
Early Intervention Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"That's what a good doctor does, that's what a good clinician does, is trying to figure out where that pathway starts, so we address that goal earlier on, so that pathway doesn't even get a chance to form."
"We certainly want to be giving people... those tools about the foods that they consume to get out of harm's way early on before there is any harm."
"Julian Assange was the canary in the coal mine; we need to protest these infringements on rights early."
"The earlier we treat it, the more likely people are to survive."
"We want to nip it in the bud early... so we can have responsible adults growing up who can be an asset to society."
"All this study did was prove the necessity for early intervention and outpatient treatment to prevent people from getting to the hospital."
"If Jessie J's on the autistic spectrum, finding the right support early could be life-changing."
"Fully funding early intervention strategies like nurture groups is difficult politically because the full impacts can only be seen in the long term."
"Who needs to be intervened upon and in the earlier is clearly better."
"Researchers in Finland said what if we don't look at Alzheimer's what if we just look at mild cognitive impairment that that situation where you're having a lot of mental lapses later in life but you don't have Alzheimer's?"
"Early intervention prevention makes a profound difference."
"I think we saved hundreds of thousands of lives by acting very early."
"Patients who were treated early in their disease course within three days of being diagnosed with plasma containing high levels of antibodies benefited the most from treatment."
"In Finland, we have got very qualified special education early interventions, we try to find out what's the problem behind the learning problems because often it's something that we can avoid while teaching in different ways."
"Early treatment strategies make a difference. Treat early and it makes a difference."
"I think the reason that I'm not sick today nearly 20 years later is because this guy cleaned my system out with a drug early on."
"Don't neglect your socialization as early as you can."
"The silliest approach ever when things are getting bad process and when it gets to this point if you attack the situation a lot earlier you can prevent it from getting this bad."
"Every child is easier to help if found early."
"Everything is better if you kind of handle it on the onset, much earlier."
"We need more and more people to make their health a priority much earlier so that they are not ending up in the ICU."
"Anywhere where there has been an early oral drug approach there has been success in terms of covet 19."
"The only way we stop things like this is by calling them out and catching them early otherwise... I'll warn you conservatives."
"Salicylic acid can help with early acne lesions."
"If we can make the changes directed at insulin resistance early in life those effects are going to be extremely powerful."
"Observation is key: noticing changes helps identify and address issues early."
"If our kid is so sure that there's something wrong, then I got to listen and get it checked out."
"The earlier a person is diagnosed with autism, the earlier they can receive specialized care and treatment."
"We're kind of doing a disservice not to teach them kind of ways without the therapy stuff early, you know, that can really, really help."
"Children can and do have mental health issues. Half of all mental health illnesses manifest before the age of 14."
"We can start fixing this stuff early."
"We know that if you treat newborns and neonates early, very early in the first few days of life, that we can really limit and restrict these reservoirs. If you treat early, around two to three months of age, by 10 years of age, the reservoirs are really reduced."
"Life is going to have problems from the cradle to the grave; the time to get to work on the problem-solving mechanism is early."
"I feel like the earlier we can do this work, the healthier it can be for us."
"...if we can get to these things when they happen at the beginning, it just saves a lot of pain and suffering down the road."
"Preschool intervention could make a very big difference."
"The earlier we start, the less exposure to the risk factor and the less plaque is going to build up."
"The earlier you treat, the better the outcome."
"If you can get to a place where you can diagnose disease before symptoms even start, treat those symptoms, never have them progress, never have them manifest, it's not technically a cure but I'll take it."
5. "Early intervention around these types of issues is really, really important."
"Well, he's the first one, right? So if you're gonna change something, you start as early as you can to change it. And that changes the most."
"The emphasis is on getting in there early and preventing disputes arising."
"I first got help when I was almost out of high school. I wish that I had started seeing someone in middle school."
"So it depends, your outcome is depending on your definition of cure, and probably if your definition of cure, is I feel fantastic, I tell you my herbs get my immune system up, I reduce my stresses, absolutely cure possible, and as long as you get to the illness early."
"If you get it early enough right, that's a complete cure. Those cancer cells are gone right. You can get another one but those ones are gone."
"What we've learned is that reducing the duration of untreated illness is an important thing."
"Early prevention is crucial for wayward youth."
"If we can get to them before they are going to go to school, get them into a good preschool, and that will help them learn English, and it will be painless and effortless."
"It makes more moral and economic sense to invest in Head Start and daycare on the front side of life rather than jlk and Welfare on the back side."
"The earlier that you can start talking about some of these things the better it's going to be the easier it will be to implement them and the less costly it will be to implement them."
"Maybe if someone had gotten him help earlier, this never would have gotten to this point."
"One of the principles that was going on in JFK Partners was a very strong focus on early intervention."
"It's really satisfying to be able to bring extra skills to situations to ride and stronger painkillers to allow us to do procedures that the patient needs to have done very early on."
"Making CAR therapy available earlier could improve patients' lives."
"Implementing robust unit tests helps identify and fix issues early in the development process."
"It's often said that early diagnosis is crucial to helping people live a happier, safer life."
"It would be best to identify and treat the disease as early as possible."
"The earlier we can activate the immune system to help attack the tumor while the patient and their immune system are as strong as possible, that's likely to have the biggest impact."
"The earlier we can identify young people, even with an early psychotic illness, the better they will do 10, 15, even 20 years later."
"The sooner we reach out to a mental professional, actually the better."
"Early treatment, usually early medication and early intervention is helpful."
"The earlier childhood dyslexia is diagnosed, the more effective educational interventions are likely to be."
"Look after your health from day one."
"Preoccupation with objects is one early sign of autism, learn the others today, the sooner it's diagnosed the better."
"The earlier that we diagnose somebody, the better."
"The treatment of phenylketonuria must be started before 14 days of life with phenylalanine restriction."
"We are huge advocates for early intervention and we know it makes a huge difference."
"The earlier that we see them, the probably the better; earlier intervention is always ideal."
"Early intervention is crucial; the sooner we're able to find out if a child has an intellectual disability, the sooner we can help them overcome their difficulties and improve their skills."
"It serves as a powerful cautionary tale, igniting discussions about the crucial need for early intervention."
"We don't know what causes it, we don't know how to cure it, but we do know that the earlier therapy has started, the better the outcome."
"The younger you can discover a child's brain injury, the quicker you can get treatment, the better their chances are."
"If a cow has milk fever and you catch it early, there's very very good chances of recovery and everything being fine."
"It's really important that we get them in and we get them in early and start working with their families as early as we possibly can."
"Early detection is the key; we need to find infestations as early as possible because when we locate them early, they tend to be quite small, they can be remedied easily and relatively inexpensively."
"These are treatable tumors, it's important to find them when they're small."
"The biggest thing is to try and relax as much as you can and get that help early."
"The earlier we can assess the situation leading to disruptive behavior, the more options we have in addressing the behavior."
"Early identification and getting that support in place is essential and crucial."
"The likelihood of becoming a functional communicator greatly increases when we begin early intervention with a child."
"We need to get to these kids early, we need to provide things for these kids."
"The earlier we see someone, the quicker we can get them better."
"Secondary prevention... is about trying to diagnose and treat existing disease in the early stages before it causes significant morbidity."
"The study adds to the literature by emphasizing the importance of early clinical care to quicker recovery in concussion."
"Outcomes overall are more positive when children are identified and treated early."
"Early recognition and management is crucial for improving patient outcomes."
"Prompt diagnosis and treatment of CIDP is important because patients respond more completely to therapy when this condition is caught and treated early."
"Transplantation may benefit early in the course of the disease."
"Early intervention for autism is a great thing."
"If they and their parents had help early enough, the cycle of exclusion, isolation, and trouble could be broken."
"Early intervention means we do it early. The earlier we do it the better outcomes for our child."
"Catching the issue early could save countless lives and billions of dollars in incarceration costs."
"The earlier we catch this and start dealing with it, the faster we can close the gap, get them back on track, and this won't hold them back from achieving whatever they want to achieve in their life."
"Early detection and intervention can make a world of difference."
"I am going to talk about what I think can be the defining philosophy or the defining set of skills that all of us as early intervention professionals need to know about communication development."
"We can look at these 11 foundational or pre-linguistic skills and really know if talking is going to be something that's a short-term goal or if that's going to be a long-term goal."
"We understand the importance of supporting families at an early stage."
"The sooner this procedure is performed, usually before the age of two, the deficits may be minimal."
"Why is it important that we have a screening test for Alzheimer's disease? It's because therapies are being developed that're only going to work if we treat people earlier."
"We can get these children early and we can teach them to read, they can do anything."
"If he has any vision problems or if he has any hearing problems or if he has any neurological problems... he could have gotten help early on which could have helped him later on."
"The longer you wait, the more you're missing out on opportunities that you could take care of early on."
"...meeting people early, finding out about their experiences early on and trying to manage the situation from an early stage is almost always a good thing."
"It's hard to imagine how we could have a greater impact on more people's lives earlier than this program."
"Early diagnosis is absolutely critical because we know that kids who have autism who are diagnosed early and receive early intervention services... have a far better long-term prognosis."
"Kids who receive intervention earlier have a much better prognosis in the long term."
"As early childhood professionals, we are often the first responders in a very unique position to identify children who need an additional level of nurture and intervention."
"If you're going to have a lockdown, it would have been much better to do it earlier."