and make a difference."
"I want to take all the skills I developed building wealth and apply it to making a difference in the universe."
"Do you want to make a difference for once in your life? This is your opportunity."
"You can choose to be a hero and make a difference."
"As long as I made a difference in at least one person's life, then it was all worth it."
"I've had this very rich experience that I now want to just give back. That's what I'm just like, use my experience to try to make a difference."
"I want to make a difference in this world and I can't do it alone."
"Just get on with it, be a good, honest, decent person."
"Do not be afraid... be ambitious... make a difference."
"I need to spend more time with family. I need to make a difference in this world."
"Don't let anybody take your chance to impact our world away from you."
"Learn from mistakes, mine or others', and make the world better."
"Continue to make love real through all you create."
"People learn to get through those things by using them to make a difference and be helpful with it."
"You can make a serious difference if you make an effort to stand up and do what's right."
"God doesn't call the prepared. God prepares the called. You don't have to have it all together. God prepares you along the way because you're called to make a difference in this world."
"The number one way to make a difference... is to give your money to an organization that you care about."
"Leaving our trauma behind and making a positive difference in the world."
"Just making the world a better place even if it's offering to carry someone's suitcase."
"Live fully, love openly, and make your difference today."
"If nothing else, if my job will never make a difference, I cannot live with not trying."
"The key to making a difference in anything is to have personal revelation. The heavens are open, and I know that's true because personal revelation is so important."
"Make a difference. Don't let worldly worries stand in your way."
"Sometimes that's all that you need to do to make a difference just force yourself to laughs."
"We can really connect, we can use this opportunity to make a difference in each other's lives right now."
"Making a difference starts with appropriating this money to the right people."
"Superheroes just having a superpower doesn't make you a superhero. You have to use those powers to make a difference, to make the world a better place."
"I could stay there and complain all day or I could make a difference."
"We all have superpowers. It's about using those powers to make a difference."
"This is more than a job, this is my way of making a difference in the world."
"I think together with the community that we've built we can make a difference."
"Do what aligns with you and do your best and try to make the world a better place."
"We're gonna make something happen, you feel me?"
"You have no idea what a difference you're making."
"It's an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others."
"I want to make a difference, not to be liked."
"You have what it takes to make things happen."
"Your career might be your biggest opportunity to make a difference in the world."
"They are craving mentorship and coaching. They want to make a difference."
"There's never a bad opportunity to make a difference."
"Make it count, make sure you're doing something that's important."
"You can really make a change, make a difference."
"Stand up for what you believe, even if it means speaking the truth and facing opposition. You are a masterpiece and you matter. God is sending you to make a difference in the world."
"It's hard to make big things happen in this world."
"You know what's right and you make it happen."
"I'm out here trying to make a difference right now. I'm doing my thing."
"Value yourself enough to push through and make a difference."
"Purpose, to know that you're here for something, to know that you're doing something, to know that you're making a difference, I think is what makes somebody human."
"You're genuinely moving the needle and helping people."
"When God puts love in your heart towards someone, he's offering you an opportunity to make a difference."
"Do what you can while you have time to do it because you can impact the world and change the world but which I think Virgil did."
"Just because you're not out there actually raping women it doesn't mean you can't do your bit to help women feel safe and secure and protected."
"If I can make somebody laugh when they're having a bad day, then mission accomplished."
"Recognize that your individual and you do have a lot of power and you can get a lot of things done."
"Let me live to make a difference in this world or let me not live at all."
"If I can make somebody smile or laugh just at least one time in their day then I feel like I've accomplished something."
"This is truly a battle and what I continue to stress each and every day... each and every one of us can make a difference."
"If you have the opportunity to make a difference, do it."
"You start off trying to make a living and then once you figure out how to make a living, you try to make a difference."
"I really want to make a difference and so far the feedback I've gotten is very humbling."
"What can I do to genuinely make your day?"
"There's so many things that we can all do to make a difference."
"You don't need to be on the bridge of a starship to make a difference."
"I'm going to make the world a better place."
"We're not just going to stand by and watch. We're going to make a difference."
"I just want to love God, I want to love people, and I want to make a difference."
"All you've got to do is make somebody smile."
"Never too late to make a difference."
"You're choosing to make a positive difference in the world and you're going to help a child battling cancer along with your entire family find joy and healing."
"Sometimes the only way to make a difference is to be fearless kid"
"He's just a normal guy. Like, yeah, money, but he actually tried to make a difference, to make a change."
"Love is fundamentally an awareness of our connectivity and an awareness of how we can all make a difference to the lives of other people."
"Be that person. Get in there and make a difference."
"I always knew that somehow I'm a very special girl, that I have powers, that someday I will make this world a better place."
"...to be an upstander, to make a difference."
"I just want to make a difference."
"I want to make a difference doing something to make a difference with people who want to make a difference."
"The only way that we can make a difference in the world is by preaching the gospel."
"What if all of you listening had the courage to go out there and build your business and go make a difference in the world?"
"You're gonna help so many people, buddy. Oh, so many."
"Just trying to do the best I can while I'm here, brother."
"We are making a difference in the world."
"I feel like social media can be so toxic and I hope I can make a difference in that."
"I perceive that I'm in a place to make a difference."
"Make a difference, shine your inner light far and wide, emerge into grace."
"Awareness at the end of the day is how we're going to make a difference."
"We made a difference, remember that."
"I got into wildlife filmmaking because of her passion for nature and a notion that I could make a difference."
"...it seems small but you're making a difference"
"I know we're making a difference and that's what matters to me."
"My dad always says I want to change the world and you know it's not happening fast enough but I'm like dad, you are reaching thousands of people."
"I appreciate people that are making a difference, and you're one of them."
"Make a little difference in the world, why not?"
"I guess I'll have to be the first one because I am going to make the world a better place."
"You can do a lot of good you really can you can help a lot of people."
"How can I make a difference? How can I possibly enter this fray?"
"If you think you're too small to make a difference try sleeping with a mosquito."
"I just want to make a difference in the earth. You're supposed to make a difference."
"If I could just be that one little ray of hope you know, then I might be able to make a difference at least maybe to one person."
"If you just do your best to be kind and just do what you can, it can make a world of difference."
"I became a medical assistant because I enjoy helping people and want to make a difference."
"I just want to be a good person and make a difference for the better."
"When you make his day, it's going to make yours."
"I love that and I love to think and I'd like to think I can make a difference just like you guys do and you guys are inspirational and inspirational."
"The most important thing to do to become successful: aspire to make a difference."
"Being able to make someone smile is my passion."
"I had an epiphany... You've got to find that one thing that you truly are going to make a difference at."
"It's so important to make someone happy, make just one, of course, one smile of the cheers."
"Let us all work together, and um, I know we will make a difference."
"I want to see the work that Mary and I and now Heather have done and are doing makes a difference."
"I am humbled and mystified by this life, and I am going to keep on living it. I can't stop the sunsets, and I can't bring them back, but I can make them count. And that is what I am going to do. I am going to keep on living, and I am going to make it count."
"You will make a huge difference in their life, be the friend that you want."
"He loved our country and wanted to make a difference."
"It gives an opportunity to make a real difference to the lives of people."
"This is the unfolding story of the life we are building together as I try to make a difference and live each day like it's my last."
"We only get one life, I want to make it count, honey, come on now and take my hand."
"Helping people become their very best... is so that you can make a difference in the lives of others."
"One person can get involved and connect with other people in their community to make a difference."
"I want to make a big difference; we're filling up the food bank."
"Everything has a beginning and an end. It's what you do in the middle of it which is important."
"Don't worry about that, you give it to me and I'll make it count."
"I really want to make a difference. I'm going to help other people instead of just doing it for myself."
"All of us together can make a difference."
"You may not be able to change the world, but you can change the world for one person."
"This is my way to speak to the world, this is my way to make a difference and to say something and to reach people."
"This career change allows him to show dedication to personal growth and his desire to make a difference beyond entertainment."
"Only life is priceless. And...making each day count."
"Your dream is my dream, making a difference is what I wrote in my personal statement, it's also what you wrote."
"If you want to have an opinion, if you want to make a difference, then say something, do something, be something."
"You didn't come here just to make a living and pay bills and then die; you came here to make a difference."
"Whenever you think that you're too small to make a difference, try to fall asleep with a mosquito in the room."
"We like to make a difference and we like to make a change, so why not be a part of that?"
"I think all of us feel better when we feel like we're making a difference, when we have a purpose in life."
"Let's make sure that time counts for something."
"You can do whatever you want with it, and you can make it count."
"If you're looking for making a difference, a job where you get to think a little bit more outside the box... it's definitely a great spot to be."
"Being here is better because here you can make a difference."
"I don't do this just to make a living; I do this because I love it, and I want to make a difference."
"One tree probably won't matter, but if you care about something, you can make a difference."
"Just the guy who saw an injustice and decided to do what he could."
"If I can put a smile on just one person's face, that's mission accomplished."
"The dream of making a difference... giving my life for a purpose."
"I look forward to the opportunity of making a difference to other people's lives."
"I just fell in love with it straight away. What better way to spend a day at work than flying around and making a real difference to people?"
"For the first time... it became possible for you to create a context in which to live your life that could allow you to have the principle of your life be that you make a difference."
"I just want to be able to help as much as I can; I want to spread awareness, I want to spread people's names and stories, and hope that we can make a difference."
"...you never know no matter what job you're in you might be making someone's day that day."
"Because I get to make somebody's night every single night."
"My whole life it has been so hard for me to understand why everything has happened, but if I can use what I went through to make a difference in the world, then I think that can heal me."
"Make every day count, do good for others and everyone else around you."
"I could make a difference, a real difference."
"You can make an impact from wherever you are in an organization."
"Kids were only young once, and if she could make even one day in their childhood a special one, she wanted to do that."
"Welcome to the world, Lucas Austin, I hope you can make a difference."
"Pitch in where you can and make life better for someone else."
"What can we do that's tactile and can make a difference like the starfish mentality? It makes a difference to this one."
"If you're going to leave the world a little bit better than when you found it."
"Together they are going to right the wrongs of the internet."
"This is the year where we really should make this difference and just help out as best as we can."
"If I can make your day and put a smile on your face, make you laugh, anything like that... that adds fuel to the fire for me, it motivates me."
"I see myself as a person that has been given a gift to make a difference not just in my life but in the lives of other people."
"Success is about the difference you are able to make in the lives of others."
"Before you die, you want to make a difference."
"Maybe you can make the difference tonight."
"It's about sharing and it's about that vision and it's about helping people and making a difference in people's lives."
"Everyone has the flame in their heart and in their soul to make a difference in the world."
"Making people smile... that's my purpose."
"I know that I'm making a difference in a way that isn't like a financial gain difference."
"I just want to be part of where history is being made."
"To share what we do, to love what we do, and share what we love, as we help others enjoy creativity and worthwhile accomplishments, in this we make a difference."
"Make a difference in someone's life today, big or small."
"If I can make a difference in someone's life, that is good enough for me."
"If you need to break the rules, do with conviction, do make a difference."
"You can start now, you can start making a difference now."